‘Social Justice’ Ideology Is Damaging American Values - Minding The Campus
"Social-justice ideology is turning higher education into an engine of progressive political advocacy, according to a new report by the National Association of Scholars.
Left-wing activists, masquerading as professors, are infiltrating traditional academic departments or creating new ones—departments such as “Solidarity and Social Justice”—to advance their cause.
They are entering the highest rung of college administration, from which perch they require students to take social-justice courses, such as “Native Sexualities and Queer Discourse” or “Hip-hop Workshop,” and attend social-justice events—such as a Reparations, Repatriation, and Redress Symposium or a Power and Privilege Symposium—in order to graduate.
But social-justice education is merely a symptom of an even deeper perversion of academic values: the cult of race and gender victimology, otherwise known as “diversity.”
The diversity cult is destroying the very foundations of our civilization.
It is worth first exploring, however, why social-justice education is an oxymoron..."
Read all of this speech!
"...Dr. Gottfried Curio is a member of the Bundestag (German federal parliament) for AfD (Alternative für Deutschland, Alternative for Germany).
In a speech on the floor of the Bundestag, Dr. Curio addresses the catastrophic effects of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s alliance with the United Nation’s High Commissioner for “Refugees” and its Global Migration Pact.
This radical alliance has resettled millions of dangerous illegal economic migrants in Germany and throughout Europe and had debilitating financial effects on Germany. As Curio points out, Germany is on a horrific path toward recession:
Rich Germany, where there are no apartments available, not enough teachers, no daycare places available, but plenty of debt and EU liabilities, crumbling bridges, roads, and schools, and our elderly people feeding themselves at charity food banks.
Despite the adverse economic and safety impacts on Germany resulting from the 2015 Merkel-UN policy alliance, the plan is to continue resettling people from nations where they already have safety and protection:
Currently more than 50% of the young people in the Arab world want to emigrate. That’s 53 million, and several million are waiting in Syrian camps for their resettlement in Europe. However, with an expected doubling of the African population to 2.4 billion by 2050, overpopulation is likely to become a prominent reason for flight. Certainly they will also be fairly distributed all over the globe.
Dr. Gottfried Curio Speech
“Now we will hear from the AfD faction Dr. Gottfried Curio, the domestic policy spokesman..."
Click to read entire speech and see entire article!!
Click to read entire speech and see entire article!!