Thursday, June 01, 2023

Parody or reality?-----AOC upset over parody press account cracking up conservative social media | Washington Examiner

AOC upset over parody press account cracking up conser
"Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) is asking her followers to be careful about what they read after a meme Twitter account began parodying her press releases, to the delight of conservatives across social media.
Armed with a blue check, the Twitter username @AOCpress, identified as an "Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Press Release (parody)," describes itself as "Saying the quiet part out loud (parody)."
The account gained mass popularity Monday when Elon Musk replied to it.
Musk replied with a fire emoji.
Tweets from the account parody everything from Ocasio-Cortez's personal life to her political views.

Ocasio-Cortez does not appear to find the account's humor funny.

Not The Best Of The Web Today | Good grief, I regularly get these official health warnings from the County | Facebook

Not The Best Of The Web Today | Good grief, I regularly get these official health warnings from the County | Facebook - David Rolfe
"Good grief, I regularly get these official health warnings from the County. 
  • The emphasis is COVID as a racial/socioeconomic thing. 
Our broken culture pushes us toward inactivity and a diet of corporate garbage food, pushing up our risk factor for COVID and every other malady. 
How do we encourage and enable people to take better care of themselves? 
Telling them they are victims of racism is counterproductive, since everything is the other guy's fault, so there's nothing you can do.

Legal scholar Jonathan Turley lays bare Democrats' constitutional ignorance in debt ceiling crisis - TheBlaze

Legal scholar Jonathan Turley lays bare Democrats' constitutional ignorance in debt ceiling crisis - TheBlaze

Constitutional law scholar Jonathan Turley over the weekend silenced Democrats urging President Joe Biden to use the 14th Amendment to end the debt ceiling crisis. Progressive Democrats, upset that Biden negotiated with Republicans, want Biden to avert default by invoking a questionable legal maneuver: an obscure provision in the 14th Amendment ratified in the context of the post-Civil War America, which almost certainly was not designed to be used to override the statutory borrowing limit.

Woman Can't Stop Amazon from Sending Her Stuff She Didn't Order

The Nanny State Stains a Deck - American Thinker

The Nanny State Stains a Deck - American Thinker - By John F. Di Leo
"...there is something going on that we don't usually expect, and while it's been in process for a century now, it's become blatant only for the past decade or so, and that's the growth of a regulatory state that virtually no candidate ever really campaigns on: the incredibly intrusive growth of the picky, micromanaging regulatory state...
  • For decades, the federal government has mandated that automotive gasoline include a percentage of corn ethanol
  • For about ten years, the federal government has waged war on the incandescent lightbulb, gradually forcing a changeover to compact fluorescents, LEDs, and other new technologies that cost more, don't work with dimmer switches, and are infinitely more likely to be manufactured in China...
  • The federal government has long attempted to curtail water use by regulating the design of shower heads, toilets, and bathroom faucets...
  • The related issue currently in the news is the world of natural gas appliances...
The damage all this does is incredible, and largely untrackable...

Lunch video-----Unknown Facts about the Islamic Slave Trade | Thomas Sowell



Target boycotts and threats are 'literally terrorism' says economics professor on MSNBC - TheBlaze

Target boycotts and threats are 'literally terrorism' says economics professor on MSNBC - TheBlaze

A University of Michigan professor referred to boycotts and threats against big-box retailer Target as a form of literal terrorism in a recent interview on MSNBC, Newsweek reported.

They're actually pushing this madness!


Welcome to the World of Minority Contracting | City Journal

Welcome to the World of Minority Contracting | City Journal - Judge Glock
  • Government goals and set-asides for “disadvantaged” firms breed 
  • corruption and 
  • fraud, 
  • deepen racial divisions, and 
  • cost taxpayers billions.
"For the past few years, Atlanta has been roiled by corruption scandals centering on the city’s decades-old program to favor minority-owned businesses in government contracting. 
The troubles started when Elvin “E. R.” Mitchell, Jr., a black contractor, began paying what became more than $1 million in bribes to city official and friend of the mayor Reverend Mitzi Bickers...

ABC's daily hate-shows expanding!

Raising our rates while funding/supporting/promoting leftist programs?--- Consumers Energy- News & Tips | Consumers Energy

News & Tips | Consumers Energy
"Sisterhood of Strong
Theresa Horne has made it her life’s work to help people get and stay healthy. As a health and fitness coach for her company, Sisterhood of Strong, she powered through during the Stay Home, Stay Safe order thanks to a grant from the Jackson Community Foundation and the Enterprise Group of Jackson.

#1 This day 1962-----Ray Charles - I Can't Stop Loving You ( 1962 )

Target shows the blueprint to beat the left - American Thinker

Target shows the blueprint to beat the left - American Thinker - By D. Parker
"Something is happening right now that is scaring the Obama out of the fascist far left
Their power has always been an illusion, perpetuated by pop culture and the national socialist media, but now that is being shown to be nothing more than smoke and mirrors. 
Normal people in the pro-freedom majority are figuring that out. 
And now that it's being shown to be a cultural chimera, the anti-liberty authoritarianism of the fascist far left is finished. 
It's not just that there's been resistance; they expect and exploit what they've received in the past to always portray themselves as victims while being the obvious aggressors
  • But this time it's different. 
The resistance is widespread, persistent, and intensifying...

The stonewall, cover-up continues!


Millions of fast food workers could lose their jobs within 5 years. Here's why | Fox News

Millions of fast food workers could lose their jobs within 5 years. Here's why | Fox News

Artificial intelligence advances will allow computer kiosks and robots to replace most fast food jobs within five to 10 years, according to an AI entrepreneur. "This is definitely a watershed moment for artificial intelligence," Valyant AI founder Rob Carpenter told Fox News. "We are going to see AI jump from back-office processing and manufacturing facilities to consumer-facing, front-facing, traditionally human-only jobs."

Jane Fonda Says White Men to Blame For ‘Climate Crisis’ and Calls For Them ALL to be Jailed!

Jane Fonda Says White Men to Blame For ‘Climate Crisis’ and Calls For Them ALL to be Jailed! - By Toby Young
"The actress Jane Fonda, who famously took the Communists’ side in the Vietnam War, told an audience in Cannes that white men are to blame for the ‘climate crisis’ and called for them all to be arrested and jailed
The Mail has the story.
“It is a tragedy that we have to absolutely stop. We have to arrest and jail those men – they’re all men [behind this],” she said on Saturday at the Cannes Film Festival.
She added there “would be no climate crisis if there was no racism”.
“White men are the things that matter and then everything else [is] at the bottom,” the outspoken actor said of the “hierarchy” that gives men power...

History for June 1

History for June 1 -
Andy Griffith 1926 - Actor
  • 1869 - Thomas Edison received a patent for his electric voting machine.
  • 1944 - Siesta was abolished by the government of Mexico.
  • 1970 - Zimbabwe came into existence. It was formerly known as Rhodesia.
  • 1980 - Cable News Network (CNN) made its debut as the first all-news station.
  • 1999 - Merrill Lynch chairman David Komansky announced that the firm would soon allow its customers to buy and sell stocks over the Internet.
  • 2009 - General Motors filed for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy. The filing made GM the largest U.S. industrial company to enter bankruptcy protection.

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Target VP Was Board Member for K-12 Transgender Advocacy Group

Target VP Was Board Member for K-12 Transgender Advocacy Group

Target’s shareholders lost $9 billion in stock market value because the C-suite mixed its professional duties with its personal agendas, including advocacy for transgenderism.

The poster boy for this high-risk policy is Target’s vice president for brand marketing, Carlos Saavedra. He moonlights as a board member of an advocacy group for K-12 transgenderism and gay status. The group, titled GLSEN, is an acronym chosen by the teachers who formed the Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network in 1990.

The way we were-----US Army Evasive Driving Training Video (1988)

Global Warming Hits The Little Ones Hardest

"The press says we are having the worst drought in 1,200 years, so we explored today how the climate crisis is affecting the small animals of Wyoming.

The Return of Good and Evil, Part 1 | The Pipeline--more to come!

The Return of Good and Evil, Part 1 | The Pipeline
"... Even after relativity and quantum physics threw everything open," in the 1980s Stephen Hawking and other big shots claimed that physics was on the verge of a 'final theory,' or 'theory of everything,' that could answer these big questions and solve the riddle of reality," as John Horgan noted in the Scientific American.
But that expectation too was dashed
Nobody talks about a theory of everything now. 
  • As Sabine Hossfelder explains in her book Lost in Math, the Large Hadron Collider isn't finding what the standard model predicted. 
  • The James Webb Space Telescope discovered enormous distant galaxies that should not exist. "Nobody expected them. They were not supposed to be there. And now, nobody can explain how they had formed."
Part of the problem is although we are still enlarging the encyclopedia, the reversopedia is growing so much faster that our island of knowledge, while enlarging steadily is not expanding as fast as the shadows around it. 
Each year our store of knowledge grows, but never as fast as the list of unsolved problems they suggest. 
Worse the unknown unknowns, the mysterium tremendum grows fastest of all...
Continued tomorrow.

Why are we FORCED to fund this HATE?!!-----CUNY Law professor says school is being run by 'Marxist, far-left lunatics' | Daily Mail Online

CUNY Law professor says school is being run by 'Marxist, far-left lunatics' | Daily Mail Online
"...The comments come after a shocking commencement speech on May 12 by pro-Palestine law graduate Fatima Mousa Mohammed, who accused Israelis of 'settler colonialism' and called for 'rage' to tackle the 'fascist NYPD'.
It was the second year in a row the school - one of the largest in New York City, which receives more than half its funding from government - allowed such pro-Palestine, anti-Israel remarks at the graduation ceremony.
...Her remarks about Israel, Palestine, the NYPD and the Armed Forces sparked uproar
The CUNY Board of Trustees today denounced the remarks as hate speech after furious backlash...

Best Topical Medicine for Pain

The face of leftist scumbaggery!-----Just Stop Oil’s Hollywood Patron Has Holiday Home in Ireland That he Jets Off to “When the Going Gets Tough”

Just Stop Oil’s Hollywood Patron Has Holiday Home in Ireland That he Jets Off to “When the Going Gets Tough” - By Toby Young

...The Daily Mail has more.
A Hollywood director helping to bankroll Just Stop Oil has been accused of hypocrisy over his lavish holiday home in Ireland – 5,000 miles from his Los Angeles base.
Oscar winner Adam McKay, whose films include The Big Short and Don’t Look Up, is one of a group of multi-millionaires behind the Climate Emergency Fund.
The Beverly Hills-based fund raises cash from its mega rich supporters and distributes it to ‘disruptive’ activists, including handing almost £1million to help Just Stop Oil wreak havoc in the U.K.
Mr. McKay is a director of the fund and has donated over £3.2 million to it to support “recruitment and training” for groups including the British activists...

Lunch video-----Equity: The Thief of Human Potential - Thomas Sowell

"Thomas Sowell (born June 30, 1930) is an American author, economist, and political commentator who is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University. 
Sowell is the author of more than 45 books (including revised and new editions) on a variety of subjects including politics, economics, education and race, and he has been a syndicated columnist in more than 150 newspapers. 



GOP Sens Ask�Durham Why Former FBI Officials Refused to Cooperate

GOP Sens Ask�Durham Why Former FBI Officials Refused to Cooperate

Sens. Ron Johnson (R-WI) and Chuck Grassley (R-IA) sent a letter to Special Counsel John Durham to inquire why certain former FBI officials did not cooperate with his investigation of the FBI’s probe into the Trump campaign for alleged Russian collusion.

FBI OK with some "domestic terrorists"?


Traitorous wimp!-----George Bush, MIA - Don Surber

George Bush, MIA - Don Surber
"As Durham’s Report exposes the lies about RussiaGate and the truth about Obama using the FBI as his personal police unfolds, there is one silence that roars above the white noise of denial. 
George Walker Bush has not said a word. 
Not one darned word. 
  • He has been one silent lamb while the Democrat Party ran roughshod over our political institutions — weaponizing the IRS, the FBI, FISA, the media, the courts and the border.
  • Hundreds of Trump’s voters were jailed over a protest at the Capitol over the counting of the votes and we have not heard his protest. Indeed, Bush has condemned these protesting patriots as threats to America..
  • Never has Bush defended President Trump from the outrageous lies and unprecedented illegal spying on him as a private citizen.
  • Bush was silent when the FBI raided Mar-a-Lago. I want his home (as well as Biden’s, Obama’s and Clinton’s) SWATTED at 4 AM on 21 JAN 2025 by whoever the Republican president is. Let them reap the whirlwind they sowed...