Saturday, April 20, 2019


Jim Jordan Rips Democrats For Handling Of Trump Investigations | The Daily Caller

Jim Jordan Rips Democrats For Handling Of Trump Investigations | The Daily Caller:
Image result for flickr commons images Jim Jordan
Republican Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan wrote a letter Monday accusing Democratic House Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings of executing a secret “Memorandum of Understanding” (MOU) with other House Democratic chairmen meant to target President Donald Trump.
The ranking member on the Oversight Committee, Jordan indicated that Cummings had coordinated the MOU with House Financial Services Chairwoman Maxine Waters, and House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, while keeping Republican members in the dark on investigations into Trump and his campaign.

My Simple, Effective Comprehensive Illegal Immigration Reform Plan: Go Home

See the source imageMy Simple, Effective Comprehensive Illegal Immigration Reform Plan: Go Home
"Get out, illegals.
Go home.
Or don’t go home – I don’t care where you go.
You just can’t stay here in America.
This is my elegant, uncomplicated comprehensive immigration reform plan.
If we did not invite you in – if you didn’t have the basic courtesy and respect for this country to ask to come here, then get out.
And don’t come back – if you snuck into America, you don’t get to come back.
It’s simple and fair.
The fair part is important, because it’s about time that our immigration laws be fair to the only people who should matter when we make our policies – American citizens.
Yes, the goal of our immigration system should be one thing – to benefit American citizens..."
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Camille Paglia vs the trans-Taliban | Spectator USA

Camille Paglia vs the trans-Taliban | Spectator USA:
"Camille Paglia has joined the ever-growing list of women in the metaphorical stocks being pelted with accusations of transphobia. 
See the source imageA number of blue-fringed students at her university are demanding she be fired for her statements criticizing some women who bring charges of sexual assault, and because of her comments about transgender people. 
‘I am highly skeptical about the current transgender wave, which I think has been produced by far more complicated psychological and sociological factors than current gender discourse allows’, she said in 2017.
Why are they bringing this up now, you may ask? 
Why ever not? 
I am still hounded and bullied by the cabal for a comment piece I wrote in 2004. 
The trans extremists never forget, and, as sporting legend Martina Navratilova recently discovered they certainly do not forgive..."
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#1 This day 1980-----Blondie - Call me


Instapundit Blog Archive 

“Chief Legal Analyst” for CNN.
UPDATE: From the comments: 
“This is not stupid, and it is dangerous to see it that way. 
This is the deliberate and coordinated big lie, the latest attempt to keep this coup together. 
All the left united in the latest lie. 
It is aimed at people so ignorant of their own nation’s affairs they don’t even realize that the Obama Administration actually spied on an opponent’s campaign and Nixon never did.”
Flashback: Was Obama administration illegal spying worse than Watergate?
See the source image
In 1972, some employees of President Nixon’s
 re-election committee were caught when they broke into the Democratic National Committee headquarters to plant a bug. This led to Nixon’s resignation and probably would have led to his felony prosecution had he not been pardoned by his successor, Gerald Ford.
But if a single bugging of the political opposition is enough to bring down a presidency — and maybe lead to an unprecedented criminal prosecution of a former president — then what are we to make of the recently unveiled Obama administration program of massively spying on political opponents in violation of clearly established law?
Because that’s what was unveiled last week.
It’s now become much clearer what happened. 
And yes, it was much worse than Watergate, since it involved the perversion of existing government agencies into political spying and persecution.
Will the Justice Department investigate and prosecute former Obama officials? ...
Answer: No.--Posted by Glenn Reynolds"
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Yes, there is a difference between political parties.

Mueller Report Undermines Most Salacious Claim In Steele Dossier | The Daily Caller

Mueller Report Undermines Most Salacious Claim In Steele Dossier | The Daily Caller:
Image result for wikicommons images Christopher Steele
A Russian businessman with knowledge of the infamous “pee tapes” was told the tapes were fake, but chose not to tell Michael Cohen, the Mueller Report revealed Thursday.
Giorgi Rtskhiladze texted former personal attorney to the president Michael Cohen on October 30, 2016, saying, “Stopped flow of tapes from Russia but not sure if there’s anything else. Just so you know…” according to the report released Thursday morning after Attorney General William Barr’s press conference.

Medicare for All Hides Obamacare’s Flaws | National Review

See the source imageMedicare for All Hides Obamacare’s Flaws | National Review
  • And the Democrats are rallying behind it
"In politics, people rarely admit that they were wrong. 
Instead, they try to change the subject.
A decade ago, Democrats insisted that the Affordable Care Act would reduce the health-care costs of Americans and give the nation universal coverage. 
But the legislation has fallen so far short of its objectives that the party’s new generation is eager to sweep it aside in favor of Medicare for All. 
...When campaigning for the White House in 2008, Barack Obama claimed that his health-care-reform proposals would “lower premiums by up to $2,500 for a typical family per year . . . by the end of [his] first term as president of the United States.” 
Instead, the opposite proved to be true. premiums for individual purchasers more than doubled in the first three years following the legislation’s enactment. 
Premiums for ACA-compliant plans now average $4,700 per year, and deductibles also typically exceed $3,900 — a level far beyond the median health spending of $709 per year..."

AM Fruitcake

History for April 20

See the source image
History for April 20 -
Phillip Pinel 1745, Daniel Chester French 1850 - Sculptor, created Minute Man statue in Concord, MA, Abraham Lincoln seated in the Lincoln Memorial, Washington, DC, Adolf Hitler 1889 - German leader during World War II
Image result for philippe pinel quotesImage result for Minute Man statue in Concord,Image result for Adolf Hitler Quotes

Joan Miro 1893 - Artist, Ryan O'Neal 1941 - Actor ("Love Story", "Peyton Place"), Jessica Lange 1949 - Actress ("Tootsie", "Blue Sky")
Image result for joan miro posterImage result for Ryan O'NealImage result for jessica lange young

1971 - The U.S. Supreme Court upheld the use of busing to achieve racial desegregation in schools.
Image result for Supreme Court upheld the use of busing to achieve racial desegregation in schools.

2016 - The U.S. Treasury Department announced a plan for Harriet Tubman to replace Andrew Jackson as the portrait on the $20 bill.
See the source image

Friday, April 19, 2019

Mueller Report Directly Contradicts Bombshell BuzzFeed Story | The Daily Caller

Mueller Report Directly Contradicts Bombshell BuzzFeed Story | The Daily Caller:

Image result for flickr commons images robert muellerSpecial counsel Robert Mueller’s report on the Russia investigation directly contradicts an explosive BuzzFeed story that claimed Mueller had evidence President Donald Trump directed Michael Cohen, his former attorney, to lie to Congress about a potential Moscow real estate deal.
The Jan. 18 BuzzFeed story claimed that Cohen “told the special counsel that after the election, the president personally instructed him to lie — by claiming that negotiations ended months earlier than they actually did — in order to obscure Trump’s involvement.”

The way we were-----1963 HITS ARCHIVE: Another Saturday Night - Sam Cooke

Boob-tube-----Your Hit Parade - Christmas Eve Show 1955

Criminal child abuse!!-----Trans activists are promoting fake penises for girls under five to "pack" in their underwear if they identify as boys | The Bridgehead

Trans activists are promoting fake penises for girls under five to "pack" in their underwear if they identify as boys | The Bridgehead
"As the phenomenon of “transgender children” spikes right across the Western world, there has been a boom in websites, instructional videos, and products marketed towards young children to help them pose as the opposite sex. 
“Packers,” for example, are prosthetic penises marketed to “trans girls”–some under five years of age–to put in their underwear in order to give them a “bulge” that helps them to appear as if they are male. 
...One site even offers prosthetics for pre-pubescent girls that come with a harness so they can urinate while standing up, just like a boy
Again, these products were designed for children
They also offer underwear that helps young boys who identify as girls “tuck” their genitalia in such a way that they appear smooth, thus appearing more female. In case anyone thinks I am exaggerating–and this is a graphic material warning, as it deals with prosthetic genitalia–here is an instructional video for kids or “youth” who might want to use a “packer”:
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Fred Bertsch - This is a must read although just a synopsis of a VDH article

Fred Bertsch - This is a must read although just a synopsis of a...
"This is a must read although just a synopsis of a VDH article. 
The important thing here is to start documenting the damage that the has been laid onto the country in money spent, opportunities lost, organizations and institutions damaged, personal lives turned upside down as well as quite a few intangibles. 
That we need a reckoning is an understatement. 
The institutions such as the FSA Courts, FBI, DOJ etc. will never be the same because they can never regain their reputations no matter how much the rank and file try to burnish them. 
In truth, the people who work in these institutions have been badly treated by their superiors who believed that collateral damage was ok as long as it did not splatter onto them. 
There is a long hard slog to go through ahead. 
Hopefully the AG, the Presidents, the DOJ professionals, the IG, and others can start - barely start- to regain some sense of honor and try to at least stop the hemorrhaging. 
We will see. 
If there is not a full and open investigation, they might as well shutter those institutions because they will never be trusted by the people again."

by WorldTribune Staff, February 20, 2019 The first “coup” in U.S. history in which government bureaucrats sought to overturn an election and to remove a sitting U.S. president has faile…

There are so many flaws with 'Medicare for all' | TheHill

There are so many flaws with 'Medicare for all' | TheHill:

Image result for flickr commons images Medical Under "Medicare for all," gynecologists or nurses who refused to perform an abortion — to end a human life — would have their employment agreements revoked. In other words, they would no longer be able to work for the only medical employer in the whole country: the government.
"Medicare for all" also strikes at medical conscience in the case of controversial treatments for gender dysphoria. Most liberals have decided that the only possible therapy for children who feel uncomfortable with their biological sex is puberty blocking, followed by life-long injections of opposite sex hormones and, eventually, mutilating surgeries.
Many physicians and therapists believe, however, that these are unethical experimental treatments. Unethical because children can’t consent to life-altering therapies whose extraordinary effects they cannot begin to understand.

Ohio State University Salaries Exposed: More Than 5,000 Employees Made Six-Figures or Higher While More Than a Dozen Top $1 Million - Tennessee Star

See the source imageOhio State University Salaries Exposed: More Than 5,000 Employees Made Six-Figures or Higher While More Than a Dozen Top $1 Million - Tennessee Star
"A mind-boggling 5,168 employees of Ohio State University made a six-figure salary or higher in 2018, while 18 of those employees earned more than $1 million last year.
The university employs 47,686 individuals, of which roughly 11 percent – a little more than one in 10 – earned a six-figure salary or higher.
...Rene Stulz, a professor of finance, walked away with $655,877 in 2018.
One “special assistant to the president” in the Department of Health Sciences Administration made $504,167, while an associate professor of plastic surgery raked in $492,928.
James Moore, vice provost of the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, made $284,419 in 2018.
The Office of Diversity and Inclusion has two assistant vice provosts, Robert Solomon and Yolanda Zepeda, who earned $169,677 and $110,816 respectively last year..."
Read on.

Can you imagine.....

Lunch video-----Viktor Belenko - The pilot who stole Soviet's Mig-25 fighter jet


SCOOP: Rashida Tlaib Hosts Another Extreme Anti-Israel, Terror-Affiliated Activist On Capitol Hill | The Daily Caller

Image result for wikicommons images Rashida TlaibSCOOP: Rashida Tlaib Hosts Another Extreme Anti-Israel, Terror-Affiliated Activist On Capitol Hill | The Daily Caller:

Tlaib spoke to AMP on April 8 where she told the group that she feels “more Palestinian” when she is in Congress than she does elsewhere, according to The Investigative Project On Terrorism, who first reported on the meeting.
AMP’s New Jersey chapter posted a photograph of Tlaib outside of her office with some of its members during the event, including Joe Catron, an avowed supporter of multiple Palestinian terrorist organizations.

Fans of Best of the Web Today

Fans of Best of the Web Today---Michael Smith 
"I was thinking about the Democrats' romance with every person other than American citizens and this NY Post article linked at Instapundit explains a lot - but this illicit love affair is also the Democrats' tacit admission of just how successful America is.
Progressives literally hate success - at least any success that is not defined as how much taxpayer money they can spend on a particular program or activity regardless of whether the effort is successful or not. 
The fact they prioritize illegal aliens and refugees over citizens, criminals over law-abiding people and deviants over traditional behaviors is just their way of saying you are too successful, too civil and too short, you are successful where others are not. 
Somehow, in their warped, tiny little minds, it makes sense to them to push people who aren't doing it right to the head of the line, no matter what it costs those who are doing it right.
Maybe they feel guilty about America's success - they really shouldn't, because they typically aren't successful and largely depend on the success of others to exist. 
They are not responsible, nor are the part of America's success. 
They are only interested in carving up the success of others to give it to people who will vote for them to continue sharpening the carving knife."

Is there a classier lady anywhere than Shannon Slutman, widow of FDNY firefighter Christopher Slutman — killed by a roadside bomb in Afghanistan while serving as a US Marine Corps reservist? No, th…

Bret Easton Ellis tells 'spoiled children' liberals to deal with Trump: 'He was elected president. Get over it.'

See the source imageBret Easton Ellis tells 'spoiled children' liberals to deal with Trump: 'He was elected president. Get over it.':
"Now middle-aged, the enfant terrible novelist Bret Easton Ellis, has turned to nonfiction to mock the "childlike fascism" and "demented narcissism" of American liberals that helped put President Trump in the White House and left them facing "mental and emotional collapse."
For good measure, Ellis, 55, also denounces the "legacy media" in his new book "White" — originally due to be called "White Privileged Male" — describing it as "a moral disaster for the country" that had covered Trump in the 2016 with such bias and "absolute cluelessness" that it assisted him. 
The Washington Examiner obtained a copy in advance of its publication Tuesday.
Already facing a backlash from the liberal intelligentsia he disdains — a Q&A with the New Yorker was intensely hostile — Ellis has also been praised for his devil-may-care contrarianism.
Interview Magazine described "White" as containing "searing points about how the national obsession with being liked at all costs and the silencing of opposing voices under the banner of inclusivity can create its own American hellscape."..."
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#1 This day 1975-----That's the way I like it K C & the Sunshine Band. on soul train MPG

JOHN HINDERAKER on the ongoing collusion meme: “One of the Democrats’ basic problems is that ‘atte…

Instapundit Blog Archive 
"JOHN HINDERAKER on the ongoing collusion meme: 
“One of the Democrats’ basic problems is that ‘attempting’ to obstruct the investigation doesn’t make a lot of sense. 
If Trump had really wanted to obstruct the investigation, he could simply have terminated it. 
And Mueller acknowledges that the administration fully cooperated with the investigation in every way. 
So the ‘attempts to obstruct’ come down to Trump expressing outrage at the fact that a baseless, partisan investigation was hampering his administration. 
Arguably Trump should have brought the Mueller farce to an end, but he didn’t.”--Posted by Stephen Green" 


DOJ sued for details of payments to Christopher Steele - WND

DOJ sued for details of payments to Christopher Steele - WND:

Image result for  wikicommons images Christopher SteeleWashington watchdog Judicial Watch believes the FBI still is covering up information related to the origin of the claim that the Trump campaign was colluding with Russia.
In Senate testimony last week, Attorney General William Barr upset Democrats when he disclosed he believes the Obama administration spied on the 2016 Trump campaign. Barr said he plans to review the matter along with the origins of counter-intelligence probe.

OKAY, I WROTE THIS FOR USA TODAY right after the Barr press conference, but they don’t want to run it…

Instapundit Blog Archive --APRIL 18, 2019
"OKAY, I WROTE THIS FOR USA TODAY right after the Barr press conference, but they don’t want to run it because it doesn’t incorporate the Mueller Report.
Since I don’t have time to read and digest the report this afternoon (I’m teaching two 2-hour classes back to back), I’m just posting it here. Enjoy!"
"BILL BARR: ADULT IN THE ROOM--Glenn Harlan Reynolds
Bill Barr’s press conference regarding the Mueller Report release was notable for both style and substance.
On style, he reminded us that in an age of shrieking media hysteria and out-of-control twitter-pols, there is still a place for stolid, stodgy, rule-following bureaucrats. 
Standing at the lectern with his lieutenants behind him, he calmly and carefully explained what was in the report, what had been redacted and why, and what the applicable laws and rules were.
He didn’t play to the media, or to the social media.
In tone and manner he was, well, boring.
See the source imageIt was refreshing.
On substance, he made clear that, after two years of investigation, thousands of subpoenas, and endless media speculation, the “Russian collusion” story was, as some of us had noted all along, a story about nothing.
No member of Trump’s campaign — and in fact, no American anywhere — colluded with the Russians to influence the campaign.
...So no collusion, and no obstruction, and no serious grounds for complaining about the redactions. No doubt some politicians, eager to keep their base heated up, will try to pretend otherwise, and some cable news channels and media outlets, desperate for viewers and clicks, will go along.
But normal people should be pleased and relieved that there was no collusion, even as they should be angry that a huge chunk of our political class seriously maintained that the President of the United States was a Russian puppet.
That claim, based more on a desire to undo the 2016 election than on any actual evidence, was a poisonous corruption of our political discourse, and those involved should be — but won’t be — ashamed.
They should, however, be ignored in the future.--Posted by Glenn Reynolds

AM Fruitcake