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Wednesday, December 07, 2022
California English teacher teaches kids grammar is part of White supremacy: 'Undermine that B.S.' | Fox News
Leftist insider was "scrubbing" (deleting) damning info in the Twitter release!-----Ace of Spades HQ
But wait -- there's more.
Matt Taibbi @mtaibbi - ...We can now tell you part of the reason why. On Tuesday, Twitter Deputy General Counsel (and former FBI General Counsel) Jim Baker was fired. Among the reasons? Vetting the first batch of "Twitter Files" -- without knowledge of new management.....You might ask, "How could this happen?"
- ...Reporters are stupid. They are intellectually stunted. They are the least-educated and lowest-academically capable of all major educated professions.
As the media is silent-----Biden admin GPS tracking of illegals misreported by 600%: Report
- On Thursday, ICE Director Tae Johnson told attendees at a closed-door event that the agency is GPS tracking 8,118 illegal immigrants in the U.S. as part of its “alternatives to detention” (ATD) program. That figure is significantly lower than the 56,805 illegal immigrants the agency publicly reported it was monitoring through GPS means as of Nov. 19.
- In addition to showing a 600 percent discrepancy on the number of illegal immigrants being tracked by GPS, ICE also revealed at the closed-door event that 49,459 illegal immigrants within the U.S. are not being monitored at all...
Free "medical" in Canada!-----Canadian Veteran Complains About Wait Time for a Chairlift, Trudeau's Government Offers to Kill Her
"Retired Canadian Army Corporal and former Paralympian Christine Gauthier is restricted to a wheelchair after surviving an accident when she was in the service.
She testified last week that she has been waiting for a wheelchair lift for her home for years, and when she expressed frustration to a Veteran Army of Canada (VAC) caseworker she was promptly offered the option of being euthanized.
“Madam, if you are really so desperate, we can give you medical assistance in dying now,” the caseworker allegedly told Gauthier in 2019.
Gauthier testified she was shocked by VAC’s “offer.”...
WATCH: Footage of Chinese protests bypass online censors despite Apple AirDrop restrictions - TheBlaze
A December 7th story
A December 7th Story
Sixty-one years ago today a young man celebrated his eighteenth birthday.
Little did he know that date, his birthday, would become "A day of infamy".
Six months later when he had graduated high school, he enlisted in the US Army Air Corps and subsequently earned his wings as one of the youngest fighter pilots in the Army Air Corps.
In the next two years he progressed from Stearman biplane trainers to P-40 Warhawks and finally to the beautiful, twin engine P-38 Lightning fighter.
During that time he also found time to marry his high school sweetheart and, while serving in Italy escorting B-24 bombers, he learned that he was soon to be a father.
In Jan. 1944 he had completed his tour and was waiting in Triola, Italy to return to the States when a call came out for volunteers to fly escort for another bombing raid over France.
Fighters and pilots were scarce in those days.
On January 27, 1944, over Salon de Provence, France their bomber group encountered "a superior number of enemy fighters."
From wingman 2nd Lt. R. E. Hoke: "Being greatly outnumbered by enemy fighters and unable to rejoin the Squadron, we took evasive action from the enemy fighters, by losing altitude.

The young Lieutenant's P-38G just "disappeared" in the great explosion as German antiaircraft gunners found their mark.
He was just 20 years old.
He was only one of the many tens of thousands of American heroes over the last two hundred or so years.
He was 2nd Lieutenant James G. Riley, Jr., USAAC, my Dad's older, and only, brother.
Sixty-one years ago today, Pearl Harbor Day, Jim turned eighteen.
Thank God for all those brave men and women.
God protect our soldiers, sailors and airmen.
May we never forget.
Uncle Jim, we miss you and your fellow heroes.
History for December 7
- 1787 - Delaware became the first state to ratify the U.S. constitution becoming the first of the United States.
- 1796 - John Adams was elected to be the second president of the United States.
- 1926 - The gas operated refrigerator was patented by The Electrolux Servel Corporation.
- 1941 - Pearl Harbor, located on the Hawaiian island of Oahu was attacked by nearly 200 Japanese warplanes. The attack resulted in the U.S. entering into World War II.
- 1972 - Apollo 17 was launched at Cape Canaveral. It was the last U.S. moon mission.
- 1998 - U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno declined to seek an independent counsel investigation of President Clinton over 1996 campaign financing.
Tuesday, December 06, 2022
Soros-backed group advises Biden admin that Clean Air Act could be used to 'control or prohibit' gasoline - TheBlaze
Yes, they hate us!-----Let meat eaters drown, Oxford philosopher argues | The College Fix
Michael Plant argued in the Journal of Controversial Ideas that in a hypothetical situation it could be justified to let people who eat meat drown, since they cause “suffering” to animals...
- He wrote the vegan has no obligation to save a person, despite their inclination to follow a duty to save others.
- Plant...wrote it is “surprisingly plausible” that letting a meat eater down is a “lesser evil” under this argument, which he called the “Strong Anti-Carnism Thesis.”...
No, America Does Not Owe the World Climate 'Reparations' - Taki's Magazine - Taki's Magazine
- I’ve made the case in previous columns that the climate change movement is mostly a climate change hustle.
- Let’s be real. None of this is about changing the temperature of the Earth. Even the most naive environmental activist can’t really believe that building windmills and driving Teslas is going to cool the planet.
- This is all about money. Hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars of government handouts.
James Cameron says testosterone is a 'toxin' - TheBlaze
Who Will Care for ‘Kinless’ Seniors? Nearly one million Americans have no immediate family members to provide assistance if needed. The number is expected to grow.
...Like many older adults, Ms. Ingersoll copes with an array of health problems: kidney disease, asthma, heart disease requiring a pacemaker, arthritis that makes walking difficult even with a cane. She’s managing, but “I can see a time when that’s not going to be true,” she said. “I’m not sure what I’m going to do about it.”
...The solution offered will probably be some sort of euthanasia program, as is already appearing in Canada...
Lunch video-----Time for Me to Part Ways with Toyota
JUDGE ANDREW P. NAPOLITANO: America Is Slow Walking Towards Fascism | The Daily Caller
If they decide, it NEVER HAPPENED. Don't mean nuttin'!-------Media Slow To Yet Another Story That Doesn’t Look Good For Their Side
- On Sunday, The New York Times published “Elon Musk, Matt Taibbi, and a Very Modern Media Maelstrom” that detailed the “Twitter Files” from Friday after receiving backlash for their initial lack of coverage.
- The Washington Post published their story Saturday at 6:39 p.m., arguing that there is still no evidence that Twitter “bent to the will” of the Democratic Party...
We Can Reasonably Blame Former Twitter Executives' Censorship for at Least Five Major Consequences
...By that analysis, if not for the fateful decision to censor the laptop story, which Gadde and Baker had a hand in, at least five major things would be different.
- First and foremost, it is almost certain there would not be a war in Ukraine right now...
- Next, the Ukrainian war led to Russia and China becoming closer allies and leading the BRIC nations.
- Third, our European allies would not be facing an energy crisis...