Despite being a lifelong Democrat and having held political office as a Democrat, Kerner told Floridians on Tuesday that he will support DeSantis for governor over Democrat Charlie Crist this November.
"We are a state on the rise, and I give a lot of credit to our governor for the trajectory of our state," Kerner said, the Sun-Sentinel reported.
1513 - The Pacific Ocean was discovered by Spanish explorer Vasco Nunez de Balboa when he crossed the Isthmus of Panama. He named the body of water the South Sea. He was truly just the first European to see the Pacific Ocean.
1789 - The first U.S. Congress adopted 12 amendments to the Constitution. Ten of the amendments became the Bill of Rights.
1957 - 300 U.S. Army troops stood guard as nine black students were escorted to class at Central High School in Little Rock, AR. The children had been forced to withdraw 2 days earlier because of unruly, (racist democrat) white mobs.
1983 - A Soviet military officer, Stanislav Petrov, averted a potential worldwide nuclear war. He declared a false alarm after a U.S. attack was detected by a Soviet early warning system. It was later discovered the alarms had been set off when the satellite warning system mistakenly interpreted sunlight reflections off clouds as the presence of enemy missiles.
1992 - The Mars Observer blasted off on a mission that cost $980 million. The probe has not been heard from since it reached Mars in August of 1993.
1995 - Ross Perot announced that he would form the Independence Party.
According to Friend's complaint cited by Jordan, "Instead of hundreds of investigations stemming from a single, black swan incident at the Capitol, FBI and [Department of Justice] officials point to significant increases in domestic violent extremism and terrorism around the United States."
Jordan wrote that "the FBI's case categorization creates the illusion that threats from ["domestic violent extremism" or DVE] are present in jurisdictions across the nation, when in reality they all stem from the same related investigation concerning the actions at the Capitol on Jan 6."
But the "most alarming" aspect of the legislation, according to R Street Institute fellow Josh Withrow, is the potential for Congress to create an implicit "link tax" — a payment the government would force tech platforms to make to publishers for sharing their content.
"The clever thing about the bill is that it never mentions this link taxes, copyright, or any specific means of revenue sharing at all.
...Harari at 4:20 explains that 2% of global GDP is a reasonable amount for his WEF sponsors to further extract from the economy to fight “climate change.” (Global GDP in 2022 is projected to be $103 trillion dollars. Two percent of that figure is about $2 trillion, give or take a few billion.)
He warns that if you don’t agree right away, we’re all going to die a miserable collective death. He reminds the viewer, like any good high-pressure shyster salesman would, that there’s no time to think.
Interestingly, neither Harari nor the CNN actor, Bill Weir, get around to explaining: which administrative entity will receive that $2 trillion
what exactly the entity is going to do with the money it collects to end climate change
what accountability process will be in place to ensure the money actually goes to combating “climate change” (whatever that means)…or any of the mechanics, actually.
The important thing is to shut up and write the check. The details will take care of themselves...
The United States Air Force Academy is teaching cadets to embrace an "inclusive climate" that includes "all genders." The guidance focusing on diversity, equity, and inclusion calls for cadets to utilize "inclusive language" that bars words like "terrorist," "mom," and "dad."
"“Germany is totally controlled by Russia,” he said. “They will be getting between 60 and 70 percent of their energy from Russia and a new pipeline.”
But those numbers aren’t correct.
...But Trump’s assertion that the pipeline will provide 60 to 70 percent of Germany’s energy is incorrect. While Russia will be able to increase the amount of natural gas it sells to Germany through the pipeline, Russian gas will only provide a sliver of the overall energy Germany needs. Germany’s energy comes from a diverse mix of oil, coal and renewables. Less than one fifth of the country’s power is powered by natural gas; at the moment, just 9 percent of the country’s power is generated by Russian gas.
...Trump complained Germany is “making Russia richer.”...“I think it is a very bad thing for NATO and I don’t think it should have happened and I think we have to talk to Germany about it.” From Trump’s perspective, trading with adversaries is bad business..."
Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker (D) is activating the National Guard over 0.01 percent of President Joe Biden’s record-breaking illegal immigration crisis arriving in the sanctuary state via migrant buses sent by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R).
For more than two weeks, Abbott has sent about 500 border crossers and illegal aliens to Chicago, Illinois, which prides itself on being a sanctuary jurisdiction for illegal aliens...
A teacher at Traverse City Public Schools uses gender preference forms as an icebreaker. Why?
What's being put into your kid's head in the classroom?
...Sally Roeser says that a teacher in the Traverse City Area Public Schools used an icebreaker document that suggests the teacher’s willingness to conceal information from parents.
...German class at Traverse City West Senior High School. It asks for the student’s preferred name. A follow-up question asks the conditions under which the teacher may use that name. “May I use this name when I contact parents/guardians?” The document gives the student who answers ‘no’ the chance to tell the teacher what name should be used in front of parents...
Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton questioned Good Information Foundation’s motives and lack of transparency on Tuesday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with host Alex Marlow, after the tax-exempt organization was accused of allegedly trying to pay an attorney to spread false information about former President Trump and “Trump Republicans” on social media.
...It is unimaginable that if the pope threatened a novelist with death for blaspheming against Christ, leftists would oppose the author, even though some did, and still do, in the case of Salman Rushdie.
It is unimaginable that if Christian radicals broke into the offices of a magazine and massacred its staff for the crime of depicting their God in an irreverent manner, liberals would condemn the journalists, even though some did in the case of Charlie Hebdo.
It is unimaginable that if Serbian Orthodox terrorists bombed U.S. and European cities, progressives would blame Western foreign policy, even though some have in the case of al-Qaeda and ISIS.
A clear tendency towards excusing or rationalizing negative phenomena inspired by Islamically derived beliefs has marked liberals and leftists who have tended to see Muslims as innocent victims of Western imperialism and nativism..."
1869 - Thousands of businessmen were financially ruined after a panic on Wall Street. The panic was caused by an attempt to corner the gold market by Jay Gould and James Fisk.
1929 - The first all-instrument flight took place in New York when Lt. James H. Doolittle guided a Consolidated NY2 Biplane over Mitchell Field.
1934 - Babe Ruth played his last game as a New York Yankee player.
1955 - U.S. President Dwight Eisenhower suffered a heart attack while on vacation in Denver, CO.
1957 - U.S. President Eisenhower (R) sent federal troops to Little Rock, AR, to enforce school integration.
1960 - The first nuclear powered aircraft carrier was launched. The USS Enterprise set out from Newport News, VA.
1977 - "The Love Boat" debuted on ABC-TV. The theme song was sung by Jack Jones and was written by Paul Williams and Charles Fox.
Twenty-four Republican attorneys general sent a letter to Visa, Mastercard, and American Express Tuesday warning them to drop plans to code and compile gun sales in America.
Breitbart News reported that the credit card companies were under pressure from New York Democrats — including New York Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) — to recategorize gun sales so they could be flagged.
E. McGregor, P. Ratje, Y. Iwamura, M. Tama, Q. Weizhong/Getty; H. Daley/AP
"...The survey asked, “How serious a problem is illegal immigration in the U.S. as a whole?”
Sixty-one percent, overall, said it is a “serious” problem, and of those, 42 percent said it is “very” serious. One in four Americans, meanwhile, said illegal immigration is “not a problem.”...