Sunday, July 30, 2023

Turley explains how Judge Noreika exposed the one criminal charge the WH 'most fears' against Hunter Biden - TheBlaze

Turley explains how Judge Noreika exposed the one criminal charge the WH 'most fears' against Hunter Biden - TheBlaze

Legal scholar Jonathan Turley explained Wednesday how U.S. Federal District Judge Maryellen Noreika identified the potential criminal charge against Hunter Biden the White House "most fears." What is the background? As Noreika quizzed prosecutors about the details of the plea agreement, she forced the government to admit the investigation into Biden remains ongoing.

The way we were-----USS Gato 'The Gato Story'

DEADLY TIRED! The Dark Truth Behind Air Algerie Flight 702P.

Good Lord, she is an imbecile!-----RNC Research on Twitter: "Kamala Harris says criminal justice reform "is about restructuring and thinking about how we restructure how we think about what causes people to enter the system"

RNC Research on Twitter: "Kamala Harris says criminal justice reform "is

LOTS of info here!-----2023 Current State of the Union in Numbers

2023 Current State of the Union in Numbers

CBS reporter corners KJP with perfect questions on Hunter's plea deal that expose Biden's hypocrisy on guns - TheBlaze

CBS reporter corners KJP with perfect questions on Hunter's plea deal that expose Biden's hypocrisy on guns - TheBlaze

CBS News reporter Weijia Jiang highlighted on Wednesday President Joe Biden's apparent hypocrisy on gun laws. At the White House press briefing, Jiang noted that "Biden has spent most of his political career working on gun laws, on gun reform." As an advocate of more gun laws, then, Jiang asked whether Biden believes that "someone who is charged with possessing a firearm illegally should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law?"

Scientists Charged Absurd Fees After Speaking at Webinars

Biden's "Man/woman/who-cares Amerika"-----Florida woman arrested after biting ear off another woman during fight over vape pens and alcohol

Florida woman arrested after biting ear off another woman during fight over vape pens and alcohol
"...When a fight kicked off between several men at the house party, 23-year-old Macy Regan attempted to leave and walk to her home next door, the sheriff's office said in a news release.
  • It was then that Dixie Stiles, 18, confronted Regan and accused her of stealing vape pens and alcohol.
  • Regan allegedly pulled out a 9 millimeter gun from her waistband, which Stiles shoved out of the way. A physical altercation ensued where Regan bit the top of Stiles' ear off, the sheriff’s office said in the release.
  • The women received multiple bruises and lacerations in the fight and Stiles' ear was unable to be re-attached, the sheriff's office said...

Lunch video-----Big Pharma funds medical establishment


Democratic Rep. Cori Bush once again screams 'racist' after not getting her way, this time targeting Rep. Steve Scalise - TheBlaze

Democratic Rep. Cori Bush once again screams 'racist' after not getting her way, this time targeting Rep. Steve Scalise - TheBlaze

Democratic Rep. Cori Bush of Missouri, fresh off another anti-Israeli boycott, has reissued her go-to smear, this time targeting Republican House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (La.). Scalise touted the successful passage of House Republicans' first fiscal 2024 spending bill Thursday, allocating funding for military construction projects, the Department of Veterans Affairs, and other agencies.

All on the public dime.


Orwell's "1984" IS their playbook!-----74 Percent of College Students Support Snitching on Professors Who Make 'Offensive' Statements

74 Percent of College Students Support Snitching on Professors Who Make 'Offensive' Statements
"...The survey, from researchers at North Dakota State University, found that 74 percent of students overall supported reporting professors for offensive statements
  • While a majority of students from all political persuasions agreed with reporting professors, a higher percentage of liberal students were in favor; 81 percent of liberal students supported reporting professors, while only 53 percent of conservative students supported it.
  • The survey also found that 58 percent of students, including 66 percent of liberal students and 37 percent of conservative students, agreed that fellow students who make "offensive" statements should be reported to university administrators...

Even worse, we're teaching our children this hate-laden ingratitude is good "judgement".


Why Didn't Trump Fire Fauci? - by Donna Rachel

Why Didn't Trump Fire Fauci? - by Donna Rachel
  • The Swamp runs much deeper than anyone imagined
"Why didn’t Trump fire Fauci when he had the chance? 
That’s the question Florida governor and Republican hopeful Ron DeSantis has been asking on the campaign trail, hoping to dislodge Trump from the top of the Republican Primary leader board.
  • While it may be a good campaign tactic (certainly it’s getting people riled up), the answer is actually so surprisingly simple that either DeSantis knows what it is and is being disingenuous, or he doesn’t know and is therefore not fit to be President.
The truth is: Trump had no power to fire Fauci.
As CNN explained at the time
“Under federal law, Trump doesn’t have the power to directly fire Fauci, a career civil servant, and remove him from government. And while Trump could try ordering his political appointees to dismiss the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Fauci could appeal — a time-consuming process.”...

#1 This day 1968-----The Doors - Hello, I Love You

Say Goodbye to Permissionless Travel From the U.S. to Europe

Say Goodbye to Permissionless Travel From the U.S. to Europe - MATT WELCH
  • Americans will need a visa to visit Europe in 2024. 
  • Meanwhile, Europeans who have been to Cuba are discovering they can't come to the U.S., because terrorism.
  • Once upon a time, citizens of the United States could travel to almost every country in the European Union for 90 days without asking any government for permission beyond showing a passport at the initial point of entry.

Sure as hell it's "beyond" real food!


Hunter Biden transcript reveals plea deal gave immunity against illegal foreign lobbying charges - TheBlaze

Hunter Biden transcript reveals plea deal gave immunity against illegal foreign lobbying charges - TheBlaze

The plea deal reportedly consisted of two parts, the "plea agreement" and a "diversion agreement." A clause in the diversion agreement gave the younger Biden blanket immunity for potential charges that could be filed by the Delaware U.S. Attorney's Office. This appeared to include illegal foreign lobbying, felony tax evasion, and other drug charges.

"If you had no immunity from the government, perhaps even a different prosecutor and the government could bring a felony tax evasion charge or drug charges against you, would you still enter the plea agreement and plead guilty to these tax charges?" the judge asked.

AM Fruitcake


History for July 30

History for July 30 - 
Thomas Sowell 1930
  • 1898 - "Scientific America" carried the first magazine automobile ad. The ad was for the Winton Motor Car Company of Cleveland, OH.
  • 1942 - The WAVES were created by legislation signed by U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The members of the Women's Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service were a part of the U.S. Navy.
  • 1945 - The USS Indianapolis was torpedoed by a Japanese submarine. The ship had just delivered key components of the Hiroshima atomic bomb to the Pacific island of Tinian. Only 316 out of 1,196 men aboard survived the attack.
  • 1956 - The phrase "In God We Trust" was adopted as the U.S. national motto.
  • 1965 - U.S. President Johnson signed into law Social Security Act that established Medicare and Medicaid. It went into effect the following year.
  • 1974 - The U.S. House of Representatives Judiciary Committee voted to impeach President Nixon for blocking the Watergate investigation and for abuse of power.
  • 2003 - In Mexico, the last 'old style' Volkswagen Beetle rolled off an assembly line.

Saturday, July 29, 2023

Hunter Biden remains 'good standing' member of DC Bar despite facing criminal charges | Fox News

Hunter Biden remains 'good standing' member of DC Bar despite facing criminal charges | Fox News

First reported by the Daily Caller, Biden told the judge during his first appearance in a Wilmington, Delaware federal court, in which his expected plea deal ultimately collapsed, that he was a member of the D.C. and Connecticut Bars.

According to the D.C. Bar website, Biden remains a member in "good standing," despite the rules of professional conduct stating that it is misconduct for a lawyer to "commit a criminal act that reflects adversely on the lawyer’s honesty, trustworthiness, or fitness as a lawyer in other respects."

The way we were-----White House Intern Describes Her First Sexual Encounter With President JFK...

Academic and economic failure as a natural consequence of the idea of ‘Black People’s Time’

"Academic and economic failure as a natural consequence of the idea of ‘Black People’s Time’

More money for teacher union members will fix this?!!-----Not One 8th Grade Student at the Lebron James Akron School Has Passed a State Math Test in 3 Years | The Gateway Pundit | by Anthony Scott

Not One 8th Grade Student at the Lebron James Akron School Has Passed a State Math Test in 3 Years | The Gateway Pundit | by Anthony Scott
"Lebron James’ I Promise School in Akron, Ohio is facing major backlash from Akron Public School Board members after it was reported that the school hasn’t had one student from its 8th grade class pass a state math test in over three years.
Akron Public School board member Valerie McKitrick was shocked by the new revelation and stated “Not one? In three years?” after she was presented with data that showed not one single student in the school’s fall 8th-grade class could pass a Ohio state math proficiency test...

Soooo, give 'em a "seat at the table (tons on money) and they're gonna fix depression?-----'No. 1 crisis in America': Mayors warn Congress of a crisis 'in every neighborhood'

'No. 1 crisis in America': Mayors warn Congress of a crisis 'in every neighborhood' - USA TODAY
"WASHINGTON − Talking about mental health was seen as a "dark, dirty secret" in Hillary Schieve’s family."...
Mayors are often the elected officials closest to their communities and have had a front-row seat as to how the COVID-19 pandemic amplified the challenges many face when it comes to mental health. 
Struggling with increased demands, those leading America's cities are seeking a seat at the table to discuss the resources needed to address the problem at all levels of government...

Supreme Court reinstates major gas pipeline in blow to environmental groups | Fox News

Supreme Court reinstates major gas pipeline in blow to environmental groups | Fox News

The Supreme Court struck down a lower court ruling from earlier this month that blocked construction of the 303-mile Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) from proceeding.

In a short, unsigned order issued Thursday morning, the Supreme Court vacated the July 10 stay orders from the U.S. 4th Circuit Court of Appeals, in which the lower court sided with plaintiffs — environmental groups Wilderness Society and Appalachian Voices, which had sued to stop the pipeline construction. The 4th Circuit ruling was opposed by the Biden administration, bipartisan lawmakers and the fossil fuel industry.

FLAWED Booster data was used by FDA for Mass Vax Campaign & We PROVE it ...

As bad as the education system was, it's gonna get worse. WAAAAY WORSE!-----The Specter of White Supremacy in the California Community Colleges - Minding The Campus

The Specter of White Supremacy in the California Community Colleges - Minding The Campus - By Ray M. Sanchez
"...There is no clearer evidence than the June 29, 2023, webinar presented by Colegas—an organization sponsored by the California Community Colleges (CCC) system—that the specter of white supremacy has transformed diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) into an insidious and unassailable ideology.
The Colegas email promoting the webinar, “Equitable Counseling and Social Justice,” stated that “Our institutions and organizations are systematically infused with White supremacist bias” and that “...we also recognize the biased forces, beliefs and values deeply embedded within our structures, practices and ourselves. 
These barriers hinder equitable access, delay success, and prevent inclusion in foundational quality education.”
Purveyors of this sophistry have been emboldened by the new, legally binding DEI directives that were adopted in the California Code of Regulations—which are labeled “obligations” and include “competencies” and “criteria” related to hiring, evaluation, and promotion—providing the CCC system a justification for demanding loyalty and allegiance to this destructive ideology.

Lunch video-----Deep Fakes are About to Change Everything