Sunday, May 19, 2019

History for May 19

Image result for Malcolm X Quotes
History for May 19 -
Johns Hopkins 1795 - entrepreneur, philanthropist, mosted noted for the creation of Johns Hopkins Hospital, Ho Chi Minh (Nguyen Sinh Cung) 1890 - North Vietnamese Communist revolutionary, prime minister and president, Malcolm X (Malcolm Little) 1925 - African-American Muslim minister, public speaker, and human rights activist
Image result for Johns Hopkins QuotesImage result for Ho Chi Minh QuotesImage result for Malcolm X Quotes

Francis Scobee (Francis Richard "Dick" Scobee) 1939 - Astronaut, killed commanding the Space Shuttle Challenger, Nora Ephron 1941 - Diretor, producer, screenwriter, novelist, journalist, Pete Townshend 1945 - Musician (The Who)
Image result for Francis ScobeeImage result for Nora Ephron QuotesImage result for Pete Townshend

1926 - Benito Mussolini announced that democracy was deceased. Rome became a fascist state.
See the source image

1992 - U.S. Vice President Dan Quayle criticized the CBS sitcom "Murphy Brown" for having its title character decide to bear a child out of wedlock.
Image result for he was right meme

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Adam Schiff lied and he needs to be held accountable: Judicial Watch’s Tom Fitton | Fox Business

Image result for flickr commons images Adam Schiff Adam Schiff lied and he needs to be held accountable: Judicial Watch’s Tom Fitton | Fox Business:

Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton tells FOX Business Opens a New Window. House Intelligence Committee Chair Adam Schiff should be stripped of his Congressional duties. “Adam Schiff should not be chair of the Intelligence Committee,” he said on “Lou Dobbs Tonight Opens a New Window. ” Monday. “You know, we had asked the Ethics Committee to investigate his improper disclosure of classified information and then he had these illicit contacts with Glenn Simpson and other anti- Trump witnesses. So two pending ethics complaints. And, you know, someone with that level of ethical malpractice should not be trusted with classified information.”

The way we were-----The Cowsills Hair 1969 IN COLOR !!

Boob-tube-----Thursday Night TV: 1964-65 (Rare promos, commercials, intros, etc.)


Image result for liberal liesMass. teacher accused of planting live ammo at school, then calling police.” 
If the facts don’t fit your narrative, then invent the facts. Remember, it’s “for the children”:
“Southbridge police said high school biology teacher Alfred Purcell III, 57, of Woodstock, Connecticut, reported to staff that he had just found one live round of 9 mm ammunition in the rear stairwell. The school was placed on lock down. During the lockdown, police and Southbridge High School staff reviewed video footage and saw Purcell removing the live round of ammunition from his pocket, dropping it on the floor and quickly leaving the area, police said.
About 10 minutes later, the video shows Purcell standing over the ammunition and taking a picture of it with a cellphone, police said.”
Like Stalin said: “If you want to make an omelette, you have to break a few eggs.”
Or as one of his current admirers put it: “I think that there’s a lot of people more concerned about being precisely, factually, and semantically correct than about being morally right.”---Posted by Charles Glasser 

Glenn Harlan Reynolds---Twitter is a virus of the mind | Spectator USA

Image result for Twitter is a virus of the mindTwitter is a virus of the mind | Spectator USA:
"Society seems to be growing steadily crazier.
...I recently read James C. Scott’s Against the Grain: A Deep History of the Earliest States.
One of the interesting aspects of the earliest agricultural civilizations is how fragile they were. 
A bunch of people and their animals would crowd together in a newly formed city.
Diseases that weren’t much of a threat when everybody was out hunting and gathering over large areas would suddenly spread like wildfire and depopulate the town almost overnight.
...He observes that the pioneers who created this ‘historically novel ecology’ could not possibly have known the ‘disease vectors they were inadvertently unleashing’.
Then I ran across this observation on Twitter: ‘The internet is rewiring brains and social relations. Could it be producing a civilizational nervous breakdown?’
And I saw another article noting that depression in teens skyrocketed between 2010 and 2015, as smartphones took over.
It made me wonder if we’re in the same boat as the Neolithic cities, only for what you might call viruses of the mind: toxic ideas and emotions that spread like wildfire.
Social media is addictive by design..."
Read all.

Trump Unveils Sweeping New Immigration Plan | The Daily Caller

Image result for flickr commons images president trumpTrump Unveils Sweeping New Immigration Plan | The Daily Caller:

President Donald Trump unveiled his new immigration plan Thursday, which will focus on border security and a merit-based legal immigration system.
“Our proposal is pro-American, pro-immigrant, and pro-worker,” the president said during an event in the White House Rose Garden. “It’s just common sense.”

Canadian Government Imposes 'Social Justice' on All Universities | News and Politics

Image result for all about moneyCanadian Government Imposes 'Social Justice' on All Universities | News and Politics
"The Liberal government of Canada has formulated a new program to which all universities are expected to commit.
It is called “Dimensions: Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion.”
...What is this “equity, diversity, and inclusion” in aid of?
...What is new here is the means by which these results would be allegedly brought about: “through increased equity, diversity and inclusion.”
...What does “equity, diversity, and inclusion” mean in practice?
It means that certain categories of people must favoured in academic competitions, while unfavoured categories of people must be excluded.
The favoured must be put up for grants, or else the grants would not be forthcoming; conversely, unfavoured categories of people must be excluded from the competition, or else the grants would not be forthcoming.
How are favoured and unfavoured categories of people decided?..."
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Don Surber: J. Edgar Comey tried to blackmail Trump

Don Surber: J. Edgar Comey tried to blackmail Trump
"Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz must have the goods on Obama and his friends at the FBI because they are starting to admit "mistakes were made" in getting permission to spy on President Donald John Trump.
And by "mistakes were made," they mean they lied through their teeth.
The Washington Examiner reported that the FBI's general counsel under Obama, James Baker, told CNN the inspector general's investigation makes him "nervous."
...Under Obama, the FBI repeatedly broke the law. 
Baker knows it. 
I know it. 
You know it.
So what are we going to do about it? 
Have another case where money talks and we let the criminal walk like we did with Hillary?
Lock them up, beginning with Jimmy the Weasel Comey. 
Excuse me, J. Edgar Comey."
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Lunch video-----Brainwashed Professor Embarrassed In Front Of Her Students


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Alabama governor signs restrictive abortion bill into law as ACLU vows to sue | Fox News

Image result for flickr commons images Republican Gov. Kay IveyAlabama governor signs restrictive abortion bill into law as ACLU vows to sue | Fox News:

Republican Gov. Kay Ivey signed the controversial Alabama abortion bill into law on Wednesday.
The law will make nearly all abortions in the state illegal and make performing one a felony, punishable by up to 99 years or life in prison unless the mother’s health is at risk, with no exceptions for women impregnated by rape or incest.

Around the world, backlash against expensive climate-change policies

Around the world, backlash against expensive climate-change policies
See the source image"From Alberta to Australia, from Finland to France, and beyond, voters are increasingly showing their displeasure with expensive energy policies imposed by politicians in an inane effort to purportedly fight human-caused climate change.
Skepticism over whether humans are causing dangerous climate change has always been higher in America than in most industrialized countries.
As a result, governments in Europe, Canada, and other developed areas are much farther along the energy rationing path, cutting carbon dioxide emissions as required.
However, residents in these countries have begun to revolt against the higher energy costs they suffer under due to high taxes on fossil fuels and mandates to use expensive renewable energy..."
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Instapundit Blog Archive YOU DON’T SAY:
Many Democrats Exaggerated Mental Distress After 2016 Election.
See the source image“Our research suggests that for many Democrats, expressing mental distress after the election was a form of partisan cheerleading,” write researchers 
...This so-called “reverse” cheerleading occurs when a person misreports or exaggerates a condition publicly in order to show support for their affiliated group, or in this case, their political party.
...In other words, a person who might describe suffering psychological distress on social media or to their friends, but doesn’t search for any type of help or relief, is more likely showing a form of reverse cheerleading.
It’s minor neuroticism dressed up as severe neuroticism, which is the lamest kind of virtue-signaling.---Posted by Stephen Green"
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#1 This day 1971-----Three Dog Night "Joy To The World" 1972 (Reelin' In The Years Archives)

Body modifier with 150 tattoos shows off SPIDER implants under his arms after starting transformation aged 11

Body modifier with 150 tattoos shows off SPIDER implants under his arms after starting transformation aged 11
"...Ethan Bramble, 22, started his dramatic transformation aged 11 and has over 150 tattoos and 40 body modifications...
 He has now got silicone spiders to sit under his skin
He has now got silicone spiders to sit under his skin
The dad of one, from New South Wales has had each of his ears snipped so that half is missing, his belly button removed and his tongue split in half.
And now Ethan - who jokes his appearance will keep people away from his daughter - has got silicone spiders to sit underneath the skin on his hands..."
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Could be another bad day for them.

Judicial Watch Obtains DOJ Documents Showing Andrew Weissmann Leading Hiring Effort for Mueller Special Counsel - Judicial Watch

Judicial Watch Obtains DOJ Documents Showing Andrew Weissmann Leading Hiring Effort for Mueller Special Counsel - Judicial Watch:

Image result for flickr commons images robert muellerJudicial Watch announced today the U.S. Department of Justice released 73 pages of records obtained through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) containing text messages and calendar entries of Mueller special counsel prosecutor Andrew Weissmann showing he led the hiring effort for the investigation that targeted President Trump.
The document production came in response to Judicial Watch’s June 7, 2018, lawsuit filed after the Department of Justice failed to respond to a December 15, 2017, FOIA request (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:18-cv-01356)). Judicial Watch seeks:

AM Fruitcake

After Losing Nearly $4 Billion Last Year, Postal Service on Track to Lose $7 Billion This Year –

After Losing Nearly $4 Billion Last Year, Postal Service on Track to Lose $7 Billion This Year –
  • Revenue and mail volume is basically flat, but the USPS' operating expenses are out of control.
"The U.S. Postal Service lost more than $2 billion during the second quarter of the fiscal year, putting it on track to finish the current year more than $7 billion in the red—way worse than the nearly $4 billion in losses it posted last year.
In its quarterly fiscal report, published today, the Post Office reported small decreases in mail volume and overall revenue compared to the same quarter of 2018.
Its big losses are driven by a sharp increase in expenses, primarily workers' compensation costs, pension liabilities, and payments for retirees' health benefits..."
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History for May 18

History for May 18 -
Image result for reggie jackson quotes
Frank Capra 1897 - Film director ("It's a Wonderful Life"), Perry Como 1912 - Singer, television personality, Pope John Paul II (Karol Józef Wojtyla) 1920
Image result for Frank CapraImage result for Perry ComoImage result for Pope John Paul II Quotes

Dwayne Hickman 1934 - Actor, Brooks Robinson 1937 - Baseball player, Reggie Jackson 1946 - Baseball player
Image result for Whatever Happened to Dwayne HickmanImage result for Brooks RobinsonImage result for Reggie Jackson

1896 - The U.S. Supreme court upheld the "separate but equal" policy in the Plessy vs. Ferguson decision. The ruling was overturned 58 years later with Brown vs. Board of Education.
Image result for Plessy vs. Ferguson

1980 - Mt. Saint Helens erupted in Washington state. 57 people were killed and 3 billion in damage was done.
Image result for Mt. Saint Helens erupted in Washington state

Friday, May 17, 2019

Gowdy: FBI Cited Articles And Info From Clinton Ally To Corroborate Steele Dossier | The Daily Caller

Gowdy: FBI Cited Articles And Info From Clinton Ally To Corroborate Steele Dossier | The Daily Caller:

Image result for flickr commons images Trey Goudy“I’ve seen the spreadsheet, Martha, I have seen each factual assertion listed in that dossier, and then I’ve seen the FBI’s justification. And when you’re citing newspaper articles as corroboration for a factual assertion that you have made, you don’t need an FBI agent to go do a Google search,” said Gowdy, who served on the House Intelligence Committee and is a Fox News contributor.
“When the name Sidney Blumenthal is included as part of your corroboration, and when you’re the world’s leading law enforcement agency, you have a problem.”
Gowdy did not further explain how the FBI used information from Blumenthal, but his claim could be a potential bombshell as investigators probe the FBI’s use of the dossier in its investigation of possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian government.

The way we were-----Jesus Christ Superstar (1970 Original London Concept Recording) [Full Al...

Boob-tube-----Rodney Dangerfield's First Economics Class

Connecticut radio station WDRC rebrands itself as ‘Trump 103.3’ in ‘ultra conservative’ talk format - Hartford Courant

Connecticut radio station WDRC rebrands itself as ‘Trump 103.3’ in ‘ultra conservative’ talk formatConnecticut radio station WDRC rebrands itself as ‘Trump 103.3’ in ‘ultra conservative’ talk format - Hartford Courant
"Few people work harder than Donald Trump when it comes to self promotion, but now Connecticut radio station WDRC is doing it for him, rebranding itself as “Trump Radio."
The station’s brass is touting the new “ultra conservative talk" format — which is expected to be temporary — as the “brave new voice of freedom.” 
The station’s lineup includes Lee Elci, Brad Davis, Mike Gallagher, commentary from Bill O’Reilly and Ben Shapiro.
It’s all part of an effort by the station, which is running promos calling for the firing of Gov. Ned Lamont, to galvanize conservatives in the state..."
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The History and Results of America's Disastrous Public School System - Foundation for Economic Education

The History and Results of America's Disastrous Public School System - Foundation for Economic Education:
"...While it’s almost universally understood that the American school system is underperforming, “reform,” too, is almost universally prescribed as the solution.
See the source imageYet in other walks of life, bad ideas are not reformed—they are eliminated and replaced with better ones. 
Our school system is rarely identified as a bad idea.
The motivations at the origins were not pure; they were never to educate but to nationalize the youth in a particular mold.
The system is reflexively left alone while the methods are the bad ideas that get cycled in and out: open concept schools, multiple intelligences, project-based learning, universal design for learning, merit-based pay, vouchers, charters, and most recently, educational neuroscience.
Every decade or so we are told by the pedagogic experts that they have found an answer to our school’s problems..."
Read on.

Who Is John Durham, The Man Assigned To Examine The Origins Of The Russia Investigation? | The Daily Caller

Who Is John Durham, The Man Assigned To Examine The Origins Of The Russia Investigation? | The Daily Caller:

Image result for flickr commons images U.S. Attorney John DurhamDurham went after Connecticut street gangs in 1992 and prosecuted mobsters in the Gambino, Genovese and Patriarca crime families, TIME Magazine reported. Durham was also responsible for exposing former Connecticut Gov. John Rowland’s corruption in 2004, which led to the governor spending a year in prison.
Former Attorney General Janet Reno commissioned Durham to investigate the FBI’s relationship with informant and Boston mobster Whitey Bulger in 1999. Durham’s team was responsible for indicting Bulger cronies Stephen “The Rifleman” Flemmi and special agent John Connolly Jr. who are portrayed in “Black Mass,” according to The Day.
Durham also investigated a case at the request of former Attorney General Michael B. Mukasey in 2008 involving videotapes the CIA destroyed that depicted the torture of terrorism suspects. He further examined the CIA’s handling of detainees at the request of former Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. under the Obama administration in 2009, according to The NYT.

Seattle Is Overwhelmed by Garbage and Filth, But the City’s Leaders Won’t Admit It.

Image result for Seattle Is Overwhelmed By Garbage And FilthSeattle Is Overwhelmed by Garbage and Filth, But the City’s Leaders Won’t Admit It.:
"Over the past few years, Seattle has become a dumping ground for millions of pounds of garbage, needles, feces, and biohazardous waste, largely emanating from the hundreds of homeless encampments that have sprouted across the city.
Now, the Emerald City is on the verge of a full-blown public-health crisis.
Last year saw a 400 percent increase in HIV infections among mostly homeless addicts and prostitutes in the city’s northern corridor.
Public-health officials are sounding the alarms about the return of diseases like typhus, tuberculosis, and trench fever.
Even the region’s famed mussels and clams have tested positive for opioids..."
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CO2 Data Manipulation – Dr. Tim Ball

CO2 Data Manipulation – Dr. Tim Ball
CO2 Data Manipulation
The consistent pattern of the IPCC reveals demonization and misrepresentations of CO2. Here are some basic facts about CO2 that illustrate the discrepancy between what the IPCC claim and what science knows.
  • Natural levels of Carbon dioxide (CO2) are less than 0.04% of the total atmosphere; it is far from being the most important or even only greenhouse gas as most of the public understands.
  • Water vapour which is 95 percent of the greenhouse gases by volume is by far the most abundant and important greenhouse gas.
  • The other natural greenhouse gas of relevance is methane (CH4), but it is only 0.000175 percent of atmospheric gases and 0,036 percent of all greenhouse gases.
  • In order to amplify the importance of CO2 they created a measure called “climate sensitivity”. This determines that CO2 is more “effective” as a greenhouse gas than water vapour
  • Here is a table from Wikipedia showing estimates of the effectiveness of the various GHGs. Notice the range of estimates, which effectively makes the measures meaningless, unless you have a political agenda. Wikipedia acknowledges “It is not possible to state that a certain gas    causes an exact percentage of the greenhouse effect.”
  • The result of determining “effectiveness” was the creation of a Global  Warming Potential (GWP) chart. It was similar to the chart of Ozone Depleting Substances(ODS) created after the false claim that CFCs were destroying ozone in the upper atmosphere..."
  • Lots here, read it all.

Lunch video---No Climate Emergency