Friday, December 04, 2020

Must read to the last tweet!-----"People have been shaming me & others for months now for speaking up against the #COVID19 shutdowns. Hospitals! Hospitals are overwhelmed! ..."

People have been shaming me & others for months now for speaking up against the #COVID19 shutdowns. Hospitals! Hospitals are overwhelmed!
THREAD I need to rethink things. People have been shaming me & others for months now for speaking up against the #COVID19 shutdowns. Hospitals! Hospitals are overwhelmed! They may be right. I have to share some quotes about our hospitals.
  • Read to the end please!

Biden Team Should Be Nervous About What's Happening in the Courts - Jord...

Sea ice extent---TruthExcites | Facebook

TruthExcites | Facebook
  • "You won't see this on the MSM."

Greedy ba$tard$!!!-----Michigan Cities Want To Collect Income Tax From Nonresidents Working At Home

Michigan Cities Want To Collect Income Tax From Nonresidents Working At Home
"Some local governments in Michigan could see a decline in their income tax collections as thousands of employees who normally work within their jurisdictions instead work from homes, located elsewhere, during the coronavirus pandemic. 
Under current law, those individuals’ income is not subject to a local income tax.
The Michigan Municipal League (MML) wants a temporary change to that law, given estimates that the 24 municipalities with local income taxes will collect up to $160 million less in the current fiscal year due to the surge in remote work.
The league wants legislators to amend the local income tax law to let cities collect from nonresidents who ordinarily work within their boundaries but now work from homes outside the city.
The proposal is part of a package of several tax measures announced by the local government lobbying group (MML) at a news conference...Read all.

Lunch video-----I'm NOT eating bugs. 🕷️



Chinese Sociologist: China Will Drive America to Its Death - Louder With Crowder

Chinese Sociologist: China Will Drive America to Its Death - Louder With Crowder

I want you to think back to the beginning of 2020. All the virtue-signaling over calling COVID the "China virus." Since, like, the virus came from China and all that. Here's a refresher. Our president-elect (humor me) even attacked the sitting president for being too mean to the Chicoms. I want you to remember it all. Then watch this speech from a Chinese sociologist. One who brags that China is driving America to our death. And then he gets offensive.

Clueless... and cruel!


"Media carries with it a credibility that is totally undeserved..."

Facebook--Janet Shagam
"Michael Crichton on the media--from the late Michael Crichton’s 2002 essay “Why Speculate?”:
"Media carries with it a credibility that is totally undeserved. 
You have all experienced this, in what I call the Murray Gell-Mann Amnesia effect...
  • Briefly stated, the Gell-Mann Amnesia effect works as follows. 
You open the newspaper to an article on some subject you know well. 
In Murray’s case, physics. 

In mine, show business. 
You read the article and see the journalist has absolutely no understanding of either the facts or the issues. 
Often, the article is so wrong it actually presents the story backward-reversing cause and effect. 
I call these the “wet streets cause rain” stories. 
Paper’s full of them.
In any case, you read with exasperation or amusement the multiple errors in a story-and then turn the page to national or international affairs, and read with renewed interest as if the rest of the newspaper was somehow more accurate about far-off Palestine than it was about the story you just read. 
You turn the page, and forget what you know.
That is the Gell-Mann Amnesia effect. 
I’d point out it does not operate in other arenas of life. 
In ordinary life, if somebody consistently exaggerates or lies to you, you soon discount everything they say. 
In court, there is the legal doctrine of falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus, which means untruthful in one part, untruthful in all.
But when it comes to the media, we believe against evidence that it is probably worth our time to read other parts of the paper. 
When, in fact, it almost certainly isn’t. 
The only possible explanation for our behavior is amnesia."

Hate the rich, spend $58 on a T-shirt?!!



In my county, Arlington, schools closed in March and the geniuses in the public school administration told the teachers not to do online instruction, and not to teach anything new (lest there be some kid, somewhere, who couldn’t log in despite free county-provided Ipads and Internet, because that would be inequitable). 
Below is a chart showing how kids did on the test they give at the beginning of each school year. 
As you will notice, black and Hispanic kids have been really hurt, white and Asian kids not so much...Read all!

#1 This day 1957-----Sam Cooke You Send Me 1957 MPG

Black Lives Matter calls for month-long boycott of 'white companies' to support 'BlackXmas' | Daily Mail Online

Black Lives Matter calls for month-long boycott of 'white companies' to support 'BlackXmas' | Daily Mail Online
"Black Lives Matter calls for month-long boycott of 'white companies' during the holiday season to support 'Black Xmas' and end 'White-supremacist-capitalism'
  • The Black Lives Matter movement is calling for supporters to boycott 'white' companies, organizations, and banks for the holiday shopping season
  • 'We're dreaming of a #BlackXmas. That means no spending with white companies,' the official Black Xmas website states
  • BLM claims that 'white-supremacist-capitalism is complicit in the murder of Black people by police'  
  • Black Xmas began on Black Friday and will last until New Years Day
  • The holiday boycott began in 2014 in response to the police killing of John Crawford, a black man who was fatally shot while shopping in an Ohio Walmart...Read all.

Study: Absolutely NO excess deaths from COVID-19

Study: Absolutely NO excess deaths from COVID-19
"UPDATE: It appears the newsletter analysis that I linked to below was too hopeful for the authorities at Johns Hopkins, even though it was based on actual data. 
Mere minutes after I posted this they took it down, censoring this conclusion. 
Though I quoted a lot below, the article was much longer, included detailed graphs, and was thoughtful and thorough.
Positive news like this however must not be published. 
It must be squelched and silenced. 
We must live in fear, even if the thing we fear does not exist.
One of my readers below however found it on the Wayback Machine, here.
I have also embedded below the fold the webinar where the information censored was discussed in detail. In case Johns Hopkins or Youtube decides to censor this webinar also, another one of my readers below has downloaded it and made it available here. 
(It is very sad that a university now considers Orwell’s 1984 to be an instruction manual instead of a warning.)
  • Original post:
A new analysis of the 2020 death statistics in the United States has revealed that despite the panic over COVID-19, the total number of deaths in all age groups — including the elderly — showed no change before or after the arrival of the virus.
This bears repeating, in bold and italics: There have been no excess deaths in 2020.
Surprisingly, the deaths of older people stayed the same before and after COVID-19. 
Since COVID-19 mainly affects the elderly, experts expected an increase in the percentage of deaths in older age groups. 
However, this increase is not seen from the CDC data. 
In fact, the percentages of deaths among all age groups remain relatively the same. 
“The reason we have a higher number of reported COVID-19 deaths among older individuals than younger individuals is simply because every day in the U.S. older individuals die in higher numbers than younger individuals,” Briand said.
Briand also noted that 50,000 to 70,000 deaths are seen both before and after COVID-19, indicating that this number of deaths was normal long before COVID-19 emerged. 
Therefore, according to Briand, not only has COVID-19 had no effect on the percentage of deaths of older people, but it has also not increased the total number of deaths...Read all+video!

Rules are for little people.


Twitter suspends data analyst who testified that up to 300,000 fake people voted in Arizona election - TheBlaze

Twitter suspends data analyst who testified that up to 300,000 fake people voted in Arizona election - TheBlaze

Bobby Piton, an investment adviser and managing partner at Pre-Active Investments, LLC, was suspended by Twitter on the same day he testified that as many as 306,000 "fake people" voted in the Arizona election. He claimed that after analyzing government voter registration and census data, in his opinion the "biggest fraud in the history of our constitutional republic is taking place right before our eyes." A spokesperson for Twitter told TheBlaze Piton's account "was permanently suspended for violating Twitter Rules on Platform Manipulation and Spam." The spokesperson did not say which specific rules Piton violated. TheBlaze has asked for clarification.

Confusing, ever changing!-----COVID-19 Guidelines Changing For How Long People Have To Quarantine

COVID-19 Guidelines Changing For How Long People Have To Quarantine
  • "Individuals who live with someone who has contracted COVID-19 are recommended to quarantine themselves for as many as 26 days, according to guidance given Dec. 2 by a multistate chain of urgent care centers.
  • The guidance was published before the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention revised its own quarantine guidelines on Dec. 2, reducing the recommended quarantine period from 14 to 10 days...Read all.

AM Fruitcake


History for December 4

History for December 4 -
Francisco Franco 1892
  • 1783 - Gen. George Washington said farewell to his officers at Fraunces Tavern in New York.
  • 1812 - Peter Gaillard patented the power mower.
  • 1875 - William Marcy Tweed, the "Boss" of New York City's Democrat, Tammany Hall political organization, escaped from jail and fled from the U.S.
  • 1943 - Baseball Commissioner Kenesaw Mountain Landis announced that any club was free to employ black players.
  • 1977 - Jean-Bedel Bokassa, ruler of the Central African Empire, crowned himself emperor in a ceremony believed to have cost more than $100 million. He was deposed 2 years later.
  • 1978 - Dianne Feinstein became San Francisco's first woman mayor when she was named to replace George Moscone, who had been murdered.
  • 1997 - The National Basketball Association (NBA) suspended Latrell Sprewell of the Golden State Warriors for one year for choking and threatening to kill his coach, P.J. Carlesimo.

Thursday, December 03, 2020

Ex-USPS Subcontractor Says Colleagues 'Ordered to Backdate Ballots'

Ex-USPS Subcontractor Says Colleagues 'Ordered to Backdate Ballots'

Former US Postal Service subcontractor Ethan Pease alleged USPS workers were ordered to backdate ballots received too late so that they could be lawfully counted, detailing the allegation during a Tuesday press conference hosted by the Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society. Pease explained he worked as a temporary hire at United Mailing Services (UMS), a USPS subcontractor in Wisconsin, in the weeks leading up to Election Day.

The way we were-----Caravan Concourse (1966)

Boob-tube-----Decision 2000 with Bush and Gore Cold Open - SNL

Walter E. Williams 1936-2020--RIP American hero!--by Thomas Sowell

Walter E. Williams 1936-2020
"Walter Williams loved teaching. 
Unlike too many other teachers today, he made it a point never to impose his opinions on his students. Those who read his syndicated newspaper columns know that he expressed his opinions boldly and unequivocally there. 
But not in the classroom.
Walter once said he hoped that, on the day he died, he would have taught a class that day. 
And that is just the way it was, when he died on Wednesday, December 2, 2020.
He was my best friend for half a century...MUST READ ALL!

How they "think"-----COVID turns everyone into potential serial killer by breathing | Opinion

COVID turns everyone into potential serial killer by breathing | Opinion: 
"If I hold my breath when I hug my parents, will that spare me the Greek tragedy of killing them
This mental toll will last long after the threat fades.
As coronavirus burns an exponential path of destruction across the American terrain, an insidious blanket of shadow damage is quietly unfurling in its name. 
It’s not just the death and scarred lungs. 
COVID-19 has turned every man, woman and child into a potential serial killer...Read all.

Facebook and Google Are Buying Up Rivals Despite Antitrust Action

Facebook and Google Are Buying Up Rivals Despite Antitrust Action

Despite ongoing government antitrust investigations and lawsuits, tech giants Facebook and Google are continuing to finalize deals to purchase rival companies. Axios reports that despite an antitrust lawsuit filed against Google by the DOJ and reports of addiitonal incoming government antitrust lawsuits, tech giants such as Facebook and Google are continuing to finalize deals to purchase smaller rivals. On Monday, Facebook announced that it has purchased a customer service chatbot startup called Kustomer for $1 billion, the same amount the company paid for the photo-sharing app Instagram in 2012.

The Tragedy of Black Education Is New--Walter E. Williams

The Tragedy of Black Education Is New
"Several years ago, Project Baltimore began an investigation of Baltimore’s school system. 
What it found was an utter disgrace.
  • In 19 of Baltimore’s 39 high schools, out of 3,804 students, only 14 of them, or less than 1%, were proficient in math.
  • In 13 of Baltimore’s high schools, not a single student scored proficient in math.
  • In five Baltimore City high schools, not a single student scored proficient in math or reading.
Despite these academic deficiencies, about 70% of the students graduate and are conferred a high school diploma—a fraudulent high school diploma.
  • The Detroit Public Schools Community District scored the lowest in the nation compared to 26 other urban districts for reading and mathematics at the fourth- and eighth-grade levels.
  • A recent video captures some of this miseducation in Milwaukee high schools: In two city high schools, only one student tested proficient in math and none are proficient in English.
Yet, the schools spent a full week learning about “systemic racism” and “Black Lives Matter activism.”...Read all.

World Economic Forum Encourages Plebs To Eat Weeds & Drink Sewage | Zero Hedge

World Economic Forum Encourages Plebs To Eat Weeds & Drink Sewage | Zero Hedge

"The World Economic Forum published two articles on its website which explored how people could be conditioned to get used to the idea of eating weeds, bugs and drinking sewage water in order to reduce CO2 emissions.

Yes, really.

“Finding new plant-based foods is becoming increasingly urgent with the world’s population forecast to grow by two billion in the next 30 years,” states an article authored by Douglas Broom published on the official WEF website

“While farming animals for meat generates 14.5% of total global greenhouse emissions, weeds capture carbon from the atmosphere and can therefore help to control climate change.”

According to Broom, “Weeds can be nutritious and tasty” and are easy to grow.

The article fails to explain why weeds such as dandelion leaves, given that they are so ubiquitous, haven’t been made a staple of western diets already.

“The next time a panhandler approaches your car at a stoplight, point to the tasty and nutritious weeds sprouting up through cracks in the pavement and tell him, “Bon appétit!” writes Dave Blount.

A separate article also published on the WEF website investigates how people can be conditioned to enjoy consuming ‘food’ which on the surface sounds disgusting...Read all.

Lunch video-----YouTube Terminates Free Speech

"Due to censorship, I can't post anything meaningful on YouTube anymore.
Please subscribe today before YouTube deletes my account and you can still find me." 


Report: Democrats face voter fraud allegations after ballot review by Dem judge erased Republican lead - TheBlaze

Report: Democrats face voter fraud allegations after ballot review by Dem judge erased Republican lead - TheBlaze

Democrats are reportedly facing voter fraud accusations in an extremely tight New York congressional race that resulted in a Republican candidate having her lead over a Democratic incumbent completely erased, the Washington Examiner reported.  What are the details? On election night, freshman Democratic Rep. Anthony Brindisi (N.Y.) trailed Republican challenger Claudia Tenney by over 28,000 votes. Then, as mail-in ballots were counted over the coming weeks, Brindisi's deficit was erased, and he trailed Tenney by just 100-200 votes, the Examiner noted.