Important stuff you won't get from the liberal media! We do the surfing so you can be informed AND have a life!
Wednesday, May 12, 2021
BREAKING: Soros-Funded St Louis Prosecutor Kim Gardner Engaged in 62 Acts of Misconduct and 79 False Representations in Prosecution of Eric Greitens
Teacher Reads Book About Transgenderism to First Graders, School Board President in District Owns ALL AGES SEX SHOP
Watch: LAPD's Topanga Division Station Firebombed in Latest Attack on Law Enforcement
Hans von Spakovsky: Voter suppression? Dems flat-out wrong. Census data gives real story about US elections | Fox News
- There is no suppression going on of anyone’s votes anywhere in the country.
- Anyone who says otherwise is just making it up.
Lunch video-----Rob Smith: Left will destroy US military 'from the inside out'
Twitter-verified writer hopes Elon Musk burns alive after insisting he flashed a 'white power' symbol during 'SNL' appearance - TheBlaze
Barringer took supreme exception to Musk flashing the "OK" hand sign — which many in the woke crowd claim is a white power sign — during a Saturday segment on the popular comedy sketch show.
She wrote, "Wait. Whaaaaaaaaa… did Elon Musk just … like… aggressively flash the white power sign during the Weekend Update? Please tell me I'm insane. Please. No really. Going to need you to tell me I'm insane."
Biden Admin Hiding Damning Report on Student Debt Crisis, Lawmakers Say - Washington Free Beacon
- a $1.8 trillion spending package that promises Americans
- at least two years of taxpayer-funded higher education.
- And the president asked Congress to relieve $10,000 in student loans per borrower in January...Read all.
Ken Buck Continues to Push Democrat Backed Handout for Big Media
Canadian professor suspended for ‘unkind’ blog posts, denying systemic racism
- A professor at Canada’s Mount Allison University has been suspended without pay due to student complaints about her allegedly “racist” and “discriminatory” personal blog.
- “denying systemic racism,”
- “talking about BIPOC students in unkind ways” and
- “labelling Black Lives Matter a radical group,”...
History for May 12
- 1885 - In the Battle of Batoche, French Canadians rebelled against the Canadian government.
- 1888 - Charles Sherrill of the Yale track team became the first runner to use the crouching start for a fast break in a foot race.
- 1926 - The airship Norge became the first vessel to fly over the North Pole.
- 1940 - The Nazi conquest of France began with the German army crossing Muese River.
- 1949 - The Soviet Union announced an end to the Berlin Blockade.
- 1957 - A.J. Foyt won his first auto racing victory in Kansas City, MO.
- 1975 - U.S. merchant ship Mayaguez was seized by Cambodian forces in international waters.
- 1978 - The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration announced that they would no longer exclusively name hurricanes after women.
- 2002 - Former U.S. President Carter arrived in Cuba for a visit with Fidel Castro. It was the first time a U.S. head of state, in or out of office, had gone to the island since Castro's 1959 revolution.
Tuesday, May 11, 2021
Exclusive - Rep. David Schweikert: People Being Paid to Stay Home, Hence Poor Jobs Numbers
Rep. David Schweikert (R-AZ) told Breitbart News on Sunday that April’s jobs report was a function of paying Americans not to work, as opposed to fears among prospective workers of coronavirus infection.
“I hear the comments saying people are fearful [to work due to the coronavirus], yet I cannot find any properly put together data that actually says that,” said Schweikert on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Sunday with host Joel Pollak. “I believe that to be more anecdotal folk lore….We do have actual data of people saying, ‘Why should I take the $15-an-hour job when I’m almost making that much staying at home?”
Excellent free series!-----The Second World Wars- How The First Global Conflict Was Fought And Won ...
Why are we funding Chinese research?????-----China, Fauci and the Origins of Covid - WSJ
- Did the virus come from a Chinese lab funded by the celebrated doctor’s U.S. government institute?
Vote fraud proof!-----From the web.
- Absentee ballots cast that were not applied for. WI: 170,140
- Absentee ballots arriving after election day. PA: 10,000
- Absentee ballots untimely requested (before or after statutory deadline). GA: 305,701
- Absentee ballots from nonresidents. AZ: 19,997; NV: 15,000; PA: 14,328
- Absentee ballots received on or before postmark date. AZ: 22,903; PA: 58,221
- Absentee ballots received with no postmark. PA: 9,005
- Absentee ballots under name of registered voters who say they never requested it. MI: 27,825
- Dead voters. GA: 10,315; MI: 482; NV: 1,506; PA: 8,021
- Double voters in state. AZ: 157; GA: 395; NV: 42,284; PA: 742; WI: 234
- Felon voters. GA: 2,560
- False identities (ghost voters). AZ: 5,790; GA: 15,700
- Illegal ballot harvesting. WI: 17,271
- “Indefinite confinement” as illegal abuse of absentee ballot. WI: 216,000
- Juvenile voters ineligible to vote. GA: 66,247
- Mail in ballots registered by voters after registration deadline. AZ: 150,000
- Voters with no address on file. AZ: 2,000; GA: 1,043; MI: 35,109; NV: 8,000
- Non-citizen voters. AZ: 36,473; NV: 4,000
- No corresponding voter registration number. MI: 174,384
- Non-registered voters. GA: 2,423
- Out of state voters who voted in state. AZ: 5,726; GA: 20,312; MI: 13,248; NV: 19,218; PA: 7,426; WI: 6,848
- Over-votes (votes for too many candidates, spoils ballot). AZ: 11,676; GA: 202,377
- Pollwatcher, observer abuses. GA: 680,774
- Signatures do not match. NV: 130,000
- Voting machine irregularities, fake or manufactured ballots, spikes. GA: 136,155; MI: 195,755; WI: 143,379
- Voters over 100 years old. PA: 1,573
- Voters voting in wrong district/county. GA: 40,279
Biden's energy secretary blames COVID-19 for soaring gas prices, but oil industry expert points at Biden - TheBlaze
Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm is blaming the pandemic for soaring gas prices.
Since President Joe Biden took office on Jan. 20, the national average gas price has soared more than 50 cents. As of Friday, it stood at nearly $3 per gallon — $2.96. The average was $2.38 per gallon when Biden took office, and $2.11 per gallon on Election Day last year.
This is nuts!-----Blasey-Ford Honored with Spot in The Courage Museum
"Commit heinous crimes as a black person and get shot by a cop?
But those honors are no longer just for black thugs.
Are you aware of The Courage Museum?
Ironically, Pelosi obliged...
Fail!-----Emergency Declaration Issued For 17 States Over Colonial Pipeline Cyberattack | Dan Bongino
"The Colonial Pipeline, which runs 5,500 miles and supplies almost half the gas, diesel, and jet fuel for the East Coast was hit with a successful ransomware attack.
In this case, it’s a particularly large problem.