Saturday, May 25, 2019

Sociopathic Lies Mark NeverTrumpers’ Descent Into Madness – American Greatness

Sociopathic Lies Mark NeverTrumpers’ Descent Into Madness – American Greatness
"Gabe Schoenfeld, from whose forehead a cuckoo bird emerges, screeching and flapping, whenever the name of the president of the United States is uttered in any context, has earned a new trophy for the confection of defamatory fiction with his attack on Elliot Kaufman, the Wall Street Journal, and me in the unseaworthy lifeboat of The Bulwark, to which he and others were disembarked after the failure of the Weekly Standard.
Schoenfeld purports to debunk an op-ed piece by Kaufman in the Journal on May 20 agreeing with the president’s recent pardon of me.
As a public service, I will, one more time, present the relevant facts about my late persecution, happily and justly ended.
Schoenfeld’s entire piece is a demonstrable sequence of lies, apart from his bilious opinions, which are merely demented and sociopathic..."
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Be nice to get an answer to this question.

Jussie Smollett's Cook County criminal documents ordered unsealed | Fox News

Jussie Smollett's Cook County criminal documents ordered unsealed | Fox News:
Image result for flickr commons images Jussie Smollett
An Illinois judge on Thursday ordered "Empire" actor Jussie Smollett's criminal case file unsealed, setting up the release of a wealth of information surrounding the controversial -- and often confusing -- case.
Cook County judge Steven G. Watkins' decision came months after a dizzying set of events: First, Smollett alleged he'd been the victim of a hate crime; after an extensive investigation, Chicago cops arrested Smollett and accused him of faking the supposed attack; and then, Cook County prosecutors suddenly dropped the charges against Smollett and his case was sealed.
But not anymore -- at least, soon.

Forty-Four Things You Should Know about the Green New Deal | Intellectual Takeout

Image result for green new deal scamForty-Four Things You Should Know about the Green New Deal | Intellectual Takeout
"On Feb. 7, US Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and US Sen. Ed Markey introduced legislation known as the Green New Deal.
You’ve probably heard of it.
It’s a big deal, to paraphrase Joe Biden.
...Have An Informed Opinion
...But here are 44 facts and reflections on the GND to consider:
1. The GND is necessary, we’re told, because global warming will cause “more than $500,000,000,000 in lost annual economic output in the United States by the year 2100.”
2. That’s a scary number. But even if we accept such a figure, it’s important to note, as Tim Worstall has, that we’re talking about .05 percent of the total US economy in 2100.
3. That $500 billion price tag, in context, is rather small, then — at least compared to what AOC’s legislation would cost. Some estimates put the price tag at $93 trillion..."
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AM Fruitcake

History for May 25

Image result for Igor Sikorsky Quotes
History for May 25 -
Ralph W. Emerson 1803 - Essayist, philosopher, poet, Luther 'Bill' Robinson (Bill "Bojangles" Robinson) 1878 - Tap dancer, actor, Igor Sikorsky (Igor Ivanovich Sikorsky) 1889 - Pioneer in aviation with helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft
Image result for Ralph W Emerson QuotesImage result for Bill "Bojangles" RobinsonImage result for Igor Sikorsky

Robert Ludlum 1927 - Author (The Jason Borne series of books), Frank Oz 1944 - Actor, puppeteer (many Muppets characters, Yoda's voice), Mike Myers 1963 - Actor, comedian, screenwriter, cast member on "Saturday Night Live," ("Austin Powers" movies)
Image result for Robert Ludlum Covers Image result for Mike Myers

1844 - The gasoline engine was patented by Stuart Perry.
Image result for gasoline engine was patented by Stuart Perry.

1985 - Bangladesh was hit with a hurricane and tidal wave that killed more than 11,000 people.
Image result for 1985 - Bangladesh was hit with a hurricane and tidal wave

Friday, May 24, 2019

Trump Admin Pushes Back On Report Claiming They’ve Built Less Than 2 Miles Of Wall | The Daily Caller

Trump Admin Pushes Back On Report Claiming They’ve Built Less Than 2 Miles Of Wall | The Daily Caller:
Image result for flickr commons images Border
The Trump administration is disputing a new report that claims they’ve built less than 2 miles of border wall with nearly $2 billion in funding.
Bloomberg reported Wednesday that the U.S. government has managed to erect just 1.7 miles of bollard fencing with the $1.57 billion appropriated by Congress for wall construction in FY18. The figure came from a court filing by a lawyer for the U.S. House of Representatives and made its way onto the Drudge Report.

The way we were-----ABBA - The Day Before You Came 1982 (High Quality)

Boob-tube-----Animal House - The Making Of

Euro Guido on Twitter: "Juncker: Stupid Love Their Own Country… "

Euro Guido on Twitter: "Juncker: Stupid Love Their Own Country… "

‘It’s Just The Weather’: Meteorologist Fact-Checks Ocasio-Cortez On Climate Change | The Daily Caller

‘It’s Just The Weather’: Meteorologist Fact-Checks Ocasio-Cortez On Climate Change | The Daily Caller
"Democratic New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez suggested the tornado warning that hit the D.C. area Thursday was part of the “climate crisis” she has previously said humanity only has 12 years left to solve.
“The climate crisis is real y’all,” Ocasio said on Instagram Thursday, “guess we’re at casual tornadoes in growing regions of the country?”
However, she was quickly fact-checked by meteorologist Ryan Maue, who pointed out that far from proof of a “climate crisis,” D.C.’s tornado warning was “just the weather.”
I thought this was fake but it's from @AOC Instagram story.
No idea what she means with "casual tornadoes" and how this line of severe thunderstorms is proof of any "climate crisis".

It's just the weather in D.C. 🤷‍♂️
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Bill Barr Used This One Figure To Prove Nationwide Injunctions Are A Problem | The Daily Caller

Bill Barr Used This One Figure To Prove Nationwide Injunctions Are A Problem | The Daily Caller:
Image result for William Barr Attorney General
Attorney General William Barr condemned the rise of nationwide injunctions Tuesday, saying such sweeping orders undermine the rule of law.
Nationwide injunctions prohibit the federal government from enforcing a particular law or policy across the entire country. Progressive cause lawyering groups have used such injunctions to stymie a wide array of Trump policy priorities.

Scientists Skeptical of Anthropogenic Global Warming

Scientists Skeptical of Anthropogenic Global Warming--Joseph Fournier
"When we read generic news articles that include "scientists are baffled" by Greenland glacial advance, it should trigger the following question of "how does the author know what all scientists think"?
This is one of the biggest lies within mainstream circles being perpetrated, which is that scientists suffer from "Group Think".
Truth is, scientists are some of the most disagreeable people out there and that on the question of human influence on the Earth's energy budget, there is a distribution of opinions.
On the question of climatic change in Greenland, "scientists" know that recent climatic changes in Greenland have been one of cooling and that this has been the prevailing trend for a decade..."
From the comments·         Frank Strzalkowski Climate Science has become a Cult. Scientists that disagree are cast out and labled as heretics. That ain't science.
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$48 million for less than one mile?-----Elon Musk's Boring Company Wins Contract To Build Las Vegas Tunnel - Slashdot

Elon Musk's Boring Company Wins Contract To Build Las Vegas Tunnel - Slashdot:
""Elon Musk's Boring Company now has a paying customer.
"Late Wednesday, the board of directors of the Las Vegas Conventions and Visitors Authority voted to grant a $48,675,000 contract to the Boring Company to build a 0.83-mile, three-station version of the company's Loop mass-transit system inside of Vegas' sprawling, revamped convention center, which is currently under construction," reports Wired..."
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Lunch video-----Discipline = Freedom


House Intel, DOJ Strike Deal Over Counterintelligence Documents | The Daily Caller

Image result for flickr commons images U.S. Justice Department LogoHouse Intel, DOJ Strike Deal Over Counterintelligence Documents | The Daily Caller:

The House Intelligence Committee struck a deal late Tuesday with the Justice Department to avoid a subpoena fight over classified documents related to the Mueller probe.
Democratic California Rep. Adam Schiff, the chairman of the panel, said that the Justice Department has agreed to turn over 12 categories of counterintelligence and foreign intelligence materials starting this week.

It could happen here!-----The EU’s role in the demise of British Steel | Coffee House

See the source imageThe EU’s role in the demise of British Steel | Coffee House:
"How ironic that British Steel goes into administration (bankruptcy) on the day before the European elections, putting 4,200 jobs at risk in a leave-voting constituency.
And how utterly fatuous to blame Britain’s vote to leave the EU for the failure of the Scunthorpe plant.
...But that has not been enough to counter the mass of cheap steel that is coming out of China. 
...The final trigger for British Steel’s collapse into administration, however, was not low steel prices but arguably a demand from the EU for £120 million worth of payments under its Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) – which is supposed to provide an incentive for heavy polluters to cut their carbon emissions..."
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Instapundit Blog Archive PAST PERFORMANCE IS NO GUARANTEE OF FUTURE RESULTS:—The Grauniad, yesterday. …
● Shot:

The Grauniad, yesterday.
● Chaser: “President Obama ‘has four years to save Earth.’”
—Headline, The Grauniad, January 18, 2009.
● Hangover:

The “Siberian” climate was predicted just four years after the London Independent assured its readers that “Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past.”---Posted by Ed Driscoll"

#1 This day 1959-----Kansas City-Wilbert Harrison-1959

Are Black, out-of-wedlock birthrates helping drive the violence in Chicago? | Intellectual Takeout

Are Black, out-of-wedlock birthrates helping drive the violence in Chicago? | Intellectual Takeout:
  • Over 1,100 shot, 74% murdered are Black. Why?
The rising crime in Chicago continues to shock the nation. 
So far this year, over 1,100 people have been shot and nearly 250 murdered. 
Sadly, the trend looks like it will put Chicago on a pace for new records, though not the kind a city would want. 
According to, a website “illustrating Chicago values” using publicly available data, the police have been involved in only six shootings out of 1,144. 
While police violence has been much discussed, the evidence overwhelmingly indicates that the police are not the threat to safety in the city..."
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Liberal's opportunities lost. So sad.

Trump Blasts Democrats In Surprise Presser, Demands They Stop Investigations | The Daily Caller

Trump Blasts Democrats In Surprise Presser, Demands They Stop Investigations | The Daily Caller:
Image result for flickr commons images president trump
President Donald Trump demanded in a surprise press conference Wednesday that Democrats stop investigating him or else he won’t work with them on legislative issues.
The president’s remarks, which were delivered to press in the White House Rose Garden, came shortly after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, and other Democrats were expected to be at the White House for a meeting on infrastructure.