Sunday, June 04, 2023

Lunch video-----Oh dear 🤦‍♂️



California city faces fury of residents at community meeting: Who wants to live like this?! | Fox News

California city faces fury of residents at community meeting: Who wants to live like this?! | Fox News

Over 500 residents and business owners turned up to a community meeting in Oakland, California, this week to voice their frustrations over the city's "rampant" crime problem. Open Mind Music owner Henry Wimmer told "America Reports" on Thursday that he's been a victim of smash-and-grab theft and once scared off a person casing a car with a flashlight. "What I see is a lot of people upset and understandably so, because crime has really been rampant in the time I've been in the Rockridge neighborhood, which is really a beautiful, wonderful neighborhood," Wimmer said.

Trust us, we'll MAKE you "safer".

What the hell?!!-----McClain: Gotion factory an attempt to ‘overtake’ Michigan

McClain: Gotion factory an attempt to ‘overtake’ Michigan  - James David Dickson 
  • ‘The CCP is not our friend,’ says Michigan rep on floor of Congress
"Michigan lawmakers have already approved nearly $800 million in tax abatements and cash incentives for the forthcoming Gotion plant in Big Rapids, but the deal is still on the tips of tongues among the state’s congressional delegation.
First up, Rep. John James, R-Farmington Hills, introduced the No American Tax Dollars to CCP bill in April. 
The bill would prohibit public giveaways for “battery components manufactured or assembled by corporations associated with foreign entities of concern,” a restriction that would have prevented Michigan’s incentives to Gotion, a company with ties to the Chinese Communist Party...

No need to bother with truth when every lie is praised by the kiss-a$$ media.

Gotta read this lefty drivel. Prof equates "climate change" with "gravity".-----Students and Faculty at Ohio State Respond to a Bill That Would Restrict College Discussions of Climate Policies - Inside Climate News

Students and Faculty at Ohio State Respond to a Bill That Would Restrict College Discussions of Climate Policies - Inside Climate News
  • “You can say gravity isn't true, but if you step off the cliff, you’re going down,” says climate scientist Katharine Hayhoe about restrictions on teaching.
  • Keely Fisher, an Ohio State University graduate student, is one of many people on campus who fear the ramifications of a legislative proposal that seeks to regulate discussions of climate policy in higher education. 
"...the Ohio General Assembly and a proposal that would regulate higher education. The wide-ranging bill includes a provision that designates climate policy as a “controversial belief or policy” and says faculty must “encourage students to reach their own conclusions about all controversial beliefs or policies and shall not seek to inculcate any social, political, or religious point of view.”

#1 This day 1958-----Sheb Wooley "The Purple People Eater" on The Ed Sullivan Show

Don't be fooled, 'Green Energy' is neither green nor energy | Fox News

Don't be fooled, 'Green Energy' is neither green nor energy | Fox News
  • The 'green' idea is really all about minimal human impact. 
  • Wind and solar don't fit that definition - By Alex Epstein | Fox News
"...The "green energy" movement claims that it wants cost-effective energy—affordable, reliable, plentiful—just without fossil fuels’ pollution or GHG emissions. 
But this is contradicted by its hostility toward clean, non-carbon nuclear and hydro—the most proven alternatives to fossil fuels.
  • You might expect the "green energy" movement to be the Number 1 supporter of clean, non-carbon nuclear and hydroelectric energy, but instead, it is the Number 1 opponent. 
  • "Green" groups have opposed nuclear for decades (leading to crippling costs) and worked to shut down hydroelectric dams.
Why does the "Green" movement oppose nuclear and hydro?...

As the lib-media praises his every muttering.


Blue State Blues: California's Insurance Debacle and Gavin Newsom's Future

Blue State Blues: California's Insurance Debacle and Gavin Newsom's Future

California should be heaven on earth, but is en route to becoming the proverbial hell on a road paved with good intentions.

The latest example is the state’s insurance debacle. State Farm, the largest insurer in California, said this week that it will stop issuing new home and business policies, partly due to the risk of wildfires and the cost of construction. (Allstate quietly followed soon after.)

The first "baby-step". Big government dems dream of robo-cops EVERYWHERE!-----Opinion | Install work zone cameras for speeders to save workers’ lives

Opinion | Install work zone cameras for speeders to save workers’ lives
  • Last week was National Work Zone Awareness Week, which was designated by Congress to help raise attention for the people who have dedicated their lives to improving the roads and bridges millions of Americans use every single day.
  • There are a number of reasons why additional safety precautions need to be taken in and around road construction areas. Work zones often mean closed lanes and merging traffic; furthermore, the lanes that are used are usually narrower, compromising the integrity of the roadway.
State Rep. Will Snyder is a first-term Democrat representing the 87th House District and is a lifelong resident of Muskegon....

AM Fruitcake


History for June 4

History for June 4 -
Carl Gustaf Mannerheim 1867
  • 1783 - A hot-air balloon was demonstrated by Joseph and Jacques Montgolfier. It reached a height of 1,500 feet.
  • 1896 - Henry Ford made a successful test drive of his new car in Detroit, MI. He called the vehicle was called a "Quadricycle."
  • 1924 - An eternal light was dedicated at Madison Square in New York City in memory of all New York soldiers who died in World War I.
  • 1940 - The British completed the evacuation of 300,000 troops at Dunkirk, France.
  • 1942 - The Battle of Midway began. It was the first major victory for America over Japan during World War II. The battle ended on June 6 and ended Japanese expansion in the Pacific.
  • 1986 - The California Supreme Court approved a law that limited the liability of manufacturers and other wealthy defendants. It was known as the "deep pockets law."

Saturday, June 03, 2023

Lawmakers sound off on Target woke controversy: 'Obsession with focusing on children' | Fox News

Lawmakers sound off on Target woke controversy: 'Obsession with focusing on children' | Fox News

"I think to some extent companies have the freedom to say whatever they want," Rubio told Fox News Digital. "But obviously consumers are going to react. I think in the Target one, which is different from the Bud Light one, the Target one has to do with families that are going into stores and being bombarded, not just with Pride month stuff, but with products specifically designed for children. I think that most Americans would say, look, adults can do whatever they want in the privacy of their own lives at home. But when you take the power of corporations and ram it down people's throats aimed at children, you're going to have a very visceral reaction.

The way we were-----Centerline: The Surprising History of Lane Markings

How Dangerous Is A Bullet Shot In The Air? DEBUNKED

President Donald J. Trump's Accomplishments List:

President Donald J. Trump's Accomplishments List:

Every current dollar of tax money is more important than roads?-----Mileage fees, higher gas tax among options to fund Michigan’s crumbling roads

Mileage fees, higher gas tax among options to fund Michigan’s crumbling roads
"In order to maintain its road system in the coming years, Michigan will need to come up with another almost $4 billion in infrastructure funding annually, according to a recent report from the Michigan Infrastructure and Transportation Association (the road building lobby!)...
The report included five options for increasing infrastructure revenue. Below is a summary of each:
  • Increase the gas tax...PSC’s second option would be to tax fuel on a per dollar basis, rather than per gallon. 
  • Increase sales tax by 3%
  • Allow communities to pursue local sales tax to fix local roads
  • Assess a per mile fee for vehicles
  • Bonus option: tolls...

MacIntyre: Lessons from the battle against woke capital - TheBlaze

MacIntyre: Lessons from the battle against woke capital - TheBlaze

This year is different, however, as the rapid push to advance radical gender ideology onto children has awakened parents to the dangers of the trans movement, which has simultaneously been pushed to the front of the wider LGBTQ coalition. Bud Light and Target have already seen steep profit losses due to their elevation of transitionist propaganda, as effective boycotts from red America decimate their bottom line. Companies like the North Face and Kohl's are also feeling the heat due to their shameless attempts to push Pride-themed merchandise onto children.

When everyone is sick of your S**T

The Rutherford Institute :: The Government Is Turning America Into a Constitution-Free Zone | By John & Nisha Whitehead |

The Rutherford Institute :: The Government Is Turning America Into a Constitution-Free Zone | By John & Nisha Whitehead 
"...Every decade or so, the government makes the case for expanding its wartime powers and curtailing the citizenry’s freedom—in the war on terrorism, war on drugs...
As part of the government’s so-called crackdown on illegal immigration, drugs and trafficking, border patrol cops are expanding their reach, roaming further afield and subjecting greater numbers of Americans to 
  • warrantless searches, 
  • ID checkpoints, 
  • transportation checks, and even 
  • surveillance on private property far beyond the boundaries of the borderlands.
That so-called border, once a thin borderline, is now an ever-thickening band spreading deeper and deeper inside the country.
Consequently, nearly 66% of Americans (2/3 of the U.S. population, or 197.4 million people) now live within a 100-mile-deep, Constitution-free zone.
... This ‘border’ region now covers places where two-thirds of the US population (197.4 million people) live… The ‘border’ has by now devoured the full states of Maine and Florida and much of Michigan.”...

Lunch video-----Fireside Chat Ep. 291 — Pride Month: Why Do We Do This?



Nearly 10,000 Hunter Biden laptop photos released - TheBlaze

Nearly 10,000 Hunter Biden laptop photos released - TheBlaze

In October 2022, the Marco Polo group released a 634-page report of its forensic examination of every document on Biden's laptop.

The New York Post reported, "The 634-page report (plus 2,020 footnotes) lists six alleged crimes committed by Joe Biden – including tax evasion and violations of the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) – alongside 459 crimes it alleges were committed by Hunter, including illegal foreign lobbying and money laundering."

What they don't want you to see!


CRIME-The Epidemic Of Black Kids Who Drop Out Of School And Become Violent: Is There A Connection?

CRIMEThe Epidemic Of Black Kids Who Drop Out Of School And Become Violent: Is There A Connection? - By Dominick Izzo
"Chicago, the vibrant city known for its rich culture and diverse neighborhoods, has been grappling with two pressing challenges: the steady increase in crime rates and the persistent issue of high dropout rates among its students.
Over the past decade, a troubling connection has emerged between these two phenomena, raising concerns about their interplay and its long-term consequences for the city’s future. 
This article aims to explore the relationship between the dropout rate of students from Chicago Public Schools (CPS) and the rising crime levels, shedding light on the complex factors that contribute to this disheartening trend...

About time!


Biden's war on fossil fuels - Washington Times

Biden's war on fossil fuels - Washington Times--By James T. Moodey
"The real cause of inflation and how not to treat it...
  • The real cause of inflation is the war on fossil fuels. 
  • And the cure is to stop the war on fossil fuels. 
"...Overspending causes many problems, but it did not cause the current inflation. Inflation from 2009 to 2020 averaged 1.8%. And in 2020, it was 1.4%...
  • ...In the month after Jan. 24, 2021, our domestic oil production plunged from 13.1 million barrels per day — its highest level in history — to 9.7 million.
  • That same month, the oil price doubled from $55 per barrel to $110. Inflation soared to 9.6%...

#1 This day 1964-----Dixie Cups - Chapel Of Love (1964) 4K