Important stuff you won't get from the liberal media! We do the surfing so you can be informed AND have a life!
Thursday, February 16, 2023
Baltimore Reports No Students in 23 Schools Proficient in Math: 'Scandal'
Claim: Plastic Coffee Cup Ban Might Increase Methane Emissions | Watts Up With That?
Having fought hard to ban plastic coffee cups, Aussie greens have realised solving plastic pollution with compostable cups might increase greenhouse gas emissions.
Why there’s concern this state’s ban on plastic takeaway coffee cups could have unintended consequences...
Western Australia is set to ban certain cups normally used for takeaway coffee as part of ongoing efforts to stamp out single-use plastic..
- Western Australia’s takeaway coffee cup ban comes into effect from 27 February.
- An estimated 1.84 billion single-use cups are used by Australians every year.
- Compostable coffee cups can still be sold but advocates say the infrastructure to properly process these cups is not accessible.
Frightening!-----Are you ready to be ‘upgraded’ to Humanity 2.0? Klaus Schwab and Yuval Harari say it’s just a matter of time before you will be
"...World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab spoke this week in glowing terms about the rapidly advancing technologies he says will ring in the “Fourth Industrial Revolution.”
- The masters of the universe, the self-appointed globalist elites, will control the digital world and in turn control people, Schwab boasted...
- “Who masters those technologies – in some way – will be the master of the world,” Schwab said.
Campus Reform | PROF. JENKINS: Equity is Marxism re-branded
- Today's Marxists believe they can to tear down every long-standing system by pushing equity.
...Enter the latest rebranding of Marxism: “Equity,” which many are inclined to embrace because it sounds good.
But they are not the same.
- “Equality,” in our system, refers to equality before the law and equality of opportunity.
- “Equity” demands equal outcomes.
Always trust the gov...Peter Buttigieg!-----Important Takeaways from Ohio Gov's Train Derailment Briefing, Including a Shocking Revelation
- One of the most astounding revelations from the press conference (watch below) was that the train was not classified as carrying hazardous chemicals.
...“Frankly, if this is true, and I’m told it’s true, this is absurd...
Remote work costs NYC over $12B annually: report | Fox Business
Looney land-grant!-----Pronouns | The Gender and Sexuality Campus Center | Michigan State University
"...Tips About Pronouns
- Do not refer to a person’s pronouns as their “preferred” pronouns or “gender” pronouns. Using “preferred” implies that a person’s pronoun selection is merely a preference and, therefore, something that is not required. Using “gender” ignores people who are agender.
- Always use the pronouns that a person asks you to use.
- When you make a mistake, ACT: Apologize > Correct > Try Again.
- Do not assume you know someone’s pronouns based on their name, the way they look, their voice, how they dress, or any other factor.
- If you don’t know someone’s pronouns, ask (politely). Don’t just ask people who you assume are trans.
- Share your pronouns and create opportunities for people to share their pronouns, like in email signatures or at the beginning of meetings. Please note that some transgender and nonbinary people will opt out of sharing as a means of self-protection...
History for February 16
- 1804 - A raid was led by Lt. Stephen Decatur to burn the U.S. Navy frigate Philadelphia. The ship had been taken by pirates.
- 1857 - The National Deaf Mute College was incorporated in Washington, DC. It was the first school in the world for advanced education of the deaf. The school was later renamed Gallaudet College.
- 1932 - The first fruit tree patent was issued to James E. Markham for a peach tree which ripens later than other varieties.
- 1937 - Wallace H. Carothers received a patent for nylon. Carothers was a research chemist for Du Pont.
- 1959 - Fidel Castro seized power in Cuba after the overthrow of President Fulgencio Batista.
- 1968 - In the U.S., the first 911 emergency telephone system was inaugurated in Haleyville, AL.
- 2005 - The Kyoto global warming pact went into effect in 140 nations.
Wednesday, February 15, 2023
China calls US 'trigger-happy' on defending airspace after 'objects' shot down | Fox News
Maybe the media should ask Mayor Pete why he supports prevailing wage laws - American Thinker
- Pothole Pete is worried about too many whites working construction:
"We have heard way too many stories from generations past of infrastructure where you got a neighborhood, often a neighborhood of color, that finally sees the project come to them but everyone in the hardhats on that project looking like, doing the good-paying jobs, don't look like they came from anywhere near the neighborhood."
Then why do he, Biden, and other Democrats require companies to abide by prevailing wage laws, which have oppressed minorities for over 90 years?...
Recent college grads not ‘emotionally’ ready for work: survey
- More than half of recent grads ‘report emotional or mental health challenges’
...“Our findings show that once in the workplace, young people continue to struggle mentally and emotionally,” the think tank wrote.
The survey found that 43 percent of those individuals with mental health said they had anxiety while 31 percent reported having depression.
“Women reported worse mental health than men...
Ron DeSantis Calls for Legislation to End ESG Banking
Increased risk of stroke
Why Is the Left Pushing Straight Men to Date Trans Dudes?
"...For starters, I had no idea that the push for gay marriage — technically a libertarian movement — would eventually lead to leftist harpies insisting, in a most authoritarian way, that I sleep with transgender women men in dresses to prove I’m not a “bigot.”
FACT-O-RAMA! The LGBT movement began by asking for “tolerance.” Then they wanted “acceptance.” Now they insist we straight men Drive Mr. Daisy or else the gaystapo will shriek “TRANSPHOBE!” at me as I walk by with my very real Puerto Rican fiancé.
Check out this man who thinks he has a period. All I see is a question mark.
Why are the bolshies pushing demi genders on straight men like myself? Several reasons, including;
PINKO-RAMA! There are 45 goals for the communists to take over the nation without a shot. Goal #8 is “Present homosexuality, degeneracy, and promiscuity as normal, natural, and healthy.”
Lunch video-----Fires Of 1898
Americans told to leave Russia 'immediately' or face false arrests, US warns | Fox News
Systemic Vice Signaling Destroying Science: Fewer Animals Found In Cities, Hence “Racism”
- The Proceedings of the National Academy of Science used to be a prestigious journal. And still is. Getting a paper in PNAS is a mark of approval from the scientific community at large. It is seen as a mark of approval for one’s work.
- Therefore, if that journal publishes an asinine preposterous sloppy piece of foolish fluff, it must mean that the scientific community sees asinine preposterous sloppy foolish fluff as good.
The title announces its falsity.
The hot air of spy balloons - Your Daily Don Surber
- As Tucker Carlson said, welcome to Fetterman Nation