Friday, March 22, 2019

MUST SEE VIDEO--> Another Day in Trump's America -- Paul Martinez Spoofs the Lying Hacks in Democrat Mainstream Media

MUST SEE VIDEO--> Another Day in Trump's America -- Paul Martinez Spoofs the Lying Hacks in Democrat Mainstream Media
It is going viral today… It was sent to us at least four times.
Paul Hernandez produced a film that
perfectly depicts America’s pathetic mainstream media.

These mainstream hacks at CNN, Washington Post, MSNBC, etc. continue to spew lies and hatred against President Trump and his supporters. 
Then they lash out at the president and conservatives when they get called out.
It’s a never ending cycle."
Another Day in Trump’s America....
FYI: My buddy Jimmy, a Trump voter, construction worker and hippie conservative, just watched the video with me and said, “There sh*t never stops.”

#1 This day 1986-----Heart - These Dreams

We Are Going To Lose The Coming War With China

See the source imageWe Are Going To Lose The Coming War With China
"Nations famously tend to always try to fight the last war, and what America is preparing to do today with the newly assertive China is no exception.
The problem is our last war was against primitive religious fanatics in the Middle East and China is an emerging superpower with approaching peer-level conventional capabilities and an actual strategy for contesting the United States in all the potential battlespaces – land, sea, air, space and cyber. America is simply not ready for the Pacific war to come.
We’re likely to lose.
In Desert Storm, Saddam Hussein was dumb enough to choose to face a U.S. military that was ready to fight its last war.
...Chances are that the Chinese will not choose to fight our strengths. 
In fact, those chances total approximately 100%.
It’s called “asymmetrical warfare” in English..."
Read all.

Worth remembering!

Malware Experts: Google Invaded Privacy and Harmed Trust with Home Security 'Fiasco' | Breitbart

Malware Experts: Google Invaded Privacy and Harmed Trust with Home Security 'Fiasco' | Breitbart:
Image result for flickr commons images google logo
A smart-home speaker shouldn’t be secretly hiding a video camera. A secure messaging platform shouldn’t have a government-operated backdoor. And a home security hub that controls an alarm, keypad, and motion detector shouldn’t include a clandestine microphone feature—especially one that was never announced to customers.
And yet, that is precisely what Google’s home security product includes.

• Chart: Top 10 Most Popular Dog Breeds | Statista

• Chart: Top 10 Most Popular Dog Breeds | Statista:
"Over the past decade, many things have changed, but one thing has not: America’s love for the Labrador Retriever.
The Labrador Retriever continues its hold on Americans’ hearts for its 28th straight year as the number one most registered dog breed with the American Kennel Club.
The German Shepherd and Golden Retriever both rose to the second and third spot since 2008..."
Read on.
Infographic: Top 10 Most Popular Dog Breeds | Statista

AM Fruitcake

History for March 22

See the source image
History for March 22 -
Louis L'Amour 1908 - Author, Karl Malden 1913 - Actor, William Shatner 1931 - Actor ("Star Trek" television series and movies)
Image result for Louis L'Amour QuotesImage result for Karl MaldenImage result for william shatner young

M. Emmett Walsh 1935 - Actor, Andrew Lloyd Webber 1948 - Composer, Reese Witherspoon 1976 - Actress ("Legally Blonde")
See the source imageImage result for Andrew Lloyd WebberImage result for reese witherspoon young

1954 - The first shopping mall opened in Southfield, Michigan.
See the source image

1993 - Intel introduced the Pentium-processor (80586) 64 bits-60 MHz-100+ MIPS.
See the source image

Thursday, March 21, 2019

South Carolina Dems Fighting To Prevent Universities From Teaching The Constitution | The Daily Caller

South Carolina Dems Fighting To Prevent Universities From Teaching The Constitution | The Daily Caller:

Image result for flickr commons images u.s. constitutionDemocratic South Carolina State Reps. Ivory Thigpen and Wendy Brawley argued the cost of the course, which Thigpen referred to as “Constitution 101,” may be transferred onto students. They also pointed to a representative from USC who argued against the bill’s requirement that students pass a comprehensive exam covering the course material to graduate.
Republican South Carolina State Rep. Garry Smith, who is sponsoring the bill in the House, pointed to several classes not required by law that USC could stop offering if it wanted to cut costs, such as a class on “Global Citizenship.”

The way we were-----Royal Guardsmen - Snoopy Vs. The Red Baron

Boob-tube-----SHEENA QUEEN OF THE JUNGLE. The Rival Queen. 1956 TV Episode starring ...

Gender Pronouns Now a Police Matter in the UK | Trending

Gender Pronouns Now a Police Matter in the UK | Trending
"...Back in the old days, when "science" wasn't just a word you threw at a political opponent to make him shut up about the weather, you had boys and girls. 
Men and women. 
He and she, him and her, his and hers. 
Easy to remember, and backed up by an ancient system of arcane witchcraft called "biology." 
...In 2019, now that we've apparently run out of absolutely anything else to worry about, more and more men and women are insisting they're neither men nor women. 
They're "nonbinary." 
And if you address them by the same pronouns you used as recently as a year ago? 
They'll call the cops.*
...*No, seriously. 
This is now a matter for the police. In the UK, anyway.
A devout Catholic journalist has said she is being investigated by police after she called a transgender woman a man on Twitter.
Caroline Farrow appeared on ITV’s Good Morning Britain alongside Susie Green, whose daughter Jackie Green is transgender, to discuss the Girlguiding’s decision to let children who have changed their gender join the organisation...
Using the wrong pronoun could be an offence under the Malicious Communications Act, which makes it a crime to send messages that are indecent or grossly offensive, threatening, or contain information which is false or believed to be false, if the purpose for sending it is to cause distress or anxiety.
Here's a bit of a "breakfast telly" segment about it.

Embedded video
Is it a crime to misgender people? Journalist India Willoughby believes if it's intentional, it should be treated like any hate crime.

This follows a police investigation into a journalist who misgendered a trans person on Twitter.

VIDEO: Students say offensive speech is not free speech

VIDEO: Students say offensive speech is not free speech

  • Campus Reform's Cabot Phillips asked students in Virginia what should be considered free speech and what crosses the line.
  • A number of students said that offensive or hateful speech crosses a line.
  • A number of students suggested that hateful, offensive, or rude speech should not be considered free speech.
  • "I think if it's, like, hateful and disrespectful to specific groups, then that's not OK"   


One School's Undress Rehearsal for the Equality Act

One School's Undress Rehearsal for the Equality Act:

Image result for flickr commons images Girls School Locker RoomIt's ironic, then, Shaw writes, that the district is so particular about its dress code. "Female students cannot wear skin-tight clothing, yoga pants, spandex, tights, form-fitting blouses, or short tops that expose a bare midriff, short dresses or skirts, shorts... Yet the school does not find it objectionable to permit a female-attracted male student to view girls while they are undressed or for the girls to see the male student's genitals outlined in [girls] underwear." The whole point of having separate bathroom and locker rooms, she goes on, is "to provide an area for individuals to dress and undress outside of the presence of somebody of the opposite sex. Opening up restroom and locker room facilities to members of the opposite sex is sexual harassment."
Unfortunately, congressional Democrats don't see it that way.

Poll Shows Controversial ‘Right To Survive’ Initiative Leading – CBS Denver

Poll Shows Controversial ‘Right To Survive’ Initiative Leading – CBS Denver
"DENVER (CBS4) – A new poll shows the so-called “Right To Survive” initiative would pass by a nearly 2-1 margin if the election were held today, according to polling data obtained by CBS4.
...Initiative 300 would overturn Denver’s camping ban and allow the homeless to camp on sidewalks, in parks and any public spaces. 
It would also allow living in cars.
Supporters of Initiative 300 say Denver’s 2012 camping ban puts the lives of the homeless at risk since it does not allow them to use anything to protect themselves from the elements beyond their clothing.
They also say there are not enough beds in shelters to accommodate Denver’s homeless population.
“This is a human rights issue,” said Mercuri..."
Read all.

Yes, They REALLY ARE Coming For Your Kids | The American Conservative

Yes, They REALLY ARE Coming For Your Kids | The American Conservative
News from the UK:
The parents of an autistic teenage boy were warned he would be taken into care after they objected to him being given powerful hormone drugs to help him change sex.
Doctors at an NHS clinic had recommended he be given puberty-blockers – which delay adolescence – after the youngster declared he believed he was female.
But his mother and father, fearing the potential side-effects of the drugs, stopped him going to the clinic. And they suspected his abrupt decision to change sex was a result of his autism.
After the boy told the school he had been barred from treatment, a teacher told his parents that they should find alternative accommodation for their son or else he would be put into temporary foster care. And the school reported the couple to children’s services for being ‘emotionally abusive’ to their son by not supporting his wish to change gender.
A month later, the local authority placed him in a child protection plan after social workers concluded he was likely to suffer ‘significant harm’ under his parents’ care.
See the source imageThe Mail On Sunday reports that at least three children in Britain were put into foster care by the state last year because their parents wouldn’t agree to transgender treatment. The boy was struggling to cope with school because of his Asperger’s and autism. When he started to self-harm, his parents asked his doctor to refer him to children’s mental health services.
When the child met with a child psychotherapist, he said he believed he was female. According to the parents, that was the first the boy had ever said of such a thing. They assumed that it was another of his autistic obsessions (parents of kids on the spectrum are well aware of how these kids become obsessed with particular topics, and then drop them as suddenly as they acquired the obsession). Too late! The state therapy bureaucracy already had its claws sunk into the boy.

Lunch video-----DivestU

"It’s no longer a secret that many college campuses today are nothing more than leftist indoctrination camps.
But what can we do about it?
Charlie Kirk, founder of Turning Point USA, offers a simple and effective solution."


Image may contain: text

Mindless Democratic Obstruction Against Trump’s Judges Is Unprecedented, and the Numbers Show It | The Heritage Foundation

Mindless Democratic Obstruction Against Trump’s Judges Is Unprecedented, and the Numbers Show It | The Heritage Foundation:

Image result for flickr commons images GavelNo, this reckless opposition has nothing to do with nominee qualifications. It cannot be dismissed as ordinary partisan differences. It’s radically different from anything in confirmation history. This unprecedented opposition to Trump judicial nominees can only be explained as opposition to Trump. Senate Democrats are using his nominees as proxies for Trump himself. The men and women nominated to serve in the federal judiciary are mere pawns in an extreme partisan power-play. As a result, the judiciary is more than 16 percent vacant, we are in the longest period of triple-digit vacancies in 25 years, and vacancies are 30 percent higher than when Trump took office.

Using fraud to buy democrat votes!-----Inspector General at DHS Placed on Paid Leave Following Report of Welfare Fraud - American Experiment

Inspector General at DHS Placed on Paid Leave Following Report of Welfare Fraud - American Experiment
"MPR News reported that Carolyn Ham, the Inspector General (IG) at the Department of Human Services (DHS), has been placed on paid leave pending the outcome of a “probe.” 
The Inspector General’s office is in charge of protecting welfare programs from illegal activity and fraud.
See the source imageLast week the Office of Legislative Auditor (OLA), released a report that found a “serious rift” between the IG’s office and the DHS investigators tasked with investigating fraud. 
The report also noted that the IG’s office reported directly to the politically appointed commissioner at DHS and thus, had no independent authority.
Lawmakers called for Ham’s resignation last week pointing to widespread fraud in the Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) noted the OLA report (the details came from a detailed email written by the head investigator.)...
...We will have more details this week on that report: the lead investigator described a 54 percent fraud rate (over $100 million) and a failure of the program to deliver safe and quality care to the children attending the fraud-riddled centers.
Most child care providers with CCAP children are not under scrutiny by DHS investigators; the focus is on larger centers, some of which were or are set up specifically to use the CCAP funds. 
Those centers often employ parents to care for their own children..."
Read all.

Michigan Capitol Confidential - Posts

See the source imageMichigan Capitol Confidential - Posts
Michigan Capitol Confidential
"The Michigan Economic Development Corporation administers the state’s corporate welfare programs.
The MEDC approves the spending of taxpayer dollars for select private businesses.
Here’s the list of euphemisms the agency uses to describe giving out taxpayer dollars in its various reports it produces:
· Refundable tax credit
· Assignable tax credit
· Tax voucher
· Tax capture
· Tax increment financing
· Withholding tax capture certificates
· Grants
· Awards
· Incentives
· Investment
· Reimbursement
· Capital access
See the source image· Capital committed and called for investment
· Funds allocated and disbursed
· Revenue participation
· Loans
· Loan participation
· Loan enhancement
· Loan guarantees
· Forgivable loans
· Convertible loans
· Equity financing
· Collateral support

#1 This day 1962-----Bruce Channel - Hey Baby

In case you missed this among all the New Zealand coverage-----Philippines church bombings: 20 killed and dozens wounded - CNN

Philippines church bombings: 20 killed and dozens wounded - CNN
A soldier views the site inside a Roman Catholic cathedral in  southern Philippines after two bombs exploded Sunday. (CNN)Two bombs tore through a Roman Catholic cathedral in southern Philippines on Sunday, killing at least 20 people and leaving dozens wounded, authorities said.
Two suspected improvised explosive devices detonated at intervals at the Jolo Catholic cathedral in the Mindanao region, according to the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao. 
At least 81 people have been wounded, authorities said, including 14 soldiers of the Armed Forces of the Philippines and two Philippine National Police officers.
...ISIS (Islamic State) on Sunday claimed responsibility for the bombings via its Amaq News Agency..."
Read on.

Can we get an answer to this question? Or is it "racist" to even think it?

A Collective Approach to Repairing America's Immigration System | The Heritage Foundation

A Collective Approach to Repairing America's Immigration System | The Heritage Foundation:

Image result for flickr commons images Border crossingImmigration will get sorted out not in congressional debate but at the ballot box. The 2020 national elections may well deliver a mandate to one side or the other. Conservatives could win that mandate if they rally round a consensus reform agenda.
To forge an appealing common path, conservatives will have to rethink how they handle the border issue. President Donald Trump has roused his base with a call to “build the wall.” Some think that’s all that’s needed and are willing to trade away almost anything to fund the wall. That would be a huge mistake.

The "state" will be sued. The "state" has no money. Taxes gonna skyrocket!-----Complete failure at Oroville Dam

Complete failure at Oroville Dam
"The $1.1 billion spent to repair Oroville Dam is failing as water is seeping through the rebuilt spillway threatens new mass evacuations over the risk of the dam collapsing.
According to national dam expert Scott Cahill of Watershed Services of Ohio, Oroville Dam is on the same failure track as in 2017, with visible water seepage trickling from the foot of the dam and dozens of points along the dam’s principal spillway. 
...As America’s tallest earthen dam with a 770-foot face and 901-foot top of the spillway, the lake behind Oroville Dam can hold 3.5 million-acre feet of water. 
...(2017)...Facing the risk of a 30-foot wall of water racing toward metropolitan Sacramento, the Butte County Sheriff issued a mandatory evacuation of 188,000 residents.
The rains ebbed and the dam survived, but the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s after-action 537-page Independent Forensic Team Report found:
“The Oroville Dam spillway incident was caused by a long-term systemic failure of the California Department of Water Resources (DWR), regulatory, and general industry practices to recognize and address inherent spillway design and construction weaknesses, poor bedrock quality, and deteriorated service spillway chute conditions.”
See the source imageCalifornia’s potential liability for the 2017 Oroville Dam crisis was reinforced on March 14 when Sacramento Superior Court Judge James McFetridge ordered discovery to begin in a lawsuit against the state for hundreds of millions in damages by the City of Oroville, dozens of farmers, businesses, and others during the two-month crisis.
The plaintiffs’ motion included wide-ranging allegations of dam employees suffering from sexual and racial harassment, extensive theft of equipment by dam officials, filing fraudulent financial reports, shoddy maintenance records, and a pattern of actively destroying evidence to conceal liability and criminal actions.
President Trump has blamed California for systematically failing to fund known state infrastructure and safety needs, then billing the Federal Emergency Management Agency under its 75 percent reimbursement for national disaster relief claims. 
Based on the reports of incompetence, FEMA denied $306 million of California’s first $639 million national disaster reimbursement requests for the 2017 Oroville Dam crisis."

Oh wait...AM Fruitcake