Sunday, November 17, 2019

News - How Al Gore Built the Global Warming Fraud | Heartland Institute

Image result for Al Gore Built the Global Warming FraudNews - How Al Gore Built the Global Warming Fraud | Heartland Institute

  • And changed the alarmism from global cooling to global warming, and now climate change.

"Although his science is often seriously wrong, no one can deny that Al Gore has a flare for the dramatic. 
Speaking about climate change in an October 12 PBS interview, the former vice-president proclaimed, “We have a global emergency.” 
Referring to the most recent UN climate report, Gore claimed it showed that current global warming “could actually extend to an existential threat to human civilization on this planet as we know it.”
Al Gore’s overblown rhetoric makes no sense, of course. 
Yet his hyperbolic claims beg the question: How did this all start?..."
Read on!

#meToo nags strangely silent.

NASA's bogus claims about ice and their fake temperature graphs vs. the actual historical record of ice over the past 200 years.----Scientists Skeptical of Anthropogenic Global Warming

Scientists Skeptical of Anthropogenic Global Warming----John Whitefisk shared a link.
Tony Heller compares NASA's bogus claims about ice and their fake temperature graphs vs. the actual historical record of ice over the past 200 years.

In this video I compare NASA's bogus claims about ice and their fake temperature graphs vs. the actual historical record of ice over the past 200 years.

#1 This day 1959-----*The Fleetwoods* - Mr Blue

The "Swamp" pays traitors to plot against our President!

Image may contain: text

Trust the government?

Ethics Panel Recommends Subpoena For Rashida Tlaib Over ‘Problematic’ Campaign Payments | The Daily Caller

Image result for flickercommons images Rashida Tlaib Ethics Panel Recommends Subpoena For Rashida Tlaib Over ‘Problematic’ Campaign Payments | The Daily Caller:

The Office of Congressional Ethics recommended subpoenaing Rep. Rashida Tlaib and several of her campaign staffers as part of an investigation into whether the Michigan Democrat improperly diverted campaign funds for personal use.
All five members of the board of OCE voted to recommend that the House Ethics Committee continue an investigation into Tlaib over $17,500 in payments she received from the campaign after her election win Nov. 6, 2018.


Instapundit Blog Archive “ANTIRACIST”...
"Every now and again, it’s worth thinking about what the intersectional left’s ultimate endgame really is — and here it strikes me as both useful and fair to extrapolate from Kendi’s project.
Image result for antifa mobThey seem not to genuinely believe in liberalism, liberal democracy, or persuasion.
They have no clear foundational devotion to individual rights or freedom of speech.
Rather, the ultimate aim seems to be running the entire country by fiat to purge it of racism (and every other intersectional “-ism” and “phobia”, while they’re at it).
And they demand “disciplinary tools” by unelected bodies to enforce “a radical reorientation of our consciousness.” 
There is a word for this kind of politics and this kind of theory when it is fully and completely realized, and it is totalitarian.

"Let me be clear here: 
They aren’t doing this because they’re good people who just feel too strongly about injustice. 
It’s because they’re terrible, awful, evil people who are using injustice as an excuse to indulge their garbage natures."--Posted by 

AM Fruitcake

History for November 17

Image result for Bernard Montgomery Quotes
History for November 17 -
Nicolas Appert 1749, Bernard Law Montgomery (Britain) 1887, Gordon Lightfoot 1938 - Singer
See the source imageSee the source imageImage result for Gordon Lightfoot

Martin Scorsese 1942 - Director, Danny DeVito 1944 - Actor, Lorne Michaels 1944 - TV producer ("Saturday Night Live")
Cape FearImage result for Danny DeVitoImage result for Lorne Michaels SNL

1903 - Russia's Social Democrats officially split into two groups - Bolsheviks and Mensheviks.
See the source image

1968 - NBC cut away from the final minutes of a New York Jets-Oakland Raiders game to begin a TV special, "Heidi," on schedule. The Raiders came from behind to beat the Jets 43-32.
Image result for New York Jets-Oakland Raiders game to begin a TV special, "Heidi,"

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Ocasio-Cortez confirms impeachment is Dems' 2020 election strategy! - WND

Image result for flickr commons  Alexandria Ocasio-CortezOcasio-Cortez confirms impeachment is Dems' 2020 election strategy! - WND:

One of the Democratic Party's rising starlets, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, confirmed her party's impeachment campaign against President Trump is based on fear their candidates could not defeat him in the 2020 election.

The way we were-----The Penguins - Earth Angel

Boob-tube-----1950's & 60's TV Commercials

Global Warming Politics Are Dividing Us, Because That’s The Way The Alarmists Want It – Issues & Insights

Global Warming Politics Are Dividing Us, Because That’s The Way The Alarmists Want It – Issues & Insights
"...Johan Bader, an associate producer for “Fareed Zakaria GPS,” is in agreement with The Economist, which has declared: “environmentalism is emerging as Europe’s new culture war.” 
Image result for elites deniersWe’re seeing much the same in the U.S.
...The schism has been caused by a coalition of anti-capitalists, arrogant academics, authoritarians who have a need to dictate to others, know-it-alls, those who relish the status of their imagined moral superiority, and inveterate virtue-signalers who have “othered” global warming skeptics as well as the agnostics who have legitimate concerns about how the policy solutions forced on them will change their lives.
The first group, the aggressors, believe that anyone who doesn’t believe what they believe is beneath them.
These elitist bullies consider a conflicting opinion an indication of low intellect, or criminality, or both. 
That’s why they can so easily define skeptics as rubes and outlaws who should be caged.
The cultural gap has been made obvious by the Extinction Rebellion..."
Read all.

Big dope: how marijuana benefited from one of the slickest PR campaigns in history | Spectator USA

Big dope: how marijuana benefited from one of the slickest PR campaigns in history | Spectator USA

  • The effects on many of its users are permanent. They may give it up, but the damage has been done

Image result for Jared LoughnerWhen Jared Loughner shot Arizona congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords in the head, on January 8, 2011, an appalled America sought some sort of reason for this cruel action, and for some remedy. Giffords, though gravely hurt, survived.
But in a brief and terrible frenzy in the parking lot of a suburban Tucson supermarket, Loughner killed six people and wounded several others.
When post-arrest pictures were released, showing him smirking and vague, I had little doubt what I was seeing.
It did not take long to find out that my suspicions — that he was a user of mind-altering drugs — were justified.
But in all the years since, this aspect of his past has been noted but not in any way acted upon.
...This kind of individual madness was rare before 1960.
Why is there now so much of it? 
...There’s a simple reason for this.
Marijuana has been the beneficiary of one of the slickest, most sustained advertising campaigns in human history.
Not only do millions believe it is some sort of medicine. 
Most people, even law enforcers, describe it as a ‘soft’ drug.
This is an absurdity.
Lifelong mental illness is not a ‘soft’ outcome.
So, even when its use is clearly linked with mental illness and terrible crime, nobody even asks if it might be to blame..."
Read all.

Nolte: Impeachment Backfire – Trump's Numbers Rise as Biden's Crater

Nolte: Impeachment Backfire – Trump's Numbers Rise as Biden's Crater:
Image result for flickr commons  Joe Biden
An objective look at the latest polling proves the Impeachment Hoax is backfiring against Quid Pro Joe Biden.
Obviously, it was not supposed to be this way. Democrats and their establishment media allies were certain they had crafted a silver bullet that would accomplish two things at once: 1) doom President Trump’s re-election chances, and 2) shield Old Joe from the fact he and his son are guilty of looting China and Ukraine.
What a fail.

170 Years of Earth Surface Temperature Data Show No Evidence of Significant Warming | Watts Up With That?

170 Years of Earth Surface Temperature Data Show No Evidence of Significant Warming | Watts Up With That?

  • Key Points

1. From 1850 to the present, the noise-corrected, average warming of the surface of the earth is less than 0.07 degrees C per decade.
2. The rate of warming of the surface of the earth does not correlate with the rate of increase of fossil fuel emissions of CO2 into the atmosphere.
3. Recent increases in surface temperatures reflect 40 years of increasing intensities of the El Nino Southern Oscillation climate pattern.

This study investigates the relationships between surface temperatures from 1850 to the present and reported long-range temperature predictions of global warming. 
...The rate of warming of the earth’s surface has dropped 41 percent since 2006..."
Read all.

Seriously deranged!-----Written 11-9-2016---What Happened on Election Day -

See the source imageWhat Happened on Election Day -
How the election and Donald Trump’s victory looks to Opinion writers.

Her Loss

"I got up on Election Day and burst into tears — not a genteel twin trickle but a great heaving burst, zero to firehose. Tears spattered the inside of my glasses, dripped from my lips, and left mascara-tinged rosettes blooming black in my cereal milk.
“Honey,” my husband crooned to me. “Honey, it’s going to be O.K. The numbers are still good. It’s O.K.”
But it wasn’t the numbers. I wasn’t sobbing because I was afraid Hillary Clinton was going to lose. That would come later. I was sobbing Tuesday morning because, as I poured my coffee, I’d caught a glimpse of a cable news interview with Mrs. Clinton just after she voted for herself in Chappaqua, N.Y. She seemed breathless, exhilarated, a little overwhelmed. Over her shoulder, Bill Clinton stared at his wife and beamed.
My husband stares at me like that sometimes. It’s not just love — we expect husbands to love their wives — but something less traditional, more conditional and gendered. It’s professional respect. It’s pride..."
Sorry folks, this is demented.
Read it all to see how nuts they really are.

Lunch video-----Democratic Socialist Convention


Online 'Sex-Ed School' videos for children feature drag queens, transgender people, and explicit sex advice - TheBlaze

Image result for free clip art ShockOnline 'Sex-Ed School' videos for children feature drag queens, transgender people, and explicit sex advice - TheBlaze:

A series of shocking sex and gender education videos have been posted online showing a classroom full of pre-teens receiving instruction on explicit sexual content.
The videos — posted on YouTube by Canada-based sex education group "Sex-Ed School" and featured on the Shaftesbury Kids' YouTube channel — cover topics such as transgenderism, gender expression, sexual orientation, and masturbation, among others.

Gay Activists Want 20% of TV Characters to be LGBTQ by 2025 - Citizens for Self-Governance

Image result for gay blackGay Activists Want 20% of TV Characters to be LGBTQ by 2025 - Citizens for Self-Governance
"When GLAAD published its yearly “Where We Are on TV” report last week...
...they looked at the numbers of how many characters on television are LGBTQ and determined there were simply not enough. 
...This brings up an interesting topic.  
How many gay people are there actually? 
A 2017 Gallup survey  conducted “telephone interviews with a random sample of 340,604 U.S. adults,” and concluded that 4.5% of Americans identify as LGBT. 
...Yet, GLAAD went on to announce their goal of ensuring that 20% of characters on regular series television will be LBGTQ by 2025:
GLAAD is calling on the industry to ensure that 20 percent of series regular characters on primetime scripted broadcast series are LGBTQ by 2025. Further, we would challenge all platforms to make sure that within the next two years, half of LGBTQ characters on every platform are people of color...
Read all. 

And the lib-media laughs along with them.

What Blackouts? Californian Climate Fanatics Demand All Electric Homes | Watts Up With That?

What Blackouts? Californian Climate Fanatics Demand All Electric Homes | Watts Up With That?
"Because we all know how reliable Californian electricity is.
No more fire in the kitchen: Cities are banning natural gas in homes to save the planet
Elizabeth Weise-USA TODAY
Image result for reliable Californian electricity meme
SAN FRANCISCO – Fix global warming or cook dinner on a gas stove?
That’s the choice for people in 13 cities and one county in California that have enacted new zoning codes encouraging or requiring all-electric new construction.  
The codes, most of them passed since June, are meant to keep builders from running natural gas lines to new homes and apartments, with an eye toward creating fewer legacy gas hookups as the nation shifts to carbon-neutral energy sources.
For proponents, it’s a change that must be made to fight climate change...
...Given California’s failure in recent months to provide a reliable electricity supply, this insensitive push for all electric houses demonstrates an utter disregard for the safety and convenience of ordinary people."
Read all.

#1 This day 1951-----Eddy Howard and his Orchestra - Sin (It's No Sin) (original 78 rpm)

In case the lib-media forgot to mention this-----Flashback: Obama Fired All Bush Appointed Ambassadors In 2008 | The Daily Caller

Flashback: Obama Fired All Bush Appointed Ambassadors In 2008 | The Daily Caller
"The former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch testified Friday about President Donald Trump firing her amid an alleged “smear campaign,” but firing ambassadors appointed by former presidents is commonplace.
Former President Barack Obama fired all ambassadors appointed by former President George W. Bush in 2008, The Washington Post previously reported.
Yovanovitch testified Friday that the Trump administration, including the president’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani, “kneecapped” her.
...WaPo’s 2008 article about Obama’s decision to fire all political ambassadors reads, “Political ambassadors sometimes are permitted to stay on briefly during a new administration, but the sweeping nature of the directive suggests that Obama has little interest in retaining any of Bush’s ambassadorial appointees,”


Lindsey Graham Explains Why He’s Not Playing Along With Impeachment Process | The Daily Caller

Lindsey Graham Explains Why He’s Not Playing Along With Impeachment Process | The Daily Caller:
Image result for flickercommons images Lindsey Graham
Republican South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham explained Thursday why he’s not in a rush to call witnesses to rebut the claims made in the House’s impeachment hearings.
Speaking to reporters at the Capitol, Graham said that he had no interest in legitimizing the House Democrats’ push to impeach President Donald Trump, saying that it would set “a dangerous precedent” for both the country and future presidents of either party.

Hilarious takedown of Dems' shifting accusations...'collusion' to 'quid pro quo' to 'extortion' to 'bribery' - American Thinker

Image result for pelosi impeachment memeHilarious takedown of Dems' shifting accusations...'collusion' to 'quid pro quo' to 'extortion' to 'bribery' - American Thinker
The Trump campaign rapid response team are on their toes.  
They just emailed a hilarious response to the start of hearings today:
High Crimes (and Focus Groups!)
Impeachment "is about patriotism. It's not about politics," a very sad and somber Nancy Pelosi insisted again yesterday. "It's not about anything political. It's about patriotism."
Actually, it's about polling.
The Washington Post reports today that "Democrats have stopped using the term 'quid pro quo,' instead describing 'bribery' as a more direct summation of Trump's alleged conduct." Why?
"The shift came after the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee conducted focus groups in key House battlegrounds in recent weeks, testing messages related to impeachment. Among the questions put to participants was whether 'quid pro quo,' 'extortion' or 'bribery' was a more compelling description of Trump's conduct. According to two people familiar with the results, which circulated among Democrats this week, the focus groups found 'bribery' to be most damning."
Got that? The impeachment of the President will be determined by testing various accusations on focus groups in key House battlegrounds. (Just as our nation's Founders intended!)
Democrats aren't "following the facts"—they're using polls to figure out what crimes to accuse the President of. What a joke.

AM Fruitcake