Saturday, May 27, 2023

A BIG problem for republicans?


Crazy cultists filling up the trains?-----France bans short-haul flights in favor of train rides

France bans short-haul flights in favor of train rides
"Freedom Friday: French government interjects itself in the economy, citing environmental reasons - By James David Dickson
  • France has banned short-haul flights, or those where a train could make the trip within 2.5 hours, per a report by the BBC.
  • An earlier proposal would have banned flights where a train could make the trip within four hours, according to the BBC report. But the timeframe was shortened at the protest of airlines...

Is "weakness" the result of woke?

A Closer Look at Who Is Crossing the Border Now That Title 42 Is Gone

A Closer Look at Who Is Crossing the Border Now That Title 42 Is Gone - Julio Rosas
EAGLE PASS, Texas — ...Yuma, Arizona is also experiencing a steady flow of illegal immigrants, with countries as far away as China being represented...

#1 This day 1963-----Lesley Gore "It's My Party & She's A Fool" on The Ed Sullivan Show

Freedom of speech threatened by bias reporting on college campuses | Opinion

Freedom of speech threatened by bias reporting on college campuses | Opinion
  • College students are being told to report people who say ‘divisive’ things.
"On college campuses, students are being encouraged to report professors who say "divisive" things...
...why are our universities — which are mostly operated and staffed by Democrats — creating their own surveillance procedures, which encourage us to inform on each other?
I’m talking about bias reporting systems (BRSs), which encourage students to report “bias incidents” to the school and have become ubiquitous on American campuses...

IQ matters!

IRS whistleblower goes public, details how DOJ allegedly interfered in Hunter Biden probe: 'Way outside the norm' - TheBlaze

IRS whistleblower goes public, details how DOJ allegedly interfered in Hunter Biden probe: 'Way outside the norm' - TheBlaze

From the very beginning of the investigation, Shapley said, there were "deviations" from how IRS criminal investigations normally function. "There was [sic] multiple steps that were slow-walked at the direction of the Department of Justice," Shapley said. "When I took control of this particular investigation, I immediately saw deviations from the normal process. It was way outside the norm of what I've experienced in the past," he explained. "These deviations from the normal process, each and every time it seemed to always benefit the subject."

Biden turning local utilities (and our money!) into arms of the democrat party?!!-----News & Tips | Consumers Energy

News & Tips | Consumers Energy

AM Fruitcake

History for May 27

History for May 27 -
Henry Kissinger 1923 - Former U.S. Secretary of State
  • 1647 - Alse Young (Achsah Young or Alice Young), a resident of Windsor, CT, was executed for being a "witch." It was the first recorded American execution of a "witch."
  • 1907 - The Bubonic Plague broke out in San Francisco.
  • 1969 - Construction of Walt Disney World began in Florida.
  • 1985 - In Beijing, representatives of Britain and China exchanged instruments of ratification on the pact returning Hong Kong to the Chinese in 1997.
  • 1998 - Michael Fortier was sentenced to 12 years in prison for not warning anyone about the plot to bomb an Oklahoma City federal building.

Friday, May 26, 2023

Ted Cruz makes AOC regret snarky comment about history of US political parties: 'Dem party founded the KKK' - TheBlaze

Ted Cruz makes AOC regret snarky comment about history of US political parties: 'Dem party founded the KKK' - TheBlaze

The New York congresswoman inserted herself into the dialogue by prompting Cruz to explain what allegedly happened to the landscape of U.S. political parties in the mid-20th century. "Why don't you go ahead and tell people what happened to the parties after that, Ted," she snarked.

....And then the history begins.

The way we were-----The Ballad Of Davy Crockett

Jury Won't Give Trucker Back Money Seized at Roadside

It's the SUN, stupid!-----| Global Cooling: 2020s, 2030s & 2040s- Sun's Grand Minimum

Scientists Skeptical of Anthropogenic Global Warming | Global Cooling: 2020s, 2030s & 2040s | Facebook - Theodore White
  • The Sun's Grand Minimum
"Over a month ago, I told Spanish residents to prepare for heavy rains and floods although Spain was experiencing record drought.
I was laughed at when I forecast snow for northern Spain, to be followed by heavy rain at the end of May with urban floods; despite other forecasts that continued to say not a drop of rain would fall.
A Spanish resident who said that she remembered my previous forecast then sent me this headline today, shocked at what happened.

Floods & aftermath of heavy rains in Spain | WION Climate Tracker
As some regions in Spain are suffering major drought, the South-Eastern part of the country is un

"It is what they don't say..."-----AP dares not ask about Ukraine - Don Surber

AP dares not ask about Ukraine - Don Surber
"It’s not what the media reports that matters; it is what they don’t say. Today’s example is an Associated Press report on on its own poll about Biden’s unpopularity. 
The headline said, “Biden gets low ratings on economy, guns, immigration in AP-NORC Poll.”...
  • But what about the war in Ukraine? What about his surrender of Afghanistan?
AP apparently didn’t bother to ask — or maybe it did and decided against sharing that information...

IRS: DOJ Responsible for Whistleblower Purge from Hunter's Tax Probe�

IRS: DOJ Responsible for Whistleblower Purge from Hunter's Tax Probe�

IRS Commissioner Daniel Werfel told Congress the Justice Department (DOJ) made the decision to purge an IRS whistleblower from the DOJ’s probe into Hunter Biden, according to a letter sent to House Ways and Means Committee Chair Jason Smith (R-MO).

Democrats have already become a communist party: Maoist China survivor

Are Salem witch trials the new amerika?-----BLM activist thrives after reportedly ruining white student’s life over a ‘misheard’ remark

BLM activist thrives after reportedly ruining white student’s life over a ‘misheard’ remark - Vivek Saxena

"A well-known Black Lives Matter activist reportedly ruined a University of Virginia student’s life over what now appears to be a false accusation, surprise, surprise.
The drama traces back to the summer of 2020, when Morgan Bettinger, a white senior at UVA, was driving home from work when she stumbled on a Black Lives Matter protest.
Next to the protesters was a dump truck whose owner had reportedly parked the vehicle there to protect the protesters.
During a conversation with the dump truck driver, Bettinger said, “It’s a good thing that you are here, because otherwise, these people would have been speed bumps.”
“While she says she doesn’t remember her exact words, she maintains that her comment was intended to thank the driver for protecting the protesters, many of whom were sitting in the middle of often-busy East High Street,” according to Reason magazine, which broke the story.
But evidently, one of the BLM protesters, UVA student Zyahna Bryant, misheard Bettinger say the protesters would make “good f–king speed bumps,” and then told everybody else.
“The woman in this truck approached protesters in #Charlottesville, and told us that we would make ‘good speedbumps.’ She then called the police and started crying saying we were attacking her,” Bryant wrote on Twitter.
“Bryant also posted a series of videos—not of the alleged ‘speed bump’ comment itself, but of its aftermath. In the videos, an SUV reverses down a street while Bryant and several other protesters follow. ‘It’s a Karen, it’s a Karen,’ Bryant taunts,” according to Reason
  • All hell then broke loose, with other students and local “journalists” — of course — all jumping on the bandwagon and calling for punishment, with Bryant leading the charge....
  • ,,,“Bryant has thrived since the incident. She received a glowing Washington Post profile in 2021, and last year she was named to Ebony’s ‘Power 100’ list and was featured in a Juneteenth-themed post on Instagram’s official page,” Reason notes....

Lunch video-----The 3 Most Important Muscles To Stretch. (That You Probably Don't.)


NYC college professor freaks out at pro-life students, tossing their property and cursing: 'Get this f***ing s*** out of here!' - TheBlaze

NYC college professor freaks out at pro-life students, tossing their property and cursing: 'Get this f***ing s*** out of here!' - TheBlaze

Students peaceably advocating on behalf of the unborn at a taxpayer-funded Manhattan college appear to have been attacked earlier this month by a leftist adjunct assistant professor who accused them of violence and "triggering" her students.

A sick scam from the beginning!

Union goons under the spotlight!-----NEA Teachers Union Sued By Barrington (RI) Teachers Fired For Refusing Covid Vax, Allege Union Complicit

NEA Teachers Union Sued By Barrington (RI) Teachers Fired For Refusing Covid Vax, Allege Union Complicit - Posted by Jane Coleman
  • Teachers’ Lawyer Greg Piccirilli: “The union’s actions were a complete abdication of their legal obligation to vigorously defend these teachers from termination.”
The three Barrington, Rhode Island school teachers fired by their school district for refusing the Covid vaccine have sued their teachers union for failing to represent them in the two-year ordeal.
The lawsuit filed today is the “latest shoe to drop,” says Greg Piccirilli, the lawyer who respresents them because their teachers union wouldn’t.
  • They are probably better off without them anyway. Piccirrili recently won a massive settlement (From the school system)—more than they could have hoped for had they gone to trial—including full reinstatement and back pay.
The district denied their requests, suspended them without pay, and ultimately fired them effective January 1st of 2022.
  • But when the teachers turned to their union to represent them, they were given an ultimatum instead: get vaxxed or get fired.


Leftist media exposes their true reportage. They don't want voters to know the facts, only ammo to uses against the GOP nominee".-----Ron DeSantis’ 2024 Campaign Launch Fail Could Predict What Happens Next

Ron DeSantis’ 2024 Campaign Launch Fail Could Predict What Happens Next
"...For those hoping DeSantis would finally take the fight to Donald Trump, DeSantis continued his trend of not mentioning or confronting his former ally, while occasionally subtly “subtweeting” him, as it were...

#1 This day 1959-----Johnny Horton Battle Of New Orleans (HQ Stereo) (1959)

Wow, dem's newest scam means more crime gets them more money!-----Sales tax fund would help Michigan police fight violent crime -

The rulers of the worst cities in America have concocted a "fix" right out of the book "1984".
Here's the plan: 
  • We stop enforcing the laws, let certain bad guys know they can do most anything they want without fear for police.
  • Divert police/jail money to insider cronies.
  • Blame white supremacy for crime increase.
  • Create a scam that rewards city bosses only if crime increases.
  • Applaud ourselves, give awards and bonuses for brilliance.
Sales tax fund would help Michigan police fight violent crime -
"LANSING, MI – Backed by Detroit’s mayor and police leaders in Detroit and Grand Rapids, Democrats in the legislature want to divert millions of dollars of sales tax revenue to fight violent crime in Michigan’s worst-affected cities.
  • House Bills 4605 and 4606 would create a “public safety and violence prevention fund” to give monthly payments to municipalities proportional to their share of violent crime in the state.
“This will be for new law enforcement in the cities that need it the most,” Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan told reporters Wednesday, noting violent crime and mental health demands have increased since COVID-19 began...

"Let that sink in"!!!

Scott issues Florida travel advisory for socialists - TheBlaze

Scott issues Florida travel advisory for socialists - TheBlaze

"Today, Senator Rick Scott issued a formal travel advisory for all socialists visiting the state of Florida. The travel advisory comes in direct response to the Biden Administration's attempts to erase capitalism and the system that has brought prosperity to Florida and the entire United States," a press release stated.