Sunday, August 04, 2019

Trump Supporter In Ohio Speaks For Millions: 'People Are Fed Up With Hating On America' (VIDEO)

Trump Supporter In Ohio Speaks For Millions: 'People Are Fed Up With Hating On America' (VIDEO)
People on the left have made an industry out of hating on America, and lots of people are sick of it.
It was one thing when it was a handful of radical college students who did this, but now we have members of Congress who peddle this garbage and patriotic Americans have had it.
One Trump supporter in Ohio this week summed it up perfectly.
Townhall has details:
MAGA: Give This Woman VIP Seating At All Trump Rallies After These Remarks
While the Democrats continue to shank each other onstage since their 2020 clown car is still 15-plus candidates deep, President Trump is raking in the cash and already de facto running a general election campaign. He had a rally in the battleground state of Ohio last night, Cincinnati to be exact, and this one woman should be given VIP seating for all future Trump rallies:
Watch the video:

“I feel like the American people are so fed up with everybody hating on America and putting America down.”

Yes! Can’t wait to see you tonight, Cincinnati!

AM Fruitcake

History for August 4

See the source image
History for August 4 -
Percy Bysshe Shelley 1792 - Poet, Louis Armstrong 1901 - Musician, singer, Raoul Wallenberg 1912 - Sweedish humanitarian during World War II
Image result for Percy Bysshe Shelley QuotesImage result for Louis ArmstrongImage result for Raoul Wallenberg Quotes

Billy Bob Thornton 1955 - Actor, Barack Hussein Obama 1961 - 44th President of the United States, Jeff Gordon 1971 - Race car driver
Image result for Billy Bob ThorntonImage result for Barack Hussein ObamaImage result for Jeff Gordon

1735 - Freedom of the press was established with an acquittal of John Peter Zenger. The writer of the New York Weekly Journal had been charged with seditious libel by the royal governor of New York. The jury said that "the truth is not libelous."
Image result for Freedom of the press

1987 - The Fairness Doctrine was rescinded by the Federal Communications Commission. The doctrine had required that radio and TV stations present controversial issues in a balanced fashion.
See the source image

Saturday, August 03, 2019

Why the Carbon Tax Would Backfire on America | The Heritage Foundation

Why the Carbon Tax Would Backfire on America | The Heritage Foundation:

Image result for Coal EnergySeveral members of Congress have floated different carbon tax bills in recent days, some of which have both Democratic and Republican sponsorship. But marginal bipartisan support for enacting a new tax on American families and businesses doesn’t make it good policy.  Different models and prices have been proposed, but they all tax activities that emit carbon dioxide on the premise that emissions are responsible for global warming, a cost to society which otherwise isn’t accounted for. They propose to address this “market failure” with a policy that could well lead to economic failure.

The way we were-----Basketball Jones

Boob-tube-----I Married Joan s03e19 The Allergy Comedy 1955 TV Show

France Slowly Sinking into Chaos

France Slowly Sinking into Chaos
  • Image result for France Slowly Sinking into ChaosPresident Macron never says he is sorry for those who have lost an eye or a hand... from extreme police brutality. Instead, he asked the French parliament to pass a law that almost completely abolishes the right to protest and the presumption of innocence, and that allows the arrest of anyone, anywhere, even without cause. The law was passed.
  • In June, the French parliament passed another law, severely punishing anyone who says or writes something that might contain "hate speech". The law is so vague that an American legal scholar, Jonathan Turley, felt compelled to react. "France", he wrote, "has now become one of the biggest international threats to freedom of speech".
  • The main concern of Macron and the French government seems not to be the risk of riots, the public's discontent, the disappearance of Christianity, the disastrous economic situation, or Islamization and its consequences. Instead, it is climate change.
  • "The West no longer knows what it is, because it does not know and does not want to know what shaped it, what constituted it, what it was and what it is. (...) This self-asphyxiation leads naturally to a decadence that opens the way to new barbaric civilizations." — Cardinal Robert Sarah, in Le soir approche et déjà le jour baisse("The Evening Comes, and already the Light Darkens")..."
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These Exhilarating F-35 and F-22 Twilight Afterburner Passes Will Start Your Week Off Right - The Drive

These Exhilarating F-35 and F-22 Twilight Afterburner Passes Will Start Your Week Off Right - The Drive:
"The country's biggest aviation bash just wrapped up in Oshkosh, Wisconsin.
As always, our friends from were there shooting amazing video of the highlights and the evening afterburner passes were a sight to hear, see, and feel based on the video below.
In it, we see the world's most advanced fighters, the F-22 and F-35, wowing the crowd with some very aggressive and fiery pattern work.
Flown at the perfect time, their afterburner plumes and shock diamonds glow like giant fiery spikes in the evening twilight..."
Read all.
The little display is also a nice depiction of each jets slow speed turning capabilities.

Ben Carson: Trump already fixing 'rat-infested' Baltimore - WND

Ben Carson: Trump already fixing 'rat-infested' Baltimore - WND:

Image result for flickr commons images Ben CarsonWhile Democrats and establishment media are focused on casting President Trump’s recent tweets about “rodent-infested” Baltimore as racist, the African-American secretary of Housing and Urban Development is focused improving life in the city and believes the president will win over many of his critics.
Ben Carson outlined to the Daily Caller in an interview the Trump administration’s efforts to revitalize Baltimore, which has one of the worst crime rates in the country.


Instapundit Blog Archive CANCELING MARIO LOPEZ
“Now it’s considered potentially career-killing simply to say that three-…
“Now it’s considered potentially career-killing simply to say that three-year-olds shouldn’t be allowed to make life-altering decisions about their sex. 
Image result for CANCELING MARIO LOPEZNote that he didn’t say that transgenderism was bad. 
Lopez simply said that three year old kids are in no position to make this call on their own, and that parents should recognize that. 
For this ordinary, commonsense opinion, Mario Lopez has been compelled to apologize. 
You watch: that will be the end of his Hollywood career.”--Posted by  

A Democratic professor explains what his party gets wrong about climate

FEA.Climate.jpgA Democratic professor explains what his party gets wrong about climate
"As the Republican-called witness at a recent hearing, I was denounced by the Democrats for denying a fossil-fueled “climate crisis” that, as their witnesses testified, results in violence against women, asthma and obesity in children, and deadly storms.
But few actually questioned me.
After all, “the debate is over.”
...At the hearing, I presented data from the United Nations contradicting the accepted wisdom that extreme weather is destroying the planet and is traceable directly to a man-made climate crisis.
There are no such trends in rates of sea-level rise, hurricanes, floods, or droughts.
One Democrat who stuck around to actually question me simply asserted that our coalition is funded by energy companies.
I wish!
Another wanted to know, “Do you believe in climate change or not?”
When I asked him to define it, he cut me off with: “That answers it all…That gives us a hint where you’re coming from.”...
Read all.

Lunch video-----New "Offensive Speech" Rules on College Campuses


College To Pay Students For Violating Their Free Speech | The Daily Caller

College To Pay Students For Violating Their Free Speech | The Daily Caller:
Image result for flickr commons images University of Florida
The University of Florida (UF) agreed yesterday to pay their Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) student chapter $66,000, and amend their school policy to allow conservative groups to have access to more financial resources.
In December of last year, the UF student YAF chapter filed a lawsuit against the school for allegedly violating students’ First and Fourteenth Amendment rights.

Candace Owens suspended from Facebook---Conservative Facebook Convicts (AKA Facebook Jail bias)

Conservative Facebook Convicts (AKA Facebook Jail bias)

Here's What Really Got Facebook Upset:

  • "Poverty rate among blacks: 22%
  • "Poverty rate among whites: 11%
  • "Poverty rate among MARRIED blacks: 7%
Facebook has put another "Make America Great Again" supporter in Facebook jail.Candace Owens, communications director at Turning Point USA, tweeted Friday morni

Let Whoopi give it a try!

A U.S. Senator!-----Gillibrand Would Explain to White Suburban Women 'What White Privilege Actually Is'

Gillibrand Would Explain to White Suburban Women 'What White Privilege Actually Is'
"( - "What would you do for Baltimore and other cities that need help?" several Democrats were asked at Wednesday's CNN-hosted debate.
When her turn came to answer that question, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) invoked her own "white privilege."
So I don't believe that it's the responsibility of Cory and Kamala to be the only voice that takes on these issues of institutional racism, systemic racism in our country. I think as a white woman of privilege, who is a U.S. senator, running for president of the United States, it is also my responsibility to lift up those voices that aren't being listened to.
And I can talk to those white women in the suburbs that voted for Trump and explain to them what white privilege actually is, that when their son is walking down a street with a bag of M&Ms in his pocket, wearing a hoodie, his whiteness is what protects him from not being shot.
When his -- when her -- when their child has a car that breaks down, and he knocks on someone's door for help, and the door opens, and the help is given, it's his whiteness that protects him from being shot. That is what white privilege in America is today..."
Read on.

#1 This day 1974-----Annies Song with Lyrics John Denver 3d BEAUTIFUL :)

Wonder drug cures EVERYTHING!-----More schools offering marijuana studies degrees | The College Fix

Image result for marijuana studies memeMore schools offering marijuana studies degrees | The College Fix
Weed at the Ivy League
More and more schools are developing and launching programs to study marijuana, a reflection of the psychoactive plant’s growing legal status across the country.
...This fall, Cornell University “will offer the undergraduate course ‘Cannabis: Biology, Society and Industry,’ 
...Other schools have offered courses meant to explore various aspects of the plant...”
Read all.

You betcha!

ELLIS: Detroit Dems Didn’t Impress Blue-Collar America On Trade | The Daily Caller

ELLIS: Detroit Dems Didn’t Impress Blue-Collar America On Trade | The Daily Caller:

Image result for flickr commons images people walking in NYCThe Democrats for the most part still don’t understand that for blue-collar Americans, trade and immigration are two sides of the same coin. Whether it’s from outsourcing production to China and Mexico or uncontrolled illegal immigration at our border, working Americans see their jobs and wages threatened by cheap foreign labor.
Amazingly, trade, China and tariffs never came up in the first debate, an indication the media doesn’t understand the importance of these issues. They got around to it in round two, and what we saw was revealing.

President Trump Shatters Left-Wing Myths

See the source imagePresident Trump Shatters Left-Wing Myths
"President Trump is boldly providing much-needed relief to the American people.
He is untying us from the bonds of political correctness that have, in un-American fashion, forced Americans to accept liberal myths and farces. 
He is telling it like it is, showing Americans that their freedom of speech cannot be muzzled by liberal censors or taken away by the left-wing speech and thought police.
It’s about time someone, as the President did, stopped all this baloney and labeled Al Sharpton the con-man he has been for decades. 
In the name of being a “civil rights leader”, Sharpton has

  • gotten away with not paying millions of dollars in owed taxes; 
  • fomented rioting against Brooklyn’s religious Jews; 
  • led --- with self-proclaimed racist Sonny Carson -- a boycott of a Korean grocery store, where protesters called the owners “yellow monkeys”; 
  • held anti-Semitic, racially-charged rallies that led to the Freddy’s Department Store massacre; 
  • and knowingly and purposely destroyed the lives of two white police officers in the Tawana Brawley hoax.  

Sharpton has been shoved down our throats as "reverend" while threatening “no justice, no peace.”
Finally, someone has demonstrated a compelling inner sense of truth to portray Sharpton as what he is: a creator of hoaxes and shakedowns, and a serial inciter of violence and racial strife for his own power and self-enrichment..."
Read all!!