Sunday, December 06, 2020

And they've already warned us!


Sounds like Michigan/Biden's USA today!-----Sustainable Newspeak by 2050 - Law & Liberty

Sustainable Newspeak by 2050 - Law & Liberty
"George Orwell pointed out that one of the first casualties of socialism is language. 
The damage is not collateral, it is deliberate—designed to numb minds and render critical thought difficult or impossible. 
The instrument of this dumbing down in Nineteen Eighty-Four was Newspeak, the official language of the English Socialist Party (Ingsoc). 
Newspeak was a sort of Totalitarian Esperanto that sought gradually to diminish the range of what was thinkable by eliminating, contracting, and manufacturing words. 
New words had a “political implication” and “were intended to impose a desirable mental attitude upon the person using them.” 
The meaning of words was often reversed, as was most starkly emphasized in the key slogans of Ingsoc:

Nineteen Eighty-Four was written in 1949. 
Its nightmarish fictional world is now 36 years in the past, so one might reasonably conclude that Orwell was far too pessimistic, but his great book was less a prediction than a warning, and above all an analysis of the totalitarian mentality. 
...the UN’s “Global Governance” agenda, which seeks nothing less than to oversee and regulate every aspect of life on the basis of a suite of alarmist projections
The main existential threat is claimed to be catastrophic man-made climate change. 
...In a video lecture to Chinese students earlier this year, UN Secretary-General António Guterres claimed that there was “No excuse” not to meet the Net-Zero emission target by 2050. 
“The time for small steps has passed,” he said. 
“What is needed now is transformational change.”  
For “transformational” read “revolutionary;” change that would involve the destruction of Western industrial society and freedom.
In fact, there is no climate “crisis” or “emergency.” 
However, as Orwell noted, the language of fear and panic is one of the main instruments of political control...Much here, read all.

AM Fruitcake


History for December 6

History for December 6 -
Ira Gershwin 1896 - Lyricist, brother of composer George Gershwin
  • 1735 - In London, French surgeon Claudius Amyand peformed the first successful appendectomy at St. George's Hospital. The patient was an 11-year old boy that had swallowed a pin.
  • 1774 - Austria became the first nation to introduce a state education system.
  • 1865 - The 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified. The amendment abolished slavery in the U.S.
  • 1877 - Thomas Edison demonstrated the first gramophone, with a recording of himself reciting Mary Had a Little Lamb.
  • 1921 - The Catholic Irish Free State was created as a self-governing dominion of Britain when an Anglo-Irish treaty was signed.
  • 1926 - In Italy, Benito Mussolini introduced a tax on bachelors.
  • 1973 - Gerald R. Ford was sworn in as the vice-president of the United States after vice-president Spiro Agnew resigned.
  • 1994 - Orange County, CA, filed for bankruptcy protection due to investment losses of about $2 billion. The county is one of the richest in the U.S. and became the largest municipality to file for bankruptcy.
  • 1998 - In Venezuela, former Lieutenant Colonel Hugo Chavez was elected president. He had staged a bloody coup attempt against the government six years earlier.

Saturday, December 05, 2020

The way we were-----The lumiere family goes on a trip.1895.

Boob-tube-----How the USSR Collapsed on Soviet TV

It wILL happen again!-----The Real Kraken: What Really Happened to Donald Trump in the 2020 Election

The Real Kraken: What Really Happened to Donald Trump in the 2020 Election
"...Something’s fishy.
Indeed, something profoundly fishy happened in the 2020 election...
What happened in 2020 is something more fundamental and profound. 
What happened in 2020 is cultural and systemic, and sadly, generally legal. 
Until Republicans, and more importantly Trump supporters, understand what happened to them this year, it will happen again.
Two things happened in 2020. 
  • First, COVID led to a dismantling of state election integrity laws by everyone except the one body with the constitutional prerogative to change the rules of electing the president – the state legislatures.
  • Second, the Center for Technology and Civic Life happened.
...The Center for Technology and Civic Life and allied groups are responsible for building an urban get-out-the-vote-machine of the sort that Democrats could only dream up on a bender fueled by jugs of Merlot and all the legalized pot they could smoke.
The Capital Research Center has this deep dive into what the Center for Technology and Civil Life did in just Georgia. 
It starts with this"
This year, left-leaning donors Mark Zuckerberg and wife Priscilla Chan gave $350 million to an allegedly “nonpartisan” nonprofit, the Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL), which in turn re-granted the funds to thousands of governmental election officials around the country to “help” them conduct the 2020 election...Read all.

Never let a crisis go to waste-----Whitmer administration asks Michigan legislature for $400 million to fund COVID-19 response -

Whitmer administration asks Michigan legislature for $400 million to fund COVID-19 response -
"Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s administration is seeking additional state dollars...
In a supplemental budget request submitted to lawmakers Thursday, State Budget Director Chris Kolb recommended roughly $300 million in state spending, $192 million of which would go to the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services for
  • testing, 
  • contact tracing, 
  • food assistance for children and 
  • continuing a $2-per-hour wage increase for direct care workers. 
  • The request also includes specific funding for managing administration of a COVID-19 vaccine in coordination with healthcare providers and local health departments.
  • That’s in addition to a previous ask made by Whitmer for a $100 million economic stimulus package to support families and small businesses hard-hit by the pandemic...Read all.

REPORT: At Least $400 Million In Unemployment Benefits Given To Prisoners In California | The Daily Caller

REPORT: At Least $400 Million In Unemployment Benefits Given To Prisoners In California | The Daily Caller

The California Employment Development Department approved around 20,000 unemployment claims from prisoners at local, state, and federal institutions, leading to improper payments of at least $400 million, Fox Business reported Wednesday.

Dear Joe, It’s Not About Iran’s Nukes Anymore

Dear Joe, It’s Not About Iran’s Nukes Anymore
"...The best way for Biden to appreciate the new Middle East is to study what happened in the early hours of Sept. 14, 2019 — when the Iranian Air Force launched 20 drones and precision-guided cruise missiles at Abqaiq, one of Saudi Arabia’s most important oil fields and processing centers, causing huge damage. 
It was a seminal event.
The Iranian drones and cruise missiles flew so low and with such stealth that neither their takeoff nor their impending attack was detected in time by Saudi or U.S. radar. Israeli military analysts, who were stunned by the capabilities the Iranians displayed, argued that this surprise attack was the Middle East’s “Pearl Harbor.”
They were right. 
The Middle East was reshaped by this Iranian precision missile strike, by President Trump’s response and by the response of Israel, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates to Trump’s response.
...First, how did Trump react? 
He did nothing. 
He did not launch a retaliatory strike on behalf of Saudi Arabia — even though Iran, unprovoked, had attacked the heart of Saudi Arabia’s oil infrastructure.
A few weeks later Trump did send 3,000 U.S. troops and some antimissile batteries to Saudi Arabia to bolster its defense — but with this message on Oct. 11, 2019: “We are sending troops and other things to the Middle East to help Saudi Arabia. But — are you ready? Saudi Arabia, at my request, has agreed to pay us for everything we’re doing. That’s a first.”
It sure was a first. 
He was reflecting a deep change in the American public. 
His message: Dear Saudis, America is now the world’s biggest oil producer; we’re getting out of the Middle East; happy to sell you as many weapons as you can pay cash for; but don’t count on us to fight your battles. You want U.S. troops? Show me the money...Read all, much more.

Must read all!-----On That Censored Johns Hopkins All-Cause Death Analysis

On That Censored Johns Hopkins All-Cause Death Analysis
"...You’d think by now our rulers would stop the anemic way they censor what they consider dangerous information. 
Their blundering attempts only highlight what they want to hide.
It’s particularly silly with coronadoom censorship. 
Take the Johns Hopkins blog post “A closer look at U.S. deaths due to COVID-19” detailing some work by a lady named Briand. 
It was up, it was circulated, then it was deemed dangerous and pulled down. 
The Wayback Machine still has it, of course.
If it weren’t for the censorship, I wouldn’t have got the dozens and dozens of requests to look at it. 
Now everybody is sure Johns Hopkins is hiding something. 
...The reason it was censored it particularly stupid, too: “… it was brought to our attention that our coverage of Genevieve Briand’s presentation ‘COVID-19 Deaths: A Look at U.S. Data’ has been used to support dangerous inaccuracies that minimize the impact of the pandemic.”
...Funniest thing: they forgot, at least of this writing, to censor the YouTube video where Briand gives a talk.
...Two important words of caution.
  • CDC and everybody else counts deaths “involving” coronadoom as fast as possible, but ordinary deaths can take weeks before they’re fully tallied. That means the percentages shown in later weeks are exaggerations: the denominators are too small. The shape will in the ballpark, though.
  • Finally, even doom deaths come in slower than desired, so the drop off at the end of all these pictures is purely an artifact of late counting.
We’ve seen this next chart, which I call the Perspective Plot. 
All cause deaths, those “involving” COVID, and flu + pneumonia. 
In early summer CDC stopped separate counts of flu + pneumonia because, we suppose, of the difficulty telling these deaths from doom deaths...Read all!!

Lunch video-----Cultural Appropriation has gone too far: making "non-white" food is raci...



South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem dresses down Joe Biden after he tweets, 'Help is on the way' - TheBlaze

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem dresses down Joe Biden after he tweets, 'Help is on the way' - TheBlaze

Republican South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem took a swipe at Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden on Twitter Wednesday after Biden vowed to assist struggling Americans. POLL: What are you most worried about? The former vice president tweeted a promise to the American people the day before, saying, "My message to everyone struggling right now is this: Help is on the way." Noem shot back by reminding followers that an offer to "help" coming from Biden, or any government official for that matter, ought to be received with a healthy amount of skepticism.

Try to reason with imbeciles?


Britain's Prince Harry suggests COVID is rebuke from nature | Reuters

Britain's Prince Harry suggests COVID is rebuke from nature | Reuters
"LONDON (Reuters) - Britain’s Prince Harry has suggested that the coronavirus pandemic is a rebuke from nature as he called for more action to tackle climate change.
...“Somebody said to me at the beginning of the pandemic, it’s almost as though Mother Nature has sent us to our rooms for bad behaviour, to really take a moment and think about what we’ve done,” Harry said.
...Harry and Meghan, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, have spoken out on issues such as race and the environment since stepping down from their roles as working members of the royal family at the end of March and moving to California.
The prince, who has been criticised in the past for his use of private jets, urged people to imagine being a raindrop in order to help repair the Earth...Read all.

Promises, promises...


EXCLUSIVE: Oregon Gave Antifa Your CARES Act COVID Relief Tax Dollars During the Riots. Wait, It Gets Worse

EXCLUSIVE: Oregon Gave Antifa Your CARES Act COVID Relief Tax Dollars During the Riots. Wait, It Gets Worse

"...At at time when violent rioters were setting fires, looting, and terrorizing the people of Portland, they were rewarded with U.S. CARES Act COVID relief funds.

...The group “SNACK BLOC” that received CARES ACT money designed to help people in need – or so we thought – is unabashedly antifa and BLM. It’s not even a semantical close call. Oregon’s Health Authority gave money to a group that came out of the shadows to support antifa and riots.

...Their first message? “Don’t talk to cops.”

They participated in the attack on Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler’s home.

“You know you’re the fu–ing mayor, right? Like we’re at your building because we want YOU to stop the police officers from ‘repeatedly striking’ individuals.”

They “helped” “comrades” with bail...Read all.

#1 This day 1961-----The Marvelettes - Please Mr. Postman (1961)

CDC calls for 'universal' mask use indoors in new guidance

CDC calls for 'universal' mask use indoors in new guidance
"The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued fresh guidance Friday calling for the “universal use” of face masks indoors.
...It’s the first time the CDC has called for everyone to wear masks indoors, the Washington Post reported.
In its Weekly Morbidity and Mortality report, the CDC warns that the US is entering “a phase of high-level transmission” and encourages the public to continue health measures including social distancing, washing hands and avoiding “nonessential indoor spaces and crowded outdoor spaces.”
The CDC said that it was
“consistent and correct” to use masks at all times indoors to fight the virus.
..Read all.

Well, she/he is now a white male.


Restaurant owner interrupts news broadcast, urges resistance to COVID-19 state 'tyranny' - TheBlaze

Restaurant owner interrupts news broadcast, urges resistance to COVID-19 state 'tyranny' - TheBlaze
Dave Morris saw the news camera and reporter in front of his Michigan restaurant Wednesday and apparently decided he wasn't going to wait to be interviewed.

Instead he walked up and interrupted WWMT-TV's segment on restaurant owners defying a statewide ban on indoor dining — and it turns out Morris has been doing just that.

"My government leaders have abandoned me," Morris — who owns D&R Daily Grind in Portage — told the reporter.

Lin Wood is a Democrat that wants Republicans to self-destruct.

Lin Wood is a Democrat that wants Republicans to self-destruct.

AM Fruitcake


History for December 5

History for December 5 -
Martin Van Buren (U.S.) 1782
  • 1848 - U.S. President Polk triggered the Gold Rush of '49 by confirming the fact that gold had been discovered in California.
  • 1904 - The Russian fleet was destroyed by the Japanese at Port Arthur, during the Russo-Japanese War.
  • 1932 - German physicist Albert Einstein was granted a visa making it possible for him to travel to the U.S.
  • 1945 - The so-called "Lost Squadron" disappeared. The five U.S. Navy Avenger bombers carrying 14 Navy flyers began a training mission at the Ft. Lauderdale Naval Air Station. They were never heard from again.
  • 1951 - The first push button-controlled garage opened in Washington, DC.
  • 1985 - The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose above 1,500 for the first time.
  • 1988 - Jim Bakker and former aide Richard Dortch were indicted by a federal grand jury in North Carolina on fraud and conspiracy charges.

Friday, December 04, 2020

Secular Democrats urge Biden to pounce on U.S. Christianity

Secular Democrats urge Biden to pounce on U.S. Christianity

It would ban religious organizations from participating in government programs, support governors who want to close down churches amid the COVID pandemic, require new disclosures from churches, overturn religious-rights precedents such as the Hobby Lobby case, prevent mention of creationism in education and work for a "deradicalization" of "white Christian nationalism." The document declares the "rise of white Christian nationalism is a national security threat."

The way we were-----The Last Great Tank Battle in History

Boob-tube-----Dr Katz, Professional Therapist 0212 Henna (Fred Stoller, Kevin Meaney)

What about the "urban farming" explosion in Detroit?-----Latest Millennial Dream Job? Farming | Intellectual Takeout

Latest Millennial Dream Job? Farming | Intellectual Takeout
"On Thanksgiving Day, while America ate its biggest, most famous meal of the year, The Washington Post wrote about something for which everyone ought to be thankful: more millennials are taking up farming.
That’s right: 
For the first time in a long time, a growing number of young Americans are ditching cities and desk jobs to sow seeds and pull weeds. 
...Surprising most of all because most of these millennial farmers have college degrees and no agricultural background or experience. 
...So why the sudden uptick in college-educated, twenty-something, farming newbies entering the field?
No doubt part of it is the desire to see and be surrounded by life and living things, and to feel alive themselves...Read all.

Must read to the last tweet!-----"People have been shaming me & others for months now for speaking up against the #COVID19 shutdowns. Hospitals! Hospitals are overwhelmed! ..."

People have been shaming me & others for months now for speaking up against the #COVID19 shutdowns. Hospitals! Hospitals are overwhelmed!
THREAD I need to rethink things. People have been shaming me & others for months now for speaking up against the #COVID19 shutdowns. Hospitals! Hospitals are overwhelmed! They may be right. I have to share some quotes about our hospitals.
  • Read to the end please!