Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Rashida Tlaib Falsely Claims Palestinians Gave Jews 'Safe Haven' After Holocaust | Breitbart

Rashida Tlaib Falsely Claims Palestinians Gave Jews 'Safe Haven' After Holocaust | Breitbart:

Image result for flickr commons images Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI)Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) falsely claimed that Palestinians provided a “safe haven” for Jews fleeing the Holocaust, ignoring both the collaboration of Palestinian leaders with Hitler and Palestinian opposition to Jewish immigration.
Philip Klein of the Washington Examiner, who flagged Tlaib’s flagrant distortion of historical fact, noted that she made her comments “on a podcast called ‘Skullduggery’ in an episode titled ‘From Rashida with Love.'”

The way we were-----Classic Movie Moments BLAZING SADDLES


Climate Activist Patagonia Clothing Chain Founder: Buying Clothes off Other Chains is Evil | Watts Up With That?

Climate Activist Patagonia Clothing Chain Founder: Buying Clothes off Other Chains is Evil | Watts Up With That?
I’d like to see an end to public corporations because we’re not going to revolutionise them, we’re not going to change them,” the self-confessed reluctant businessman told the Guardian..."
Image result for Patagonia Clothing Chain Founder...Can anyone imagine the gentle hippies of the 70s demanding more government coercion and suppression of alternative life choices? 
Would Yvon Chouinard himself had said such things when he was younger?..."
Read all.

Could new water purifying tech replace chlorine? | CFACT

Could new water purifying tech replace chlorine? | CFACT
See the source image"Purifying drinking water has long been one of mankind’s greatest challenges.
In the developed world, it has largely been achieved through chlorination.
And while this approach has been wildly successful in eliminating deadly diseases like cholera, dysentery and typhoid, it is not without its critics who claim it may increase the risk of cancer.
Now comes a new approach to cleansing water that is making waves in the public health arena.
As reported in the magazine Materials Science and Engineering, Scientists at the National University of Science and Technology along with those from Derzhavin Tambov and Saratov Chernyshevsky State Universities, have uncovered a way to use “graphene” to purify water.
This makes the water drinkable, without further chlorination..."
Read on.

FBI Discovers Homegrown Islamic Terror Compound In Alabama | The Daily Caller

FBI Discovers Homegrown Islamic Terror Compound In Alabama | The Daily Caller:
Image result for Macon County, Alabama.
The FBI has uncovered a homegrown, jihadist compound in Macon County, Alabama.
The FBI‘s search warrant described the property as a “makeshift military-style obstacle course” in a story first reported by Sinclair Broadcast Group. The land where the group gathered reportedly looked like an “abandoned dump,” and was led by Siraj Wahhaj, who allegedly trained children to commit school shootings in a similar terrorist breeding ground in New Mexico last year.

Men ordered not to look at women during Ramadan in Iran as hardliners tighten control amid nuclear deal row

Men ordered not to look at women during Ramadan in Iran as hardliners tighten control amid nuclear deal row
Image result for Ayatollah Ali Khamenei women"Men in Iran have been ordered not to look at women during Ramadan as part of a round of draconian restrictions imposed by the increasingly isolated regime.
In a sign of frustration with growing civil discontent and economic pain caused by US sanctions, hardliners in Iran's government are forcing through unusually strict social diktats to bring people into line.
The country's judiciary has announced that those eating in public during the fasting period are also in breach of laws and will be prosecuted..."
Read on.

Celebrities who lecture on climate change---Scientists Skeptical of Anthropogenic Global Warming

See the source image
Scientists Skeptical of Anthropogenic Global Warming--James George shared a link.
"Celebrities who lecture on climate change while flying private luxury jets are like televangelists who proclaim that alcohol, gambling, and adultery will lead you straight to hell, and then get caught drunk walking into a casino with a prostitute on each arm."

The rapper Drake, who has surpassed The Beatles in song popularity, is now the proud owner of a 767 cargo jet despite his vocal climate change…

Lunch video-----the future


Feds Release 168,000 Illegal Immigrants Into U.S. Amid Record-Breaking Month For Border Crossings | Daily Wire

Feds Release 168,000 Illegal Immigrants Into U.S. Amid Record-Breaking Month For Border Crossings | Daily Wire:

Image result for Undocumented ImmigrantsThe most astounding statistic in the report, though, may be that the Department of Homeland Security estimates that "1% of the populations of Guatemala and Honduras have made the journey north to the U.S. and jumped the border in just the past seven months," according to statement made earlier this week by acting DHS secretary Kevin McAleenan.
The Washington Times reports that, if the record-breaking trend continues (and it has shown no sign of slowing in the first two weeks of May), by the end of this year, 2% of the populations of Guatemala and Honduras may have immigrated to the United States.

Mark-Jo Bulow - To all the school kids going on 'strike' for...

Mark-Jo Bulow - To all the school kids going on 'strike' for...
"To all the school kids going on 'strike' for Climate Change:
You are the first generation who have required air-conditioning in every classroom.
You want TV in every room and your classes are all computerised.
You spend all day and night on electronic devices.
More than ever, you don't walk or ride bikes to school but arrive in caravans of private cars that choke local roads and worsen rush hour traffic.
You are the biggest consumers of manufactured goods ever and update perfectly good expensive luxury items to stay trendy,
Your entertainment comes from electric devices.
See the source imageFurthermore, the people driving your protests are the same people who insist on artificially inflating the population growth through immigration, which increases the need for energy, manufacturing and transport.
The more people we have, the more forest and bushland we clear and more of the environment is destroyed.
How about this...
Tell your teachers to switch off the air-con.
Walk or ride to school. Switch off your devices and read a book.
Make a sandwich instead of buying manufactured fast food.
No, none of this will happen because you are selfish, badly educated, virtue signalling little 'princesses', inspired by the adults around you who crave a feeling of having a 'noble cause' while they indulge themselves in Western luxury and unprecedented quality of life.
Wake up, grow up and learn to research facts and think for yourself and not blindly accept the words and thoughts of others - I don't think you formulated this action plan all by your self - suspect you may have had some influence and 'guidance' from those you trust ....a word of warning, be cautious of the influence of the 'left' because there may be a time in the future that you will be the ones left out."

Boeing must get the 737 Max approved for flight around the world - CNN

Image result for 737max crashBoeing must get the 737 Max approved for flight around the world - CNN
"Boeing's future rides on the success of the 737 Max.
But all of those planes remain grounded, waiting for the world's aviation regulators to approve a software fix that will make them safer to fly.
The 737 Max does not appear close to flying again.
Aviation experts doubt global regulators will act in concert to approve the 737 Max for flight, because serious questions remain about how and why the FAA approved the 737 Max for flight and whether it rushed the certification process.
The world's aviation authorities have lost confidence in the US Federal Aviation Administration. 
...The 737 Max is by far Boeing's bestselling plane, with orders for 5,000 of the workhorse single aisle jet on its books.
Boeing's profit fell 21% last quarter because it halted 737 Max orders during grounding, and it has to reimburse airlines that have to use alternate planes.
Boeing has already spent at least $1 billion on a software fix it hopes can get the planes back in the air..."
Read all.

#1 This day 1967-----The Young Rascals - Groovin' (1967)

Former Boeing Engineers Say Relentless Cost-Cutting Sacrificed Safety - Bloomberg

Former Boeing Engineers Say Relentless Cost-Cutting Sacrificed Safety - Bloomberg:

  • The failures of the 737 Max appear to be the result of an emphasis on speed, cost, and above all shareholder value.

"...Boeing got what it wanted: Pilots moving from a 737-800 to the 737 Max would need at most Level B training, which they could complete in an hour or two on an iPad. 
That let airlines deploy the $120 million plane more quickly.
For Boeing, it was an important selling point that gave customers one less reason to defect to its European rival Airbus SE.
...—the pressure and maneuvering around simulator training has struck Ludtke as essential to understanding how an emphasis on costs twisted a process that’s supposed to produce the best, safest planes.
“They could have done better and should have done better, but better wasn’t an option,” says Ludtke..."
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Well, that's what they tell the media.

Kamala Harris to Criminalize Private Gun Sales via Executive Action

Image result for flickr commons images Kamala HarrisKamala Harris to Criminalize Private Gun Sales via Executive Action:

Democrat presidential hopeful Kamala Harris says she will use executive action to criminalize selling more than five guns a year without a background check.

Google 'Top Stories' dominated by 'left leaning sources' CNN, New York Times, Washington Post - Washington Times

See the source imageGoogle 'Top Stories' dominated by 'left leaning sources' CNN, New York Times, Washington Post - Washington Times
"A new study from the Computational Journalism Lab at Northwestern found that many of Google’s top hits for news searches came from just a handful of left-leaning sources.
...Their data showed that 86% of Google’s Top Stories came from only 20 news sources. 
Just three dominated the coverage, with 23% of all impressions counted — CNN with 10.9%, The New York Times with 6.5% and The Washington Post with 5.6%.
Fox News, which was ranked fourth, only had 3%.
...What we do know is that Google’s algorithmic curation of news in search converts to real and substantial amounts of user attention and traffic.”
...they found that 62% of the impressions were from sources considered left-leaning and only 11% from right-leaning outlets..."
Read all.

AM Fruitcake

History for May 14

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History for May 14 - On-This-Day.com
Thomas Gainsborough 1727 - Painter, Richard Deacon 1921 - Actor, Bobby Darin 1936 - Singer, actor
Image result for Thomas GainsboroughImage result for Richard DeaconImage result for Bobby Darin

Meg Foster (Megan Foster) 1948 - Actress, Tim Roth 1961 - Actor ("Resovoir Dogs," "Pulp Fiction"), Cate Blanchett (Catherine Élise "Cate" Blanchett) 1969 - Actress, theatre director
See the source imageImage result for Tim RothImage result for Cate Blanchett

1897 - "The Stars and Stripes Forever" by John Phillip Sousa was performed for the first time. It was at a ceremony where a statue of George Washington was unveiled.
Image result for The Stars and Stripes Forever"

1942 - The Women's Auxiliary Army Corps (WAAC) was established by an act of the U.S. Congress.
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Monday, May 13, 2019

The Government Spied on Me. You Could Be Next. | RealClearPolitics

The Government Spied on Me. You Could Be Next. | RealClearPolitics:

Image result for free clip art SpyingIt was bad enough when the Department of Justice under Attorney General Eric Holder engaged in spying on journalist James Rosen (and even spied on his parents' phone records). And the same cast of characters secretly spied on Associated Press reporters -- also in the name of tracking down government leakers.
Amid those discoveries were NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden's revelations about massive government spying on the citizenry, which Director of National Intelligence James Clapper had denied under oath. As the dominos began to fall, Holder expressed some regret, particularly as it applied to the intrusion upon journalists, who until the Obama administration had been considered largely off limits for the government's intel dragnet.
Then there's my case.

The way we were-----American Bandstand 1967 -Swing Dance Contest Finalists- You Got To Me, N...

Boob-tube-----A Day In The Life Of A 5-Year-Old Boy: September 1, 1960 (school!)

The kids gonna git the bill?-----Many Americans Will Need Long-Term Care. Most Won’t be Able to Afford It. - The New York Times

Image result for didn't save enough moneyMany Americans Will Need Long-Term Care. Most Won’t be Able to Afford It. - The New York Times:

  • A decade from now, most middle-income seniors will not be able to pay the rising costs of independent or assisted living.

"...But Ms. Harris, 72, a retired attorney, has grappled with assorted health problems...
But will she be able to afford it on her income, $4,600 a month from a state pension and Social Security?
Ms. Harris has no retirement savings and still pays a mortgage on her house, refinanced several times..."
Read all and start saving!

Journalism prof provides proof of the bubble in which media exist | The College Fix

Journalism prof provides proof of the bubble in which media exist | The College Fix
"Meredith O’Brien is a journalism professor at Northeastern University, and go figure: She’s uncertain about how to teach her subject in the age of Trump.
In a recent column at Inside Higher Ed, O’Brien, “a former newspaper and investigative reporter, award-winning columnist, and blogger,” complains […] there’s an unusual question my students have been asking with increasing frequency over the past two years: “Is this normal?
The “this” refers to the interaction between President Donald Trump and the news media. 
See the source image
Typically, I am someone who tries to keep her political opinions under wraps when standing in front of a classroom.
But I answer this loaded question quickly.
“No,” I say, “this is not normal. At. All.”
Ah, yes, of course: The professor is someone “who tries to keep her political opinions under wraps” … except in “emergency” cases like now.
Because Orange Man bad.
After all, the professor says, “the Clinton impeachment hearings, the Sept. 11 attacks, the Iraq War, the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, Edward Snowden’s leaks, police shootings of unarmed African Americans that spawned the Black Lives Matter movement, mass shootings and the images of Syrian refugees washing up along the shores of the Mediterranean” … all pale in comparison to covering the day-to-day happenings of the Trump administration.
If this nonsense isn’t enough for you, check out the prof’s own blog, especially the current leading post: “A nation’s core values under attack, from within”:
Right now, I am grieving for the United States..."
Read all.

Two stunning revelations on Russia hoax investigation yesterday from DC super-lawyers Victoria Toensing and Joe DiGenova

Two stunning revelations on Russia hoax investigation yesterday from DC super-lawyers Victoria Toensing and Joe DiGenova:
Image result for Lou Dobbs Tonight TV Show
Washington, D.C. super-lawyers Joe DiGenova and Victoria Toensing have consistently been ahead of the news on the course of the unfolding scandal of spying on the Trump campaign and administration.  Appearing last night on Lou Dobbs's Fox Business Network show, the two law and marriage partners revealed that the DoJ inspector general has already concluded that the last three of four FISA warrants were illegally obtained.

Gloria Steinem Backs Abortion Because: “Forced Childbirth is the Single Biggest Cause of Global Warming” | LifeNews.com

Image result for abortion global warmingGloria Steinem Backs Abortion Because: “Forced Childbirth is the Single Biggest Cause of Global Warming” | LifeNews.com
"In an interview with Refinery29 writer Lindsey Stanberry, Steinem shared thoughts on feminism, and unsurprisingly, everything came back to female reproductive rights.
When the writer commented that some considered climate change to be a feminist issue, Steinem avidly agreed, opining that forced childbirth was the cause of many of the earth’s problems.
“Listen, what causes climate deprivation is population,” the 83-year-old icon exclaimed. “If we had not been systematically forcing women to have children they don’t want or can’t care for over the 500 years of patriarchy, we wouldn’t have the climate problems that we have.”
In 2015, Steinem articulated the same perspective to Cosmo’s Prachi Gupta, declaring that the Pope and all “other patriarchal religions” were responsible for global warming, because of dictating women’s reproductive rights..."
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Washington, D.C.'s Secret: No One Is Running the Show | National Review

Washington, D.C.'s Secret: No One Is Running the Show | National Review

  • Those conspiracy theories generally are preposterous.

"One of the hardest lessons for young, idealistic, and educated people to learn when they come to Washington — and some never learn it — is that nobody is running things.
...But no person or group of people has the power to impose their will on society. 
Image result for who's in charge hereThere are just too many chefs making the soup.
...After Barack Obama got his stimulus passed on the promise that there were millions of “shovel-ready jobs,” the stimulation never quite materialized as planned...
This is a hard lesson for people who put immense faith in government to do big, important things...
“Only the merest quarter-turn of the heart separates us from a material abundance beyond the fondest dream of anyone present,” he told a crowd in Des Moines, Iowa.
All we had to do was resist the urge to act like dogs returning “to the vomit of capitalism.”
Capitalism nauseates because we come into this world with programming for a “Stone Age conception of clan life,” as economist Michael Munger puts it.
Our brains are wired to expect someone to be in charge. 
When bad things happen, it must be because someone intended it.
We get angry at perceived slights, inconveniences, and tragedies, and our anger needs a target..."
Read on.

Lunch video-----It's Starting To Sink In
