"The New York Post reported Thursday that “a teenager who threw an egg at a Brooklyn synagogue and chucked another one at a woman in Borough Park has been arrested on a number of hate crime charges, police said.”
Mohib Hoque.
A white supremacist, perhaps?
An avid consumer of “far-right” news analysis?
Anti-Semitic attacks have sharply increased in the U.S., and virtually the entire political and media establishment has agreed that this is attributable to the rise of “white supremacists” and the “far-right.”
- One problem with this claim is that actual white supremacists are a minuscule band of losers;
- another is that the same political and media establishment attaches the label “far-right” to virtually everyone who dissents from the Leftist agenda.
- And a third difficulty with the mainstream view is that it ignores the increasing hostility toward Israel and Jews in general on the Left, and the deeply ingrained anti-Semitism of one of the Left’s protected groups, Muslims – as a recent incident in New York City indicates..."
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