Sociopathic Lies Mark NeverTrumpers’ Descent Into Madness – American Greatness
"Gabe Schoenfeld, from whose forehead a cuckoo bird emerges, screeching and flapping, whenever the name of the president of the United States is uttered in any context, has earned a new trophy for the confection of defamatory fiction with his attack on Elliot Kaufman, the Wall Street Journal, and me in the unseaworthy lifeboat of The Bulwark, to which he and others were disembarked after the failure of the Weekly Standard.
Schoenfeld purports to debunk an op-ed piece by Kaufman in the Journal on May 20 agreeing with the president’s recent pardon of me.
As a public service, I will, one more time, present the relevant facts about my late persecution, happily and justly ended.
Schoenfeld’s entire piece is a demonstrable sequence of lies, apart from his bilious opinions, which are merely demented and sociopathic..."
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According to, a website “illustrating Chicago values” using publicly available data, the police have been involved in only six shootings out of 1,144.
While police violence has been much discussed, the evidence overwhelmingly indicates that the police are not the threat to safety in the city..."
While police violence has been much discussed, the evidence overwhelmingly indicates that the police are not the threat to safety in the city..."
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