Tuesday, January 05, 2021

2020 Migration Trends: U-Haul Ranks 50 States by Migration Growth

2020 Migration Trends: U-Haul Ranks 50 States by Migration Growth
"...While U-Haul migration trends do not correlate directly to population or economic growth, the Company's growth data is an effective gauge of how well cities and states are attracting and maintaining residents...Read all.



Tennessee (12)


Texas (2)


Florida (1)


Ohio (7)


Arizona (20)


Colorado (42)


Missouri (13)


Nevada (24)


North Carolina (3)


Georgia (16)


Arkansas (23)


Indiana (9)


Wisconsin (41)


Oklahoma (14)


South Carolina (4)


West Virginia (22)


Utah (8)


Kentucky (37)


Montana (26)


Minnesota (15)


Kansas (18)


Alabama (6)


New Hampshire (31)


Iowa (30)


South Dakota (28)


Vermont (10)


Delaware (21)


Virginia (39)


Maine (33)


Idaho (11)


Mississippi (25)


Nebraska (19)


Wyoming (27)


Alaska (17)


Rhode Island (35)


Washington (5)


North Dakota (32)


Washington, D.C. (38)*


New Mexico (36)


Michigan (48)


Pennsylvania (46)


New York (43)


Connecticut (34)


Louisiana (40)


Oregon (29)


Maryland (45)


Massachusetts (47)


New Jersey (44)


Illinois (50)


California (49)

* Previous year's rankings in parentheses.

You wonder why so many black communities are hell-holes? They elect hated-filled morons to rule them.


Look at the math!


It can happen here!

  • Germany went from being an admired, progressive country.
  • A bright future assured, a model for the world. 
  • To total destruction.
  • All its cities bombed to smithereens, half it's men dead, maimed or
  • prisoners.
  • The country dissolved.
  • All in the the span of 7-10 years.
  • It can happen.
  • It can happen here!

#1 This day 1958-----Danny and The Juniors - At The Hop (1958)

Whistleblower Drove Ballots From New York to Pennsylvania

Whistleblower Drove Ballots From New York to Pennsylvania
From a friend:
"Several years ago I fell into a collegial conversation with a self-described atheist who told me he would believe in God if only there was evidence. 
"How about the universe?" I responded.
"That's not evidence," he answered.
I answered, "So you say you would believe in God if there was evidence, but the evidence must be greater than the universe. What exactly would that evidence be?"
And so the Left's reaction to ANY claim of voter fraud: "Show me the evidence. And nothing you show me will be evidence."
Like this: a USPS contract employee who says he personally drove tens of thousands of completed ballots across state lines and when arrived, no one would sign the usual, routine paperwork that he had made the delivery. 
Many more drivers have said much the same thing.
But none of that is evidence. 
Of course."

Getting dumber 12-31-20 - MICHAEL P. RAMIREZ - America's premiere editorial cartoonist

Getting dumber 12-31-20 - MICHAEL P. RAMIREZ - America's premiere editorial cartoonist

Exclusive: Kristi Noem Lists Reasons Georgia Runoffs Will Impact Moms Across America

Exclusive: Kristi Noem Lists Reasons Georgia Runoffs Will Impact Moms Across America
VALDOSTA, Georgia — South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem told Breitbart News exclusively here that whoever wins the Georgia Senate runoffs will directly impact mothers across the state and the country.

The Year in Covid ‘Messaging’

It’s ludicrously late in the day to fault Dr. Fauci for spinning the public.
"Anthony Fauci is being clobbered after admitting to the New York Times that he publicly lowballed his estimate of the Covid-19 herd immunity threshold, but it’s ludicrously late in the day to discover that “messaging” has been going on.
...Official lying about things large and small has been a staple of Covid politics: the letters to college students threatening them with arrest if they don’t quarantine, the interstate travel “bans” that were never enforced, the death counts that swept up anybody who died of any cause while infected with Covid.
...People spread the disease by their own decisions, moment by moment, about when, where and how to expose themselves to risk.
Only lately has this reality snuck into public rhetoric as leaders in New York, Massachusetts and elsewhere started admitting that their moves are more about “signaling” than any practical effect...Read all!

WSJ Opinion: The New Covid Resistance
0:00 / 4:47
WSJ Opinion: The New Covid Resistance
WSJ Opinion: The New Covid Resistance
Wonder Land: Business owners are pushing back against extreme Covid-19 restrictions, largely in liberal states such as New York and California. Images: Shutterstock/Reuters Composite: Mark Kelly

AM Fruitcake


History for January 5

History for January 5 - On-This-Day.com
Robert Duvall 1930
  • 1896 - It was reported by The Austrian newspaper that Wilhelm Roentgen had discovered the type of radiation that became known as X-rays.
  • 1914 - Ford Motor Company announced that there would be a new daily minimum wage of $5 and an eight-hour workday.
  • 1925 - Mrs. Nellie Taylor Ross (R) was sworn in as the governor of Wyoming She was the first female governor in the U.S.
  • 1956 - In the Peanuts comic strip, Snoopy walked on two legs for the first time.
  • 1961 - "Mr. Ed" debuted. The show would run for six years.
  • 1972 - U.S. President Richard M. Nixon ordered the development of the space shuttle.
  • 1993 - The state of Washington executed Westley Allan Dodd. It was America's first legal hanging since 1965. Dodd was an admitted child sex killer.
  • 1998 - U.S. Representative Sonny Bono died in skiing accident.

Monday, January 04, 2021

How elites are leveraging COVID to 'Reset' the world

How elites are leveraging COVID to 'Reset' the world

And according to some Christians, the report concluded, such technology-driven measures and tracking systems look a lot like “another step toward the fulfillment of the End Times ‘Mark of the Beast’ prophesied 2,000 years ago in the biblical book of Revelation.”

Revelation 13:16-17 famously warns: "It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name."

FNC's Pirro: 'Hypocrite on High' Pelosi Defended Barbara Boxer's 2004 Electoral College Challenge

FNC's Pirro: 'Hypocrite on High' Pelosi Defended Barbara Boxer's 2004 Electoral College Challenge

On Saturday’s broadcast of Fox News Channel’s “Justice,” host Jeanine Pirro slammed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and other critics of the effort led by a group of Republican House and Senate members to potentially challenge the outcome of the 2020 Electoral College.

Pirro criticized Pelosi and others for supporting then-Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) for challenging the Electoral College in 2004 but applying a different standard to this group of lawmakers.

The way we were-----Battle Stations: PT Boats (War History Documentary)

The way we were-----Let's Make A Sandwich (1950) A Classic Educational Film

Boob-tube-----Coneheads Family Feud - SNL

How do morons this dumb get power in Congress?-----Democrat Says 'Amen and A-Woman' to Conclude Prayer

Democrat Says 'Amen and A-Woman' to Conclude Prayer

"On Sunday, a Democratic representative — who also happens to have been a pastor for 37 years — gave an official prayer to open the 117th Congress. 

With great pomp and circumstance, he closed his prayer by invoking “the monotheistic god,” Brahma, and the god who supposedly goes by many names. 

He then concluded with the most asinine thing I have ever heard. 

He ended with “amen … and a-woman.”...Read all.

Big Brother IS watching YOU!-----Watch: CNN's Tuchman Scolds Skiers for Not Wearing Masks

Watch: CNN's Tuchman Scolds Skiers for Not Wearing Masks
Volume 90%
"Thursday as part of CNN’s New Year’s Eve coverage, network correspondents Gary and Lindsay Tuchman hit the slopes at Mt. Hood Skibowl in Oregon.
...Tuchman then shamed the skier for not wearing a mask during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.
“You don’t have your mask on,” he noted.
“Oh yeah. … I don’t have it on right now,” the skier said, adding she would put it on when she entered the lodge.
“What I want to quickly point out to you [is] they have very strict measures here. You are supposed to have your mask on,” Tuchman scolded. “I’m not the guardian angel. I’m sorry about that.”...Read all.