Passivity Is a Choice, and We Made It by Kurt Schlichter"There’s always an uproar when we see Asian-Americans being beaten to a pulp or murdered on video and the people around them just stare instead of intervene.
But why are we surprised?
They are just doing exactly what society has told them to do.
It’s not necessarily cowardice.
They are making an entirely rational choice
based on our society’s unequivocal message that we should stand back and watch.
...But if you do intervene, your trouble just begins.
Even if you are in the right does not mean an intervention will go your way.
If you are in the wrong jurisdiction, with one of those leftist-bought district attorneys, then you run the risk of being prosecuted even if you did everything right.
...Or, if someone videotapes the encounter, maybe your life gets ruined because the thug you shot is of an SJW-favored group.
Do you think the facts matter?
Do you think the crook’s criminal record, actions before bystanders started filming, or anything else is going to get in the way of the narrative?
Come on.
You cannot rely on objective truth to protect you in a world of subjectivity and lies.
...When we choose, as a society, to punish those who intervene, it’s hard to be shocked when people don’t.
People can rationally calculate risk and reward – “Okay, that nice Asian grandma is going to have a black eye, and that’s bad, but I’m going to go home in one piece tonight and not be bankrupted or tossed in jail forever, so I can live with it.”...Read all.