Wednesday, November 04, 2020

Suddenly 138,000 Michigan Ballots Appear This Morning ALL FOR BIDEN, ZERO FOR TRUMP - Geller Report News

Suddenly 138,000 Michigan Ballots Appear This Morning ALL FOR BIDEN, ZERO FOR TRUMP - Geller Report News


I don’t want to hear a word about Trump’s tone. 
I don’t want to hear a word about how he crossed a line.
Listen to me: 
On one side we have the left, who is running a barely alive candidate, and a woman with all the appeal of week-old fish and no accomplishments she can point to.
...And all we have against them is Trump.
Stop calling Trump names. 
Put on your big boy or girl pants.
They’re fighting for their lives. 
And we are too. 
Because — look at Venezuela — socialism kills.---Posted by Sarah Hoyt"...Read all!

Instapundit--NEWS YOU CAN USE:

Instapundit--NEWS YOU CAN USE: 

Lunch video-----Game Over For Junk Science





From the web..."... It was nice knowing ya...

"Well, fans, the only reason to slow the count is to fix the number of Biden votes.
We've likely lost this one. 
  • There is a bright side...the court leans right and we hold the senate.
  • They can't open the gulags yet. 
  • They can, and will, get rid of free speech.
 It was nice knowing ya..."

This is how an election is stolen!


It's ALL about power, not health-----CDC: People with Covid-19 Should Quarantine Unless You Want to Vote in Person

CDC: People with Covid-19 Should Quarantine Unless You Want to Vote in Person
"So forget everything you have been told thus far as the CDC has changed their stance again when it comes to Covid-19. 
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, you are now allowed to be around a large gathering of people, who you may be in line with for up to 2 hours in order to vote, while you are infected with Covid-19.
“Voters have the right to vote, regardless of whether they are sick or in quarantine,” the CDC wrote on its website...Read all.

Election Night Confirmed the Polls Were Lies - American Greatness

Election Night Confirmed the Polls Were Lies - American Greatness
  • We spent the last several months in a fog of coordinated propaganda posing as polling.

#1 This day 1964-----Baby Love

State Health Department Invites Snitching On Local Business Non-Compliance With Epidemic Rules

State Health Department Invites Snitching On Local Business Non-Compliance With Epidemic Rules
The Michigan Department of Health & Human Services is asking residents to report the names of businesses that violate the more restrictive epidemic response policies ordered Oct. 29.
In a press release, the MDHHS wrote, “Residents seeking to report violations should consult the COVID complaints page to find the appropriate department. For general failures to wear a mask or physical distance, residents may call their local law enforcement’s non-emergency line.”
Violations are subject to $1,000 fine...Read all.

We still have the most awful media in our history.


From the web-- "Scary times".

"My thoughts this morning.
  • Six states Trump ahead
  • Six states slowed/stopped counting
  • All six states run by Democrats.
  • One’s highly partisan AG (PA) declared yesterday morning that Trump would NOT win PA.
  • Troubling.
We will see, but I am not confident in the integrity of Democrats to not manufacture votes. 
 They have done it before. 
 Ballots are found in closets and car trunks all the time and oddly they are always heavily democrat. Coincidence I am sure...
  • Bottom line, is that if Trump wins we are in for the Democrats declaring the election illegitimate. 
The truth is though that that is what they have done to republican administrations for years going back to Bush. 
 Losing graciously is not what Democrats do. 
 Witness the last four years of hell they have put the country through trying to overturn 2016 however possible. 
 The Democrat leadership is already out there in force calling the president a totalitarian and fascist. 
Let the incitement to violence begin.
  • If Biden wins, in overtime counting then the republicans may declare the election illegitimate.
 Democrats are known for ballot box stuffing and democrat legislatures have made ballot harvesting legal. 
 It is illegal in other countries because it is ripe for fraud and cheating. 
 It is a terrible practice only legal where Democrats have cemented their ability to cheat. 
Republicans have gone along to get along but I am not sure if they will do it this time if the Democrats manage to take the election in overtime voting and manufacturing of votes. 
  • If the president doesn’t stand for this and fights there will be more incitement to violence by the left. 
 It was ok when Gore did it but it will not be ok when Trump does it.
I think republicans held the senate and that is a good thing. 
 They can act as a bulwark against socialism to the extent possible and protect the judicial branch from court packing.
I think the democrat policies will harm Garrett and I pray they never come to pass. 
I have been shouting the dangers of the democrat healthcare plans to him. 
That is what I fear the most. 
 Harm to Garrett from economically illiterate Democrat healthcare policies.
Scary times."

And this hate is BEFORE the election!----Friedman on CNN: GOP Just Un-American Whores Putting a Bullet in the Country | Newsbusters

Friedman on CNN: GOP Just Un-American Whores Putting a Bullet in the Country | Newsbusters
"CNN’s hatred for President Trump and Republicans was boiling over on the eve of Election Day. 
Their animus was perfectly summed up during a Monday segment of Cuomo PrimeTime which featured New York Times columnist, the insufferably pompous Tom Friedman. 
According to the duo, the Republicans were just a bunch of “manure” eating racists and whores trying to stir up a Lebanese-style civil war while trying to suppress votes, while President Trump was trying to “put a bullet into the country.”...Read all.

Election Results | Muskegon County, MI

Election Results | Muskegon County, MI

Election Results PDF Reports

Note: The following PDF reports will be updated numerous times through the evening on election night.  Make sure to refresh your browser window frequently to access the most recently published election results file. 

November 3, 2020 Election Results Viewer

Clerk_Elections_202008 Opens in new window

The way it is...


History for November 4

History for November 4 -
Will Rogers (William Penn Adair "Will" Rogers) 1879 - Cowboy, vaudeville performer, actor
  • 1922 - In Egypt, Howard Carter discovered the entry of the lost tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamen.
  • 1942 - During World War II, Axis forces retreated from El Alamein in North Africa. It was a major victory for the British.
  • 1952 - In the United States, the National Security Agency (NSA) was established.
  • 1956 - Soviet forces enter Hungary in order to suppress the uprising that had begun on October 23, 1956.
  • 1979 - Iranian militants seized the U.S. embassy in Tehran and took 63 Americans hostage (90 total hostages). The militants, mostly students, demanded that the U.S. send the former shah back to Iran to stand trial. Many hostages were later released, but 52 were held for the next 14 months.
  • 1989 - About a million East Germans filled the streets of East Berlin in a pro-democracy rally.

Tuesday, November 03, 2020

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette endorses Trump for handling of economy; first GOP presidential endorsement since 1972 | Fox Business

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette endorses Trump for handling of economy; first GOP presidential endorsement since 1972 | Fox Business

The editorial board of the Pittsburgh Post Gazette announced its endorsement of President Trump, praising the commander in chief's record on the economy and China.

Graham has a question for mainstream media if Trump gets reelected

Rich Little Impersonates Reagan, Joe Biden, Mike Lindell & MORE! | Huckabee

Instapundit--GLEICHSCHALTUNG: Shut Down DC Targets Conservative Organizations as ‘Trump Boosters.’

Instapundit--GLEICHSCHALTUNG: Shut Down DC Targets Conservative Organizations as ‘Trump Boosters.’

"Shut Down D.C., a progressive group that says it uses “strategic direct action to advance justice and hold officials accountable,” is targeting at least 27 conservative organizations in the Washington metro area as Election Day approaches.

An interactive map from Shut Down D.C. lists as “Trump boosters” a range of organizations, including The Heritage Foundation, the parent organization of The Daily Signal.

Other groups listed include Americans for Prosperity, Competitive Enterprise Institute, FreedomWorks, Leadership Institute, National Taxpayers Union, Republican Jewish Coalition, and UrbanCURE. (The complete list is below.)

Shut Down D.C.’s map contains the address, phone number, and website for each listed group. It also shows the location of media organizations, technology companies, and government offices in Washington, D.C.

The left-wing group’s website boasts that “we’re getting ready for an uprising. Now’s the time to get involved so we’re ready to hit the streets.”

I get the feeling it isn’t really the streets they want to hit.--Posted by 

While Hyping Voter Intimidation, Left Promises To Revolt If Trump Wins

While Hyping Voter Intimidation, Left Promises To Revolt If Trump Wins:
  • While spinning false and exaggerated stories of right-wing threats, the left is ignoring perhaps the biggest threat of voter intimidation. Why? Because it's coming from their own ranks.
"Resistance Democrats want you to be worried about voter intimidation. 
They also want you to know that they will not be going gently into that good election night if President Trump wins again.
It seems like threats of “creating serious disruption,” as one Resistance group expressed plans to do if Trump wins, might be a worrisome voter intimidation tactic. 
(If someone told me he would bring mass chaos to the streets if I voted for a particular candidate, I’d feel intimidated.) 
...But the media and Twitter establishments are a lot more interested in a narrative where voter intimidation comes from the right.
...A protest group called Shut Down DC is organizing an effort to “create serious disruption if Trump really tries to steal the election,” with a gathering in Black Lives Matter Plaza in Washington, D.C. on election night. The group, which also encourages similar disruptions in other communities, says they are “ready to do whatever it takes.”

In the days following the election, Shut Down DC’s action plan promises “no more business as usual.” It threatens to seek out members of Congress “at the train station or the airports,” or “we can meet them at their homes.”...Read all.

Bernie Sanders endorses Sarah Iannarone for Portland mayor - TheBlaze

Bernie Sanders endorses Sarah Iannarone for Portland mayor - TheBlaze

Iannarone openly advertises that she admires communist authoritarians. She was seen wearing a skirt with the faces of Che Guevera, Joseph Stalin, and Chairman Mao printed on it.

Wondermark Archive #1520; In which Armageddon awaits

Wondermark � Archive � #1520; In which Armageddon awaits

Intended to be satire. Sadly, it's what the democrats will bring to America.-----Business Owners Boarding Up In Case Party Of Love And Tolerance Loses | The Babylon Bee

Business Owners Boarding Up In Case Party Of Love And Tolerance Loses | The Babylon Bee
"U.S.—Business owners in Democrat-controlled cities are boarding up in preparation for an onslaught of mostly peaceful demonstrations should Trump win the election Tuesday.
The real concern is that the party of love and tolerance loses the election.
"We just want to make sure our businesses will be safe from the sudden outpouring of peace, love, and tolerance," said one frightened business owner in Los Angeles as he frantically boarded up his hookah lounge. 
"You know, too much peace can sometimes intensify and end up destroying millions of dollars of property. You know, from all the peace."
"Can't be too careful when there's roaming bands of people spreading peace."
Many business owners are even arming themselves with firearms to protect themselves from all the peace."

Lunch video-----"...anything will be counted as COVID these days."

"One America News Network---The latest numbers from the CDC reveal hospitals have been counting patients who died from serious preexisting conditions as COVID-19 deaths.
One America’s Pearson Sharp has more, as the CDC counts over 51-thousand patients who actually died from heart attacks, as opposed to the coronavirus."
"Motorcycle Accidents, hit and runs, Pneumonia, Flu, Heart attacks, ...anything will be counted as COVID these days."



SEAL Team Six rescues American held hostage in Nigeria - TheBlaze

SEAL Team Six rescues American held hostage in Nigeria - TheBlaze

SEAL Team Six executed a high-risk rescue mission of U.S. citizen Philip Walton, who was being held hostage in Nigeria. All but one of Walton's seven abductors were killed during the daring rescue operation.

Karl would be proud.