Wednesday, April 19, 2023

UN Calls For Decriminalization of Sex Between Minors, Adults - Louder With Crowder

UN Calls For Decriminalization of Sex Between Minors, Adults - Louder With Crowder

The report was written by the International Committee of Jurists (ICJ), UNAIDS and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and released on International Women's Day. The goal of the report, apparently, was to guide “the application of international human rights law to criminal law.” According to the authors, criminalizing anything related to “sex, drug use, HIV, sexual and reproductive health, homelessness and poverty” is a violation of human rights.

Government propagandists!

“The Fall of the FBI” takes James Comey to task, and more

“The Fall of the FBI” takes James Comey to task, and more - the Aspen beat - Glenn K. Beaton.
"The Director at that time was Robert Mueller...and his counterpart at the CIA were summoned to the White House to brief President George W. Bush days after the 9/11 attack.
Mueller explained to the President what the Bureau was doing to identify the perpetrators – exactly what the Bureau was supposed to do. 
Frustrated with Mueller and understandably still upset by the horrific terrorism, Bush snapped that he just wanted to make sure it didn‘t happen again.
  • The CIA Director then told Bush what his agency was doing to make sure it didn’t.
  • Mueller left humiliated. His take-away was that the Bureau needed to shift focus toward intelligence-gathering even if it meant sacrificing resources for law enforcement. 
  • The Bureau became less cops and more spies.

Notice a pattern?

Our one-party journalism system suffers no dissent from within. Here are some who do it anyway. - Tablet Magazine

Our one-party journalism system suffers no dissent from within. Here are some who do it anyway. - Tablet Magazine - BYJACOB SIEGEL
  • Left Heretics and the New Media Collective
  • Campus Week: The one-party journalism system suffers no dissent from within. Here are some who do it anyway
  • This article is part of Wokeness, Social Justice, and Cancel Culture. See the full collection →︎
"On June 3, a week after the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis, New York Times employees took to Twitter en masse, claiming that the paper had “put Black staffers lives at risk” by publishing Sen. Tom Cotton’s call to use the military to suppress riots. 
That same day, Lee Fang, a reporter for the Intercept, tweeted a short video from a Bay Area protest that showed a young man named Max questioning the movement under whose banner he appeared to be marching.
  • “When I as a Black person look at the Black Lives Matter movement, I have questions,” Max said through a gray face mask. 
  • “Like I always question, why does a Black life matter only when a white man takes it.”
The full interview was 2 minutes and 6 seconds long. 
On June 6, with his job reportedly at risk for posting the video, Fang was forced to issue a public apology.
 The following day, a top editor at the Times responsible for publishing the Cotton op-ed resigned under companywide pressure.
What had Lee Fang done wrong?...

MIT Expert Calls for Immediate Stop of mRNA COVID Jabs: Evidence Shows ‘Unprecedented Level of Harm’

MIT Expert Calls for Immediate Stop of mRNA COVID Jabs: Evidence Shows ‘Unprecedented Level of Harm’ - Bill Pan
"The rollout of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines should be immediately suspended, as they are causing “an unprecedented level of harm, including the death of young people and children,” said Retsef Levi, a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
“This is not a theory anymore,” the professor told The Epoch Times, referring to findings that link the messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines with myocarditis, a potentially fatal inflammation of the heart. 
“These are proven facts that basically undermine any sense of safety about these vaccines.”...

#1 This day 1958------The Platters Twilight Time HQ Stereo 1958

Media buries this GOOD NEWS!-----The New Pause lengthens to 8 years 9 months

The New Pause lengthens to 8 years 9 months - By Christopher Monckton of Brenchley
"The New Pause has lengthened to 8 years 9 months. 
The least-squares linear-regression trend on the UAH monthly satellite global-temperature dataset shows no global warming from July 2015 to March 2023. 
As usual, this site is just about the only place where this continuing failure of global temperatures to do as they are told is reported.
The start and end dates of the New Pause are not cherry-picked.
The end date is the present; the start date is the farthest back one can reach and still find a zero trend. 
It is what it is...

Dems want investigations? Start here!


Twitter flags the CBC, Australian Broadcast Corporation, and other state broadcasters as 'government-funded media' - TheBlaze

Twitter flags the CBC, Australian Broadcast Corporation, and other state broadcasters as 'government-funded media' - TheBlaze

Twitter has gone farther to highlight the cozy linkages between various media outlets and the governments in their respective countries after recently labeling NPR and PBS as statist media outfits. The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), Radio New Zealand (RNZ), and the Australian Broadcast Corporation (ABC News), along with other media outlets, have been tagged on the platform as "Government-funded Media." Although initially flagged "government-funded," the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) has since been rebranded as "Publicly-funded media."

I agree!-----Indifferent Citizens Are No Better Than the Corrupt Government They Detest - Intellectual Takeout (movie link will be posted at 12:30-Lunch video)

Indifferent Citizens Are No Better Than the Corrupt Government They Detest - Intellectual Takeout - Annie Holmquist
"It’s not much of a secret that I’m a fan of old movies...Let me explain the plot first...
Entitled A Stranger in Town, this 1943 film finds...John Josephus Grant, a grumpy old man who sits on the Supreme Court of the United States. 
All Grant wants is to get away from it all, so he takes a vacation and goes duck hunting near a small town, determined to keep his true identity quiet. 
The only problem is, this small town is exceedingly corrupt...
The best part, however, comes at the end when Justice Grant finally reveals his true identity to the mayor and his riot-inducing cronies, explaining why he allowed himself to get sucked into their affairs, even though he was only a duck-hunting stranger in town:
" all of you here, I am a citizen of this country. 
That is no little honor. 
Men have fought revolutions, have died to be called citizen. 
And as citizens, we carry a burning responsibility.
It means that, when we elect men to public office we cannot do it as lightly as we flip a coin. 
It means that after we’ve elected them we can’t sit back and say, ‘Our job is done. 
What they do now doesn’t concern us.’
That philosophy of indifference is what the enemies of decent government want...
The great liberties by which we live have been bought with blood...
I almost stood up and cheered in my living room after hearing that speech, for 80 years later, it still rings true...

What the heck!!-----Self-Certify | Georgia | Unemployment Fraud | Fraud of the Day

Self-Certify | Georgia | Unemployment Fraud | Fraud of the Day
"...The Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) program was a particular target of criminals in 2020 because the U.S. Department of Labor and state governments allowed claimants to self-certify their employment and earnings. 
  • Self-certifying is what fraudsters do best! 
And it’s how Rowlando Hatter illegally obtained $3.3 million in COVID-related Unemployment Insurance benefits. 
Because no one questioned the one hundred stolen identities that he self-certified while filing benefit claims in Georgia, California, Arizona, Maryland, and Michigan...

AM Fruitcake

Riley Gaines on Twitter:

History for April 19

History for April 19 - 
David Ricardo 1772 - Economist, author
  • 1775 - The American Revolution began as fighting broke out at Lexington, MA.
  • 1892 - The Duryea gasoline buggy was introduced in the U.S. by Charles and Frank Duryea.
  • 1933 - U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt issued a proclamation that removed the U.S. from the gold standard.
  • 1989 - A gun turret exploded aboard the USS Iowa. 47 sailors were killed.
  • 1993 - The Branch-Davidian’s compound in Waco, TX, burned to the ground. It was the end of a 51-day standoff between the cult and U.S. federal agents. 86 people were killed including 17 children. Nine of the Branch Davidians escaped the fire.
  • 1994 - A Los Angeles jury awarded $3.8 million to Rodney King for violation of his civil rights.
  • 1995 - The Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, OK, was destroyed by a bomb. It was the worst bombing on U.S. territory. 168 people were killed including 19 children, and 500 were injured. Timothy McVeigh was found guilty of the bombing on June 2, 1997.

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

James Comer: 9 Bidens May Have Profited from Family Business

James Comer: 9 Bidens May Have Profited from Family Business

House Committee on Oversight Chairman James Comer (R-KY) announced Monday that a total of nine Biden family members may have profited from the family’s international business schemes.

Nine potential members profiting from the family business is six more than Comer had previously disclosed.

Latest Hunter bombshell: Here's the kind of access his partners had to VP Joe Biden | Fox News

Latest Hunter bombshell: Here's the kind of access his partners had to VP Joe Biden | Fox News

If deceit was art, Joe would make the "Old Masters" look like amateurs.  

The president’s repeated insistence that he never discussed with Hunter his overseas business dealings, let alone with his partners, is belied by indisputable evidence that has grown exponentially over time. Yet, the elder Biden maintains the ludicrous charade. No reasonably intelligent person believes him.

Recently, Fox News uncovered records showing that Hunter’s associates in his suspected influence-peddling schemes frequented the White House more than 80 times when his father was vice president. A top executive in the son’s now-defunct investment firm logged at least 17 visits. Another partner seems to have taken up residency there with 27 appointments. Are we to believe they merely chatted about the weather? Hardly.

The way we were-----Was This The Worst Strategy of the Vietnam War?

Pink Journalism--There seems to be no limit to how dishonest journalists are willing to be in order to push their agenda.

"There seems to be no limit to how dishonest journalists are willing to be in order to push their agenda.

19 Times Democrats And DOJ Politicized Law Enforcement

19 Times Democrats And DOJ Politicized Law Enforcement -  TRISTAN JUSTICE
  • Here are 19 times Democrats and DOJ politicized the rule of law, deploying federal resources to do Democrats’ bidding.
1. Infiltration of Catholic Parishes...
2. FBI Targeted Parents for Domestic Terrorism...
3. Crossfire Hurricane...
11. DOJ Jails Meme Creator..

Must read, INCREDIBLE!!-----Republicans Exit ERIC, Citing Voter Fraud Potential - The New American

Republicans Exit ERIC, Citing Voter Fraud Potential - The New American - by Rebecca Terrell 
"...its seed money came from the Pew Charitable Trusts, a favorite of George Soros, and conservative commentators call it one of the most nefarious election-fraud establishments in the country.
ERIC is a nonprofit membership organization that is supposed to help states clean up their voter registration lists. 
It identifies people who have moved, died, or are otherwise ineligible to vote.
But a new Judicial Watch white paper reveals what actually happens when a state joins ERIC.
  • Members must turn over all data on every voter, past and present, along with information from other agencies: green card and state ID holders, including driver’s licenses. Federal records are used as well, both from the Social Security death index and the U.S. Postal Service.
Analyzing all this data, ERIC discovers those who are disqualified. 
  • But instead of purging them from voter lists, the organization requires member states to solicit voter registrations from those ineligible voters. 
Kat Stansell, Grassroots Coordinator with the American Policy Center, told The New American what the results of these data gymnastics were in 2020:
ERIC managed to come up with 17 million new voters by 2020...

How the US is subsidizing high-risk homebuyers -- at the cost of those with good credit

How the US is subsidizing high-risk homebuyers -- at the cost of those with good credit - Thomas Barrabi
  • A little-noticed revamp of federal rules on mortgage fees will offer discounted rates for home buyers with riskier credit backgrounds — and force higher-credit homebuyers to foot the bill, The Post has learned.
"...The result, according to industry pros: pricier monthly mortgage payments for most homebuyers — an ugly surprise for those who worked for years to build their credit, only to face higher costs than they expected as part of a housing affordability push by the US Federal Housing Finance Agency...
Under the new rules, high-credit buyers with scores ranging from 680 to above 780 will see a spike in their mortgage costs – with applicants who place 15% to 20% down payment experiencing the biggest increase in fees.
  • “This was a blatant and significant cut of fees for their highest-risk borrowers and a clear increase in much better credit quality buyers...

McCarthy on Pentagon Leaks: Biden Has Failed to Secure Classified Info

McCarthy on Pentagon Leaks: Biden Has Failed to Secure Classified Info

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy vowed to get answers on the Pentagon leaks that have embarrassed the Biden administration and called into question if it can secure classified information.

“The Biden administration has failed to secure classified information. Through our committees, Congress will get answers as to why they were asleep at the switch,” he tweeted Friday.

Meanwhile in Portland...

Latest Stunt of the Krazy Klimate Klowns | Power Line

Latest Stunt of the Krazy Klimate Klowns | Power Line
"As you know, the eco-fascist wing of the climate campaign has been 
  • blocking roadways, 
  • defacing artwork and 
  • gluing themselves to museum walls and exhibits, and 
  • otherwise being a “performative” nuisance. 
I fully suspect they will begin sabotage of pipelines, gas stations, electrical substations (if they haven’t already in several instances in the U.S.). 
But for now, the new frontier for Klimate Klown exhibitionism is . . . snooker tournaments:
I say let them try this at a table in a working pub in England, and see how fast they learn about alternative uses for pool cues and billiard balls.

The Morning Briefing: California Hits the Gas on Its Way to Failed Commie Statehood

The Morning Briefing: California Hits the Gas on Its Way to Failed Commie Statehood - BY STEPHEN KRUISER 
"...Newsom began his political career in San Francisco, the city that spawned bottom-feeding haters of liberty like Dianne Feinstein, Granny Boxwine Pelosi, and the cackling weirdo who is currently one heartbeat away from the presidency, Kamala Harris...
  • The Wuhan Chinese Bat Flu Plague, however, gave Democrat governors like Newsom a taste of tyrannical power that they have been reluctant to give up. 
The Golden State is now very much a reflection of its Soviet-esque chief executive...

Calvary Chapel in San Jose, Calif., is a large evangelical church that defied state and local orders to mask up during services and maintain “social distancing.” Of course, we now know that mask-wearing was about as effective against spreading COVID-19 as wearing a necklace of newt entrails and “social distancing” was a bad joke.

But it’s not the science. It’s that the church defied authorities. So now Calvary must pay the state of California $1.2 million in fines because they got bureaucrats mad at them...

Lunch video--MUST SEE!-----Tucker Carlson Tonight 4/17/23 -- Great interview !! Tucker let Elon run with it !!

"Great interview !! Tucker let Elon run with it !!



Oldest Brewery in America Shows Bud Light What It Means to Actually Understand Its Customer Base

Oldest Brewery in America Shows Bud Light What It Means to Actually Understand Its Customer Base

“Yuengling. The Oldest Brewery In America,” the post stated. “Independently Owned and Family Operated since 1829 because we make good beer.” There’s no talk of dredging up wannabe drag queens and posting their simpering faces where they have no place being. Nothing to do with “equity.”

Just the one thing Americans who like beer are looking for: good beer.

Heh-----This person is trying to get me fired AND arrested, just because I provide spiritually affirming care to 3rd graders.

(20) Home / Twitter

"...he called himself and his fellow attendees a "select group" with an "almost extraterrestrial" plan to save the planet...

Facebook Heartland Institute
"Former Secretary of State and current U.S. climate envoy John Kerry turned heads with a speech at the annual World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting in Davos, Switzerland, in which he called himself and his fellow attendees a "select group" with an "almost extraterrestrial" plan to save the planet.
  • Our global elite ruling class don't just have delusions of grandeur and freedom-crushing plans to usher in a socialist utopia in which we all live our lives as they demand...