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Saturday, July 17, 2021
Notice how they try to blame Trump-----Gallup: American Trust in Media Plummets; Only Congress Less Trusted Among Major US Institutions
- Americans lost faith in the media over the last year, according to a new survey, trusting only Congress less among major American institutions.
...Gallup conducted the survey from June 1 to July 5, 2021...Read all.
Judge rejects religious freedom argument, rules school was justified in forcing out Christian teacher who refused to use students' transgender pronouns - TheBlaze
Anthony Fauci Is Wrong About the Need for 3-Year-Olds To Wear Masks
- Unvaccinated children have as much protection as vaccinated adults.
..In other words, it's increasingly unlikely that a sick child would spread COVID-19 to someone who would be in serious danger of dying from it, unless this hypothetical person obstinately refused to take the vaccine.
Lunch video-----Before The Air Force Could Buy The Planes, Edwards AFB Had To Test Them
Biological male up for Emmy award for Best Lead Actress in a drama series: 'I feel so seen' - TheBlaze
Global Man-made CO2 emissions 1965 – 2020: BP data
- Every summer BP publish their statistical review of world energy.
The 2020 dataset takes begins to account for the effect of the COVID epidemic, its impact on Global economic activity and the outcome for Man-made CO2 emissions in that year...
...The 2020 version of the CO2 emissions data shows:
- the recent radical effect of the COVID restrictions in 2020, particularly as they affect Western nations
- the Covid effect slowed CO2 emissions from the “Developing” world, except for relatively marginal growth of Man-made CO2 emissions from China in 2020.
- the virtual stabilisation of world emissions between 2012 – 2018.
- the continuing diminution of CO2 emissions from the Developed world from 2005 onwards.
- the growth of CO2 emissions throughout China, India and the Developing world is likely to resume from 2021 and onwards.
For the earlier post reporting the status of Man-made CO2 emissions as of 2019, see:
Representation by Region
Stop subsidizing worthless graduate programs with taxpayer dollars, education researcher argues | The College Fix
This is why there should be an end to the federal graduate student loan programs, Preston Cooper, a research fellow with the Foundation for Research on Equal Opportunity, said in a recent essay.
“The existence and scale of these subpar graduate programs is tied to irresponsible federal lending practices, which extend unlimited lines of credit to graduate students with no regard to their ability to repay,” Cooper wrote recently for National Review.
He gave one example of why he wants to “Defund Columbia”:
Students in Columbia’s Master of Fine Arts in film program typically accumulate $181,000 in federal debt, according to the report. But when they enter the labor market, their median salary is just $30,000 — less than one-sixth of the debt they took on. Few, if any, of those students will fully repay what they borrowed from taxpayers...Read all.
Gen. Mark Milley Compared Trump Supporters To Nazis: ‘These Are The Same People We Fought In World War II’
"General Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, compared supporters of former President Donald Trump to Nazis, according to a new book.
Milley, who has been widely criticized for being “woke,” claimed that Trump was preaching “the gospel of the Führer” when he contested the results of the 2020 election and claimed that Trump had led the U.S. to the brink of its own “Reichstag moment,” a reference to an incident in 1933 that Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler used to consolidate political power in Germany.
The report concludes by saying that Milley told Michelle Obama on Biden’s inauguration day that “no one has a bigger smile today than I do. You can’t see it under my mask but I do.”...Read all.
Whitlock: Racial harmony can only be achieved when we replace critical race theory with critical biblical scripture - TheBlaze
Twitter is ground zero for the promotion of critical race theory, an academic construct that argues that all aspects of American life — from political policy to social engagement — can be explained by anti-black racism.
My Twitter accuser likely has no idea that a 40-year-old academic theory fuels his slanderous charge against me. Social media teaches black users and their alleged allies to answer displeasing criticism with the cry of racism or anti-blackness. For many people, CRT is a new religion, a replacement for critical biblical scripture.
The New Monetary Regime
"For decades, the U.S. Government has been charging a credit card with no limit, running up previously unimaginable trillions of dollars on the balance sheet at the Federal Reserve, leaving future generations as the guarantor—and the bill may be coming due sooner rather than later. What will be the effects of this Fed/Treasury alliance on our economy and our society?
Law & Liberty and the Real Clear Foundation hosted a distinguished panel of experts who discussed the growing crisis of inflation and debt in our government...
The speakers’ written remarks can be found here.
History for July 17
- 1212 - The Moslems were crushed in the Spanish crusade.
- 1821 - Spain ceded Florida to the U.S.
- 1867 - Harvard School of Dental Medicine was established in Boston, MA. It was the first dental school in the U.S.
- 1917 - The British royal family adopted the Windsor name.
- 1945 - U.S. President Truman, Soviet leader Josef Stalin and British Prime Minister Winston S. Churchill began meeting at Potsdam in the final Allied summit of World War II. During the meeting Stalin made the comment that "Hitler had escaped."
- 1955 - Disneyland opened in Anaheim, CA.
- 1997 - After 117 years, the Woolworth Corp. closed its last 400 stores.
Friday, July 16, 2021
Capitol Police to Use Same Surveillance Technology as Troops Overseas
The United States Capitol Police (USCP) is poised to begin using the same military surveillance systems that American troops used against terrorists in Iraq and Afghanistan, as it moves into a “new path towards an intelligence based protective agency” after the January 6 Capitol breach.
The USCP released a statement last week that said through a loan from the Department of Defense (DOD), it will have access to “state-of-the-art campus surveillance technology, which will enhance the ability to detect and monitor threat activity.”
Dr. Fauci says there's 'no doubt' children 3 years and older should be wearing masks, and gets furious blowback - TheBlaze
'My Kids... Would Be Afraid' Father Asks School Board To Stop Critical R...
The Dreaded Misery Index Is On The Rise Under Biden
"Young adults today are likely unfamiliar with the term “misery index.”
The misery index, a measure started under President Lyndon Johnson, is a simple measure combining the unemployment rate and the inflation rate.
...The misery index has climbed each and every month that Joe Biden has been president....
Biden and his fellow Democrats decided to pass another massive COVID-19 bailout — the “American Rescue Plan” — despite warnings from even liberal economists that flooding the economy with another $2 trillion in cash posed a serious risk of inflation...Read all.
Huge protests in Athens…
- Un-Vaccinated banned from public spaces
The biggest transgression was the government’s decision to bar the unvaccinated from certain public spaces. They’re also opposed to plans to immunize teenagers. The policy barring unvaccinated from bars, restaurants, theaters and other entertainment venues will take effect Friday and remain in place at least until August. Teens will be able to receive the vaccine starting Friday...Read all.
Social media melts down after Mel Gibson salutes Trump during weekend UFC match - TheBlaze
Out of control government!-----Report: Texas Air Force base used to transport illegals across nation; No photos allowed
"The Biden administration is using Laughlin Air Force Base in Texas as a base to “secretly” transport illegal immigrants throughout the United States, Fox News host Tucker Carlson said on Wednesday, citing leaked correspondence.
The Fox News host posted an image of an email, which appeared to be from Lt. Colonel Matthew Burrows, that alerted members of the base that “passenger aircraft” would be utilizing runways under the direction of Immigration and Customs Enforcement and Border Patrol.
“Over the next few days, weeks or months you may see passenger aircraft on our ramp transporting undocumented non-citizens,” the email read in part. “Please review the attached public affairs guidance on this issue.”...Read all.