Tuesday, March 26, 2019

History for March 26

See the source image
History for March 26 - On-This-Day.com
Al Jolson 1886 - Singer, Tennessee Williams 1911, Leonard Nimoy 1931 - Actor ("Star Trek")
Image result for Singing Al Jolson Black FaceImage result for Tennessee Williams QuotesImage result for Leonard Nimoy

James Caan 1939 - Actor, Nancy Pelosi 1940 - U.S. Speaker of the House of Representatives, Diana Ross 1944 - Singer
Image result for James CaanImage result for Nancy Pelosi stupid quotesImage result for Diana Ross

1910 - The U.S. Congress passed an amendment to the 1907 Immigration Act that barred criminals, paupers, anarchists and carriers of disease from settling in the U.S.

1953 - Dr. Jonas Salk announced a new vaccine that would prevent poliomyelitis.
Image result for 1953 - Dr. Jonas Salk announced a new vaccine that would prevent poliomyelitis.

Monday, March 25, 2019

Avenatti Facing A Lot Of Years Behind Bars | The Daily Caller

Image result for flickr commons images Michael AvenattiAvenatti Facing A Lot Of Years Behind Bars | The Daily Caller:

Attorney and celebrity Trump foe Michael Avenatti was arrested Monday and faces federal indictments for a range of financial crimes in California and New York.
The separate indictments claim Avenatti attempted to extort millions from a public corporation and embezzling funds to cover debts. The combined maximum for all charged crimes is 97 years in prison.

The truth about socialism: It doesn't care about the middle class. It's about keeping the ruling class' power | Fox News

The truth about socialism: It doesn't care about the middle class. It's about keeping the ruling class' power | Fox News:

Image result for flickr commons images CandlesQ: What did socialists use before candles?
A: Electricity.
It’s an old joke, sure. But it’s no laughing matter. Just ask the people of Venezuela.
The socialist regime there nationalized the electricity sector a dozen years ago. Today, blackouts in the once-prosperous Latin American nation have become routine. Electricity isn’t all that’s in short supply. Gasoline is scarce in the oil-rich nation, as are food and medicine.
Meanwhile, the regime concentrates on violently repressing protests and burning humanitarian aid as it approaches its borders.

The way we were-----Memories of 1967 - Where Were You ?

Boob-tube-----Saturday Morning TV: 1967-68 (Rare promos, bumpers for Spider-man, Hercu...

Sharyl Attkisson asks the key question post-Mueller report

See the source imageSharyl Attkisson asks the key question post-Mueller report
"...In the meantime, there is some posterior-kicking, aka public shaming, due. 
And, I think Sharyl Attkisson has identified the first targets in need of disgrace, especially because of where that disgrace will lead:
If Clapper, Brennan, Rice, Power, Comey genuinely believed Trump "colluded" with Russia and he didn't, what does that say about the judgement of our one-time top intel types?

Tales from the Illinois Exodus–Part Two – Da Tech Guy Blog

Tales from the Illinois Exodus–Part Two – Da Tech Guy Blog
"There is never a shortage of evidence of the decline and fall of Illinois. 
Just a week after I authored Tales from the Illinois Exodus–Part One in this space, I already have a second entry.
...What is not being discussed by the candidates is the pension bomb. 
Image result for pension bomb.Chicago’s four municipal-controlled pension plans are funded at 27 percent–80 percent is considered the goal for most plans. 
Forbes points out that the Teamsters/Central States’ pension plan, which is funded at 38 percent, is projected to become insolvent in 2025. 
Sure, Chicago, unlike the Teamsters, can raise taxes, and it has been doing so to fund these pension obligations, but Chicago is the only large American city losing population. 
More tax hikes will likely accelerate the exodus.
...One more item. 
Last week Alderman Willie Cochran became the 35th member of Chicago’s Hall of Shame, which consists of members of the City Council who have been convicted of federal crimes–or pleaded guilty to them–since 1973..."
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The American Media Destroyed Themselves over the Mueller Investigation | Roger L. Simon

The American Media Destroyed Themselves over the Mueller Investigation | Roger L. Simon:

Image result for Paper Over HeadWith only a few exceptions — Fox News, the editorial pages (not the front pages) of the Wall Street Journal, and a handful of websites — the better part of the American media has spent the last two years fulminating about Trump-Russia collusion we now know never existed.
Actually, we always knew that, but finally, it's official. It was always a bunch of — excuse the expression — trumped up baloney that made no sense except to those who wished so deeply to believe it was true.
Which makes the people who were doing that fulminating — media, politicians and (usually retired) intelligence figures, who were, as is becoming increasingly clear, betraying the American Constitutional system with impunity — sick and evil.

“Is It Really Human Beings Doing This?” Muslim Persecution of Christians, 2019 | Creeping Sharia

“Is It Really Human Beings Doing This?” Muslim Persecution of Christians, 2019 | Creeping Sharia

Massacres in and Attacks on Churches
Philippines: On Sunday, January 27, Islamic militants bombed a Catholic cathedral during Mass.  
At least 20 people were killed and 111 wounded.  
Two explosives were detonated about a minute apart in or near the Cathedral of Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Jolo around 8:45 a.m...
Egypt: An Islamic terror plot to bomb a packed Christian church on the evening of January 6,  when Coptic Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas, was foiled by police.  According to one report, [F]our explosive devices were planted around the Church of the Virgin Mary and St Mercurius in … Nasr City.  Three were removed safely but the fourth, concealed in a bag, exploded when police bomb disposal technicians attempted to deactivate it. Police Major Mostafa Ebeid was killed..
Cameroon: Muslim militants invaded and ransacked two Christian villages in the middle of the night of January 24.   They destroyed 190 homes, plundered and desecrated four churches, set a Christian hospital on fire, and killed livestock.  “Is it really human beings who are doing this?” a local eyewitness was later quoted as saying..."
Read all.
Much more!

This why we have floods!!-----Green Insanity Is Flooding Towns and Destroying Lives

Green Insanity Is Flooding Towns and Destroying Lives
"...the occasion of this present flood disaster plaguing Nebraska, Iowa, and South Dakota...if there is an environmentalist element, as there was in 2011, when the Corps of Engineers intentionally permitted the flooding of eight states in order to further their highest priority (as per the Master Water Control Manual) of "habitat restoration for riverine wildlife" at the expense of the original top priority, flood control, and the preservation of human life and property.
Green "deism" does play a role in our current woes, but not as directly as it did in 2011.  
...The Master Water Control Manual is the bible of the Missouri River basin dam system.  
It defines the duties and protocols to be followed in order to best meet the various needs represented in the list of priorities. 
From the completion of the dam construction (in 1967) until 2004, the Master Water Control Manual listed the priority functions in order of importance, with flood control being number one.
1) flood control
2) irrigation and upstream beneficial uses

3) downstream water supply
4) navigation and power
5) recreation and wildlife
In 2004, under pressure from environmentalist organizations who had been lobbying hard for the previous decade, Congress approved a revision to the manual that no longer specifically prioritized the uses of the system, leaving the order of the functions to the discretion of the Corps of Engineers.
The previous list was then essentially upended, with wildlife (habitat restoration, preservation, and imitation of natural cycles) becoming the top priority, and all the others swapping places back and forth depending on the year.
Flood control slipped lower and lower on the ladder as the Green movement grew in strength, demanding a return to the "wild rivers" that, in their sainted opinions, man should have never attempted to control.
This led the Corps to utilize the dams in a way for which they were never designed — to attempt to mimic the natural cycles of the river through the seasons..."
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Lunch video-----The Popular Vote vs. the Electoral College


Atheists demand school censor teachers' private speech - WND

Atheists demand school censor teachers' private speech - WND:
Image result for 1st Amendment
First Liberty, which defends constitutionally protected religious rights suggested a simple response: Ignore FFRF.
“Opponents of religious liberty are trying to censor religious expression and prevent private citizens from exercising their religious beliefs outside of school,” said Jeremy Dys, deputy general counsel to First Liberty Institute.

Janet Shagam - Tom Canaday: The brakes are off and the Democrats...

Janet Shagam - Tom Canaday: The brakes are off and the Democrats...
"Tom Canaday: The brakes are off and the Democrats have started down a slope that has no bottom. 
Here's their 2020 platform so far:

  • 70-90% Top Tax Rate
  • Open Borders
  • Full socialized medicine - eliminate Private Health Insurance.
  • Green New Deal - eliminate gasoline, air travel & beef.
  • Rebuild most US building for climate change.
  • Late Term Abortion / post birth infanticide
  • Gun Confiscation
  • Wealth Tax
  • Free College Education
  • College Loan Forgiveness
  • $15/hr Federal Minimum Wage
  • Abolish Electoral College
  • Abolish ICE
  • Amnesty for Illegal Aliens
  • Reparations for Slavery
  • Sixteen-year-olds Voting
  • Illegal Aliens Voting
  • Eliminate all voter fraud measures
  • Sanctuary Cities and States
  • Universal Basic Income
  • Remove Existing Barriers from the Border
  • Pack the Supreme Court
  • Defacto repeal of 1st amendment. Free speech and religious liberty prosecuted as Hate speech.
  • Legal suppression & shunning of conservatives targeting their businesses, blocking them from banking, social media and investigating their past, families, business partners.
  • Harrassment of Trump and the destruction of his business and family as a warning to future conservatives.
  • Resume export of US jobs, TPP & other Globalist (aka international socialist policies).
  • Full Transgender indoctrination in schools, etc.
  • Replacement of statues, holidays & history with their Cultural Marxist or Muslim equivalent.
Even if some candidates wouldn't say some of these things, NO CANDIDATE WILL OPENLY DECLARE OPPOSITION TO ANY OF THESE (except with the usual wink and nod ala Obama and gay marriage - but even that faux opposition is impossible for most of these)
The Democrat party is now the Communist Party. 
It has completely radicalized and will go ever further as they one up each other for attention. 
This is revolution."

#1 Movie this week 1959-----Rio Bravo (1959) Official Trailer - Johh Wayne, Dean Martin Western Movi...

Must read!--This is THEIR plan for US!-----Ending climate change requires the end of capitalism. Have we got the stomach for it? | Phil McDuff | Opinion | The Guardian

See the source imageEnding climate change requires the end of capitalism. Have we got the stomach for it? | Phil McDuff | Opinion | The Guardian:
  • Policy tweaks won’t do it, we need to throw the kitchen sink at this with a total rethink of our relationship to ownership, work and capital
"Climate change activism is increasingly the domain of the young, such as 16-year-old Greta Thunberg, the unlikely face of the school strike for climate movement, which has seen many thousands of children walk out of school to demand that their parents’ generation takes responsibility for leaving them a planet to live on.
...This emergent radicalism is already taking people by surprise.
The Green New Deal (GND)... is far from truly radical and already represents a compromise solution, but mainly because the radical economics isn’t a hidden clause, but a headline feature. 
Climate change is the result of our current economic and industrial system. 
See the source image...We will simply have to throw the kitchen sink at this.
Policy tweaks such as a carbon tax won’t do it. 
We need to fundamentally re-evaluate our relationship to ownership, work and capital.
The impact of a dramatic reconfiguration of the industrial economy require similarly large changes to the welfare state.
Basic incomes, large-scale public works programmes, everything has to be on the table to ensure that the oncoming system shocks do not leave vast swathes of the global population starving and destitute.
Perhaps even more fundamentally, we cannot continue to treat the welfare system as a tool for disciplining the supposedly idle underclasses.
Our system must be reformed with a more humane view of worklessness, poverty and migration than we have now..."
Read all!

#1 This day 1957-----Buddy Knox - Party Doll/Hula Love (1957)

Flashback: Dems, Media Predict Mueller Probe Results in Impeachment, Prison :: Grabien - The Multimedia Marketplace

Flashback: Dems, Media Predict Mueller Probe Results in Impeachment, Prison :: Grabien - The Multimedia Marketplace
  • My impression is after all of this is said and done that some people end up in jail’

Viewers likely started to imagine that the only possible outcome would be the Trump family being frog-walked out of the White House in handcuffs. 
Tonight, Mueller's probe officially concluded. No further indictments will be filed, and no one in the Trump family will be indicted. The two-year investigation never charged anyone with conspiracy related to the Trump campaign and Russia. 
The disappointment was evident on many of the news programs that served as the Mueller probe's biggest boosters. MSNBC's Rachel Maddow appeared to angrily ask why Mueller "let Trump off the hook?"
For a refresher on just how confidently these predictions were made, here are a few flashbacks. 

  • In December 2017, MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski said the Trump Team might be going to jail "for the rest of their lives."
  • In December 2018, CNN's Wolf Blitzer asked Delaware Sen. Coons — as he often does — if he thought Trump might be facing jail time. Sen. Coons said yes, "the issues outlined against both Michael Cohen and Paul Manafort, I think, continue to sharpen the ways in which it is clear that the Mueller investigation has produced a whole series of actions not previously exposed to the public."
  • Democratic lawmakers were not immune from setting lofty expectations from the outcome of the investigation. In December 2018, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) said Trump could be the first president "to face the prospect of jail time."
  • "My takeaway is there’s a very real prospect that on the day Donald Trump leaves office the Justice Department may indict him, that he may be the first president in quite some time to face the real prospect of jail time," Rep. Schiff said. "We have been discussing the issue of pardons that the president may offer to people or dangle in front of people. The bigger pardon question may come down the road as the next president has to determine whether to pardon Donald Trump."
  • In March 2017, Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-Texas) said the evidence he had already seen was enough proof of collusion he predicted prison sentences. "My impression is after all of this is said and done that some people end up in jail,” he told CNN's Blitzer. "My impression is that people will probably be charged and probably go to jail.”
  • In March 2018, ABC's Joy Behar hopefully predicted of the Trump family:  “I think they’re all going to end up together in prison and maybe that’s a good thing.”
  • And that’s just skimming the surface. 
Check out the montage above for more. 



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The 'cowboy way' is the latest target of political correctness that replaces grit with wimpery - Washington Times

The 'cowboy way' is the latest target of political correctness that replaces grit with wimpery - Washington Times:
Image result for flickr commons images John WayneThe code resurfaced in 2007 in a biography of the movie star by Holly George-Warren, a prolific chronicler of America’s popular culture.
The reason it’s included below is because cowboys are being thrown under the horse, along with “farting cows.” They’re the latest targets of the political correctness that seeks to replace American grit with a nihilistic creed of wimpery.
Actually, it started years ago, when leftists thought they had delivered a roundhouse punch against Ronald Reagan, and later, George W. Bush, by deriding them as “cowboys.” That made the two men rugged icons to many Americans.
The same cultural vandals made another stupid mistake by dismissively dubbing Mr. Reagan’s Strategic Defense Initiative “Star Wars.” They actually thought that linking the high-tech missile defense system to one of the most popular movie franchises of all time would help kill it.
Now, in Orange County, California, tin-ear activists are seeking to rename John Wayne Airport and remove the Duke’s statue over fatally “insensitive” remarks he made in 1971. It’s only a matter of time before they demand that all copies of his movies be burned in a cleansing ceremony, along with anything Thomas Jefferson wrote.

Here's your collusion: Leaking FBI agents got payouts from media - Washington Times

See the source imageHere's your collusion: Leaking FBI agents got payouts from media - Washington Times
"...While the FBI was leaking...reporters were funneling gifts - pay-offs if you will - back to the leakers in the form of tickets to sporting events, golf outings, dinners, drinks, invites to private exclusive parties and more. 
In other words, the complaints about the biased media working with biased and powerful federal bureaucrats who meet at private and elite cocktail parties to plot their own agenda and the downfall of their political enemies was not some paranoid fever dream of the conservative media it was true and, apparently, business as usual in Obama’s Washington circa 2016..."
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AM Fruitcake

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