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Tuesday, March 22, 2022
Basically, men=BAD!-----Warming Trends: Why Walking Your Dog Can Be Bad for the Environment, Plus the Sexism of Climate Change and Taking Plants to the Office - Inside Climate News
'Liberals are always looking to support some cause which they perceive as more radical.
"Friend Sandy Thrasher Ourso posted this brilliant take from her friend. "John Myhill posted:
'Liberals are always looking to support some cause which they perceive as more radical.
- Jews are being thrown away in favor of Muslims.
- Women are being thrown away in favor of trans 'women'.
- The working class is being thrown away in favor of illegal immigrants.
- Black men are being thrown away in favor of black women.
...No matter what the radicals say, racism was on the way to complete extinction (as much as it could ever be), the poorest among us live lives equal to or greater than most middle class people around the world...
But when the big monsters are slain, what is a monster hunter to do when they are out of work and facing eventual extinction?
The long and short of it is they invent monsters to hunt."
Abigail Martinez claims school pushed transgender treatments on daughter Yaeli who committed suicide - TheBlaze
Professor Reported For Stating Facts On Race Relations
- ...However, it’s still better than it has been.
- For example, people aren’t being lynched. Police officers who kill black people without justification are being punished—maybe not in every case, but there’s never going to be a perfect system.
And that fact is offensive to some people.
A SUNY-Cortland professor was reported to his university’s bias response team for saying America is not as bad as it was in the past when it comes to race and gender relations....Read all!
History for March 22
- 1457 - Gutenberg Bible became the first printed book.
- 1622 - Indians attacked a group of colonist in the James River area of Virginia. 347 residents were killed.
- 1765 - The Stamp Act was passed. It was the first direct British tax on the American colonists. It was repealed on March 17, 1766.
- 1873 - Slavery was abolished in Puerto Rico.
- 1915 - A German zeppelin made a night raid on Paris railway stations.
- 1946 - The first U.S. built rocket to leave the earth's atmosphere reached a height of 50-miles.
- 1954 - The first shopping mall opened in Southfield, Michigan.
- 1978 - Karl Wallenda, of the Flying Wallendas, fell to his death while walking a cable strung between to hotels in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Monday, March 21, 2022
Canadian energy official is 'frustrated' Biden is looking to Venezuela and Iran for oil: 'We're right next door! We're here!' - TheBlaze
A Canadian energy official expressed frustration with the Biden administration for seeking to increase oil production from Venezuela and Saudi Arabia instead of looking to its neighbor to the north.
Sonya Savage, the energy minister for Alberta, made the comments in an interview with Lisa Fletcher of WJLA-TV.
"What did you think when President Biden called on OPEC and other oil drilling nations like Saudi?" asked Fletcher.
“I thought ‘what?’ ‘We're right next door. We're here!’" Savage responded.
Farmington Hills Fire Lieutenant’s $193k Annual Pay More Than Chief’s Or Manager’s
"The Farmington Hills employee with the highest pay is not the city manager.
He’s a lieutenant in the fire department, having collected $193,507 in 2021 and $165,540 in 2020.
Experts!-----‘Eat Lentils, Poors!’ Left And Right Slam Bloomberg Article Telling Americans Making Less Than $300k To Spend Less To Cope With Inflation
The column, titled “Inflation Stings Most If You Earn Less Than $300K. Here’s How to Deal,” was written by Teresa Ghilarducci, a professor of economics at the New School for Social Research...
...Ghilarducci’s suggestions included:
- taking public transportation instead of driving;
- buying and eating meat subsitutes like lentils and vegetables;
- avoiding buying items in bulk;
- avoiding unnecessary charges; and
- avoiding medical expenses for pets...Read all.
McCarthy vows to boot Schiff from Intel committee over Hunter Biden laptop lies - TheBlaze
UC Berkeley Professor Told Students Abolishing Whiteness Means Wiping out White People
Some of his essays include: “Critical Social Theory and Transformative Knowledge,” “The Souls of White Folk,” “The Color of Supremacy,” “Contracting Race,” and “Dis-orienting Western Knowledge.”
The author’s most recent books:
- Race, Whiteness, and Education
- Race Frameworks
- Education and Racism
Per The Post Millennial, in a video of the instructor’s lecture “Teaching Whiteness in a Multicultural Context and Colorblind Era,” Zeus asks, “Is it worth it to be white anymore?”...Read all.
Meltdown: Brian Stelter Imploding over 'Disinformation' Hunter Biden Email Claims
Stelter has not replied any further when asked about these comments from the former CNN employee, to whom Breitbart News granted anonymity to protect this person’s ability to speak freely.
Stelter has also not answered a series of detailed questions from Breitbart News about his role and position when it comes to the internal investigation at CNN. Stelter did not answer when asked if he has already sat for an interview or deposition as part of Judge Forrest’s investigation or, if he has not yet been interviewed, does he expect to be requested to, and if asked, will he cooperate. Stelter has also not said whether if interviewed he will be honest about his communications with Zucker, Gollust, and Cuomo.
Stelter also would not agree to a broader interview about the problems at CNN and refused to answer if he had any thoughts on Cuomo’s lawsuit just filed against CNN and if he thinks Cuomo’s allegations against other CNN anchors like Jake Tapper and Don Lemon were credible.
America's disgusting media-----Nolte: The Corporate Media Owe Emma-Jo Morris an Apology
"Almost 18 months after the New York Post ran the story about Hunter Biden’s laptop, on Thursday, the far-left New York Times admitted the story was true — that the laptop was real, that the contents of the laptop as reported out by the New York Post were real. Please note that I used the word “admitted,” not “confirmed,” or “verified.” That’s an important distinction.
But I want to return to Emma-Jo Morris...put yourselves in her shoes…
You flawlessly report out the most consequential story of the 2020 presidential campaign, a true story, a story about the worst kind of political corruption, a story that matters, a story that still matters (I’ll get to that in a second), and your own government and everyone in your own profession and the billionaires in Silicon Valley, not only team up to kill your true story, by extension, they question your character and ethics.
Have you ever been falsely accused of something? I have. It’s pretty goddamned awful. But even I can’t imagine living through this...Read all!
"What really happened at the Yale Law School protest.
- “So why does any of this matter? Well, because Yale Law students disrupted an event, not once but repeatedly. They also disrupted other classes, one of which had to be moved to Zoom because of the noise.
- And despite all of that, Mark Joseph Stern at Slate has put forward a cherry-picked account to claim the protests weren’t really out of line. He then claimed right-wing outlets were using false claims to spread a narrative about left-leaning students. This is almost the opposite of reality.”
The destruction of our public schools accelerates!-----"Such flowery crap. It really says… We will teach your kids to hate white people, capitalism and America..."
- We will teach your kids to hate white people, capitalism and America under the guise of “wrestling with the complexity of history”.
- And we will let anyone take AP courses regardless of ability while AP continues to dumb-down the material so the underserved kids we refuse to teach how to read, write and do math can pass.
MDE Recognizes the Alignment of Comprehensive History in AP Courses -March 18, 2022
LANSING – Teaching of the comprehensive history of the United States is built into the fabric of the national Advanced Placement (AP) program...has in its statement of principles an opposition to censorship..“foster an open-minded approach to the histories and cultures of different peoples.”
...We do well to teach the full breadth of our history, in social studies and in literature, and to wrestle with the complexity of that history, rather than to limit our children’s knowledge and to suffer the adverse impacts of ignorance.”
...The College Board states that it “encourages the elimination of barriers that restrict access to AP courses for students from ethnic, racial and socioeconomic groups that have been traditionally underrepresented in the AP Program. Schools should make every effort to ensure that their AP classes reflect the diversity of their student population.”
Biden is compromised - TheBlaze
"We're from government. We're here to "help" you!-----''Elites Suggest Price Controls, Dystopian Travel Restrictions To 'Manage' Soaring Energy Costs | ZeroHedge
"Now the International Energy Agency (IEA) has proposed...measures Western economies could reduce daily oil demand by 2.7 million barrels within four months by restricting how people drive, indicating the move to reduce highway speed could almost offset the 3 million barrel-a-day loss of Russian production for April.
"These efforts would reduce the price pain being felt by consumers around the world, lessen the economic damage, shrink Russia's hydrocarbon revenues, and help move oil demand to a more sustainable pathway," IEA said.
The IEA has unveiled a ten-point action plan it hopes Western countries will implement to curtail oil demand.
- Reduce speed limits on highways by at least 10 km/h
- Work from home up to three days a week where possible
- Car-free Sundays in cities
- Make the use of public transport cheaper and incentivise micromobility, walking and cycling
...What is lurking dead ahead is stagflation; what may be lurking beyond that is far, far worse."...Read all!!!!!