Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Ya wonder why crime is exploding in America?!!-----Michigan bills would make all juvenile crimes eligible for parole

Michigan bills would make all juvenile crimes eligible for parole
By Therese Boudreaux
"On March 1, Sen. Sue Shink, D-Northfield Township, introduced Senate Bill 120, which would reform the Michigan Corrections Code to make juvenile offenders who are sentenced to life imprisonment eligible for parole no matter the severity of their crimes, provided they have served at least 10 years of their sentence. Read it for yourself: Senate Bill 120
Michigan considers a juvenile offender to be anyone less than 19 years old when the crime was committed.
The legislation would also apply retroactively, costing the state around $1.6 million for resentencing hearing that would be required...

AM Fruitcake


AM Fruitcake


History for May 30

History for May 30 - On-This-Day.com
Gale Sayers 1943 - Football player
  • 1431 - Joan of Arc was burned at the stake in Rouen, France, at the age of 19.
  • 1539 - Hernando de Soto, the Spanish explorer, landed in Florida with 600 soldiers to search for gold.
  • 1868 - Memorial Day was observed widely for the first time in the U.S.
  • 1903 - In Riverdale, NY, the first American motorcycle hill climb was held.
  • 1911 - Ray Harroun won the first Indianapolis 500. At the time, it was known as International 500-Mile Sweepstakes Race. Harroun's average speed was 74.59 miles per hour.
  • 1943 - American forces secured the Aleutian island of Attu from the Japanese during World War II.
  • 1997 - Jesse K. Timmendequas was convicted in Trenton, NJ, of raping and strangling a 7-year-old neighbor, Megan Kanka. The 1994 murder inspired "Megan's Law," requiring that communities be notified when sex offenders move in.

Monday, May 29, 2023

Iowa law bans lessons on sexual topics aimed at young students, beefs up parental rights - TheBlaze

Iowa law bans lessons on sexual topics aimed at young students, beefs up parental rights - TheBlaze

The bill addressing gender identity and sexual orientation lessons, Senate File 496, was part of a larger set of seven bills related to education that Gov. Reynolds signed the same day. "The rules of the state board shall require that an age-appropriate, multicultural, and gender-fair approach is used by schools and school districts," SF 496 says, in part.

The way we were-----Hymn to the Fallen - Musikkapelle Toblach

Memorial Day (Amazing Grace Bagpipes)

Jewish troops killed in WWII receive proper headstones | Stars and Stripes

Jewish troops killed in WWII receive proper headstones | Stars and Stripes By J.P. LAWRENCE
Workers place a Jewish headstone during a grave marker replacement ceremony at the Luxembourg-American Cemetery in Hamm, Luxembourg, on April 27, 2022. The ceremony was held by Operation Benjamin, an organization working to preserve the memories of Jewish American soldiers who died defending Europe in World War II. (U.S. Embassy Luxembourg)

"Seven Jewish American troops who died in World War II received new headstones that accurately reflect their faith at ceremonies in France, Belgium and Luxembourg this week...
Jewish service members were sometimes buried under crosses as a result of clerical errors or because they had disguised their faith to protect themselves in case they were captured by Nazi troops, the Los Angeles Times reported in 2020, adding that the cross was considered the default symbol...

Those who died to protect our country wanted this result?!!-----PURE EVIL: Government Is Taking Donations from J6 Prisoners So Their Families Starve and They Lose Everything - And So Defendants Cannot Afford Attorneys | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

PURE EVIL: Government Is Taking Donations from J6 Prisoners So Their Families Starve and They Lose Everything - And So Defendants Cannot Afford Attorneys | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft
"The Regime is Now Punishing the Conservative Families.
  • And we know the Republican Party will say nothing, and we know the GOP lawmakers will ignore this blatant lawlessness, and 
  • we know the media will cheer.
The Associate Press reported this tragic news today.
According to our previous reporting:
** Over 90% of the J6 defendants are low to middle class and cannot afford private attorneys
** At least 80% of the FBI arrests were of protesters who were waved in the US Capitol on January 6 and committed no violence.
  • The regime wants them ruined. 
  • And now we know the regime wants their families ruined.
Via the AP.

...An Associated Press review of court records shows that prosecutors in the more than 1,000 criminal cases from Jan. 6, 2021, are increasingly asking judges to impose fines on top of prison sentences to offset donations from supporters of the Capitol rioters...

IRS: DOJ Responsible for Whistleblower Purge from Hunter's Tax Probe�

IRS: DOJ Responsible for Whistleblower Purge from Hunter's Tax Probe�

IRS Commissioner Daniel Werfel told Congress the Justice Department (DOJ) made the decision to purge an IRS whistleblower from the DOJ’s probe into Hunter Biden, according to a letter sent to House Ways and Means Committee Chair Jason Smith (R-MO).

Taking Chance. A Memorial Day Tribute

The heroes gave their lives so THIS would result?!!-----'The Official Truth': The End of Free Speech That Will End America :: Gatestone Institute

'The Official Truth': The End of Free Speech That Will End America :: Gatestone Institute - by 
[M]edia polling from Harvard-Harris showing that Americans hold almost diametrically opposing viewpoints from those that news corporations predominantly broadcast as the official "truth."

Memorial Day Tribute | Mansions of the Lord | Hillsdale College


Former employee reveals shocking conditions in NYC migrant hotel: 'Free for all' | Fox News

Former employee reveals shocking conditions in NYC migrant hotel: 'Free for all' | Fox News

A former employee is blowing the whistle on conditions and activity inside a trendy Manhattan tourist hotel now housing migrants. Carlos Arellano, the former employee, said the Row NYC Hotel is a "free for all" as drugs, sex and violence engulf the hotel, which is now one of the city's largest housing areas for migrants.

The Thirst For Truth - Big Picture Explanation of What Happened in the Past 15 Years That Flipped the Social, Cultural, Media, Leftist and Govt Relationship - The Last Refuge

The Thirst For Truth - Big Picture Explanation of What Happened in the Past 15 Years That Flipped the Social, Cultural, Media, Leftist and Govt Relationship - The Last Refuge
"Last night I participated in a conversation. 
This article is written as an outcome of that conversation, as requested by those who participated.
Essentially, the framework of the conversation, as I initially listened, is best described as a series of questions amid a group of smart intellectual types who are very understanding of the nature of our current situation.
In various forms they were asking each other the same question. 
  •  What happened in the last several years that caused Democrats, leftists and the traditional political left to switch positions on their advocacy?..

2023 Memorial Day Tribute

#1 movie this week 1956-----The Searchers (1956) Official Trailer - John Wayne, Jeffrey Hunter Movie HD

Your plans?


#1 This day 1967-----Aretha Franklin | Respect | 1967 | Best Version

“The Soldier’s Faith,” a Memorial Day Speech

“The Soldier’s Faith,” a Memorial Day Speech
"On May 30 – Memorial Day — 1895, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., a Harvard man and then a justice on the Supreme Court of Massachusetts, delivered an address to the graduating class of 1895 in Cambridge. The speech, known as “The Soldier’s Faith,” is in and of itself fascinating substantively and also for its indirect effects. 
Regarding those, Theodore Roosevelt, another Harvard man, read the speech some seven years later and determined to appoint Holmes to the Supreme Court on account of it.
Beyond that, the speech is incredibly prescient, in certain respects, and eloquent, even poetic, on the question of personal courage and purpose to a degree that will seem alien to most Americans today, at least those of us who have never served.
In this special episode for Memorial Day, we read (almost all of) “The Soldier’s Faith” with annotations and digressions, which we hope you find fun and interesting!...

Memorial Day-----Saving Private Ryan Clerk Mom General

Final known USS Arizona survivor is 101 years old - TheBlaze

Final known USS Arizona survivor is 101 years old - TheBlaze

Navy veteran Lou Conter, who is now 101 years old, is the final known survivor of the USS Arizona, a ship that Japan bombed during the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941, according to the Wall Street Journal. He was only 20 at the time.

Never forget!-----Review: "365 Days: 50th Anniversary Edition," by Ronald J. Glasser

Review: "365 Days: 50th Anniversary Edition," by Ronald J. Glasser
"Don’t count the days—make the days count. 
So goes an old adage on military deployments. 
Ronald J. Glasser did both as a physician treating the wounded in the Vietnam War. 
  • After returning home, he wrote 365 Days, a collection of short stories drawn from the patients he treated and the colleagues he served with...
  • The 17 stories in 365 Days assume the perspectives of combatants and others connected in some way to the front lines. 
Much war literature focuses on a platoon, squad, or company
365 Days recalls the oral tradition of war stories...
Here, for example, is how he describes the work of front-line medics, asked time and again to do the impossible:
Medics in the 101st carried M & M candies in their medical kits long before the psychiatrists found it necessary to explain away their actions. They offered them as placebos for their wounded who were too broken for morphine, slipping the sweets between their lips as they whispered to them over the noise of the fighting that it was for the pain. In a world of suffering and death, Vietnam is like a Walt Disney true-life adventure, where the young are suddenly left alone to take care of the young...

Marine's final salute

Memorial Day

History for May 29

History for May 29 - On-This-Day.com
Gilbert Keith Chesterton 1874 - Writer of philosophy, ontolory, poetry
  • 1765 - Patrick Henry denounced the Stamp Act before Virginia's House of Burgesses.
  • 1849 - A patent for lifting vessels was granted to Abraham Lincoln.
  • 1912 - Fifteen women were dismissed from their jobs at the Curtis Publishing Company in Philadelphia, PA, for dancing the Turkey Trot while on the job.
  • 1953 - Edmund Hillary and Sherpa Tenzing Norgay became first men to reach the top of Mount Everest.
  • 1990 - Boris Yeltsin was elected president of the Russian republic by the Russian parliament.
  • 2001 - The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that disabled golfer Casey Martin could use a cart to ride in tournaments.
  • 2015 - The Obama administration removed Cuba from the U.S. terrorism blacklist. The two countries had severed diplomatic relations in January of 1961.

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Lauren Boebert calls for boycotting The North Face - TheBlaze

Lauren Boebert calls for boycotting The North Face - TheBlaze

The North Face recently released a video featuring drag queen Pattie Gonia. "Hi, it's me Pattie Gonia, a real-life homosexual," the drag queen said in a video, adding, "today I'm here with the North Face. We are here to invite you to come out," the gay man said, pausing before adding, "in nature with us!" The video marks the company's second straight year featuring the drag queen in a video.

The way we were-----Things No Longer Found at Gas Stations

Playing By The Rules

"Toto believes it is very important to be familiar with and abide by the current rules of social and climate justice.