Monday, June 05, 2023

Plus Size Model - TheBlaze

Plus Size Model - TheBlaze

While using attractive models seemed a tried and true method for selling a product, Calvin Klein is now completely changing its branding. Its ads now feature overweight and gender non-conforming models.

The way we were-----The Indiana State Fairgrounds Explosion | A Short Documentary | Fascinat...

U.S. Navy Fires Another Commanding Officer

Fmr. Anheuser-Busch Executive: Corporate Leftism Is Driven by Investment Firms Who Are Pushed by Officials

Fmr. Anheuser-Busch Executive: Corporate Leftism Is Driven by Investment Firms Who Are Pushed by Officials - IAN HANCHETT
"On Tuesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Jesse Watters Primetime,” Strive Asset Management Co-Founder and former Anheuser-Busch executive Anson Frericks said that asset managers like BlackRock, State Street, and Vanguard impose things like ESG and DEI onto companies because the asset firms are pressured into doing so by government officials.
...they also tell BlackRock, State Street, and Vanguard, if they’re going to manage their money, they have to commit to things like ESG, diversity, equity, and inclusion and adopt firm-wide commitments that they, therefore, then force onto all the major companies in corporate America.”...

Teach your children well-----Nearly 30% of people under 30 support government surveillance cameras in every home: poll | The College Fix

Nearly 30% of people under 30 support government surveillance cameras in every home: poll | The College Fix - JENNIFER KABBANY - FIX EDITOR
  • ‘Young people seem more willing to prioritize safety over ensuring robust freedom’
  • Roughly three in 10 Americans under 30 favor “the government installing surveillance cameras in every household to reduce domestic violence, abuse, and other illegal activity,” according to the results of a new Cato Institute survey...

Newly Released Jan. 6 Footage Exposes What Pelosi Did While Leaving the Capitol

Newly Released Jan. 6 Footage Exposes What Pelosi Did While Leaving the Capitol

Newly released surveillance footage from the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, shows then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s daughter filming her mother’s evacuation from the building through a secure route.

Alexandra Pelosi later used the video she shot in her HBO documentary, “Pelosi in the House,” which was released in December, according to Just the News.


It's junk science

It's junk science - DAVID STROM 
"One of the most influential studies on the value of treating gender-dysphoric patients with “gender-affirming” care has been “corrected.”..
It was, in fact, bunk. 
  The Journal Public Discourse has a long and well worth reading article on why the research was terrible, and how they and others successfully pushed to get the correction...
  • As the critics asserted, once proper statistical methods were used the results turned out to be very different from the original claims. 
  • And given the limits of the data collection (they only looked at one year of data) the results would be worse with better data.
The conclusion that gender-affirming care helps patients turned out to be wrong....

Lunch video-----Ticking Time Bomb: Social Security & Medicare Are Broke



Texas outlaws transgender surgeries, puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones for children - TheBlaze

Texas outlaws transgender surgeries, puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones for children - TheBlaze

Prohibited procedures under Texas law are those "for the purpose of transitioning a child’s biological sex as determined by the sex organs, chromosomes, and endogenous profiles of the child or affirming the child’s perception of the child’s sex if that perception is inconsistent with the child’s biological sex."

Banned drugs for transitioning include puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones. Banned surgeries include castration, vasectomy, hysterectomy, oophorectormy, metoidioplasty, penectomy, mastectomy, phalloplasty, vaginoplasty, and surgeries that sterilize a child.

Biden's amerika.


Is the Sleeping Conservative Dragon Finally Waking Up? - Victor Davis Hanson

Is the Sleeping Conservative Dragon Finally Waking Up? - Victor Davis Hanson 
"...Traditionalists often feel they have no time for politics. 
They prefer to focus on their families, jobs, communities, and churches. 
Until recently they shunned organized boycotts. 
They abhor massing outside the homes of left-wing politicians and judges.
...conservatives are awakening from their slumber. 
And they are discovering that they too can boycott, agitate - and roar...
  • The woke Target corporation in just a few days has suffered a more than $10 billion loss in its stock value...
  • Anheuser-Busch came up with the bright idea that it would highlight Dylan Mulvaney, a transgender performance activist, to hawk its Bud Light brand...
  • Ditto the defiantly woke Disney Corporation...
  • Sometimes traditionalists prefer simply to drop out rather than boycott wokeism. One result is that the Emmy, Grammy, Oscar, and Tony awards now have a fraction of their previous televised audience.
  • In 1998 - when the United States had a population of 275 million - the NBA finals earned on average 29 million television viewers. This year the NBA bragged its finals averaged a pathetic 4 million viewers in a contemporary America of 335 million.
  • The Los Angeles Dodgers baseball team reinvited the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence - a self-identified performance art "queer" group - to headline the team's "pride night."..

#1 This week 1963-----The Nutty Professor (1963) - Trailer

Please Just Fucking Tell Me What Term I Am Allowed to Use for the Sweeping Social and Political Changes You Demand

Please Just Fucking Tell Me What Term I Am Allowed to Use for the Sweeping Social and Political Changes You Demand - FREDDIE DEBOER
  • you don't get to insist that no one talks about your political project and it's weak and pathetic that you think you do


"......woke, it’s a “dogwhistle” for racism. (The term “dogwhistle” is a way for people to simply impute attitudes you don’t hold onto you, to make it easier to dismiss criticism, for the record.) 
  • But the same people say there’s no such thing as political correctness, and they also say identity politics is a bigoted term. 
So I’m kind of at a loss. 
Seems to be a real resistance to simple, comprehensible terms around here...

#1 This day 1966-----Rolling Stones - Paint It Black LIVE (1966)

Media says voting threatens democracy - Don Surber

Media says voting threatens democracy - Don Surber
"The Jeff Bezos WaPost sent two reporters to Grand Haven, Michigan, a town of 11,011 people and the county seat of Ottawa County. 
Their job was to do his newspaper’s version of a story in Politico in February, “What It Looks Like When the Far Right Takes Control of Local Government.”...
“Ottawa County offers a glimpse of what happens when one of the building blocks of American democracy is consumed by ideological battles.”
The Post story began, “The eight new members of the Ottawa County Board of Commissioners had run for office promising to ‘thwart tyranny’ in their lakeside Michigan community of 300,000 people.
“In this case the oppressive force they aimed to thwart was the county government they now ran. It was early January, their first day in charge. An American flag held down a spot at the front of the board’s windowless meeting room. Sea-foam green carpet covered the floor.
“The new commissioners, all Republicans, swore their oaths of office on family Bibles. And then the firings began. Gone was the lawyer who had represented Ottawa County for 40 years. Gone was the county administrator who oversaw a staff of 1,800. To run the health department, they voted to install a service manager from a local HVAC company who had gained prominence as a critic of mask mandates.”...
  • People elected an overwhelming majority of 8 new Republican commissioners (out of 11 commissioners) that the Jeff Bezos newspaper did not like. 
  • They made changes that the newspaper did not like, and so the Jeff Bezos Post said this threatened “the building blocks of American democracy.”
One of the changes made was to the county’s motto “that sat atop the county’s website and graced its official stationery.”
  • The 186-year-old county adopted that motto — Where You Belong — six years ago.
  • The new one is Where Freedom Rings.
Freedom must be a threat to democracy, too...

You KNOW that is their plan!


Children's choir silenced while performing the national anthem in US Capitol because 'it might offend someone': Video - TheBlaze

Children's choir silenced while performing the national anthem in US Capitol because 'it might offend someone': Video - TheBlaze

An elite children's choir was silenced in the middle of performing "The Star-Spangled Banner" inside the U.S. Capitol after Capitol police reportedly feared that the song could be considered a "protest" and "might offend someone."

Eco-nutz ain't gonna like this!-----Forest fires: North America's boreal forests are burning a lot, but less than 150 years ago

Forest fires: North America's boreal forests are burning a lot, but less than 150 years ago
"...In North American boreal forests, several million hectares can go up in smoke in a single year. 
On the other hand, these forest fires can seem almost negligible for several consecutive years. 
During the past 60 years, the area annually affected by forest fires has increased, presumably because of climate change. 
Or at least that’s part of the explanation....
  • The results of our research contradict the common wisdom about North American boreal forests — that they burned more in the past than they do today. 
But before we go into more detail about this, we feel it’s important to provide some background and context...

AM Fruitcake


History for June 5

History for June 5 -
Adam Smith 1723 - Author
  • 1752 - Benjamin Franklin flew a kite for the first time to demonstrate that lightning was a form of electricity.
  • 1851 - Harriet Beecher Stow published the first installment of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" in "The National Era."
  • 1884 - U.S. Civil War General William T. Sherman refused the Republican presidential nomination, saying, "I will not accept if nominated and will not serve if elected."
  • 1933 - President Roosevelt signed the bill that took the U.S. off of the gold standard.
  • 1998 - A strike began at a General Motors Corp. parts factory near Detroit, MI, that closed five assembly plants and idled workers across the U.S. for seven weeks.

Sunday, June 04, 2023

Family punished for opposing transgender student in girls' locker room scores settlement with school district - TheBlaze

Family punished for opposing transgender student in girls' locker room scores settlement with school district - TheBlaze

The lawsuit stemmed from 2022 incident in the girls locker room at the school. According to Blake and some of her peers, a biological male who identifies as transgender entered their locker room while the girls were in various states of undress. "A male was in our locker room when volleyball girls were trying to get changed," Blake told the Daily Signal back in October.

The way we were-----Differences Between the Islamic and Western Slave Trade | Thomas Sowell

I Misunderstood the Greenhouse Effect. Here's How It Works.

Surveys Show People Like Socialism Until They Learn What It Is - America Out Loud

Surveys Show People Like Socialism Until They Learn What It Is - America Out Loud - by Wallace Garneau 
  • Depending on the poll used, young Americans tend to favor socialism over capitalism by a ratio of approximately four to one. 
  • Interestingly, only about one in four young Americans actually know what socialism is...
Instead of asking, “Do you prefer socialism or capitalism?”⏤ perhaps we should consider asking,
  • What percentage of your income should the government allow you to keep?”...
  • Who should decide where you live: you or the government?
  • Who should decide what foods you eat: you or the government?
  • Who should decide which career field you pursue: you or the government?
  • Who should decide the temperature of your house: you or the government?...
  • Should you be allowed to own a car? If so, who should determine which car you can own: you or the government?...Read all!

The emperor has no mind!-----Biden Bumbles, then Stumbles | Power Line

Biden Bumbles, then Stumbles | Power Line
"Joe Biden gave the commencement address at the Air Force Academy today, and had a number of puzzling moments with his teleprompter, like this one:

And then the inevitable happened...

Jewish conservatives combat left-wing protection of George Soros with 'Jews Against Soros' coalition | Fox News

Jewish conservatives combat left-wing protection of George Soros with 'Jews Against Soros' coalition | Fox News

Some Jewish conservatives are joining forces to combat what they say is the left's intellectually dishonest shielding of Democrat megadonor George Soros. Former federal prosecutor Will Scharf and Newsweek senior editor-at-large Josh Hammer launched Jews Against Soros (JAS), a grassroots coalition of American Jews that not only opposes Soros' "leftist agenda" but is fighting back against the "left-wing smear" that criticizing the Jewish Hungarian billionaire is antisemitic, a claim that has often been leveled by Democrats and members of the media when conservatives call out his major influence in politics.

Thank you, Texas.

Something is making them dumber!-----College students need less tech, more books | The College Fix

College students need less tech, more books | The College Fix -MAGGIE KELLY - ASSISTANT EDITOR 
  • It’s hardly news that cell phones and laptops distract students from learning as much as they facilitate it...
  • “In a survey conducted by Tindell and Bohlander (2011), 92% of college students reported using their phones to send text messages during class,” according to the article...
  • Even more, technology has enabled cheating on a level more advanced than teachers have seen.