Friday, May 26, 2023

Hmmm. Paranoia? Or gross mistrust of our rulers?


AM Fruitcake


History for May 26

History for May 26 - 
John Wayne (Marion Mitchell Morrison, Marion Robert Morrison) 1907 - Actor, director, producer
  • 1835 - A resolution was passed in the (democrat controlled) U.S. Congress stating that Congress has no authority over state slavery laws.
  • 1836 - The U.S. House of Representatives adopted what has been called the Gag Rule.
  • 1896 - The Dow Jones Industrial Average appeared for the first time in the "Wall Street Journal."
  • 1908 - In Persia, the first oil strike was made in the Middle East.
  • 1940 - The evacuation of Allied troops from Dunkirk, France, began during World War II.
  • 1959 - The word "Frisbee" became a registered trademark of Wham-O.
  • 1994 - U.S. President Clinton renewed trade privileges for China, and announced that his administration would no longer link China's trade status with its human rights record.

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Canadian cop punished for giving $50 to Freedom Convoy, forced to perform 80 hours of unpaid labor - TheBlaze

Canadian cop punished for giving $50 to Freedom Convoy, forced to perform 80 hours of unpaid labor - TheBlaze

Brisco, a 15-year veteran on the force with no previous history of disciplinary actions, reportedly made the donation on Feb. 7, 2022, after he was suspended for refusing to provide papers evidencing compliance with vaccine requirements, reported the Windsor Star.

The constable admitted to posting this message along with his donation: "Thank you fellow Canadians for fighting for freedom at the base of Sauron’s Tower. The world is watching … and we see Trudeau’s true colours."

Scientist Sues U. of California Santa Cruz Officials over DEI Mandate

Scientist Sues U. of California Santa Cruz Officials over DEI Mandate

A scientist is suing University of California at Santa Cruz (UCSC) officials after he was required to submit a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) statement with his job application, which he says is in violation of the First Amendment.

The way we were-----The First Airborne Assault on D-Day! (WW2 Documentary)

Running Out Of Time

When democrats rule, no place is safe. No one is safe! (note the lack of outrage in this NBC story)-----Artist instantly paralyzed after being shoved into moving subway train, New York prosecutor says

Artist instantly paralyzed after being shoved into moving subway train, New York prosecutor says

NBC News

"A Turkish-born artist who moved to New York six years ago was instantly paralyzed from the neck down after a man allegedly shoved her into a moving subway train in what a prosecutor described Wednesday as a “completely unprovoked" attack.
Kamal Semrade, 39, was charged with second-degree attempted murder and other crimes in the alleged assault at a subway station in Manhattan’s Upper East Side on Sunday...
The attack at the Lexington Avenue and East 63rd Street station occurred at 6:05 a.m. and was captured on security camera and seen by witnesses, McGuigan said....

Buying the fake-news media-----Explosion of AP climate change stories following $8 million environmental grant | Washington Examiner

Explosion of AP climate change stories following $8 million environmental grant | Washington Examiner by Paul Bedard
"In the year following a grant of more than $8 million to the Associated Press from key climate change advocates, the news service has poured out at least 64 stories warning of environmental calamity, according to a new media study.
Media Research Center Business charted the stories and language used following the multimillion-dollar grant and found that AP also used over 500 environmental extremism buzzwords in the stories...

FBI refuses to provide subpoenaed document on alleged Biden 'criminal scheme' | Fox News

FBI refuses to provide subpoenaed document on alleged Biden 'criminal scheme' | Fox News

The Federal Bureau of Investigation failed to turn over a document subpoenaed by House Republicans that allegedly details a bribery scheme from then-Vice President Joe Biden. The agency refused to provide the document Monday in a private meeting with the House Oversight and Accountability Committee. The unclassified FD-1023 document details criminal allegations of a pay-to-play scheme related to the Biden family's business dealings, according to a whistleblower at the agency who spoke with Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa.

'ON THE ROPES': Mike Rowe issues warning over US work ethic

Why no one will learn the lessons from "Citi Bike Karen" fiasco

Why no one will learn the lessons from "Citi Bike Karen" fiasco - TOM KNIGHTON
"It started simply enough. 
A video on social media that was framed in such a way to show a white woman giving a young black man a hard time.
Unsurprisingly, the internet erupted.
How dare this Karen argue with this guy about who actually had the right to use that bike? Why was she trying to steal the bike he rented?
Except, that wasn’t the case.
  • The Karen—later identified as Sarah Comrie—was suspended from her job and harassed across the internet. 
  • She was made the face of modern racism.
Only, she doesn’t seem to have done anything wrong.
From USA Today:
Comrie was doxxed, put on leave by her employer and accused by civil rights attorney Ben Crump of “weaponiz(ing) her tears” in ways that “endangered” the men in the video...

Lunch video-----Thomas Sowell - The Origins of Woke


State Dept. offers free therapy to personnel 'triggered' by glitch that 'misgendered' employees with wrong pronouns - TheBlaze

State Dept. offers free therapy to personnel 'triggered' by glitch that 'misgendered' employees with wrong pronouns - TheBlaze

The State Department is offering free counseling to agency employees devastated by a new IT feature that accidentally "misgendered" some employees.

Why is the media hiding this?

Clarice!-----The Fraudulent Foundations of 'Green' Ideology | The Pipeline

The Fraudulent Foundations of 'Green' Ideology | The Pipeline - Clarice Feldman 
"The Global Warming — now "Climate Change" — fraud is crumbling
Not because the evidence of the fraud was missing earlier, if you took the time to look behind the propaganda, but because increasingly voters have caught on to the fact that that it’s all a power grab which will impoverish all but those grifting from it. 
Two of the major drivers of this farce have been the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) and NOAA ( National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration). 
Both have engaged in serious data skullduggery.
  • Last week it was the IPCC which took a major hit to its credibility when it was made clear that its most dire predictions were of low probability. 
  • NOAA whose job it is to measure temperatures in the United States was exposed some years ago for having engaged in statistical fraud. It was shown to have made repeated data adjustments, all of which lowered previously measured temperatures to "prove" that past weather was cooler. Then it raised the present temperature data to claim present warming. The reason for this jiggering of data is to create a fake scenario of ever-increasing temperatures. In short NOAA has been cooking the books.
There have been hot years and hot decades since he turn of the last century, and colder years and colder decades. 
But the overall measured temperature shows no clear trend over the last century, at least not one that suggests runaway warming. 
That is, until the NOAA's statisticians "adjust" the data...

Imagine if Trump was a democrat!

#1 This day 1964-----Love Me Do (Remastered 2009)

The GOP’s Festival of Losers - Kurt Schlichter

The GOP’s Festival of Losers - Kurt Schlichter
"...So, the real difference between the two is electability – that is, who is most likely to win in the general election? 
The polls are all over the place and useless 18 months out, but we do have some indicators. 
The 2020 election, and subsequent ones, show Trump has a sub-majority ceiling. 
That’s a problem and it’s not likely to change – he threaded the needle once and maybe he can do it again, but hoping to get lucky twice is not a plan. 
  • The fact is that some people, including Republicans who should know better, irrationally hate him and will never vote for him. 
  • Of course, some Republicans will never vote for anyone else. 
We know both guys hate wokeness, communism, crime and all the other aspects of the Democrat agenda. What we need to know is how they each propose to win in PA, GA, AZ, MI, and WI...

Total deaths? ZERO!


Michigan Gov. Whitmer ratifies gun-grab law whereby petitioners can have citizens' Second Amendment rights voided and their firearms seized - TheBlaze

Michigan Gov. Whitmer ratifies gun-grab law whereby petitioners can have citizens' Second Amendment rights voided and their firearms seized - TheBlaze

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) signed into law Democratic gun-grab bill SB 83 on Monday. This law will enable family members, quacks, cops, roommates, and others to petition to void another citizen's Second Amendment rights if they can halfway persuade a judge it might prevent the targeted citizen from doing future harm either to themselves or to others.

40,000 likes. And she's so comfortable saying this in public. Her kind said same about Jews in the 1930s-----Hollywood star, Ellen Barkin proclaims her hatred of Republicans - TheBlaze

Ellen Barkin proclaims her hatred of Republicans - TheBlaze
...Ironically, the tweet Barkin currently has pinned to the top of her Twitter account speaks about love. 
"'Without love there can be no justice.' 'Without justice there can be no love.'...bell hooks," the tweet reads...

AM Fruitcake (the real reason for all of this insanity)


History for May 25

History for May 25 - 
Ralph W. Emerson 1803 - Essayist, philosopher, poet
  • 1844 - The gasoline engine was patented by Stuart Perry.
  • 1925 - John Scopes was indicted for teaching the Darwinian theory in school.
  • 1961 - America was asked by U.S. President Kennedy to work toward putting a man on the moon before the end of the decade.
  • 1977 - An opinion piece by Vietnam verteran Jan Scruggs appeared in "The Washington Post." The article called for a national memorial to "remind an ungrateful nation of what it has done to its sons" that had served in the Vietnam War.
  • 1997 - Poland adopted a constitution that removed all traces of communism.
  • 1999 - A report by the U.S. House of Representatives Select Committee on U.S. National Security and Military/Commercial Concerns with the People's Republic of China concluded that China had "stolen design information on the U.S. most-advanced thermonuclear weapons" and that China's penetration of U.S. weapons laboratories "spans at least the past several decades and almost certainly continues today."

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

High school says tampon dispensers being placed in toilets - TheBlaze

High school says tampon dispensers being placed in toilets - TheBlaze

Lakeridge High School students have apparently been removing tampon dispensers from the walls of boys' bathrooms and depositing them in the toilet. According to the Daily Caller, the school sent out an email about the issue and reportedly attached a photo of a dispenser in a boys' restroom toilet.

The way we were-----History, War | The Big lift (1950) Colorized | Montgomery Clift | Full M...

Growthists vs Redistributionists: How Taxation Destroyed Detroit | Arthu...

Betsy McCaughey: Jail the Shoplifters

Betsy McCaughey: Jail the Shoplifters
  • Tell lawmakers it’s time to stop coddling shoplifters and their leftist apologists, and start protecting the rest of us, columnist Betsy McCaughey says
  • Brazen shoplifting is hurting all of us.
"I’m brushing with bubble gum-flavored children’s toothpaste because it takes too long to get a clerk at the pharmacy to unlock the adult toothpaste. 
  • Before the shoplifting scourge, shoppers could “actually” browse and read product labels.
  • Target, Home Depot and other retailers announced last week that they are taking big hits to their profits because of double-digit increases in theft nationwide.
  • That’s after hiking prices on consumers. 
  • When the guy next to you loads a bag with whatever merchandise isn’t locked up and walks out without paying, keep in mind that you’re paying for his stolen stuff.
  • Stores are fleeing San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York City, Chicago and Portland, cities that soft-on-crime mayors and district attorneys have made into shoplifter’s paradises...

Note the "nice sounding" words used to force you to eat what the lords want you to eat!-----Biden admin coordinated with liberal dark money behemoth on 'transforming food system,' emails show | Fox News

Biden admin coordinated with liberal dark money behemoth on 'transforming food system,' emails show | Fox News
"EXCLUSIVE: The Biden administration coordinated with Eric Kessler, the founder and principal of the Arabella Advisors consulting firm, which oversees a behemoth liberal dark money network, on key agriculture policy that Kessler was involved in initiatives to "transform" the U.S. food system...foreign-funded Arabella network...
The funds are involved in a series of social and progressive campaigns around the world. 
  • They have also focused particularly on climate change initiatives...
"Arabella’s Good Food team works alongside funders, investors, and others who are passionate about transforming our food systems," the firm's website states. "Together, we’re creating a world where delicious, nutritious, sustainably produced food is accessible to all."