Thursday, November 19, 2020

Government at war with the producers!

PA Governor Wolf Mandates Mask-Wearing in Your Own Home

PA Governor Wolf Mandates Mask-Wearing in Your Own Home

"With another COVID-19 wave on the horizon, several states are restricting the number of guests you can have over for Thanksgiving.

Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf, however, is adding several new measures, including testing and quarantining for people coming into the state (with some exceptions) and requiring the wearing of masks in your own home if you have company over...Read all.

Hateful media propaganda! "The anger the president is fomenting among his followers..."


Media telling you about this?-----‘Experts’ Listed 27 House Races As Toss-Ups. Republicans Won All 27

‘Experts’ Listed 27 House Races As Toss-Ups. Republicans Won All 27
"On Monday, Burgess Owens, a former NFL player and vocal critic of Colin Kaepernick, was declared the winner of Utah’s 4th Congressional District. 
Despite running against an incumbent and trailing by 11% in final polling, Owens prevailed in a race deemed a “toss-up” by Cook Political Report, a “nonpartisan” election and campaign analysis group popular among legacy media outlets.
Ahead of the 2020 election, Cook listed 27 races as “toss-ups,” meaning they were too close to predict one way or the other. 
Republicans won all 27...Read all.

#1 This day 1983-----Lionel Richie - All Night Long (All Night)

CLIMATE CHANGE--Observers Shocked at Greta Thunberg’s Inability to Answer a Simple Question Without a Script

CLIMATE CHANGE--Observers Shocked at Greta Thunberg’s Inability to Answer a Simple Question Without a Script

  • Observers were shocked at a now viral video that shows environmental activist Greta Thunberg being unable to answer a basic question without a script.
  • "Thunberg has been lauded by the media establishment for her thunderous speeches denouncing world leaders who don’t take climate change seriously enough.
    However, when the teenage campaigner was asked a question on that very subject, her response, or lack thereof, was remarkable.
    “Could you please tell us what kind of message what you are doing here today – what kind of message would you send by doing this to world leaders and also can I ask you, do you think it’s about time President Trump would respond to what you have said today?” Thunberg was asked.
    After a long pause, Thunberg said, “Erm, I think…I’m sorry what was the first question?”

After the journalist repeated the question, Thunberg responded, “I think what we want to send…the message we want to send is to say that we have had enough and erm…”

MAGA March Reveals Media Bias 11-17-20 - MICHAEL P. RAMIREZ - America's premiere editorial cartoonist

MAGA March Reveals Media Bias 11-17-20 - MICHAEL P. RAMIREZ - America's premiere editorial cartoonist

Support For Stricter Gun Control Drops To Lowest Level In Years, Poll Shows | The Daily Caller

Support For Stricter Gun Control Drops To Lowest Level In Years, Poll Shows | The Daily Caller

Support for more stringent gun control has fallen to the lowest level since 2016, according to a Monday poll. A total of 57% of Americans surveyed, compared to 55% in 2016, wanted to see tighter firearms regulations, which is down from 64% in 2019, according to a Gallup poll. In 2020, 34% of adults wanted to see no change in current gun laws and 9% would like to see current regulations relaxed, the poll revealed.

Confusing Logic, Winter Edition: State COVID Order Permits Skiing But Not Outdoor Ice Skating--Michigan Capitol Confidential

Confusing Logic, Winter Edition: State COVID Order Permits Skiing But Not Outdoor Ice Skating
"When Gov. Gretchen Whitmer implemented her stay-at-home order in March, there was some head-scratching logic at work.
For example, Whitmer’s orders banned motorized boating in April but allowed boats without motors.
Now, the state has other issues that raise an eyebrow.
That Michigan Department of Health and Human Services issued an emergency order that has allowed ski areas to remain open during the three-week lockdown that takes effect Nov. 18. 
Yet the department will not allow skating rinks – indoor or outdoor – to remain open."

AM Fruitcake


History for November 19

History for November 19 -
Ted Turner 1938
  • 1863 - U.S. President Lincoln delivered his Gettysburg Address as he dedicated a national cemetery at the site of the Civil War battlefield in Pennsylvania.
  • 1928 - "Time" magazine presented its cover in color for the first time. The subject was Japanese Emperor Hirohito.
  • 1954 - Two automatic toll collectors were placed in service on the Garden State Parkway in New Jersey.
  • 1969 - Apollo 12 astronauts Charles Conrad and Alan Bean made man's second landing on the moon.
  • 2002 - The U.S. government completed its takeover of security at 424 airports nationwide.
  • 2007 - The Amazon Kindle was first released.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Ted Cruz: 'Facebook, Twitter and Then Google...Pose the Single Greatest Threat We Have to Free Speech' | CNSNews

Ted Cruz: 'Facebook, Twitter and Then Google...Pose the Single Greatest Threat We Have to Free Speech' | CNSNews

One of the most chilling aspects of today's hearing in the Judiciary Committee was Senate Democrat after Senate Democrat, their questions were, essentially -- and you mentioned Senator Blumenthal, he was one of the more aggressive on this -- their questions were, why don't you censor more? Why do you allow these views we don't like to be heard or to exist? I think that is really, really dangerous. And I do think you're going to see the abuses of power get worse in coming years with -- aided and abetted by Democrats that want to silence someone who disagrees.

Nolte: Sidney Powell and Lin Wood Promise There's a Ton of Voter Fraud

Nolte: Sidney Powell and Lin Wood Promise There's a Ton of Voter Fraud

In the middle of the 2020 recount maelstrom, there are two attorneys with national reputations putting those reputations on the line with the promise that a massive amount of voter fraud is about to be uncovered, enough voter fraud to win President Trump a second term. Sidney Powell is no joke. She served as a federal prosecutor for ten years and earned a national reputation as the attorney who swooped in, convinced Ret. Gen. Michael Flynn to withdraw his guilty pleas, and successfully pressured the Justice Department to drop its charges. She was a stalwart and regular presence in exposing the Russia Collusion Hoax, and by my count, everything she said was going to happen did happen.

The way we were-----Eisenhower Visits Patton's Grave, Luxembourg, Sept 1946

Boob-tube-----Top 10 Most Realistic War Movies According to Military Veterans

Study Warns That New Work From Home Trend is Making People More “Racist”

Study Warns That New Work From Home Trend is Making People More “Racist”
"A new study being promoted by the mass media claims that working from home makes people more “racist” because they are less exposed to ‘diversity’ in the workplace...Read all.

Beaumont CEO paid $2.6 million bonus as pandemic swept into Michigan

Beaumont CEO paid $2.6 million bonus as pandemic swept into Michigan: 
"Beaumont Health paid its chief executive a $2.6 million bonus weeks before the state's largest hospital system turned to the federal government for a financial bailout.
The bonus for CEO John Fox — a 63% increase over his prior year bonus — was awarded on the same day that the nonprofit health system got its first COVID-19 patient. 
...Those returns, which are available to the public upon request, show Fox's total compensation for his work in 2019 was $6.75 million...Read all.

US successfully shoots down ICBM in space from warship for the first time ever in military test - TheBlaze

US successfully shoots down ICBM in space from warship for the first time ever in military test - TheBlaze

The United States shot down an intercontinental ballistic missile in space from a warship at sea for the first time ever in a successful demonstration early Tuesday morning, the Missile Defense Agency announced in a news release.

"STAY AT HOME"?-----Summit County to move to level red on COVID-19 dial as soon as Friday |

Summit County (CO) to move to level red on COVID-19 dial as soon as Friday |
KEYSTONE — Summit County could be moving into the state’s new level red phase of response to the novel coronavirus as soon as Friday, Nov. 20.
Effective Friday, the state will be adding two new levels to its COVID-19 dial: a restructured level red, which is now labeled “severe risk,” and the new level purple, which is labeled “stay at home,” Colorado Gov. Jared Polis said at a news conference Tuesday.

CORONAVIRUS“Great Reset” Mastermind Suggests Risk Assessment “Brain Scans” Before Allowing Travel

CORONAVIRUS“Great Reset” Mastermind Suggests Risk Assessment “Brain Scans” Before Allowing Travel
“Great Reset” mastermind Klaus Schwab suggests a number of draconian measures for controlling the population under the umbrella of the ‘4th Industrial Revolution’, including risk-assessment brain scans to cross borders and implantable chips to read people’s thoughts.
World Economic Forum founder Schwab has repeatedly emphasized how
technocrats need to take advantage of the coronavirus pandemic to implement “The Great Reset,”
a sentiment that was echoed by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau during a recent UN video conference.
But the “Great Reset” isn’t just about restructuring the economic system, implementing a ‘Green New Deal’, making more jobs fully automated and lowering energy consumption and living standards, there’s also a policing aspect to the agenda...Read all.

Lunch video-----Thomas Sowell on Kamala Harris' Communist Video



Coronavirus: Trudeau tells UN conference that pandemic provided "opportu...

That WAS the plan!


Yes, it's the Bee ...but it's also real-life!-----Hard-Working Plumber Looking Forward To Paying For His Neighbor’s Gender Studies Degree

Hard-Working Plumber Looking Forward To Paying For His Neighbor’s Gender Studies Degree
PADUCAH, KY—With Democrats proposing the mass cancellation of student debt, successful Americans around the country are really looking forward to paying taxes to relieve the debt of people who purchased expensive yet useless college degrees. 
One local plumbing contractor, Sam Caughorn, is really looking forward to paying the tab on his neighbor's $89,000 gender studies degree.
"Listen, I'm just a plumber," he said. 
"I didn't go to college, but I work hard and support my family. I don't know about all that high-falutin gender stuff they teach in college, but I'm sure it must be important since it's so expensive! Happy to help out another person in need."...Read all!

"Trump's not gonna win!"


"In many ways, a transition of power from a Democratic president to a Republican president never happened..."

Janet Shagam
~ "In many ways, a transition of power from a Democratic president to a Republican president never happened. 
Democratic Party apparatchiks still rule the administrative state; they’ve attempted to thwart President Trump at every turn." ~
FTA - "At the very moment Barack Obama welcomed Trump to the Oval Office on November 10, 2016 for a kumbaya photo op, his FBI was spying on Trump campaign advisor Carter Page, and by extension, Donald Trump. 
Barack Obama’s FBI, under the corrupt leadership of James Comey, used fabricated political opposition research to convince a secret court that Page was a Russian agent and had conspired with the Russians to rig the election. Comey and Sally Yates, Obama’s deputy attorney general, signed the initial FISA warrant on October 21, 2016.
Comey’s FBI also was investigating three other Trump associates including his former campaign manager and Lt. General Michael Flynn, the incoming national security advisor.
After Trump won, Obama continued to stoke the fantasy that Trump’s election was illegitimate due to Russia’s “attack” on our democracy. On December 9, 2016, Obama amplified the farce by instructing his intelligence community to conduct a “full investigation” into the 2016 election."....

#1 This day 1962-----Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons - Big Girls Don t Cry 1962

We are led by scum!-----As America locks down, 20 lawmakers from 3 states really just flew to Maui to mingle with a bunch of lobbyists at a posh resort for 4 days | Not the Bee

As America locks down, 20 lawmakers from 3 states really just flew to Maui to mingle with a bunch of lobbyists at a posh resort for 4 days | Not the Bee
"Yes, this really happened.
Yesterday, while 40 California counties moved back into the purple tier (meaning businesses, schools, and churches must be closed or limited), and lockdowns intensified across the nation, 20 supreme, all-powerful lawmakers from 3 states (including lockdown-happy California and Washington) headed to Maui—along with around 100 other people comprised of prominent lobbyists and their families—for a four-day conference at a swanked-out resort.
What's not suspicious at all is that the organizer refuses to release the names of the attendees chopping it up at the posh Fairmont Kea Lani...Read all.

"...hall monitor dweebs.."