Thursday, June 04, 2020

Mysterious stashes of bricks are being found near protest sites and social media users are asking where they came from - TheBlaze

Mysterious stashes of bricks are being found near protest sites and social media users are asking where they came from - TheBlaze:

Image result for flickr commons images Pallet of BricksSocial media users have been reporting mysterious piles of bricks in cities across the country in recent days, stoking speculation that the stashes are being planted to encourage violence amid the countrywide protests over George Floyd's death.
On Sunday, police confirmed the existence of such piles in Kansas City, urging residents to notify police if they discover any new stashes.
"We have learned of & discovered stashes of bricks and rocks in & around the Plaza and Westport to be used during a riot," police said in a tweet. "If you see anything like this, you can text 911 and let us know so we can remove them."

Citizen Journalist Busts Democrat Mail-In Voting Nursing Home Scandal in Texas - National File

VIDEO: Citizen Journalist Busts Democrat Mail-In Voting Nursing Home Scandal in Texas - National File
"Citizen journalist Colleen Vera has discovered evidence of what appears to be a massive voter fraud ring operating in the state of Texas involving mail-in voting and Democrat political campaigns...
After viewing the video, I decided to do some research. I figured, if there was any evidence of mailed ballot voter fraud to be found in Harris County, the more recent one – Dutton’s race – was the best place to start....
32 hand written applications for mailed ballots – all from different voters – but all written in the exact same handwriting.
Looking closer, something else jumped off the page.
All 32 returned their application for a ballot by mail in the same pre-printed envelope with the same style stamp.
… But then I printed out the envelopes which carried their returned ballots and the BIGGEST COINCIDENCE of ALL jumped off the page…ALL THESE VOTERS LIVED IN THE SAME PRECINCT!  
Precinct #259…Additional research showed this same handwriting on multiple ballot by mail applications from precinct #259 every year going back to 2008…If that wasn’t enough to cause concern, I had to title this set of applications “Alleged Harvester A” because I found two more sets of multiple applications with similar handwriting, envelopes and stamps from varying precincts. I titled those “Alleged Harvester B” and “Alleged Harvester C.”…
30 ballots from Precinct #259 – in which the voters voted for ALL the same candidates – and they ALL used the same style “X” to mark their ballots."
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Simply evil!-----Groups taking photos of homes with police cars in driveways

Image result for police cruisers parked in the drivewayGroups taking photos of homes with police cars in driveways
"WASHINGTON D.C. – Law enforcement officials from across the country have reached out to Law Enforcement Today asking us to warn police across America about a potential threat.
...Here’s what we’re told.
In a number of different communities in states ranging from California and Texas to Florida – reports have come in that small groups of individuals appear to be canvassing neighborhoods and taking pictures of homes that have police cruisers in the driveways.
“I can absolutely confirm this,” told us one police spokesman, who asked that his department be kept anonymous because of the threats. 
“We’ve received multiple reports throughout the weekend both in terms of phone calls and alerts that neighborhood residents are putting out on community watch apps.”
It comes as police are receiving direct, personal threats through social media, calls and emails.
“We and our children are receiving threats,” one police lieutenant told Law Enforcement Today...
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AM Fruitcake

History for June 4

Book Review: The Battle of Midway - WSJ
History for June 4 -
Gene Barry 1922, Dennis Weaver 1924, Dr. Ruth Westheimer 1928
Image result for Gene BarryImage result for Dennis WeaverImage result for Dr. Ruth Westheimer

Bruce Dern 1936 - Actor, Michelle Phillips (Holly Michelle Gilliam) 1944 - Singer (The Mamas & the Papas), actress ("The Last Movie", "Knot's Landing"), Angelina Jolie 1975 - Actress
Image result for Bruce DernImage result for Michelle PhillipsImage result for angelina jolie young

1942 - The Battle of Midway began. It was the first major victory for America over Japan during World War II. The battle ended on June 6 and ended Japanese expansion in the Pacific.
Image result for Battle of Midway

1989 - In Beijing, Chinese army troops stormed Tiananmen Square to crush the pro-democracy movement. It is believed that hundreds, possibly thousands, of demonstrators were killed.
Image result for Chinese army troops stormed Tiananmen SquareImage result for 1989 - In Beijing, Chinese army troops stormed Tiananmen Square

Wednesday, June 03, 2020

American Renewal: The Violent End Of Law And Order | The Daily Caller

Image result for flickr commons images Lady justiceAmerican Renewal: The Violent End Of Law And Order | The Daily Caller:

Mass lawlessness has erupted from the lawless act of an officer who should have served and protected the people of Minneapolis. Millions of Americans now watch with horror as their cities burn, their businesses are looted, and their neighborhoods explode in street violence. The unwillingness or inability of elected leaders and law enforcement officials to stop the chaos has confirmed an unsettling reality: the institutions we have trusted to protect us from lawlessness are more willing to let the innocent suffer than to administer swift justice to the lawbreaker.

The way we were-----Christopher Columbus (1960) | Mell-O-Toons Animation

Boob-tube-----Beast from Haunted Cave (1959) Crime, Horror, Thriller Full Length Film

California Faces "Financial Collapse" As It Moves To Allow Businesses To Walk Away From Commercial Leases | Zero Hedge

California Faces "Financial Collapse" As It Moves To Allow Businesses To Walk Away From Commercial Leases | Zero Hedge
"One of the bedrocks of modern US capitalism - which is now mutating by the day if not hour as the Fed scrambles to preserve at any cost its the towering edifice after decades of malinvestment, even the nationalziation of the very capital markets that made America great - and one of the constants along with death and taxes, is that residential debt is non-recourse, meaning one can simply walk away from one's mortgage if the bill is untenable, while commercial debt is recourse, or pledged by collateral that has to be handed over to the creditor if an event of default occurs.
However, in the aftermath of the sheer devastation unleashed upon countless small and medium commercial businesses which will be forced to file for bankruptcy by the thousands, this may all change soon.
As the Commercial Observer reports, last Friday, the California Senate Judiciary Committee advanced a bill that would allow small businesses — like cafes, restaurants and bars — to renegotiate and modify lease deals if they have been impacted by shelter-in-place orders and economic shutdowns.
If an agreement isn’t reached after 30 days of negotiations, the tenant can break the lease with no penalty, effectively starting a revolution in the world of credit by retroactively transforming commercial loans into non-recourse debt...
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Nathan Silva - "Soooooo.... The CDC admitted they screwed up...

Image result for CDC lied COVID19Nathan Silva - "Soooooo.... The CDC admitted they screwed up...
The CDC admitted they screwed up COVID19 infection counts and intentionally misled the public; they have apologized, clarifying that the amount of people truly infected is much lower than what was originally reported.
An error so egregious, it made the director of the Harvard Global Health Institute say, “How could the CDC make this mistake? This is a mess."
The American Coronavirus Task Force also admitted to fudging the National COVID19 death count when Dr. Birx said the deaths are people who died “with” COVID19 and not “from” COVID19, thus making the real death count much lower than what is currently being reported....
...For that, we have:
* Added nearly $6 trillion to national debt.
* Laid-off or furloughed 50 million workers.
* Placed 60 million on food stamps...
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It wasn't just religious liberty that Chief Justice Roberts strangled | TheHill

Image result for wikicommons images John RobertsIt wasn't just religious liberty that Chief Justice Roberts strangled | TheHill:

That opinion is an eye-opener. Roberts accords the right to worship no deference by virtue of its being a fundamental liberty expressly protected by the First Amendment. We are to see it as an activity like any other activity, commercial or social, the pros and cons of which technocrats must weigh in fashioning regulations. The opinion, moreover, champions the power of government officials to dictate to the people who elect them without “second-guessing by an unelected federal judiciary” — exactly the power that the Bill of Rights, and the incorporation jurisprudence by which the court has applied much of it to the states, are meant to deny.
This is truly remarkable because it is so gratuitous.

Models Can't Predict Next Week's Weather, But We Trust Them On Climate Change? | Climate Dispatch

Image result for climate prediction memeModels Can't Predict Next Week's Weather, But We Trust Them On Climate Change? | Climate Dispatch
"It’s curious … SpaceX has all the money in the world, and they didn’t hire someone who could have accurately predicted the afternoon weather in Florida on May 27, 2020.
It seems like a huge oversight, doesn’t it?
And to think there are scores of nonprofit leaders and academics in Washington, DC, who can accurately predict global temperatures 10, 15, even 50 years into the future.
...No one “knew” the weather would cancel the SpaceX flight, but rather scientists used data to make the best-educated guess which is part of the scientific method we learned about in third grade.
And similarly, no one “knows” what will happen to the earth in 5, 10, 15, 50 years because of climate change.
So quite frankly I’m tired of hearing about it...
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George Floyd Protests: Police Shooting “Epidemic” of Unarmed Black Men Is Fiction | National Review

George Floyd Protests: Police Shooting “Epidemic” of Unarmed Black Men Is Fiction | National Review
"Rioters and their enablers claim that the present disorder is justified by an epidemic of police shootings of unarmed black men.
Image result for Roland Fryer police violence,But no such epidemic exists.
...We are asked to believe that the beatings and the violence are the only recourse available to beleaguered people who have time and again been denied justice by the civil authorities.
Some say that this is the comeuppance due to a society that subjugates its people, that the immolated AutoZone and the burgled Target are monuments to our neglect. 
...But the rioters and looters and their apologists are advancing a more specific claim still: that Floyd’s death is not just an individual tragedy worthy of particular outrage, but part of an epidemic of lethal violence perpetrated against unarmed black men by police officers.
That such tragedies happen with startling frequency.
That black men cannot leave the house without getting shot by racist cops.
“It’s important to be here today because we’re dying,” one protester told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.
“It’s an epidemic.”
This is not supported by the data...
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Lunch video-----The End of the World as We Know It, with Mark Steyn

"Recorded on April 26, 2010--Mark Steyn, a writer, political commentator, and cultural critic, breaks down the numbers and explains why they spell doom for the Western world with Hoover fellow Peter Robinson on Uncommon Knowledge."


Image may contain: text

Journalist attacked by Antifa speaks out on group's alleged extremism, radical ideology | Fox News

Image result for wikicommons images Andy NgoJournalist attacked by Antifa speaks out on group's alleged extremism, radical ideology | Fox News:

Andy Ngo was one of the first journalists to report extensively on the alleged radical roots and motivations of the far-left, extremist group called Antifa — and for that, he was apparently targeted and beaten.
"They hate me because I was writing unfavorably about them," Ngo told correspondent Lara Logan in her multipart documentary series, "No Agenda with Lara Logan." "Because I was writing honestly about what they were doing."

Shockingly, no nationwide riots-----Tessa Majors murder suspect expected to plead guilty Wednesday

Image result for Zyairr DavisTessa Majors murder suspect expected to plead guilty Wednesday
"A teen murder suspect in the slaying of Barnard College student Tessa Majors is expected to plead guilty Wednesday for his involvement in her botched mugging death, according to an official.
Zyairr Davis, 13, has admitted to helping Luchiano Lewis, 15, and Rashaun Weaver, 15, rob the 18-year-old college freshman in Morningside Park in December, but has denied being the one who stabbed her.
Lewis allegedly put Majors in “a bear hug or headlock” during the robbery, while Weaver allegedly stabbed her with such fury that feathers flew from her winter coat, authorities have alleged.
The pair were arrested in February some two months after Davis...
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Was it murder?

Teen Vogue: Antifa 'Aspires Toward Creating a Better World'

Image result for teach the children wellTeen Vogue: Antifa 'Aspires Toward Creating a Better World'
"Leftist outlet Teen Vogue told its readers that the terrorist organization Antifa “aspires to create a better world” in the wake of riots that have broken out across the country, which have involved looting, vandalism, businesses being destroyed, beatings, and death.
“‘Antifa grows out of a larger revolutionary politics that aspires toward creating a better world, but the primary motivation is to stop racists from organizing,'” tweeted Teen Vogue on Monday.
🗣 "Antifa grows out of a larger revolutionary politics that aspires toward creating a better world, but the primary motivation is to stop racists from organizing." 

#1 This day 1953-----Where is your heart (Moulin Rouge)

Sacramento Kings broadcaster Grant Napear fired after ‘all lives matter’ tweet

Image result for how dare youSacramento Kings broadcaster Grant Napear fired after ‘all lives matter’ tweet
Sacramento, Calif. — Longtime Sacramento Kings TV broadcaster Grant Napear resigned Tuesday after he tweeted "ALL LIVES MATTER" when asked by DeMarcus Cousins for his opinion on the Black Lives Matter movement.
The 60-year-old Napear also was fired by KTHK Sports 1140 in Sacramento. He had co-hosted a show on the AM radio station with former Kings player Doug Christie.
Hey!!!! How are you? Thought you forgot about me. Haven't heard from you in years. ALL LIVES MATTER...EVERY SINGLE ONE!!! 

Rioters are criminals too!

Michigan Dem Party Chair: 'If You Support Donald Trump, You Are a Racist'

Image result for flickr commons images MDP chair Lavora BarnesMichigan Dem Party Chair: 'If You Support Donald Trump, You Are a Racist':

The chairwoman of the Michigan Democrat Party (MDP) condemned all supporters of Donald Trump as “racist” during a Sunday tirade.
On the same day rioters attacked businesses and even Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s office building in downtown Lansing, MDP chair Lavora Barnes smeared Trump’s backers.

The political party of HATE-----Michigan Democratic Party Chair calls Trump supporters ‘racist’, GOP says comment is ’unacceptable’ -

Image result for Lavora Barnes
Michigan Democratic Party Chair calls Trump supporters ‘racist’, GOP says comment is ’unacceptable’ -
LANSING, MI -- The chairwoman of the Michigan Democratic Party called supporters of President Donald Trump “racist” and said “silence is not an option” in a statement on police brutality and racial injustices issued this weekend.
In a statement issued Sunday evening, Lavora Barnes said Trump and his supporters are racist..."
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AM Fruitcake

Image may contain: text that says '"Go to sleep. Everything will be worse in the morning."'

History for June 3

See the source image
History for June 3 -
Jefferson Davis 1808/1808 - American soldier, politician, President of the Confederate states of America during the U.S. Civil War, Josephine Baker 1906 - Dancer, singer and Actress, Tony Curtis (Bernard Schwartz) 1925 - Actor ("Sweet Smell of Success," "Some Like it Hot," father of actresses Jamie Lee Curtis and Kelly Curtis
Image result for Jefferson Davis quotesImage result for Josephine BakerImage result for Tony Curtis

Allen Ginsberg 1926 - Writer, poet, Chuck Barris 1929 - Producer, creater and game show host ("The Gong Show"), Larry McMurtry 1936 - Author ("Lonesome Dove")
Image result for Allen Ginsberg QuotesImage result for Chuck BarrisImage result for Lonesome Dove

1098 - Christian Crusaders of the First Crusade seized Antioch, Turkey.
Image result for Christian Crusaders of the First Crusade seized Antioch, Turkey.

1539 - Hernando De Soto claimed Florida for Spain.
Image result for Hernando De Soto claimed Florida for Spain.

Tuesday, June 02, 2020

Fairfax County Democrats Call Riots 'Part of This Country's March Towards Progress'; UPDATE: Tweet Deleted

Image result for flickr commons images democrat logoFairfax County Democrats Call Riots 'Part of This Country's March Towards Progress'; UPDATE: Tweet Deleted:

The official Twitter account of the Fairfax County Democratic Committee in Virginia retweeted a claim on Saturday that “Riots are an integral part of this country’s march towards progress,” as the country was gripped by violence.

The way we were-----This Excited Housewives In The 1950s

Boob-tube-----This Is Not a Test (1962) SCI-FI

Chicago weekend shootings: 82 shot, 22 fatally, in city’s most violent weekend of 2020 - Chicago Sun-Times

Gun violence claimed the lives of 22 people and injured at least 60 others from May 29 to June 1, 2020, in the city’s most violent weekend yet this year.
Chicago weekend shootings: 82 shot, 22 fatally, in city’s most violent weekend of 2020 - Chicago Sun-Times
  • More than half of the weekend’s victims were shot on Sunday as the city reeled from violent protests Saturday night that led to hundreds of arrests and the implementation of a curfew.
"Twenty-two people were killed and at least 60 others were wounded by gun violence in Chicago’s most violent weekend of the year so far, which also saw widespread protests, riots and looting throughout the city in the wake of the Minneapolis police killing of George Floyd...
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