Sunday, September 12, 2021

Biden acting like a dictator, not a president: GOP congresswoman

Will rioters target those who have been lying to us?


Power-crazed!-----Biden to Restore Pay of School Officials Punished Over Mask Bans

Biden to Restore Pay of School Officials Punished Over Mask Bans
  • School officials who have their pay withheld over defying state mask mandate bans will be reimbursed.
  • President Joe Biden announced Thursday that the federal government will restore 100% of pay to educators.
  • The announcement is a seeming response to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis' previous threats to withhold salaries.
"While announcing a series of new, stricter federal COVID-19 initiatives on Thursday, President Joe Biden said the Department of Education will restore "100%' of pay to teachers and school officials who are punished for "doing the right thing."
...During his Thursday speech, Biden said that he would use his "power as president" to get defiant governors "out of the way."...Read all.

#1 This day 1957-----Tammy: Debbie Reynolds

Such TOTAL GARBAGE!-----Polar bears may be inbreeding, a study found. And it's elevating their risk for extinction

Polar bears may be inbreeding, a study found. And it's elevating their risk for extinction
"Scientists studying the impact of climate change on polar bears have come across
a new threat to the species — increased inbreeding.

In a study published in the Royal Society Journals Wednesday, genetic testing over a 20-year period for polar bears in Svalbard Archipelago, Norway found up to a 10% loss in genetic diversity.
Scientists said climate change and the rapid loss of arctic ice were causing habitat fragmentation, possibly leading to local polar bears mating with each other.
"The loss of genetic diversity and likely inbreeding depression could result in reduced survival or longevity and productivity for this iconic species," author Simo Maduna of the Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research told USA TODAY in an email.
According to the study, the loss of genetic diversity could lead to an elevated extinction risk for the species already facing the loss of their natural habitat...Read on, it continues with more of the junkiest science that has now replaced "systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe." 

Millions "agree".


Childhood, interrupted: Ruining young lives will not quell our existential fears - TheBlaze

Childhood, interrupted: Ruining young lives will not quell our existential fears - TheBlaze

In 2020, I watched — first with disbelief, then shock and horror — as schools around the world closed and children were masked and isolated. I could not understand what was happening or why. The data was clear: COVID-19 was not a significant threat to children — far less so than the risks we already tolerated every day from sports, car rides, swimming, or even from the freshly verboten flu.

No. Government will NOT PROTECT YOU!-----Diners Robbed at Gunpoint in Broad Daylight on Popular Melrose Avenue (VIDEO)

Diners Robbed at Gunpoint in Broad Daylight on Popular Melrose Avenue (VIDEO)
"Meanwhile in the Democrat hellhole of California
A group of diners lunching on Melrose Avenue were robbed at gunpoint in broad daylight Tuesday afternoon.
The armed robbery occurred shortly before 5 PM Tuesday afternoon at a restaurant in the 7300 block of Melrose Avenue, between Fairfax and La Brea avenues.
Surveillance video shows two masked robbers walk up to three shocked diners, grab their purses, wallets, shopping bags and other personal items before taking off on foot.
Police are still looking for the armed robbers...Read all.

AM Fruitcake


History for September 12

History for September 12 -
H.L. Mencken 1880

  • 1609 - English explorer Henry Hudson sailed down what is now known as the Hudson River.
  • 1873 - The first practical typewriter was sold to customers.
  • 1938 - In a speech, Adolf Hitler demanded self-determination for the Sudeten Germans in Czechoslovakia.
  • 1953 - Nikita Krushchev was elected as the first secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.
  • 1954 - "Lassie" made its television debut on CBS. The last show aired on September 12, 1971.
  • 1963 - The last episode of "Leave it to Beaver" was aired. The show had debuted on October 4, 1957.
  • 1974 - Violence occurred on the opening day of classes in Boston, MA, due opposition to court-ordered school "busing."

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Fauci can't give a 'really firm answer' on why Americans with natural immunity need vaccines - TheBlaze

Fauci can't give a 'really firm answer' on why Americans with natural immunity need vaccines - TheBlaze

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the White House's top adviser for the COVID-19 pandemic, told CNN on Thursday that he doesn't have "a really firm answer" on the accuracy of a study that found natural immunity provides better protection against the virus than vaccines alone. During an interview on "Anderson Cooper 360," CNN chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta asked Fauci about a study done in Israel that found natural immunity from previous COVID-19 infection conferred longer-lasting protection against the Delta variant of coronavirus than two shots of the Pfizer vaccine. "So, as we talk about vaccine mandates, I get calls all the time, people say, I've already had COVID, I'm protected. And now the study says maybe even more protected than the vaccine alone. Should they also get the vaccine? How do you make the case to them?" Gupta asked.

The way we were-----Building The World Trade Center 1970s Stock Footage

Remember one thing, our government will NOT protect you. Or your family. Or your business/employer.-----Benghazi hero slams Clinton's defense of diplomat

We have learned NOTHING!------9-11 Sounds of Silence Tribute by Steve A. (Disturbed)

"Created by Steve A.  Please note:  YouTube has determined that this video requires an age restriction due to "traumatic images."  I fought it and did not gain any ground.  I certainly do not agree with it.  I apologize for the inconvenience. "

And it was all a lie!-----The Myth That the Polar Bear Population Is Declining - Foundation for Economic Education

The Myth That the Polar Bear Population Is Declining - Foundation for Economic Education
  • The story of a resurgent polar bear population deserves to be told and applauded. Monday, September 9, 2019
"Many of us watched the viral video in horror. A starving polar bear scavenging for food on barren land, his ribs visible beneath a jaundiced white coat.
“This is what climate change looks like,” said National Geographic.
...The footage was viewed by 2.5 billion people, National Geographic estimated.
The video remains the most viewed on National Geographic’s website—ever.

...The good news that polar bears are thriving is unlikely to draw as much attention as images of a starving polar bear scrounging for food on Somerset Island. Nevertheless, the story of a resurgent polar bear population deserves to be told and applauded...Read all.

AOC Joins Extreme-Woke Left in Destroying the Definition of 'Women'

AOC Joins Extreme-Woke Left in Destroying the Definition of 'Women'

Far-left Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) on Wednesday joined the woke left in destroying the definition of women in an attempt to be politically correct and defend her usage of the phrase “menstruating people,” only to proceed to accuse the GOP of “protecting the patriarchal idea that women are most valuable as uterus holders.”

The self-proclaimed feminist forcefully defended her use of the phrase “menstruating people” on Wednesday, proclaiming people outside of that scientifically sound category can menstruate too.

Yes, they're coming for your children!-----Tal Bachman: We Have Met the Enemy, part XVIII :: SteynOnline

Tal Bachman: We Have Met the Enemy, part XVIII :: SteynOnline

  • Picking up from Part XVII of "We Have Met the Enemy":

"By 1973, John Money was what we now call an "influencer", and a heavyweight influencer at that. 

Cited and celebrated now not only by academics, but by Western intellectuals, activists, counselors, journalists, and legislators, Money had performed a history-changing feat of alchemy: he had turned a boy into a girl. 

Or so he (falsely) claimed. And in doing so, he claimed to have demonstrated that virtually all differences in male-female thought, feeling, and behavior result from environment, not biology. 

...Money, now viewed as a scientific miracle-worker, began pushing the rest of his agenda...Read all!




Though the only party that would benefit from a civil war or revolution in America at present is the Chinese Communisty Party.



This is crazy stuff. Cui bono?--Posted by 

Enya - Only Time (9/11 Tribute)

Police say parolee released through California's 'zero bail policy' sexually assaulted elderly woman, then killed her and her two dogs - TheBlaze

Police say parolee released through California's 'zero bail policy' sexually assaulted elderly woman, then killed her and her two dogs - TheBlaze

Residents of a quiet neighborhood in Sacramento, California, are angry that a violent criminal released through the state's "zero bail policy" allegedly sexually assaulted their 61-year-old neighbor, then killed her and her two dogs. "It's more sadness. We feel for her and the dogs and how they passed. We hope they didn't suffer," said Mark Sousa to KOVR-TV. Police say that Troy Davis, 51, sexually assaulted Mary Tibbitts in her home, then murdered her and killed her two dogs before setting her home on fire.

NEVER forget who was really responsible for this murder!-----LIBERTY: Remembering Benghazi

9 11 - World Trade Center Attack - LIVE News

Yes, we do have REAL American heroes!-----Mike Rowe’s Brilliant Response to the Kaepernick Nike Ad-from 2017

Mike Rowe’s Brilliant Response to the Kaepernick Nike Ad
"...In response, Rowe wrote the following:
...But if I was going to put someone's face on a billboard - someone who epitomized bravery and sacrifice - I might have gone another way, especially this time of year.
I might have gone with this guy - Tom Burnett.
Tom's last act on earth was one of the most courageous things imaginable. 
And his last words to his wife, Deena, are among the most inspiring I've ever heard. 
Those exact words are at the top of this page, and the bottom. 
They were spoken seventeen years ago, under conditions I hope to never experience. I'll never forget Tom's last words. I hope you won't either.

Transcript of Tom's Last Calls to Deena
  • 6:27 a.m.( pacific time) First cell phone call from Tom to Deena
Deena: Hello
Tom: Deena
Deena: Tom, are you O.K.?
Tom: No, I’m not. I’m on an airplane that has been hijacked. 
Deena: Hijacked?
Tom: Yes, They just knifed a guy.
Deena: A passenger? 
Tom: Yes.
Deena: Where are you? Are you in the air?
Tom: Yes, yes, just listen. Our airplane has been hijacked. It’s United Flight 93 from Newark to San Francisco. We are in the air. The hijackers have already knifed a guy, one of them has a gun, they are telling us there is a bomb on board, please call the authorities. He hung up.
6:31 Deena calls 911...
  • 6:54 a.m. Fourth cell phone call to Tom to Deena
Deena: Tom?
Tom: Hi. Anything new?
Deena: No
Tom: Where are the kids?
Deena: They’re fine. They’re sitting at the table having breakfast. They’re asking to talk to you.
Tom: Tell them I’ll talk to them later.
Deena: I called your parents. They know your plane has been hijacked. 
Tom: Oh…you shouldn’t have worried them. How are they doing?
Deena: They’re O.K.. Mary and Martha are with them.
Tom: Good.
(a long quiet pause)
Tom: We’re waiting until we’re over a rural area. We’re going to take back the airplane.
Deena: No! Sit down, be still, be quiet, and don’t draw attention to yourself! (The exact words taught to me by Delta Airlines Flight Attendant Training).
Tom: Deena! If they’re going to crash this plane into the ground, we’re going to have do something!
Deena: What about the authorities?
Tom: We can’t wait for the authorities. I don’t know what they could do anyway.
It’s up to us. I think we can do it.
Deena: What do you want me to do?
Tom: Pray, Deena, just pray.
(after a long pause)
Deena: I love you.
Tom: Don’t worry, we’re going to do something...
(Transcript from the Tom Burnett Family Foundation.)

Have you Forgotten? September 11th Tribute- 9/11 Remembrance

Yes. It's a political weapon. To be used against US!-----Climate alarmism is the real threat to public health - spiked

Climate alarmism is the real threat to public health - spiked
  • Slowing down economic development is far more dangerous than global warming.
"So climate change is now a ‘health emergency’ is it?
That was certainly the message from US president Joe Biden last week, after he launched the Office of Climate Change and Health Equity. 
It will reportedly explore how a warming, changing climate poses an immediate, existential threat to people’s health. 
As Gina McCarthy, the White House national climate-change adviser, put it: ‘Climate change is fundamentally a health threat.’
Then, almost right on cue, more than 200 health journals announced that they, too, believe that climate change should be understood principally as a health threat...Read all.

Alan Jackson - Where Were You When The World Stopped Turning

Silicon Valley investor steps down from company's board after calling Black Lives Matter the 'true racists' who push socialism - TheBlaze

Silicon Valley investor steps down from company's board after calling Black Lives Matter the 'true racists' who push socialism - TheBlaze

A Silicon Valley investor was fired from the board of one of the world's largest apparels companies after she said that she didn't believe in Black Lives Matter because they were the "true racists" pushing socialism on America. The private email containing the comments from Veronica Wu was obtained by Axios. Wu was responding to an email in 2020 from an officer manager inquiring about whether a company would celebrate Juneteenth, the holiday celebrating when news of the Emancipation Proclamation reached Galveston, Texas. He went on to explain that it was a part of the focus on the Black Lives Matter movement.

9/11: As Events Unfold

Have we forgotten?

History for September 11

History for September 11 -
D.H. Lawrence 1885
  • 1777 - American forces, under General George Washington, were forced to retreat at the Battle of Brandywine Creek by British forces under William Howe. The Stars and Stripes (American flag) were carried for the first time in the battle.
  • 1842 - 1,400 Mexican troops captured San Antonio, TX. The Mexicans retreated with prisoners.
  • 1959 - The U.S. Congress passed a bill authorizing the creation of food stamps.
  • 1965 - The 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile) arrived in South Vietnam and was stationed at An Khe.
  • 1990 - U.S. President Bush vowed "Saddam Hussein will fail" while addressing Congress on the Persian Gulf crisis. In the speech Bush spoke of an objective of a new world order - "freer from the threat of terror, stronger in the pursuit of justice, and more secure in the quest for peace".
  • 9-11-2001 - In the U.S., four airliners were hijacked and were intentionally crashed. Two airliners hit the World Trade Center, which collapsed shortly after, in New York City, NY. One airliner hit the Pentagon in Arlington, VA. Another airliner crashed into a field in Pennsylvania. About 3,000 people were killed.
  • 2012 - Terrorists attacked the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya. Four Americans were brutally murdered and ten others were injured.