The following is a list of proposed laws that advocates of the Second Amendment find particularly egregious...
- Those in violation of this proposed law would be guilty of a felony. SB 16 would make any semi-automatic rifle with a fixed capacity of more than 10 rounds illegal.
- In addition, the possession of any center fire rifle that has the ability to accept a detachable magazine and that has a thumbhole stock, pistol grip or a second hand grip or a threaded barrel would also automatically become a felony.
- Any semi-automatic pistol with a fixed magazine capacity in excess of 10 rounds will also be illegal to own if this bill passes. If the pistol has the ability to accept a detachable magazine other restrictions apply, which include banning threaded barrels and prohibiting pistols weighing 50 ounces or more.
- Shotguns with the ability to accept detachable magazines or having a fixed capacity of over seven rounds would also become illegal to own.
- As a result, every rifle with the common AR-15 design and many pistols and shotguns that are currently in common use for personal defense and target shooting would be banned. Since they would be illegal to own, they would have to be either surrendered or seized by law enforcement authorities..."
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