Sunday, November 08, 2020

Jeanine Pirro's Show Was Cancelled Tonight on FOX News After They Found Out She Was Going to Report on Election Fraud (VIDEO) | The Spectator | Truth Conquers All

Jeanine Pirro's Show Was Cancelled Tonight on FOX News After They Found Out She Was Going to Report on Election Fraud (VIDEO) | The Spectator | Truth Conquers All

" will happen again, probably in America..."--Security Could Have Stopped Bomber But Feared Being Branded 'Racist'

Security Could Have Stopped Bomber But Feared Being Branded 'Racist'
  • "The witness, security guard Kyle Lawler, who was 18 at the time, told police that he was “conflicted” because he thought something was wrong with Abedi but couldn’t describe it. He was standing about 15 feet away five minutes before a smiling Abedi detonated his bomb.
  • Lawler and security steward Mohammed Ali Agha watched Abedi for several minutes, troubled about his all black-clad appearance and the knapsack he was carrying. They exited the arena before the bomb was detonated.
In is prepared statement to the inquiry, the Showsec security guard also said: 
  • “I felt unsure about what to do. “It’s very difficult to define a terrorist. For all I knew he might well be an innocent Asian male. “I did not want people to think I am stereotyping him because of his race. “I was scared of being wrong and being branded a racist if I got it wrong and would have got into trouble. It made me hesitant."
Twenty-two people were sacrificed on the altar of political correctness. 
And it will happen again, probably in America, as TSA agents continue to stop our grandmothers to search their girdles for bombs while the likelihood of a well-dressed Middle Eastern man or woman boarding a plane and blowing it up is increased dramatically."

Lunch video-----Trump Team reports sheriff refuses to enforce court order


Supreme Court Orders Separate Count of Late Ballots in Pennsylvania

Supreme Court Orders Separate Count of Late Ballots in Pennsylvania

The United States Supreme Court has ordered Pennsylvania election boards to separate the count of mail-in ballots that arrived after Election Day. The order, which was signed by Justice Samuel Alito, suggests that the justices may exclude the late-arriving ballots in a subsequent ruling involving the results of the presidential election.

You did know they needed this level of regular maintenance, right?


Now, they're coming after us!-----The biggest loser in this election? Confidence in the voting process

The biggest loser in this election? Confidence in the voting process
"...I was looking at one breathless report from the Associated Press while having coffee this morning and was struck by how desperately many MSM outlets seem to be to bat down any questions about how fairly, accurately and legally the counting is being handled. 
At this point, they’re attacking Republican objections to perceived irregularities more stridently than they are the President himself. 
Words such as “baseless” and “unproven” are dominating the headlines this weekend. 
And reporters are more interested in which Republicans are going along with Trump or gainsaying him than the underlying questions being raised...Read all.

Patience. Patience.


New Michigan State diversity director gets $315k salary, $700/month car allowance | The College Fix

New Michigan State diversity director gets $315k salary, $700/month car allowance | The College Fix
"It’s a great gig — if you can get it.
Michigan State University’s new vice president/chief diversity and inclusion officer (CDO), Jabbar Bennett, was offered a cool $315,000 per year salary, as well as a $700 “monthly vehicle allowance,” according to The State News. (That car allowance, by the way, is a “usual benefit” given to MSU vice presidents according to the contract.)
...Bennett also gets a $25,000 signing bonus “in lieu of reimbursement of moving expenses,” and “upon request” two free tickets to any MSU football, men’s basketball and/or men’s hockey game (if available). 
...The new CDO’s duties include working with MSU officials to develop “diversity, equity and inclusion” plans, “designing delivery education and training programs” and being involved in various hiring processes...Read all.

"The study of history is a powerful antidote to contemporary arrogance." -----A Historian Explains Perhaps the Biggest Lesson of the 20th Century - Foundation for Economic Education

A Historian Explains Perhaps the Biggest Lesson of the 20th Century - Foundation for Economic Education
“The study of history is a powerful antidote to contemporary arrogance. 

It is humbling to discover how many of our glib assumptions, which seem to us novel and plausible, have been tested before, not once but many times and in innumerable guises; and discovered to be, at great human cost, wholly false.” – from The Recovery of Freedom (1980).

#1 This day 1960-----Georgia On My Mind

The problem is the government is way, way too big...

Facebook--Sean Malone
"The problem isn’t that people have become more racist or more hateful.
The problem isn’t the people are more divided.
The problem isn’t Facebook, or social media, or the mainstream media.
The problem is the government is way, way too big and involved in way, way too many aspects of our lives, and 
the problem is that each ‘side’ decries when the other ‘side’ tries to use that government power to intervene in and control their lives, all the while seeking to use it to do the same to others.

Want to end 99% of this bullshit? 
Shrink government down as much as is humanly possible. 
Get it out of as many aspects of our lives as humanly possible, whether it’s marriage or wages or healthcare or whatever. 
Live and let live, and mind your own fucking business. 
Make politicians either inconsequential or outright irrelevant.
Do this and you’ll end up with a far more prosperous and peaceful country than we have now.
Same goes for the rest of the world."
- Cole James Gentles

Yer gonna need it to keep hating America!


Horowitz: How Republican-controlled state legislatures can rectify election fraud committed by courts and governors - TheBlaze

Horowitz: How Republican-controlled state legislatures can rectify election fraud committed by courts and governors - TheBlaze

Who determines the outcome of the presidential election in a given state? Governors? Secretaries of state or boards of election superintendents? The courts? Fox News' decision desk? Nope. The president wins a state when electors selected by state legislatures conduct a vote in their respective states on Dec. 14. Thus, ultimately, according to the Constitution, the state legislators wind up serving as the kingmakers in a disputed election.

"All this that happen in the election is a flashback of what happened in Venezuela during many elections trying to put Chavez or Maduro out of the power."

Facebook--Janet Shagam
"via Porchlight: Comment at Epoch Times:
Hi Josua.
"I am a Venezuelan american. I am pro Trump. 
All this that happen in the election is a flashback of what happened in Venezuela during many elections trying to put Chavez or Maduro out of the power. 
Is a photo copy. 
Many many times the opposition candidate, was winning until in the middle of the night everything stop. 
And unexpectedly the government candidate start getting more votes and more votes and finally Chavez or more recently Maduro won. 
Every poll said the opposition candidate will win. 
You can feel the intention of vote of every Venezuelan poor or rich in the streets. 
And the whole society was sure we will win. 
I do not how they do it but we need to find out how.
On another hand other events happening in USA are the same events started happening in Venezuela. 
The black life matter movement (in Venezuela with different names of course). 
Really worry"

AM Fruitcake

Vote counting continues, even though Biden declared winner: New Maricopa County vote dump shows Trump eating into Biden's Arizona lead by another 7,000 votes - TheBlaze

Vote counting continues, even though Biden declared winner: New Maricopa County vote dump shows Trump eating into Biden's Arizona lead by another 7,000 votes - TheBlaze

Despite multiple networks calling the election for former Vice President Joe Biden, the vote counting continues in a number states where the results are extremely narrow. One of those close states is Arizona. POLL: Who is the most corrupt? A new batch of votes just released from Maricopa County in Arizona shows President Donald Trump again eating into former Vice President Joe Biden's lead in the state.

History for November 8

History for November 8 -
1966 - Republican Edward W. Brooke of Massachusetts became the first African-American elected to the U.S. Senate by popular vote.
  • 1805 - The "Corps of Discovery" reached the Pacific Ocean. The expedition was led by William Clark and Meriwether Lewis. 
  • 1895 - Wilhelm Roentgen while experimenting with electricity discovered the scientific principle involved and took the first X-ray pictures.
  • 1923 - Adolf Hitler made his first attempt at seizing power in Germany with a failed coup in Munich that came to be known as the "Beer-Hall Putsch."
  • 1966 - Edward W. Brooke of Massachusetts became the first African-American elected to the U.S. Senate by popular vote.
  • 1966 - Ronald Reagan was elected governor of California.
  • 1979 - U.S. Senators John Warner (R-VA) and Mac Mathias (R-MD) introduced legislation to provide a site on the National Mall for the building of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.

Saturday, November 07, 2020



There are at least 21,000 dead people registered on the state of Pennsylvania's voter rolls, according to a lawsuit filed by a legal group. POLL: Who is the most corrupt? A lawsuit filed on Thursday by the Public Interest Legal Foundation claims that there are tens of thousands of deceased registrants on voter rolls in Pennsylvania. The amended lawsuit filed against the Pennsylvania Department of State alleges that Pennsylvania failed to "reasonably maintain voter registration records under federal and state law" during the 2020 presidential election cycle.

The way we were-----Mid Century Home life -- The 50s

Boob-tube-----Space Probe Taurus (1965) - FULL MOVIE

Kristallnacht: Are We Experiencing the Modern Version? | Intellectual Takeout

Kristallnacht: Are We Experiencing the Modern Version? | Intellectual Takeout
"November 9th marks the eightieth anniversary of Kristallnacht, or the Night of Broken Glass, in Germany. 
...These days, anti-Semitism is again on the rise in some European countries. 

Though violent assaults against Jews are down in the last few years, incidents of harassment and threats have increased. 
  • In Germany, Jewish community centers, schools, and synagogues have round-the-clock police protection. 
  • France has seen a rise in the number of Jews immigrating to Israel, citing as one of their reasons fear for their safety and that of their children. 
  • The Guardian reports that in 2017 incidents of anti-Semitism in the UK reached record highs, occurring at the rate of four per day. 
...Dr. Moshe Kantor, president of the European Jewish Congress, offers an additional explanation. 
He believes that anti-Semitism has entered a new phase, that bigotry has regained respectability among certain groups...Read all.

The Michael Smith Show "I'm sure you all have seen AOC's call to create an "Enemies of the State" list - and that the task has been taken up by some on the left.

Facebook--The Michael Smith Show
"I'm sure you all have seen AOC's call to create an "Enemies of the State" list - and that the task has been taken up by some on the left.
It is real - at least the hate and vitriol behind it is, and make no mistake, they intend to use such lists and social media to prevent dissent, as they say, by any means necessary.
People will say, "They can't get away with that!"
But the fact is they already have...Read all!!!

‘Come Back To Haunt’: Pennsylvania Lawsuit Alleges 21,000 Dead People Still On Voter Rolls

A legal group filed a lawsuit in Pennsylvania alleging that the state has tens of thousands of deceased people on its voter rolls and that there is evidence of voting activity among the deceased.

The 2020 election tracks a BBC list of vote-rigging indicators - American Thinker

The 2020 election tracks a BBC list of vote-rigging indicators - American Thinker

"...a BBC article from 2016 about Gabon’s election comes in, for it describes with uncanny accuracy what’s been happening in our contested states.

The Revolver came across the BCC’s article about elections in Gabon. 

It promised to educate readers about “Vote rigging: How to spot the tell-tale signs,” What makes the article notable is that we’ve seen many of these signs, or variations of them here, in America, since Tuesday morning.

  • The first sign is “Too many voters,” while the second sign is unusually high turnout in specific areas...It’s true there’s a dispute about whether Wisconsin had an 89% voter turnout. 

  • ...The third sign is large numbers of invalid votes. Again, this election has been rife with invalid votes.
  • The fourth sign – the reconciliation of paper ballots to votes – is not an issue (yet).
  • The fifth sign -- “results that don’t match” -- is an issue...
  • And then there’s the sixth sign: “Delay in announcing results.”... 

This election is a scandal. 

No matter the outcome, half the country will be certain that it was cheated out of a fair election. 

This is how countries collapse...Read all.

We voted for this!!!-----Michigan's 2018 ballot proposals: Marijuana | WWMT

Michigan's 2018 ballot proposals: Marijuana | WWMT

Election Day voter registration

Read more: Proposal 3 aims to "Promote the Vote;" not everyone involved

This is a yes or not vote on expanding voter registration options. It has been billed as the Promote the Vote proposal. The Board of State Canvassers officially approved wording, which will be on the ballot, is:

  • Proposal 18-3

A proposal to authorize automatic and Election Day voter registration, no-reason absentee voting, and straight-ticket voting; and add current legal requirements for military and overseas voting and post-election audits to the Michigan Constitution.

This proposed constitutional amendment would allow a United States citizen who is qualified to vote in Michigan to:

  • Become automatically registered to vote when applying for, updating or renewing a driver’s license or state-issued personal identification card, unless the person declines.
  • Simultaneously register to vote with proof of residency and obtain a ballot during the 2-week period prior to an election, up to and including Election Day.
  • Obtain an absent voter ballot without providing a reason.
  • Cast a straight-ticket vote for all candidates of a particular political party when voting in a partisan general election.

Should this proposal be adopted?"

Lunch video-----Buy a Shotgun Joe Biden So So Funny!


USPS Worker Caught Allegedly Fleeing To Canada With Undelivered Ballots | The Daily Caller

USPS Worker Caught Allegedly Fleeing To Canada With Undelivered Ballots | The Daily Caller

A U.S. Postal Service carrier was caught allegedly trying to cross the Canadian border with undelivered mail, including several absentee ballots, according to The Buffalo News.

"Creating" hypochondria.