The Reason for your 3-Day Weekend - Intellectual Takeout"It’s
fashionable now to look cynically upon the Founders of our country, to dismiss their efforts as just rich, white men trying to grab power from other rich, white men.
And while many of our educational and political leaders may push such a view, it’s ultimately
simplistic and juvenile, likely driven by a cultural Marxist outlook of history as merely binary class warfare.
- But is that all the Founders represent? Another round of class warfare? The oppressed vs. the oppressors?
Or is there more depth to human history and the Founders, more complexity than simple class warfare?
They were certainly not perfect men, some had slaves, some were less than virtuous in their private relations, yet the fruit of their efforts was incredible.
- The world had not seen anything like America before, and it likely will never see anything like it again.
- America is the country to which people the world over flock.
- It is still the country to which those who seek to defend freedom and justice look to for leadership.
- It has grown to be a powerhouse of free enterprise and prosperity.
And we cannot ignore the Founders’ roles in creating the foundation that made it all possible.
As the old saying goes, a house is only as strong as its foundation.
While America is stumbling today and appears to be decaying, that does not change the fact that her foundation was strong.
In truth, rather than building upon that foundation, many today are trying to destroy it...Read all!