"I’m so old, I can remember when global warming caused droughts.
Or, put another way, climate change was making the Earth–in particular, the Great Lakes–drier.
Thus, as I noted here:
National Geographic: “Climate Change and Variability Drive Low Water Levels on the Great Lakes.”The National Resources Defense Council: “Climate change is lowering Great Lakes water levels.”It’s no secret that, partially due to climate change, the water levels in the Great Lakes are getting very low.The U.N’s IPCC: “[T]he following lake level declines could occur: Lake Superior -0.2 to -0.5 m.”Dick Durbin: “What we are seeing in global warming is the evaporation of our Great Lakes.”Minnesota Public Radio:Scientists at the Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration [are] studying the interplay between low water levels, shrinking ice cover and warm water temperatures, Gronewold said. They have already concluded that climate change is playing a role in determining Great Lakes water levels.
Those quotes date from 2013..."
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