- The Faribault Public School District accepted the $1.1 million Minnesota Department of Human Services grant on Monday to prevent drug abuse for black, indigenous and other students of color amid backlash from school board members...
- ...“Race-based discrimination is still unlawful even if it advantages the ‘right’ races/colors for the ‘right’ reasons,” Perry told the DCNF....
Important stuff you won't get from the liberal media! We do the surfing so you can be informed AND have a life!
Tuesday, December 13, 2022
And they'll never follow-up to see if the $1.1 million ever achieved its "goals".-----Minnesota School District Allegedly Excluded White Students
History for December 13
- 1577 - Five ships under the command of Sir Francis Drake left Plymouth, England, to embark on Drake's circumnavigation of the globe. The journey took almost three years.
- 1636 - The United States National Guard was created when militia regiments were organized by the General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Colony.
- 1809 - The first abdominal surgical procedure was performed in Danville, KY, on Jane Todd Crawford. The operation was performed without an anesthetic.
- 1913 - In the U.S., the Federal Reserve System was established.
- 1937 - Japanese forces took the Chinese city of Nanking (Nanjing). An estimated 200,000 Chinese were killed over the next six weeks. The event became known as the "Rape of Nanking."
- 2000 - U.S. Vice President Al Gore conceded the 2000 Presidential election to Texas Gov. George W. Bush. The Florida electoral votes were won by only 537 votes, which decided the election. The election had been contested up to the U.S. Supreme Court, which said that the Florida recount (supported by the Florida Supreme Court) was unconstitutional.
Monday, December 12, 2022
Virginia Christian group denied service at restaurant over safety concerns: 'Amazingly hypocritical' | Fox News
Chinese vaccine comparisons
There are no free rides — Michigan taxpayers will subsidize the QLine through 2039
- Republicans helped pass a subsidy for a train that has a fraction of the ridership it would need to sustain itself
- Michigan taxpayers are on the hook for a $5M/year subsidy to the QLine through 2039...a commuter train traveling 3.3 miles of Woodward Avenue in Detroit, between downtown and Midtown.
- As The Detroit News reported Friday:
- Michigan taxpayers will chip in $85 million for the free rides on Detroit’s QLine street car over the next 17 years under legislation awaiting the governor’s signature.
But, but, but... clean, abundant, green energy!!----Energy Bills In Europe Are 90% Higher Than Last Year | OilPrice.com
According to the data collected for the HEPI,
- natural gas bills in Europe have gone up by as much as 111 percent over the past year,
- with electricity prices up by an average of 69 percent.
- Taken together, Euronews calculates these two make for a total 90-percent increase in household energy bills over the past year...
Jimmy Fallon, Madonna, Serena Williams, and other celebs hit with class action lawsuit claiming they conspired to promote Bored Ape NFTs at inflated prices while taking hidden payoffs - TheBlaze
They Want You To Be Poor (Here's Why)
Experts decry serious lack of real white supremacists!------White Supremacist Plots to Blow Up Texas High School! No, Wait…
- Conspicuously lacking from this oft-repeated claim are actual white supremacist terrorists...
Socialist EU vice president arrested, accused of taking bribes from Arab state to influence European parliament - TheBlaze
Don’t let ‘3%’ of employees turn company woke, Harvard professor urges CEOs
- “One of the things that we need to tell CEOs that they are really not aware of … 3% of your employees are activists instead of working,” Brooks said.
- These activists are “blowing up your Slack channel right now demanding that you get involved in a culture war and make political statements.”
- “Don’t do it! The rest of your employees are feeling bullied as well,” Brooks said...
Why so many "climate alarmist scientists"? Follow the money!-----This Year’s Puffin Scare Story
From the Telegraph:

- Note, of course, that it is always “COULD” and “MAY”!...
Eco-loon money pouring into dem's pockets!-----Michigan bill demands 100% transition to green energy by 2035
- Renewables only account for 11% of Michigan’s energy today, so how could they make up the rest by 2035?
- State Rep. Yousef Rabhi, D-Ann Arbor, wants to mandate that Michigan transition to renewable energy by 2035,
whether those energy sources are ready or not....
Fascinating! Perverting the "statistics"?-----Do the Vaccines Work? | Power Line
- ...So the alleged benefit of vaccination in people over 65 turns out to be the artifact of a statistical blunder. Or, perhaps, a statistical trick.
Elon Musk drops third set of 'Twitter Files' detailing federal involvement in decision to ban Trump - TheBlaze
NPR Interview with Newt Goes Down Hilarious Path of Liberal Disbelief on 2020 Rigging | Newsbusters
"...This is where the interview about Biden quickly went awry, as liberals are as obsessed with anyone claiming 2020 wasn't ideal.
KELLY: But that has been what he has wanted to talk about - I mean, his repeated false claims about a stolen election, which I have to note you supported and talked about and spread. That did seem to fall flat with midterm voters. Is - how big a problem is that for Republicans?
GINGRICH: Look. I'll be cheerful about coming back some time, and we can devote an entire interview to whether it was a rigged election - not necessarily stolen but certainly rigged. And we can start with all the Twitter information, and we can start with Zuckerberg's $415 million.
KELLY: I just need to pause you there because it's not me saying this. This is dozens of courts across the U.S. that have rejected claims of rigged elections.
GINGRICH: No, no. They rejected claims of stolen elections. Nobody ever looked at rigging.
KELLY: For the record, do you believe Joe Biden was legitimately elected president?
GINGRICH: For the record, I believe that he won under the terms that were set up, and I think that the entire elite system cheated in every way they could to defeat Donald Trump.
History for December 12
- 1800 - Washington, DC, was established as the capital of the United States.
- 1870 - Joseph H. Rainey of South Carolina became the first black lawmaker to be sworn into the U.S. House of Representatives.
- 1896 - Guglielmo Marconi gave the first public demonstration of radio at Toynbee Hall, London.
- 1925 - The "Motel Inn," the first motel in the world, opened in San Luis Obispo, CA.
- 1951 - The U.S. Navy Department announced that the world's first nuclear powered submarine would become the sixth ship to bear the name Nautilus.
- 1982 - 20,000 (willful idiot) women encircled Greenham Common air base in Britain in protest against proposed cite of U.S. Cruise missiles there.
- 2001 - The U.S. House of Representatives passed legislation that would implement minimum federal election standards and provide funding to help states modernize their voting systems.
Sunday, December 11, 2022
Federal court blocks Biden administration from forcing Christian doctors to perform transsexual mutilation surgeries - TheBlaze
Read it, learn it. Or continue to lose!-----Republicans are once again using the ‘quality candidate’ excuse as the reason for Herschel Walker’s loss. They’re wrong.
- They did this by pulling out their most effective ground game tactics such as harvesting (and curing) ballots, spending millions of dollars in various get-out-the-vote efforts, and going to court to expand and cement their radical post-2020 election law changes.