Important stuff you won't get from the liberal media! We do the surfing so you can be informed AND have a life!
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Why Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama Tweeted About 'Easter Worshippers' - The Dennis Prager Show
Why Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama Tweeted About 'Easter Worshippers' - The Dennis Prager Show
"Sometimes, a few sentences tell you more about a person — and, more importantly, an ideology — than a learned thesis.
That is the case with tweets from Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama two days ago in response to the mass murder of more than 300 Christians and others in Sri Lanka.
Their tweets are worth serious analysis because they reveal a great deal about the left.
...Only leftists understand that one must vote left no matter who the Democrat is, no matter who the Republican opponent is.
...That is why it is important to understand Clinton and Obama’s tweets: to understand the left, not to understand her or him.
Here are the tweets:
...Here’s what’s critical: Neither used the word “Christians.”
And in order to avoid doing so, they went so far as to make up a new term — “Easter worshippers” — heretofore unknown to any Christian..."
Read all.
"Sometimes, a few sentences tell you more about a person — and, more importantly, an ideology — than a learned thesis.

Their tweets are worth serious analysis because they reveal a great deal about the left.
...Only leftists understand that one must vote left no matter who the Democrat is, no matter who the Republican opponent is.
...That is why it is important to understand Clinton and Obama’s tweets: to understand the left, not to understand her or him.
Here are the tweets:
- Obama: “The attacks on tourists and Easter worshippers in Sri Lanka are an attack on humanity. On a day devoted to love, redemption, and renewal, we pray for the victims and stand with the people of Sri Lanka.”
- Three hours later, Clinton tweeted: “On this holy weekend for many faiths, we must stand united against hatred and violence. I’m praying for everyone affected by today’s horrific attacks on Easter worshippers and travelers in Sri Lanka.”
...Here’s what’s critical: Neither used the word “Christians.”
And in order to avoid doing so, they went so far as to make up a new term — “Easter worshippers” — heretofore unknown to any Christian..."
Read all.
Russian Interference, the Steve Bartman of U.S. Politics | RealClearPolitics
Russian Interference, the Steve Bartman of U.S. Politics | RealClearPolitics
"...But here is the reality: Russia’s intrusion was very unwelcome and decidedly illegal, but the wildly disproportionate reaction by anti-Trump operatives in both government and media has far eclipsed the damage wrought by a minor 2016 foreign intelligence scheme.
This totally unbalanced reaction represents the political equivalent to the Steve Bartman incident in Major League Baseball.
In 2003, the Chicago Cubs led the National League Championship Series three games to two and had a 3-0 lead in game six at home, with one out in the eighth inning.
A pop fly sailed foul but well within the left fielder’s reach. Lifelong Cubs fan Steve Bartman grabbed at the ball, as would many fans, interfering with Moises Alou’s attempted catch.
Both players and fans massively overreacted, forcing Bartman to exit Wrigley Field with a security detail, but the kerfuffle would have been utterly forgotten had previously dependable Cubs shortstop Alex Gonzalez ended the inning moments later with a potential double play ground ball hit right to him.
Instead, his rare error commenced an epic Cubs implosion that sent Chicago to defeat that night and in the ensuing NLCS game seven, vaulting the Marlins to the World Series.
As in politics, the point here is that the scapegoat, the Bartman, is not really to blame.
Russians spending a whopping $100,000 on Facebook ads, per the Mueller Report, represents a miniscule rounding error compared to $81 million spent by the campaigns on Facebook within a presidential election where total direct and indirect spending reached into the billions of dollars..."
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"...But here is the reality: Russia’s intrusion was very unwelcome and decidedly illegal, but the wildly disproportionate reaction by anti-Trump operatives in both government and media has far eclipsed the damage wrought by a minor 2016 foreign intelligence scheme.

In 2003, the Chicago Cubs led the National League Championship Series three games to two and had a 3-0 lead in game six at home, with one out in the eighth inning.
A pop fly sailed foul but well within the left fielder’s reach. Lifelong Cubs fan Steve Bartman grabbed at the ball, as would many fans, interfering with Moises Alou’s attempted catch.
Both players and fans massively overreacted, forcing Bartman to exit Wrigley Field with a security detail, but the kerfuffle would have been utterly forgotten had previously dependable Cubs shortstop Alex Gonzalez ended the inning moments later with a potential double play ground ball hit right to him.
Instead, his rare error commenced an epic Cubs implosion that sent Chicago to defeat that night and in the ensuing NLCS game seven, vaulting the Marlins to the World Series.
As in politics, the point here is that the scapegoat, the Bartman, is not really to blame.
Russians spending a whopping $100,000 on Facebook ads, per the Mueller Report, represents a miniscule rounding error compared to $81 million spent by the campaigns on Facebook within a presidential election where total direct and indirect spending reached into the billions of dollars..."
Read all!
Progressive Caucus’s Arrangement With Outside Charity Violates House Rules, Experts Say. Punishment Is Unlikely | The Daily Caller
Progressive Caucus’s Arrangement With Outside Charity Violates House Rules, Experts Say. Punishment Is Unlikely | The Daily Caller:
But although the progressive caucus’s relationship with the outside charity group “seems like a clear violation of the rule,” there likely won’t be any consequences anytime soon, Acton Institute editor Joe Carter, who has researched congressional caucuses, told TheDCNF.
“Article 1, section 5, clause 2 of the U.S. Constitution says that, ‘Each House may … punish its Members for disorderly Behaviour, and, with the Concurrence of two thirds, expel a Member,'” Carter said. “Based on previous history, the most severe punishment would likely be censure or reprimand of the leaders” of the progressive caucus.
“But that isn’t likely to happen under Speaker [Nancy] Pelosi,” he continued. “The most that will happen—if any action is even taken—is that they will have to promise to do a better job of complying with the rules in the future.”
“Article 1, section 5, clause 2 of the U.S. Constitution says that, ‘Each House may … punish its Members for disorderly Behaviour, and, with the Concurrence of two thirds, expel a Member,'” Carter said. “Based on previous history, the most severe punishment would likely be censure or reprimand of the leaders” of the progressive caucus.
“But that isn’t likely to happen under Speaker [Nancy] Pelosi,” he continued. “The most that will happen—if any action is even taken—is that they will have to promise to do a better job of complying with the rules in the future.”
Living in Leftlandia
Living in Leftlandia
"As children we passed the time pretending to be grownups.
We were doctors or cowboys or ballerinas or truck drivers.
We built forts and made-up languages.
We played school.
We imagined our way through grand adventures –- and then, little by little, we turned into adults.
Even those who actually became doctors and cowboys faced the reality of those challenging professions.
Or we didn’t, and took up voting Democrat, ranting around in marches, and running for office instead.
It’s hard not to notice how little growing up those on the left have actually accomplished.
They live in La-la Land, in Leftlandia, saturated in fantasies filled with pots of gold at the ends of LGBT rainbows.
They never touch down.
Just look at the fairytale multiverse they swoop around in:
Read all.
"As children we passed the time pretending to be grownups.
We were doctors or cowboys or ballerinas or truck drivers.
We built forts and made-up languages.
We imagined our way through grand adventures –- and then, little by little, we turned into adults.
Even those who actually became doctors and cowboys faced the reality of those challenging professions.
Or we didn’t, and took up voting Democrat, ranting around in marches, and running for office instead.
It’s hard not to notice how little growing up those on the left have actually accomplished.
They live in La-la Land, in Leftlandia, saturated in fantasies filled with pots of gold at the ends of LGBT rainbows.
They never touch down.
Just look at the fairytale multiverse they swoop around in:
- Leftlandians actually believe that the world’s climate is something they can control, that man is so much greater than the God Who created the world that humans can use so much toilet paper, or so much gasoline that they can undo creation.
- They also believe that using fossil fuels to generate electricity with which to run our cars is somehow more environmentally sensible than just using the fossil fuels directly. When someone points out the damage –- both human and environmental –- done by building all those lithium batteries, the Leftlandians just cover their eyes and holler La-La-La-La..."
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Supremes to decide if 'sex' can be redefined - WND
Supremes to decide if 'sex' can be redefined - WND:
“Substituting ‘gender identity’ for ‘sex’ in nondiscrimination laws also threatens freedom of conscience,” the petition continued. “Statutes interpreted that way have the effect, for instance, of forcing doctors to participate in – or employers to pay for – surgical efforts to alter sex in violation of their deeply held beliefs…. In sum, the Sixth Circuit ushered in a profound change in federal law accompanied by widespread legal and social ramifications.”
“These are important policy questions that the people have the right to decide through their elected officials,” said ADF Senior Counsel Jim Campbell. “Unelected officials – whether bureaucrats or judges – don’t have the power to make these choices for us.”
When ADF sought Supreme Court review, nearly a year ago, it argued to the high court that “sex” means “sex,” and bureaucrats are not arbitrarily allowed to substitute “gender identity.”
“No court or federal agency has the authority to rewrite a federal statute. That power belongs solely to Congress,” said Alliance Defending Fund Senior Counsel Jim Campbell at the time.
“These are important policy questions that the people have the right to decide through their elected officials,” said ADF Senior Counsel Jim Campbell. “Unelected officials – whether bureaucrats or judges – don’t have the power to make these choices for us.”
When ADF sought Supreme Court review, nearly a year ago, it argued to the high court that “sex” means “sex,” and bureaucrats are not arbitrarily allowed to substitute “gender identity.”
“No court or federal agency has the authority to rewrite a federal statute. That power belongs solely to Congress,” said Alliance Defending Fund Senior Counsel Jim Campbell at the time.
Marijuana Sales in Canada Are Flat Since It Was Legalized - Barron's
"Recreational pot sales in Canada haven’t exactly been red hot since the country became the first wealthy nation to legalize marijuana nationwide in October.
Government data indicate that Canada’s legal weed sales in the first two months of 2019 were flat compared with those in the first two months of 2018’s fourth quarter, analysts at BMO Capital Markets said in a new report.
...The government’s StatsCan agency measures retail sales of marijuana. Industry sales in January and February of this year were 105 million Canadian dollars (US$79 million), which was disappointingly flat with the industry total for September and October of 2018..."
Read on.
AP U.S. History textbook calls Trump “racist,” questions his mental stability | Power Line
AP U.S. History textbook calls Trump “racist,” questions his mental stability | Power Line
"I have written repeatedly about the hard-left bias in the teaching of AP American History.
I finally got tired of writing such posts and abandoned the beat.
But now, I learn that, beginning in 2020, many Advanced Placement students will be using an American History textbook that suggests President Trump is mentally ill and that depicts him and many of his supporters as racists.
The book asserts that “[Trump’s] not very-hidden racism connected with a significant number of primary voters.”
...The textbook goes further.
It says that Hillary Clinton supporters “worried about the mental stability of the president-elect.”
...The book’s publisher defends its handiwork, saying that it underwent “rigorous peer review to ensure academic integrity.”
No doubt..."
Read all!
I finally got tired of writing such posts and abandoned the beat.
But now, I learn that, beginning in 2020, many Advanced Placement students will be using an American History textbook that suggests President Trump is mentally ill and that depicts him and many of his supporters as racists.
The book asserts that “[Trump’s] not very-hidden racism connected with a significant number of primary voters.”
...The textbook goes further.
It says that Hillary Clinton supporters “worried about the mental stability of the president-elect.”
...The book’s publisher defends its handiwork, saying that it underwent “rigorous peer review to ensure academic integrity.”
No doubt..."
Read all!
Speech Is Violence, and Vice Versa | Power Line
Speech Is Violence, and Vice Versa | Power Line
"The apotheosis of the Left’s 21st-Century lunacy is its insistence that disagreeing with leftist dogma–declining to accept the “trans” farce, for example–is “violence” that demands suppression, while actual violence by leftists like Antifa–bashing people in the head with a baseball bat, for instance–is merely free speech exercised by “protesters.”
No one in the world, with the possible exception of a handful of mis-educated college professors and students, is dumb enough to be fooled by that inversion.
But liberals soldier heedlessly on.
No one in the world, with the possible exception of a handful of mis-educated college professors and students, is dumb enough to be fooled by that inversion.
But liberals soldier heedlessly on.
Here is a today’s instance of the phenomenon.
April Ryan, a CNN personality, suggested that Sarah Sanders’ head should be “lopped off.”
Sanders’ father, Mike Huckabee, protested–whereupon Ryan accused Huckabee of inciting violence against her.
You can’t make this stuff up:
As I thank God this day and for his sacrifice as you should be doing, I have a warning for you! If anything happens to me or mine or anyone connected to me, you and your daughter and this administration will be held accountable! So you better stop now!
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Limbaugh: Dem 'coup' against Trump not over yet - WND
Limbaugh: Dem 'coup' against Trump not over yet - WND:
And so, with the power of the Obama administration, they tried to prevent him from being elected and, later, to remove him from office.
“They simply couldn’t allow it to happen. Do you realize this is? We came as close as a whisker to having the Constitution used essentially as toilet paper, and it’s still scary to me how close they came,” he said.
“I’ve run out of ways to express how close we came to losing this country with this whole thing, and none of it was real. When I say ‘coup,’ I’m not just tossing a word around,” he said.
“They simply couldn’t allow it to happen. Do you realize this is? We came as close as a whisker to having the Constitution used essentially as toilet paper, and it’s still scary to me how close they came,” he said.
“I’ve run out of ways to express how close we came to losing this country with this whole thing, and none of it was real. When I say ‘coup,’ I’m not just tossing a word around,” he said.
Transgender Athletes Will Spell the End of Women’s Sports | Intellectual Takeout
Transgender Athletes Will Spell the End of Women’s Sports | Intellectual Takeout
"One of the first and most important things we learned in the school yard was the concept of fair play.
When running a race, you don’t start before the whistle is blown.
...That concept of unfair advantage is the very reason we do not support the move toward allowing biological males to compete in female sports.
...Both the far left and the far right should be able to concede that men are biologically stronger than women.
This is not a distinction of value, but a distinction of difference.
Men are not smarter, more valued, or more worthy of praise than women—their biological makeup simply renders them stronger, faster, and bigger than women..."
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"One of the first and most important things we learned in the school yard was the concept of fair play.
When running a race, you don’t start before the whistle is blown.
...That concept of unfair advantage is the very reason we do not support the move toward allowing biological males to compete in female sports.
...Both the far left and the far right should be able to concede that men are biologically stronger than women.
This is not a distinction of value, but a distinction of difference.
Men are not smarter, more valued, or more worthy of praise than women—their biological makeup simply renders them stronger, faster, and bigger than women..."
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History for April 24

History for April 24 -
Robert Penn Warren 1905, Shirley MacLaine 1934 - Actress, Sue Grafton 1940 - Author
Barbra Streisand 1942 - Singer, Michael O'Keefe 1955, Kelly Clarkson (Kelly Brianne Clarkson) 1983 - Singer, first "American Idol" participant to win a Grammy Award
1805 - The U.S. Marines attacked and captured the town of Derna in Tripoli.
1889 - The Edison General Electric Company was organized.
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
Mueller report is another embarrassment for James Comey and Andrew McCabe
Mueller report is another embarrassment for James Comey and Andrew McCabe:
The events involving credible information and allegations that led up to the initiation of the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane case occurred during the Obama administration. An intelligence community led by notable Trump critics John Brennan, James Clapper, Michael Hayden, Susan Rice, Loretta Lynch, and James Comey recognized the efforts from the Kremlin to sow chaos in our democratic system — dating back to the inception of the Cold War. Tradecraft has evolved significantly since the 1950s. Efforts to undermine our democracy are conducted in plain sight across the internet and social media platforms.
Instapundit Blog Archive


Remember, in the WaPo’s world only the “far right” cares about brown people being murdered in church on Easter Sunday.--Posted by Glenn Reynolds"


Remember, in the WaPo’s world only the “far right” cares about brown people being murdered in church on Easter Sunday.--Posted by Glenn Reynolds"
Yes, she hates AMERICA!-----Memo to Rep. Omar - CAIR is Hamas - Center for Security Policy
Memo to Rep. Omar - CAIR is Hamas - Center for Security Policy:
"This is Frank Gaffney with the Secure Freedom Minute.
Since Ilhan Omar entered Congress, she has become notorious for her serial anti-Semitism.
Her latest outrage, though, was a statement supporting the Council on American Islamic Relations, better known as CAIR.
It featured a blithely dismissive – and reprehensible – description of the 9/11 attacks as “somebody did something.”
Another, unremarked affront was its preposterous claim that CAIR was founded to address the restriction of Muslims’ civil rights in the wake of that murderous “something.”
Actually, the U.S. government has proven in federal court that CAIR was established by the designated terrorist organization known as Hamas in the early 1990s.
And, as Zionist Organization of America president Morton Klein documented in congressional testimony this week, the problem of so-called “Islamophobia” doesn’t begin to compare to the threat posed by the anti-Semitism inherent in Islam’s Sharia-supremacism embraced by CAIR and its enabler, Ilhan Omar.
This is Frank Gaffney."
"This is Frank Gaffney with the Secure Freedom Minute.
Since Ilhan Omar entered Congress, she has become notorious for her serial anti-Semitism.
Her latest outrage, though, was a statement supporting the Council on American Islamic Relations, better known as CAIR.

It featured a blithely dismissive – and reprehensible – description of the 9/11 attacks as “somebody did something.”
Another, unremarked affront was its preposterous claim that CAIR was founded to address the restriction of Muslims’ civil rights in the wake of that murderous “something.”
Actually, the U.S. government has proven in federal court that CAIR was established by the designated terrorist organization known as Hamas in the early 1990s.
And, as Zionist Organization of America president Morton Klein documented in congressional testimony this week, the problem of so-called “Islamophobia” doesn’t begin to compare to the threat posed by the anti-Semitism inherent in Islam’s Sharia-supremacism embraced by CAIR and its enabler, Ilhan Omar.
This is Frank Gaffney."
Robert Mueller's report debunks Russia dossier - Washington Times
Robert Mueller's report debunks Russia dossier - Washington Times:
The Democratic Party-financed dossier, once celebrated by liberal Washington politicians and journalists, is officially debunked, according to a review of special counsel Robert Mueller’s 448-page investigative report.
Dossier creator Christopher Steele, who was paid with money from the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee, leveled at least a dozen Russian election conspiracy charges against President Trump and associates.
Virtually all his information came from Kremlin intelligence, according to the dossier. Mrs. Clinton’s operatives spread the document to the Justice Department, the FBI and news outlets.
Dossier creator Christopher Steele, who was paid with money from the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee, leveled at least a dozen Russian election conspiracy charges against President Trump and associates.
Virtually all his information came from Kremlin intelligence, according to the dossier. Mrs. Clinton’s operatives spread the document to the Justice Department, the FBI and news outlets.
Texas finds 95,000 noncitizens on voter rolls - Washington Times

"Voter integrity hawks are hailing an investigation by the Texas secretary of state that uncovered 95,000 noncitizen residents who illegally registered to vote.
It was one of the largest discoveries of non-eligible voters by any one state.
...“It’s clear that the right-wing elements in Texas government are trying to rig the system to keep power and disenfranchise 95,000 American citizens,” said Domingo Garcia, national president of the League of United Latin American Citizens.
...How did Mr. Whitley obtain the numbers?
He compared two main databases — Department of Public Safety driver license records, which include immigration status, and voter rolls.
He found about 95,000 noncitizens registered among 16 million voters on Texas rosters, of whom 58,000 actually voted since 1996.
Scientists Skeptical of Anthropogenic Global Warming

"Habib Blackburn shared a link.
"I haven't seen this posted here yet but here is more on the "Settled Science" we keep hearing about.
"it tells scientists that ocean temperature is a bigger player in glacier retreats and advances than previously thought"..
If I had a nickel for how many times I've read something like, X has a greater impact on Glaciers/Climate/Ocean temperatures/ Ocean currents/snowfall etc than previously thought", I'd be sipping margaritas on a tropical beach somewhere."
Sex-cult case snares Hillary Clinton campaign - WND
Sex-cult case snares Hillary Clinton campaign - WND:

The stunning allegations of sexual abuse and human trafficking inside the NXIVM cult now has snared the Hillary Clinton campaign.
The Daily Mail reported actress Allison Mack recently pleaded guilty to blackmailing two women into becoming sex slaves for the cult’s leader.
“Mack, 36, sobbed as she admitted her crimes and apologized to the women who prosecutors say were exploited by Keith Raniere and the purported self-help group,” the report said.
Mack said, “Through it all, I believed that Keith Raniere’s intentions were to help people,” even as she pleaded guilty to racketeering.
The stunning allegations of sexual abuse and human trafficking inside the NXIVM cult now has snared the Hillary Clinton campaign.
The Daily Mail reported actress Allison Mack recently pleaded guilty to blackmailing two women into becoming sex slaves for the cult’s leader.
“Mack, 36, sobbed as she admitted her crimes and apologized to the women who prosecutors say were exploited by Keith Raniere and the purported self-help group,” the report said.
Mack said, “Through it all, I believed that Keith Raniere’s intentions were to help people,” even as she pleaded guilty to racketeering.
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