Friday, May 17, 2019


EXCLUSIVE: Senate Republicans Trash Democrats For ‘Unprecedented Obstruction’ In New Video | The Daily Caller

EXCLUSIVE: Senate Republicans Trash Democrats For ‘Unprecedented Obstruction’ In New Video | The Daily Caller:
Image result for flickr commons images Chuck Schumer
Senate Republicans are knocking Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer for “unprecedented obstruction” of Trump nominees in a new video Wednesday.
The Senate Republican Communications Center points out in the video, which was provided exclusively to The Daily Caller, that Democratic filibusters on Trump nominees have forced a historic number of cloture votes in the Senate.

Cuba starts widespread rationing of food and other basics | CBC News

Image result for Cuba starts widespread rationingCuba starts widespread rationing of food and other basics | CBC News:
"The Cuban government announced Friday that it is launching widespread rationing of chicken, eggs, rice, beans, soap and other basic products in the face of a grave economic crisis.
...Cuba imports roughly two thirds of its food..."
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Harvard surrenders to the #MeToo mob: black dean to leave prestigious post

See the source imageHarvard surrenders to the #MeToo mob: black dean to leave prestigious post
"Something extraordinary happened at Harvard yesterday: a black professor who had done nothing wrong was removed from a prestigious position that carries the title of “dean.” 
In the process, the implicit pecking order among grievance-mongering identity groups was clarified, even though fig leaves were employed to provide deniability to the administrators who delivered the blow.
First, the basic facts, via a New York Times article (non-paywall version) by Kate Taylor:
Harvard said on Saturday that a law professor who is representing Harvey Weinstein would not continue as faculty dean of an undergraduate house after his term ends on June 30, bowing to months of pressure from students.
The professor, Ronald S. Sullivan Jr., and his wife, Stephanie Robinson, who is a lecturer at the law school, have been the faculty deans of Winthrop House, one of Harvard’s residential houses for undergraduate students, since 2009. They were the first African-American faculty deans in Harvard’s history..."
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#1 This day 1968-----Archie Bell & The Drells - Tighten Up

Delingpole: Viva Brexit! Nigel Farage Totally Destroys BBC's Andrew Marr

Delingpole: Viva Brexit! Nigel Farage Totally Destroys BBC's Andrew Marr
Nigel Farage just totally destroyed a BBC interviewer on TV this morning.
FarageAnd, in doing so, Farage reminded us exactly why his Brexit Party is flying so high in the polls, why he’s being tipped as a future prime minister, and why the current shambles of a Conservative party is so inadequate to the task of beating him…
Interviewer Andrew Marr began by making the huge mistake of treating Farage like the BBC treats all politicians to the right of Lenin: with unutterable contempt, as if he were a dangerous idiot with wacky views which no civilised person could possibly hold.
Marr began (from a long list of “gotcha” questions designed to make Farage look like an extremist) with climate change:
“Do you still believe that worrying about global warming is the stupidest thing in human history?”
Farage was ready:
“I believe that if we decide in this country to tax ourselves to the hilt, to put hundreds of thousands of people out of work in manufacturing industries, given that we produce less than 2 per cent of global CO2, that isn’t terribly intelligent.”
Then he segued seamlessly into an attack on the BBC:
“Here we are with one of the biggest changes in politics that has ever occurred and you don’t want to talk about it. What is wrong with the BBC?”
A more nimble interviewer might have changed tack at this point. 
Not Marr.."
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Unanswered question.

Alabama state Senate passes near total abortion ban in direct challenge to Roe v. Wade

Alabama state Senate passes near total abortion ban in direct challenge to Roe v. Wade:

Image result for flickr commons images Alabama State CapitalThe Alabama state Senate on Tuesday approved a bill essentially banning abortion in the state, a move specifically aimed at challenging more than 40 years of federal abortion protection under Roe v. Wade. The bill would make it a felony for a doctor to perform or attempt an abortion during any stage of pregnancy.
The House approved a version of the bill that had an exception for the mother's health, passing 74-3, then a Senate committee added an exception for rape and incest. Republicans in the Senate, however, suddenly tabled the rape and incest exemptions last week, leading to swift and vocal opposition from Democrats.

America doesn’t actually lead the world in mass shootings.

Instapundit Blog Archive FLASHBACK: NPR (!) ON “THE SCHOOL SHOOTINGS THAT WEREN’T.” This spring the U.S. Education Depart…
"...Related: America doesn’t actually lead the world in mass shootings.
Image result for Gun Control LiesThe claim that the US has by far the most mass public shootings in the world drives much of the gun-control debate. Many argue that America’s high rate of gun possession explains the high rate of mass shootings.

“The one thing we do know is that we have a pattern now of mass shootings in this country that has no parallel anywhere else in the world,” President Barack Obama warned us. To justify this claim and many other similar quotes, Obama’s administration cited a then-unpublished paper by criminologist Adam Lankford.

Lankford’s claim received coverage in hundreds of news stories all over the world. It still gets regular coverage. Purporting to cover all mass public shootings around the world from 1966 to 2012, Lankford claimed that the United States had 31 percent of public mass shooters despite having less than 5 percent of the population.

But this isn’t nearly correct. The whole episode should provide a cautionary tale of academic malpractice and how evidence is often cherry-picked and not questioned when it fits preconceived ideas. . . .

Of the 86 countries where we have identified mass public shootings, the US ranks 56th per capita in its rate of attacks and 61st in mass public shooting murder rate. Norway, Finland, Switzerland and Russia all have at least 45 percent higher rates of murder from mass public shootings than the United States.

When Lankford’s data is revised, the relationship between gun ownership rates and mass public shooters disappears.

How could that be? One possibility is that guns don’t just enable mass shooters; gun owners can also deter and prevent such shootings. Another is that culture — not gun ownership — is a bigger factor in shootings.

The media should be wary of any researchers who fail to let others look at their data.
Well, you know, unless the researchers help the narrative along.---Posted by Glenn Reynolds"

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AM Fruitcake

History for May 17

See the source image
History for May 17 -
Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini 1900, Stewart Alsop 1914, Dennis Hopper 1936 - Actor
Image result for Ayatollah Ruhollah KhomeiniSee the source imageImage result for Dennis Hopper

Bill Paxton 1955 - Actor, Sugar Ray Leonard 1956 - Boxer, Enya 1961 - Musician
Image result for Bill PaxtonImage result for Sugar Ray LeonardImage result for Enya

1756 - Britain declared war on France, beginning the French and Indian War.
Image result for French and Indian War.

1792 - The New York Stock Exchange was founded at 70 Wall Street by 24 brokers.
Image result for 1792 - The New York Stock Exchange was founded at 70 Wall Street by 24 brokers.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Judicial Watch Obtains DOJ Documents Showing Andrew Weissmann Leading Hiring Effort for Mueller Special Counsel - Judicial Watch

Judicial Watch Obtains DOJ Documents Showing Andrew Weissmann Leading Hiring Effort for Mueller Special Counsel - Judicial Watch:

Image result for wikicommons images robert muellerJudicial Watch announced today the U.S. Department of Justice released 73 pages of records obtained through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) containing text messages and calendar entries of Mueller special counsel prosecutor Andrew Weissmann showing he led the hiring effort for the investigation that targeted President Trump.
The document production came in response to Judicial Watch’s June 7, 2018, lawsuit filed after the Department of Justice failed to respond to a December 15, 2017, FOIA request (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:18-cv-01356)). Judicial Watch seeks:

The way we were-----Andrew Dice Clay 1987 At Rodney Dangerfields

Boob-tube-----Trump Can't Win, One Year Anniversary Gloatfest

Audio reveals pilots confronting Boeing official about 737 Max feature before 2nd deadly crash - CNN

Audio reveals pilots confronting Boeing official about 737 Max feature before 2nd deadly crash - CNN
"(CNN)Just months before a second deadly crash of a Boeing 737 Max airplane, American Airlines pilots angrily confronted a Boeing official about a computerized anti-stall system that preliminary reports have now implicated in both deadly wrecks, audio obtained by CBS News reveals.
..."We flat out deserve to know what is on our airplanes," a pilot is heard saying.
"I don't disagree," the unidentified Boeing official answers.
"These guys didn't even know the damn system was on the airplane," a pilot says, seemingly referring to the Lion Air pilots. "Nor did anybody else."
"I don't know that understanding this system would have changed the outcome of this," the Boeing official says. "In a million miles you're going to maybe fly this airplane, and maybe once you're going to see this ever."...
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SAT to Give Students ‘Adversity Score’ to Capture Social and Economic Background - WSJ

SAT to Give Students ‘Adversity Score’ to Capture Social and Economic Background - 

SAT to Give Students ‘Adversity Score’ to Capture Social and Economic Background

The College Board plans to assign an adversity score to every student who takes the SAT to try to capture their social and economic background, jumping into the debate raging over race and class in college admissions..."
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Barr Reportedly Working Closely With CIA To Review Russia Probe Origins | The Daily Caller

Image result for flickr commons images Attorney General William BarrBarr Reportedly Working Closely With CIA To Review Russia Probe Origins | The Daily Caller:

Attorney General William Barr is reportedly working closely with the directors of the CIA, FBI and Office of the Director of National Intelligence to review the origins of the Trump-Russia probe, as well as surveillance efforts against the Trump campaign.
According to CNN, Barr is working with CIA Director Gina Haspel, FBI Director Christopher Wray, and ODNI Director Dan Coats on the interagency review.

Don Surber: We now praise heroes, not villains

Don Surber: We now praise heroes, not villains
"When a Muslim refugee and his brother bombed the Boston Marathon in 2013, he made the cover of the Rolling Stone.
Now in making America great again, we praise the heroes, not the devils.
When two nutjobs (one is transgendered) opened fire on high school students in Colorado, Kendrick Castillo charged them and sacrificed his life for his fellow students.
Castillo was the only fatality in the shooting. Stories abound about him, not his killers.
Brendan Bialy, who helped subdue the assailants, told CBS, "What he did was legendary, like, he's a hero."
They were friends.
Bialy said he was a car buff and electronics whiz. And Bialy said, "Kendrick was a, like, just super kind guy, funny, incredibly intelligent, very memorable. He wasn't just somebody who sat in the back."
Later, when Democrat Senator Michael Bennet and Democrat Congressman Jason Crow showed up and tried to turn a memorial into an anti-gun rally, students and parents walked out, The Hill reported.
Last month, ROTC student Riley Howell took three bullets and died saving his fellow students when a gunman opened fire at the University of North Carolina-Charlotte.
He was buried with full military honors, Fox News reported.
Let us remember Kendrick Castillo and Riley Howell, two good young men who laid down their lives so that their friends may live.
As for the nutjobs, I favor execution, but if not imprison them for the rest of their lives.
Maybe Rolling Stone can put Castillo and Howell on their cover."

United Flight 93 phone calls to loved ones revealed in new Mitchell Zuckoff book | Daily Mail Online

United 93 passenger Jeremy Glick and his wife Lyz. Jeremy rang Lyz and told her passengers would try to fight back against the hijackersUnited Flight 93 phone calls to loved ones revealed in new Mitchell Zuckoff book | Daily Mail Online
'You're strong, you're brave, you need to do it': That was the heartbreaking advice from a wife whose husband phoned her mid-air with a plan to take down his 9/11 hijackers. 
What happened next, as told in a new book, is an awesome tale of courage
  • United Flight 93 was hijacked by terrorists on 9/11, but never hit its target of Capitol Hill in Washington DC  
  • Passengers on the flight attempted to take the plane back from the four hijackers by breaking into the cockpit
  • The plane crashed in Shankville, Pennsylvania, killing 33 passengers, seven crew and four hijackers on board
  • Mitchell Zuckoff's new book Fall And Rise: The Story Of 9/11 recounts what happened on board the flight 
  • Details of emotional phone calls made from people on the flight to their loved ones are in Zuckoff's new book

Lunch video-----George Carlin - Saving the Planet


Image may contain: one or more people

Trump Average Approval Ratings Skyrocket To Highest Point In Years | The Daily Caller

Image result for flickr commons images president trumpTrump Average Approval Ratings Skyrocket To Highest Point In Years | The Daily Caller:

President Donald Trump has his highest approval rating in over two years, a new polling average released Monday shows.
The president’s average approval rating currently sits at 45%, according to RealClearPolitics (RCP), which is based on a compilation of polls from April 26 to May 13. The 45% mark is Trump’s highest RCP polling average since February 2017.

Fear cold, not heat | CFACT

Fear cold, not heat | CFACT
"There are no proven risks to public health were the temperature of the planet to warm a couple of degrees.
See the source imageIn fact while no warming is being experienced at present, were it to occur, mankind would likely only experience benefits.
The Earth is far more likely to cool in the coming decades which does carry increased stresses on life expectancy. 
It is time to put to rest the many health scares being foisted upon society by the alarmists claiming a little extra warmth is a disaster.
In addition to the scares of submerging coastal cities, famine from droughts and floods, more intense tropical storms, failing agriculture and water shortages, the health angle focuses on fears of increasing sickness and death from heat waves, air pollution and disease.
But these health fears are not only baseless, they defy common sense..."
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Give till it hurts!-----Democrats stranded on pieces of melting narrative, need help

Democrats stranded on pieces of melting narrative, need help
User avatar
Democrats stranded on melting narrative.
"The Democrats' narrative used to be of colossal proportions when it calved off from reality a few short years ago.
But the political climate change caused by Donald Trump has relentlessly melted their narrative down to barely nothing.
The Democrats now find themselves stranded on a teeny tiny little chunk that remains of the former behemoth, and they don't know how to swim.
Won't you help the stranded Democrats?
Please help to fight the political climate change.
Give till it hurts."

#1 This day 1992-----Kris Kross - Jump


Instapundit Blog Archive 
Image result for rent-control
Tenants’ rights groups are ecstatic that two major rent-control bills have sailed through the Assembly’s Housing and Community Development Committee. Democratic supermajorities and Gov. Gavin Newsom’s blessing may assure the bills will become law, thus offering the latest affirmation of H.L. Mencken’s infamous quotation: “Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.”

“We know that millions of tenants are one rent increase away from not being able to afford food, healthcare or even becoming homeless,” said Assemblyman David Chiu (D–San Francisco)
...It’s morally wrong and doesn’t work.
Related: Speaking slow-growth policies, Endangered Frogs Preventing Fire-Ravaged California City From Being Quickly Rebuilt.--Posted by Ed Driscoll "
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Report: Nielsen Stopped Plan For Mass Migrant Family Arrests Shortly Before She Was Ousted | The Daily Caller

Report: Nielsen Stopped Plan For Mass Migrant Family Arrests Shortly Before She Was Ousted | The Daily Caller:

Image result for flickr commons images Kirstjen NielsenFormer Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and ICE acting director Ron Vitiello were both fired shortly after challenging a major White House plan to arrest thousands of illegal migrants across the U.S.
Weeks before they were fired by President Donald Trump in April, Nielsen and Vitiello put a stop to a secret White House proposal to apprehend thousands of parents and children in an operation to crack down on illegal immigration, according to seven former and current Department of Homeland Security officials who spoke with The Washington Post.

Super-scam!-----This public university will spend nearly $3 million on diversity this year alone | The College Fix

This public university will spend nearly $3 million on diversity this year alone | The College Fix
"Thousands spent on receptions, women’s programs, student workers
Image result for diversity scamThe University of Iowa has earmarked over $2.7 million for its Division of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for this fiscal year.
The budget, a copy of which was obtained by The College Fix, spans nearly 70 different activities and spending categories.
Formerly known as the “Chief Diversity Office,” the division states as its goal achieving “excellence through 
  • diversity, 
  • equity, and 
  • inclusion” by 
  • “providing leadership and 
  • resources to advance UI’s diversity, equity, and inclusion goals, 
  • coordinating central diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts, 
  • advancing recruitment and 
  • retention of faculty, students, and staff, 
  • enhancing a welcoming, respectful, and inclusive climate for all, and 
  • connecting with community diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts.”...
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AM Fruitcake