Thursday, March 12, 2020

History for March 12

See the source image
History for March 12 -
Wally Schirra 1913 - Astronaut, Jack Kerouac 1922, Al Jarreau 1932 - R&B-jazz singer
Image result for Wally SchirraImage result for Jack KerouacImage result for Al Jarreau Albums

Barbara Feldon 1933 - Actress ("Get Smart"), Mitt Romney 1947 - Politician, Darryl Strawberry 1962 - Baseball player
Image result for Barbara FeldonImage result for Mitt RomneyImage result for Darryl Strawberry

1789 - The U.S. Post Office was established.
Image result for 1789 - The U.S. Post Office was established.

1894 - Coca-Cola was sold in bottles for the first time.
Image result for 1894 - Coca-Cola was sold in bottles for the first time.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Biden tells voter he's 'full of s**t,' threatens to slap him in the face in confrontation over gun control in Michigan - TheBlaze

Image result for flickr commons images joe bidenBiden tells voter he's 'full of s**t,' threatens to slap him in the face in confrontation over gun control in Michigan - TheBlaze:

Biden was touring a Fiat Chrysler assembly plant that is under construction and meeting with members of an electrical workers' union.
One of those workers confronted Biden about his proposed ban on assault weapons, particularly the AR-15. Here's how it went:

The way we were-----MARILYN MONROE'S RIVALS - All The Iconic Blondes of The Fifties are here

Boob-tube-----Jay Leno - Early Tonight Show Monologues

How they stifle all opposition!-----Scientists Skeptical of Anthropogenic Global Warming

Scientists Skeptical of Anthropogenic Global Warming--Gregory Wrightstone
"It appears that I have just been uninvited from speaking at EarthX in Dallas.
They must stifle all science that disputes their notion of man-made catastrophic warming.

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It's getting worse!-----THE WAR ON MALE STUDENTS

See the source imageInstapundit Blog Archive THE WAR ON MALE STUDENTS
"Expelled for a Night of Drunken Sex, $283,000 in Debt: A Michigan State University medical student was expelled shortly before graduation—three years after the incident. 
Michigan State keeps coming up as a problem.---Posted by 

Virginia Democrats Prepare to Give Illegal Aliens ‘Driver Privilege Cards’

Virginia Democrats Prepare to Give Illegal Aliens ‘Driver Privilege Cards’:

Securing driver’s licenses for illegal aliens has been a nationwide initiative by the open borders lobby as part of an effort to prevent large populations of illegal aliens from ever being turned over to federal immigration officials and thus avoiding deportation from the United States.

Pedophiles Are Now Calling Themselves 'Minor Attracted Persons' And Want Inclusion In The LGBTQ Movement • Now The End Begins

maps-minor-attracted-persons-pedophiles-want-inclusion-lgbtq-movement-end-timesPedophiles Are Now Calling Themselves 'Minor Attracted Persons' And Want Inclusion In The LGBTQ Movement • Now The End Begins
"Pedophiles seek to be a part of the LGBT+ community, even going so far as to make a “Pride” flag for Gay Pride Month. 
The “MAP/NOMAP community” tries to pull at people’s heartstrings by claiming that pedophiles are misunderstood marginalized people, and that as long as their attraction to children is not acted upon —  or in some cases when they get permission from the child — that they should not be villainized
Pedophiles are rebranding themselves as ‘MAPs’ or ‘Minor Attracted Persons’ in an effort to gain acceptance and be included into the LGBT community...
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Yale Psychiatrist Who Has Repeatedly Called Trump Mentally Unfit Refuses to Diagnose Biden

Yale Psychiatrist Who Has Repeatedly Called Trump Mentally Unfit Refuses to Diagnose Biden
“I do not diagnose without examination and do not speak about public figures in general, unless there is evidence of such profound danger to public health”
Yale psychiatrist Bandy Lee has repeatedly called Trump mentally unfit for office, despite the fact that she has never even met him. 
This has been widely condemned as an ethical violation of her profession.
As concerns grow about Joe Biden’s mental health, Lee is now refusing to apply the same standard to the former Vice President.
...It becomes increasingly clear that Lee is using her position to influence politics for purely partisan reasons.
How does the Yale administration justify this?
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Lunch video-----Biden Yells At MI Voter, Tells Him That He’s “Full Of Sh*t”


Tucker Carlson Blasts Democrats Over Abortion: ‘They’re Not Pro-Choice In Any Sense, They’re Pro-Abortion’ | The Daily Caller

Image result for flickr commons images Tucker CarlsonTucker Carlson Blasts Democrats Over Abortion: ‘They’re Not Pro-Choice In Any Sense, They’re Pro-Abortion’ | The Daily Caller:

Fox News host Tucker Carlson accused Democrats of hypocrisy related to a Supreme Court abortion case, saying that Democrats are “not pro-choice in any sense, they’re pro-abortion.”
Carlson spoke Friday night with Live Action founder and president Lila Rose regarding June Medical Services v. Russo, a Supreme Court case in which an abortion provider is challenging a 2014 Louisiana state law that requires abortion providers to have admitting privileges in a hospital within 30 miles of the abortion facility.

Read it all!-----Swine Flu and Me

Swine Flu and Me
"Two things are true at the same time: Wuhan Coronavirus should be taken seriously as a public health danger, and Democrats and the media are trying to weaponize it for election purposes.
In September 2009, I caught Swine Flu during the semester when I was at Cornell in Ithaca. It was brutal.
For the first time I understood how the flu could kill someone.
It went straight for my lungs. It felt like someone parked a truck on my chest, and I had high fever. I was lucky to be able to get to a doctor before it became really bad and was given Tamiflu and the types of inhalers people with asthma use to keep my lungs open. I needed refills on the inhalers, and I’m convinced they kept me alive.
The good news was that I lost 15 lbs. in two weeks, and fit into clothing I hadn’t fit into in years. The bad news is that I almost died to get there, and gained the weight back in a month.
I was not alone. 700 people at Cornell contracted Swine Flu by September 2009, whereas the much larger Syracuse University an hour north had only 5 cases, showing how unpredictable the spread was.
A Cornell student with a preexisting respiratory condition died.
...The Swine Flu statistics were staggering, according to this CDC publication:
The (H1N1)pdm09 virus was very different from H1N1 viruses that were circulating at the time of the pandemic. ...From April 12, 2009 to April 10, 2010, CDC estimated there were 60.8 million cases (range: 43.3-89.3 million), 274,304 hospitalizations (range: 195,086-402,719), and 12,469 deaths (range: 8868-18,306) in the United States due to the (H1N1)pdm09 virus.
The NY Times reported on October 24, 2009 that 1,000 people already had died in the U.S....
...There was a sense of panic with the Swine Flu, but nowhere near the hysteria we are seeing now regarding Wuhan Coronavirus, certainly not at this early stage.
But I do remember that then, as now, Democrats and the media tried to blame Republicans, specifically spreading false claims that Republicans had prevented funding pandemic preparations (sound familiar?). I wrote the prior April 2009, when Swine Flu first emerged, how the media was misrepresenting the preparedness,  The Truth Is The First Victim Of Swine Flu.
There is a big difference between then and now. 
It was not an election year. 
Obama was in his first year of his first term. 
Trump is in the fourth year of his first term, so the Wuhan Coronavirus media frenzy combines real panic with hyperventilated anti-Trump news coverage.
Two things are true at the same time: Wuhan Coronavirus should be taken seriously as a public health danger, and Democrats and the media are trying to weaponize it for election purposes. 
They want this so badly to be Trump’s Katrina or Chernobyl.
MSNBC’s @esglaude Jr. on the Coronavirus: “This may be Donald Trump’s Katrina.”@NicolleDWallace: "Let’s just lean into that for a minute … this has the makings, structurally, of the same kind of moment”

Embedded video
The coronavirus is Trump’s Chernobyl—a growing catastrophe in which the government response is deadly because Trump is more worried about protecting the myths that define his alternative reality than protecting vulnerable people who will die. My column: 

...Keep things in historical perspective. Viruses kill lots and lots of people, despite preparation and treatment. So don’t take Wuhan Coronavirus lightly. But that doesn’t mean you need to panic.
Prepare, but don’t let the media panic you."

Fak-checked: True!

This surprised them?-----Coronavirus Conference Gets Canceled Because of Coronavirus - Bloomberg

Image result for canceled other in-person conferencesCoronavirus Conference Gets Canceled Because of Coronavirus - Bloomberg
"The Council on Foreign Relations has canceled a roundtable called “Doing Business Under Coronavirus” scheduled for Friday in New York due to the spread of the infection itself.
CFR has also canceled other in-person conferences that were scheduled from March 11 to April 3, including roundtables in New York and Washington and national events around the U.S..."
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#1 This day 1969-----Dizzy - Tommy Roe (1969)

Victor Davis Hanson--California Is a Cruel Medieval State - American Greatness

California Is a Cruel Medieval State - American Greatness

  • The Golden State has become a cruel and unusual place because callousness and narcissism were redefined as caring and compassion.

"One way of understanding California is simply to invert traditional morality.
See the source imageWhat for centuries would be considered selfish, callous, and greedy is now recalibrated as caring, empathetic, and generous.
The current ethos of evaluating someone by his or her superficial appearance—gender or race—has returned to the premodern values of 19th-century California when race and gender calibrated careers.
...A paradox ensues that Californians both have a high, indeed smug, view of themselves and yet do a lot of damage to their fellow human beings.
...Indeed, the bigger and wealthier California became, the more the rich sought to privatize their lives and to give up on public services, the more the middle classes left the state, the more the poor from Mexico and Latin America crossed the southern border illegally, the more its schools deteriorated, and the more its infrastructure ossified and became decrepit, from century-old power transmission towers to pot-holed and jammed highways..."
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Why have we not taught this to our children?

TX Lt. Gov. to 'Beto': Come for My AR-15 and 'See How That Goes'

Image result for flickr commons images Beto’ O’Rourke TX Lt. Gov. to 'Beto': Come for My AR-15 and 'See How That Goes':

Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick (R) responded to Joe Biden’s March 2, 2020, gun control partnership with ‘Beto’ O’Rourke by suggesting O’Rourke try to confiscate Patrick’s AR-15 and “see how that goes.”
On March 3, 2020, Breitbart News reported Biden’s announcement that O’Rourke would be heading up his gun control push.

Holy Crap: Even Amazon Is Running Out of Toilet Paper as Coronavirus Hysteria Intensifies | News and Politics

Holy Crap: Even Amazon Is Running Out of Toilet Paper as Coronavirus Hysteria Intensifies | News and Politics

"There's been a run on toilet paper and other "emergency" supplies over the course of the last week as we wait to learn just how serious the coronavirus epidemic will be in the U.S. Shoppers, including PJM's Megan Fox, are reporting empty shelves at grocery stores, and now even Amazon, the nation's largest online retailer, is running short on toilet paper..."
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AM Fruitcake