Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Boob-tube-----Americans will buy ANYTHING 1! Top 10 Worst Infomercials:

BREAKING: Soros-Funded St Louis Prosecutor Kim Gardner Engaged in 62 Acts of Misconduct and 79 False Representations in Prosecution of Eric Greitens

BREAKING: Soros-Funded St Louis Prosecutor Kim Gardner Engaged in 62 Acts of Misconduct and 79 False Representations in Prosecution of Eric Greitens
"This woman is a danger.
Last year St. Louis City saw its highest homicide rate in 50 years.
But after little to no action by Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner, state officials passed legislation to allow the state attorney general to take over homicide cases in St. Louis after 90 days if Circuit Attorney Kimberly Gardner hasn’t filed charges or upon request from the “chief law enforcement officer.”
Gardner, a Soros-funded prosecutor, has been a complete disaster for the City of St. Louis.
The Soros-funded Circuit attorney rejected several open-and-shut cases due to the fact that she believed local police officers were racists...Read all!

Teacher Reads Book About Transgenderism to First Graders, School Board President in District Owns ALL AGES SEX SHOP

Teacher Reads Book About Transgenderism to First Graders, School Board President in District Owns ALL AGES SEX SHOP
A massive scandal is brewing in the Bellingham School District in Washington, where a first grade teacher recently read a book about transgenderism to her first grade class.
The uproar about the book lead parents to contact the school board — and the revelation that the school board president owns an “all ages” sex toy shop.
The teacher, Jennifer Miller, read the book I am Jazz to her class. 
The story was written by Jazz Jennings, who was on a reality show as a transgender child. 
It is about a two-year-old biological male transitioning to female, with the support of his parents...Read all.

Watch: LAPD's Topanga Division Station Firebombed in Latest Attack on Law Enforcement

Watch: LAPD's Topanga Division Station Firebombed in Latest Attack on Law Enforcement
In the latest violent attack on Los Angeles law enforcement, the L.A. Police Department’s Topanga Division station was firebombed with an apparent molotov cocktail early Sunday. Authorities pursued and successfully apprehended the suspect.

Many on the left won't give up masks because...

Instapundit--Many on the left won't give up masks because


The replies are telling.--Posted by 

Hans von Spakovsky: Voter suppression? Dems flat-out wrong. Census data gives real story about US elections | Fox News

Hans von Spakovsky: Voter suppression? Dems flat-out wrong. Census data gives real story about US elections | Fox News
  • There is no suppression going on of anyone’s votes anywhere in the country. 
  • Anyone who says otherwise is just making it up.  
"The Census Bureau’s recent release of its 2020 election survey of voters clearly demonstrates that those who have been claiming, without justification or evidence, that we have been experiencing a wave of so-called "voter suppression" have a lot of explaining to do.  
...Instead, the Census Bureau reports that the turnout in last year’s election was 66.8% – just short of the record turnout of 67.7% of voting-age citizens for the 1992 election. 
It beat the turnout in President Obama’s first election, which was reported as 63.6% by the bureau. 
Kamala Harris made that false claim about "voter suppression" in September last year when she was running for office. 
Yet the Census survey shows that there was higher turnout among all races in 2020 when compared to the 2016 election. 
Black Americans turned out at 63%, compared to 60% in 2016...Read all.

Lunch video-----Rob Smith: Left will destroy US military 'from the inside out'

"Army veteran Rob Smith and former Navy SEAL Jack Carr shed light on the dangers of extremism and 'wokeness' in the military."



Twitter-verified writer hopes Elon Musk burns alive after insisting he flashed a 'white power' symbol during 'SNL' appearance - TheBlaze

Twitter-verified writer hopes Elon Musk burns alive after insisting he flashed a 'white power' symbol during 'SNL' appearance - TheBlaze

Barringer took supreme exception to Musk flashing the "OK" hand sign — which many in the woke crowd claim is a white power sign — during a Saturday segment on the popular comedy sketch show.

She wrote, "Wait. Whaaaaaaaaa… did Elon Musk just … like… aggressively flash the white power sign during the Weekend Update? Please tell me I'm insane. Please. No really. Going to need you to tell me I'm insane."

He's not alone...


It's war! It's a scam!-----Birth Tourism, why Chinese women pay TOP DOLLAR!

Same scam. Different scammers.


Biden Admin Hiding Damning Report on Student Debt Crisis, Lawmakers Say - Washington Free Beacon

Biden Admin Hiding Damning Report on Student Debt Crisis, Lawmakers Say - Washington Free Beacon
"...Republican lawmakers claim that the Biden administration is burying a report that shows how shoddy accounting at the Department of Education could cost taxpayers billions.
...Taxpayers may end up footing the bill for that discrepancy, which could amount to roughly one third of the federal government's $1.6 trillion student loan portfolio.
The demand for financial transparency comes as the Biden administration moves to spend big on higher education. 
President Joe Biden last week proposed his American Families Plan
  • a $1.8 trillion spending package that promises Americans 
  • at least two years of taxpayer-funded higher education. 
  • And the president asked Congress to relieve $10,000 in student loans per borrower in January...Read all.

#1 This day 1977-----Leo Sayer - When I Need You - ( Remaster ) HD

She's right!


Ken Buck Continues to Push Democrat Backed Handout for Big Media

Ken Buck Continues to Push Democrat Backed Handout for Big Media
Despite unified GOP opposition including from Leader Kevin McCarthy and Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Jim Jordan, Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO), at the bidding of establishment media and News Corp lobbyists, continues to push the Journalism Competition and Preservation Act (JCPA), a Democrat-backed bill that would allow Big Media companies to form a cartel to pressure tech companies for more censorship and special favors. The bill was introduced and initially championed by a Democrat congressman, Rep. David Cicilline (D-RI), and was sold to Republicans like Buck as a means of taking on Big Tech. House Republican leadership including Kevin McCarthy and Jim Jordan have opposed the bill.

Canadian professor suspended for ‘unkind’ blog posts, denying systemic racism

Canadian professor suspended for ‘unkind’ blog posts, denying systemic racism
  • A professor at Canada’s Mount Allison University has been suspended without pay due to student complaints about her allegedly “racist” and “discriminatory” personal blog.
"Professor Rima Azar, who teaches health psychology at the New Brunswick institution, also will have to undergo “equity, diversity and inclusion training” for her transgressions, the CBC reports.
These transgressions include 
  • “denying systemic racism,” 
  • “talking about BIPOC students in unkind ways” and 
  • “labelling Black Lives Matter a radical group,”... 
according to then-president of the Mount Allison Students’ Union Jonathan Ferguson.
In response to a student’s tweet, one of Azar’s posts read “[New Brunswick] is NOT racist. Canada is NOT racist. We do not have ‘systemic’ racism or ‘systemic’ discrimination. We just have systemic naivety because we are a young country and because we want to save the world.” Azar named the student in the post.
Mount Allison Communications Director Robert Hiscock said the two-month investigation into the matter “has made significant findings requiring action,” but refused to cite examples noting confidentiality agreements and school policy...Read all.

History for May 12

History for May 12 -
George Carlin 1937 - Comedian, actor
  • 1885 - In the Battle of Batoche, French Canadians rebelled against the Canadian government.
  • 1888 - Charles Sherrill of the Yale track team became the first runner to use the crouching start for a fast break in a foot race.
  • 1926 - The airship Norge became the first vessel to fly over the North Pole.
  • 1940 - The Nazi conquest of France began with the German army crossing Muese River.
  • 1949 - The Soviet Union announced an end to the Berlin Blockade.
  • 1957 - A.J. Foyt won his first auto racing victory in Kansas City, MO.
  • 1975 - U.S. merchant ship Mayaguez was seized by Cambodian forces in international waters.
  • 1978 - The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration announced that they would no longer exclusively name hurricanes after women.
  • 2002 - Former U.S. President Carter arrived in Cuba for a visit with Fidel Castro. It was the first time a U.S. head of state, in or out of office, had gone to the island since Castro's 1959 revolution.

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Exclusive - Rep. David Schweikert: People Being Paid to Stay Home, Hence Poor Jobs Numbers

Exclusive - Rep. David Schweikert: People Being Paid to Stay Home, Hence Poor Jobs Numbers

Rep. David Schweikert (R-AZ) told Breitbart News on Sunday that April’s jobs report was a function of paying Americans not to work, as opposed to fears among prospective workers of coronavirus infection.

“I hear the comments saying people are fearful [to work due to the coronavirus], yet I cannot find any properly put together data that actually says that,” said Schweikert on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Sunday with host Joel Pollak. “I believe that to be more anecdotal folk lore….We do have actual data of people saying, ‘Why should I take the $15-an-hour job when I’m almost making that much staying at home?”

The way we were-----How The Austro-Hungarian Empire Destroyed Itself - The Fall Of The Habsb...

Excellent free series!-----The Second World Wars- How The First Global Conflict Was Fought And Won ...

The Hoover Institution hosted "The Second World Wars- How the First Global Conflict was Fought and Won" 

Why are we funding Chinese research?????-----China, Fauci and the Origins of Covid - WSJ

China, Fauci and the Origins of Covid - WSJ
  • Did the virus come from a Chinese lab funded by the celebrated doctor’s U.S. government institute?
"Before Covid-19 ravaged the world, Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases funded coronavirus research that included work at China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology. 
The idea was to study the ability of such viruses to attack humans, but could a Fauci-funded experiment actually be the source of the deadly global infection? 
In an exhaustive account of the viral possibilities published this week by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Nicholas Wade argues that the Chinese lab is the most likely source of the world-wide agony.
Left-leaning journalists who don’t like where this story is going may struggle to dismiss the author given his establishment credentials. 
The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists describes him this way:
Nicholas Wade is a science writer, editor, and author who has worked on the staff of Nature, Science, and, for many years, the New York Times...Read all.

Vote fraud proof!-----From the web.

Facebook--By Peter Navarro, via Lynn Chu. 
"It is stunning.
Here is the relevant data on counts of known types of illegal votes found on recount that were counted but should not have been, from AZ, GA, MI, NV, PA, & WI:
  • Absentee ballots cast that were not applied for. WI: 170,140
  • Absentee ballots arriving after election day. PA: 10,000
  • Absentee ballots untimely requested (before or after statutory deadline). GA: 305,701
  • Absentee ballots from nonresidents. AZ: 19,997; NV: 15,000; PA: 14,328
  • Absentee ballots received on or before postmark date. AZ: 22,903; PA: 58,221
  • Absentee ballots received with no postmark. PA: 9,005
  • Absentee ballots under name of registered voters who say they never requested it.  MI: 27,825
  • Dead voters. GA: 10,315; MI: 482; NV: 1,506; PA: 8,021
  • Double voters in state. AZ: 157; GA: 395; NV: 42,284; PA: 742; WI: 234
  • Felon voters. GA: 2,560
  • False identities (ghost voters). AZ: 5,790; GA: 15,700
  • Illegal ballot harvesting. WI: 17,271
  • “Indefinite confinement” as illegal abuse of absentee ballot. WI: 216,000
  • Juvenile voters ineligible to vote. GA: 66,247
  • Mail in ballots registered by voters after registration deadline. AZ: 150,000
  • Voters with no address on file. AZ: 2,000; GA: 1,043; MI: 35,109; NV: 8,000
  • Non-citizen voters. AZ: 36,473; NV: 4,000
  • No corresponding voter registration number. MI: 174,384
  • Non-registered voters. GA: 2,423
  • Out of state voters who voted in state. AZ: 5,726; GA: 20,312; MI: 13,248; NV: 19,218; PA: 7,426; WI: 6,848
  • Over-votes (votes for too many candidates, spoils ballot). AZ: 11,676; GA: 202,377
  • Pollwatcher, observer abuses. GA: 680,774
  • Signatures do not match. NV: 130,000
  • Voting machine irregularities, fake or manufactured ballots, spikes. GA: 136,155; MI: 195,755; WI: 143,379
  • Voters over 100 years old. PA: 1,573
  • Voters voting in wrong district/county. GA: 40,279
TOTALS: AZ: 254,722; GA: 601,130;  MI: 446,803; NV: 220,008; PA: 992,467; WI: 553,872
BIDEN MARGIN: AZ: 10,457; GA: 11,779; MI: 154,818; NV: 33,596; PA: 81,660; WI: 20,682
This is from a table published by Peter Navarro. 
The NV figures seem to be round-ups or round-downs. Also the PA number for late received absentee ballots"

Biden's energy secretary blames COVID-19 for soaring gas prices, but oil industry expert points at Biden - TheBlaze

Biden's energy secretary blames COVID-19 for soaring gas prices, but oil industry expert points at Biden - TheBlaze

Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm is blaming the pandemic for soaring gas prices.

Since President Joe Biden took office on Jan. 20, the national average gas price has soared more than 50 cents. As of Friday, it stood at nearly $3 per gallon — $2.96. The average was $2.38 per gallon when Biden took office, and $2.11 per gallon on Election Day last year.

This is nuts!-----Blasey-Ford Honored with Spot in The Courage Museum

Blasey-Ford Honored with Spot in The Courage Museum
"Commit heinous crimes as a black person and get shot by a cop? 
There’s a massive amount of money for you, and you could end up in a museum in your honor.
But those honors are no longer just for black thugs
Today we learn that there will be a museum for sk*nks.
Are you aware of The Courage Museum? 
It’s been established by a group called “Futures Without Violence.” 
And your tax dollars will fund this nonsense as they requested a grant for $1 million.
Ironically, Pelosi obliged...
...According to a KQED report, Christine Blasey Ford, who accused U.S. Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her in high school, spoke at a fundraiser in February 2020 hosted by Futures Without Violence. 
At that event, Blasey-Ford received an award for “Courage.”...Read all.

Fail!-----Emergency Declaration Issued For 17 States Over Colonial Pipeline Cyberattack | Dan Bongino

Emergency Declaration Issued For 17 States Over Colonial Pipeline Cyberattack | Dan Bongino
"The Colonial Pipeline, which runs 5,500 miles and supplies almost half the gas, diesel, and jet fuel for the East Coast was hit with a successful ransomware attack. 
That means that the hackers got access to the files, prevented Colonial Pipeline from being to get their own data, and offered to allow them access again for a fee. 
Of course, you can’t trust a criminal in a situation like that, so even paying the fee wouldn’t guarantee that the problem would go away.
In this case, it’s a particularly large problem. 
That’s why the U.S. Department of Transportation has issued an emergency declaration for all the states that could potentially be impacted by this along with DC. 
...Will this lead to a significant increase in the cost of gas in those states? 
...The cyber division of the Department of Homeland Security believes a group based out of Russia called DarkSide is believed to be responsible
Previously, that group has hit an Office Depot subsidiary called CompuCom and a division of Enterprise Rent-a-Car...Read all.

Lunch video-----Australia will 'die a long, lingering death'

"China will not do anything as "dramatic" as invade Australia but it will "choke" it by blocking the sea lanes and communication, according to Curtin University Professor Joe Siracusa."

Worship the "free-food" machine!


How the New York Times publishes lies to serve a biased narrative

How the New York Times publishes lies to serve a biased narrative
April was the month the narratives died. On April 15, the Biden administration acknowledged there was no evidence that Russia ever offered bounties on American troops in Afghanistan, walking back a report that wounded former President Donald Trump in the run-up to the 2020 election. Four days later, the Washington, DC, medical examiner revealed that Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick had not been murdered by rampaging Trump supporters during the Jan. 6 Capitol Hill riot, as reports had claimed, but had died of natural causes. Both stories were based on anonymous, unidentifiable sources,

Do not trust them!