Thursday, May 26, 2022

Biden touts skyrocketing gas prices as part of 'incredible transition' plan - TheBlaze

Biden touts skyrocketing gas prices as part of 'incredible transition' plan - TheBlaze

President Joe Biden on Monday appeared to praise record-high gas prices, saying it's all part of an “incredible transition” that will make America and the world better off.

“When it comes to the gas prices, we’re going through an incredible transition that is taking place that, God willing, when it’s over, we’ll be stronger and the world will be stronger and less reliant on fossil fuels when this is over,” Biden explained during a joint press conference with Japan Prime Minister Fumio Kishida in Tokyo.

If you publicly noticed this, you were banned from social media sites! an demonized as a misinformer!


City bosses have been LYING to taxpayers!!!-----Report: Chicago Taxpayer Debt Is $135,700 per Person

Report: Chicago Taxpayer Debt Is $135,700 per Person
(The Center Square) – A new report is highly critical of how Chicago and other large cities present their financial reports.
Truth in Accounting says to truly understand a city’s financial condition, taxpayers have to play an impossible game of hide and seek.
  • ...When the unfunded debt of these underlying government units is combined with the county, municipal and state debt, city taxpayers are on the hook for much more than they think.
“In New York City, each taxpayer is burdened in that city $91,500, where Chicago is actually $135,700,” Truth in Accounting CEO Sheila Weinberg said.
Collectively, taxpayers in these 10 cities face an average combined per-taxpayer burden of more than $49,400, including county, state, and “off balance-sheet” underlying government entities. 
...Of the ten cities examined, Phoenix, Arizona, had the lowest taxpayer burden at $11,200, followed by San Antonio, Texas, at $19,400, and Dallas, Texas, at $26,000.

Their political tool to silence the masses.


China Seeks to Buy Eight Pacific Island Nations While Joe Biden and His State Department are Comatose

China Seeks to Buy Eight Pacific Island Nations While Joe Biden and His State Department are Comatose

"In April, Forbes reported on a “mutual security” pact signed by the Solomon Islands and Communist China. The agreement states that the Chinese Navy (technically, the People’s Liberation Army Navy or PLAN) ‘[M]ay, according to its own needs and with the consent of the Solomon Islands, make ship visits to, carry out logistics replenishment in, and have stopover and transition in the Solomon Islands.’ The agreement also requires China, upon request of the Solomon Islands government, to send riot control and crowd control assistance, or intervene militarily to prop up the government.

...The agreement was the source of profound shock to Australia, which only in November had sent police to assist in restoring order in the Solomon Islands capital Honiara. Oddly enough, one of the targets of the riots was ethnic friction between the Solomon Islanders and, you guessed it, the ethnic Chinese population..."

#1 This day 1981-----Kim Carnes - Bette Davis Eyes (Official Music Video)

Michael Swartz: Be 'Prideful' or Be Accused of 'Homophobia' | The Patriot Post

Michael Swartz: Be 'Prideful' or Be Accused of 'Homophobia' | The Patriot Post:
"...the Biden administration recently put out a statement commemorating what’s known as the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia. (If you didn’t know about it and missed it entirely, join the club.) 
  • Part of the statement claimed: “LGBTQI+ people are an essential part of families and communities — teachers, first responders, public officials, doctors, lawyers, front-line workers, and friends who enrich and strengthen every single country. And make no mistake: hateful legislative attacks against members of our own LGBTQI+ community cannot be tolerated in America or anywhere else. They spur discrimination and can stoke violence. And they are rooted in the same ignorance and intolerance that we see around the world. Hate is hate — and all of us have a responsibility to speak out against hate wherever we find it.”
The most interesting aspect of what is otherwise a rather boilerplate statement by a president who was elected on the pretense of unifying the part about “hateful legislative attacks.” 
Of course, we get no examples or evidence of such attacks from the Biden statement..."

Not really funny, is it?


W.H.O. Chief Tedros Gifted Another Five-Year Term Unopposed

W.H.O. Chief Tedros Gifted Another Five-Year Term Unopposed

His first term was marked by stumbling to address the coronavirus pandemic while deferring to China alongside a long line of other crises, including a sexual abuse scandal involving W.H.O. staff in the Democratic Republic of Congo and wider allegations of mismanagement across the globalist institution.

Scientists drafted by W.H.O. to investigate the coronavirus´ origins in Wuhan, China, admitted the critical probe was ” stalled ” last year, after issuing a report even Tedros acknowledged had prematurely ruled out the possibility of a laboratory leak.

National suicide!-----Blackouts Inevitable As Renewables Struggle To Replace Reliable Energy

Blackouts Inevitable As Renewables Struggle To Replace Reliable Energy
  • ‘This is all a man-made energy crisis on the part of leaders who worship at the altar of the green agenda while plunging our country into the dark ages.’
"Americans will need to brace for deadly blackouts under a hotter-than-usual summer, warned a major energy non-profit in a sobering report last week.
On Wednesday, the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) released its annual summer assessment covering June through September with grim predictions of repeated blackouts throughout the country. 
The entire western United States, along with a majority of the Midwest, Texas, and the western south, face “high” or “elevated” risks of “energy emergencies” brought by severe drought, unreliable solar, and supply chain issues hampering conventional sources.
“We’ve been doing this for close to 30 years,” NERC Director of Reliability Assessment and Performance Analysis John Moura told CBS News. 
“This is probably one of the grimmest pictures we’ve painted in a while.”..."

AM Fruitcake


History for May 26

History for May 26 -
John Wayne (Marion Mitchell Morrison, Marion Robert Morrison) 1907 - Actor, director, producer
  • 1831 - Russians defeated the Poles at battle of Ostrolenska.
  • 1896 - The Dow Jones Industrial Average appeared for the first time in the "Wall Street Journal."
  • 1908 - In Persia, the first oil strike was made in the Middle East.
  • 1940 - The evacuation of Allied troops from Dunkirk, France, began during World War II.
  • 1959 - The word "Frisbee" became a registered trademark of Wham-O.
  • 1978 - The first legal casino in the Eastern U.S. opened in Atlantic City, NJ.
  • 1994 - U.S. President Clinton renewed trade privileges for China, and announced that his administration would no longer link China's trade status with its human rights record.

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Exclusive: Louie Gohmert, Conservatives Urge Congress to Strip Amnesty, Wokeness, Climate from Weak Anti-China Bill

Exclusive: Louie Gohmert, Conservatives Urge Congress to Strip Amnesty, Wokeness, Climate from Weak Anti-China Bill

With each passing day, the Biden Administration weakens our standing in the world and makes it more difficult for our country to compete with China. Congress must get serious about combating China now. We believe that both bills are half-hearted measures to deal with the CCP threat in name only. We would like to consider measures that will truly recalibrate the U.S. relationship with China, as President Trump earnestly sought to do with his visionary and bold policies.

The way we were-----Minute by Minute: The Eruption of Mount St. Helens

Sri Lanka’s crisis is a ‘green cautionary tale’: Andrew Bolt

Moron alert!-----Buttigieg calls for a Marshall Plan-style rebuilding of Ukraine.

Instapundit--Buttigieg calls for a Marshall Plan-style rebuilding of Ukraine.

"JUST MAKE SURE NONE OF THEIR BRIDGES ARE RACIST: Buttigieg calls for a Marshall Plan-style rebuilding of Ukraine.

  • Shouldn’t we wait until the war is actually over to implement the next Marshall Plan? 
  • And why are we calling for Marshall Plans to other countries, when we’re importing baby formula from Germany to the US?

Earlier: Berlin Airlift in Reverse: U.S. Flying Baby Formula From Germany. “There’s some irony in the news today about U.S. military planes flying baby formula from Germany to Indiana. Only this time, the threat isn’t from a foreign power. The threat is from the criminal incompetence of the Biden administration, which ignored the baby formula crisis for months until the media began to report on it.”

(Classical allusion in headline.)--Posted by  

Victor Davis Hanson’s Magnum Opus

Victor Davis Hanson’s Magnum Opus-- By John Dale Dunn
  • "...Chapter One...He points out why the decimation of the middle class in America threatens the civic societal American unity. Welfare statism and dominance by the ruling class elites take the vitality out of a nation...
  • ..The Second Chapter...Hanson raises the question: do these illegal and even legal immigrants have in mind becoming American citizens or are they just moving to a place that offers benefits and protections and looks better than where they came from?..
  • ...The third chapter hits on the most serious threat to American Unity: tribalism and racism in the populace energized by Marxist ideologues...
  • ... Chapter 6 goes after the mostly American globalists who are now ensconced as elites and would endeavor to push America to become a pawn in the globalist agenda...These jackasses are advocating a move for the American surrender of their sacred constitutional rights and the Constitutional Republic created by the founders..."

Roger Marshall: 'War Zone' at U.S.-Mexico Border 'Worse' than What I Saw at Poland-Ukraine Border

Roger Marshall: 'War Zone' at U.S.-Mexico Border 'Worse' than What I Saw at Poland-Ukraine Border

Sen. Roger Marshall (R-KS), one of only 11 Senate Republicans who voted against a $40 billion aid package for Ukraine, says the “war zone” at the United States-Mexico border is “much worse” than what he witnessed at the Poland-Ukraine border.

While visiting the U.S.-Mexico border over the last few days, Marshall exclusively told SiriusXM Patriot’s Breitbart News Daily in an interview that the “human tragedy” he has seen from human smuggling to drug trafficking is “the most threatening situation” facing Americans, not the war in Ukraine.

When You Turn a 1st World Country into a 3rd World Country....

Predators grooming your children. In school!!-----Kindergartners sent home with masturbation assignment

Kindergartners sent home with masturbation assignment
Yes. You read that right.
Four-year-olds at an Alert Bay, British Columbia school were reportedly given this homework assignment on touching their private body parts. 
The worksheet asks students to draw pictures of places in their home where they can masturbate privately.
Here’s the worksheet the children were asked to complete..."

Lunch video-----Who Wants to Follow California?


Levin: This ONE program would change the abortion debate FOREVER - TheBlaze

Levin: This ONE program would change the abortion debate FOREVER - TheBlaze

Levin asked why PBS or the Discovery Channel would not put out an "Abortion Special" to show the world how abortion is a humane and constitutional privacy, right? Why is the abortion process censored instead? "They don't want you to see," Mark said.

And it's gonna get worse this summer. Waaay worse!


National suicide!-----Consumers Energy (Michigan) plans to close remaining coal plants by 2025

Consumers Energy plans to close remaining coal plants by 2025
"Consumers seeks to close all three generating units at its J.H. Campbell Generating Complex in Port Sheldon. 
Two Campbell units totaling more than 600 MW were previously scheduled to close in 2031 while a third unit capable of generating 840 MW was scheduled to stay online until 2040.
  • All three units are now planned to close in 2025.
Consumers also proposes to close two natural gas- and fuel oil-powered generating units at its D.E. Karn Generating Complex in Essexville in 2023.
The plant closures come as communities across the U.S. grapple with the retirement of large-scale centralized power plants that are large job and tax revenue providers.
Brandon Hofmeister, Consumers’ senior vice president for governmental, regulatory and public affairs, said the utility is committed to a “just transition” away from coal..."

Why does man sell freedom at such a low price?


Supply chains are never returning to ‘normal’

Supply chains are never returning to ‘normal’
"The conventional wisdom at this time is that most of the world has moved on from the pandemic (except for China); therefore, supply chains will return to “normal.” 
Unfortunately, this is not the case. 
The world has permanently changed and supply chains are going to face continuing challenges for decades to come. 
Among those challenges are:
  • Supply chains will remain under constant threat of disruption for the next decade
  • Supply chains operate best when the world is peaceful and stable
  • A smoothly running supply chain requires “buffer stock,” which is challenging with declining population demographics
  • There is a conflict between environmental, social and governance (ESG) goals and supply chains optimized for cost and speed. If we prioritize ESG, we will need to contend with supply chain risks..."

#1 This day 1965-----The Beach Boys - Help Me Rhonda

Focusing "like a laser" on the important issues!-----Fort Bragg to be renamed Fort Liberty among Army bases losing Confederate names: Exclusive - ABC News

Fort Bragg to be renamed Fort Liberty among Army bases losing Confederate names: Exclusive - ABC News 
"A blue-ribbon commission has recommended new names for nine Army bases named after Confederate leaders, including Fort Bragg, which will be recommended to be renamed Fort Liberty, the panel disclosed Tuesday.
The panel has recommended that another eight Army bases be renamed for a diverse group of individuals with ties to the Army..."

Insanity!!-----Woke Mob Triggered by Medical Exam - The Unwoke Site

Woke Mob Triggered by Medical Exam - The Unwoke Site:
Daniel Corson-Knowles, MD and Indiana University School of Medicine Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine, apologized for triggering microaggressions for using the phrase “I can’t breath” in an exam question.
The exam question reads.
A patient who missed dialysis suddenly becomes pale, diaphoretic, and screams, ‘I can’t breathe!’ You glance at the monitor and notice the following rhythm. You are unable to palpate a pulse and initiate immediate CPR. The most appropriate next step in therapy is…
On a positive note, the question did not offend the majority of students. 
But students did speak out on behalf of a few who might be.
Dr. Corson-Knowles wrote to his class, “We understand that the context in which this phrase was used resulted in a very painful trigger for many of you”.