Get Sertified - by N.S. Lyons - The Upheaval"A few weeks ago, on a routine stroll around SoHo, I found New York’s most virtuous restaurant.
It’s called Urban Vegan Kitchen and it’s located at 41 Carmine Street.
...But the five separate stickers on the door, reading “Small Business,” “Woman owned,” “Hispanic owned,” “Black owned, and “Minority owned,” were more than enough to convince me that had I entered, I would have achieved woke nirvana.
...Businesses need only submit one proof of marginalized identity (along with $180) to receive their sticker.
... Maybe someday, as such sertifications become the norm, New York’s city government will simply replace Sertify with mandated de-sertifying stickers such as “Not black owned” or “Not woman owned,” to warn the public about businesses unlikely to provide them with sufficient moral nutrition...