Sunday, August 06, 2023

The way we were-----The Thousand Plane Raid [1969] Adventure War full movie

Walter Williams and Milton Friedman on Unions

Will Insurance Costs Derail The EV Revolution? | ZeroHedge

Will Insurance Costs Derail The EV Revolution? | ZeroHedge - Authored by Duggan Flanakin via RealClear Wire,
  • Four hundred ninety-eight electric vehicles (EVs) and over 3,200 other vehicles, including 350 Mercedes Benzes, were bound for Egypt on the Fremantle Highway when one or more of the EVs caught fire, costing at least one seaman his life and injuring several others...
To compute a total cost, the ecological devastation would also have to be factored in, along with the cost of rescue, firefighting, and salvage operations.
But all in all, this was a freak accident, a one-off. 
This stuff never happens. 
Actually, it does.
  • Just a year ago, the “Felicity Ace” sank as it was being towed from the site where 13 days earlier a fire had broken out on board. That ship, too, was transporting EVs and internal-combustion vehicles – including 15 Lamborghini Aventador LP 780-4 Ultimae supercars valued at half a million dollars apiece. Also lost were 1,117 Porches, 1,944 Audis, 561 Volkswagens, 189 Bentleys, and 70 other Lamborghinis.
  • And just a month ago, two firefighters died battling flames that broke out on another roll-on, roll-off (RORO) cargo ship docked at Port Newark in New Jersey. Firefighters arrived at the scene when just five to seven vehicles on the 10th floor of the ship were on fire, but the fire quickly spread to the 11th and 12th floors...

Heat?---Something Wasn't Right With CNN's Graphic About High Temperatures

Something Wasn't Right With CNN's Graphic About High Temperatures
"CNN posted a graphic alongside a story about the summer's high temperature, claiming it has been the hottest average in over 120,000 years.
The dubious claim from the citied scientists aside, the graphic CNN posted turned even more heads because of what was depicted. 
It shows heavy smoke with three women, who are all wearing sweaters and jackets, with one of the women wearing a mask...

Mark Levin outlined a legal strategy for the beleaguered former president. Trump has embraced it. - TheBlaze

Mark Levin outlined a legal strategy for the beleaguered former president. Trump has embraced it. - TheBlaze

Levin stressed that the only constitutional body left that can do something about this "unprecedented legal warfare" is the Supreme Court of the United States. While doing so might not resolve the legal disputes, it would serve to "at least temporarily halt the abomination of this legal warfare that is unfolding in front of us."

Unethical drug and vaccine ads

No anti-white" media frenzy? Why?-----UPDATE: Killers Broke High Schooler Ethan Liming's Neck and Left a Shoe Print On His Chest Before They Took His Car and Left Him to Die | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

UPDATE: Killers Broke High Schooler Ethan Liming's Neck and Left a Shoe Print On His Chest Before They Took His Car and Left Him to Die | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

The U.S. Marshals Service arrested three men accused of fatally beating 17-year-old student Ethan Liming outside the high school founded by LeBron James earlier this month.
The three men beat Liming to death and later bragged about it to friends...

Lunch video-----How the West Destroyed Slavery Around the World | Thomas Sowell



Horowitz: DeSantis takes another stand against transgender grooming of children. College Board throws a tantrum. - TheBlaze

Horowitz: DeSantis takes another stand against transgender grooming of children. College Board throws a tantrum. - TheBlaze

To the cultural Marxists who run our education system, teaching transgenderism and anti-white hate is not a side dish in the main course. It is the main course – to the point that they believe a course should be canceled if it cannot include those items.

Clueless rich, lib.


Text Messages Reveal that China Wanted to Use Biden Family to Acquire U.S. Energy Assets

Text Messages Reveal that China Wanted to Use Biden Family to Acquire U.S. Energy Assets - By 

  • Text messages that have recently been given to the FBI show that a Chinese energy company sought to utilize its connections to Hunter Biden in order to purchase domestic energy assets within the United States.

According to Just The News, the text exchange in question took place between two of Hunter’s business partners, James Gilliar and Tony Bobulinski, on Christmas Eve of 2015.
This exchange was shortly after Hunter had first been told about the conglomerate, CFEC China Energy, led by wealthy businessman Ye Jianming.

“I think this will then be a great addition to their portfolios as it will give them a profile base in NYC, then LA, etc,” said Gilliar in the text message...

They are the destroyers!


Canada’s Assisted-Suicide Program Set to Take Another ‘Prudent’ Step on Road to Perdition

Canada’s Assisted-Suicide Program Set to Take Another ‘Prudent’ Step on Road to Perdition - Jarrett Stepman 
"Starting in March 2024, people with mental illness will be able to avail themselves of medically assisted suicide.
That represents the latest expansion in the Medical Assistance in Dying, or “MAID,” law that launched in 2016. ..
On Saturday, Reuters reported how a 47-year-old woman with anorexia will be allowed to kill herself with state assistance next year when the law changes. “Every day is hell,” Lisa Pauli said. “I’m so tired. I’m done. I’ve tried everything. I feel like I’ve lived my life.”
It’s a tragic story, but suicide isn’t the answer. 
And government authorities certainly shouldn’t be normalizing and encouraging suicide as the answer to problems...

#1 This day 1958-----Ricky Nelson- Poor Little Fool

🚨BREAKING: In never-before-aired footage from Tucker Carlson's interview with Steven Sund, the former Chief of the Capitol Hill Police, says J6 was "crawling with feds."

🚨BREAKING: In never-before-aired footage from Tucker Carlson's interview with Steven Sund, the former Chief of the Capitol Hill Police, says J6 was "crawling with feds."

Clueless rich, lib.


Chicago mayor objects to reporter using the term 'mob' to describe dozens of looters: 'That's not appropriate' | Fox News

Chicago mayor objects to reporter using the term 'mob' to describe dozens of looters: 'That's not appropriate' | Fox News

Around 19 minutes into the "Tucker Carlson Tonight" interview, which is being released by the National Pulse piecemeal, Sund says, "If people were reporting the intelligence correctly, if I was allowed to do my job as the chief ... we wouldn't be here. This didn't have to happen," stressing, "I'm a little pissed off."

"Everything appears to be a cover-up," continued Sund. "Like I said, I’m not a conspiracy theorist, but when you look at the information and intelligence they had, the military had, it’s all watered down. ... I’m not getting intelligence, I’m denied any support from National Guard in advance. I’m denied National Guard while we’re under attack for 71 minutes."

Millions of Tonnes of Waste Threaten Environment as Solar Panels Near End of Life

Millions of Tonnes of Waste Threaten Environment as Solar Panels Near End of Life - BY RICHARD ELDRED

"Millions of solar panels are reaching the end of their lifespan, but with no adequate recycling infrastructure in place to deal with them, an environmental disaster is looming...

AM Fruitcake


History for August 6

History for August 6 -
Alfred Lord Tennyson 1809
  • 1806 - The Holy Roman Empire went out of existence as Emperor Francis II abdicated.
  • 1914 - Austria-Hungary declared war against Russia. Serbia declared war against Germany.
  • 1945 - The American B-29 bomber, known as the Enola Gay, dropped the first atomic bomb on an inhabited area. The bomb named "Little Boy" was dropped over the center of Hiroshima, Japan. An estimated 140,000 people were killed. (8:16am Japanese time)
  • 1998 - Former White House intern Monica Lewinsky spent 8 1/2 hours testifying before a grand jury about her relationship with U.S. President Clinton.

Saturday, August 05, 2023

'There is no more room': NYC considers housing illegal immigrants in Central Park: Report - TheBlaze

'There is no more room': NYC considers housing illegal immigrants in Central Park: Report - TheBlaze

New York City officials are considering housing illegal immigrants in iconic Central Park, as local politicians said all options are "on the table" as the city attempts to deal with thousands of newcomers each week. As reported by TimCast, New York City Mayor Eric Adams already said that "from this moment on, it's downhill. There is no more room," while his office acknowledged that more than 95,000 migrants have arrived in since spring 2022.

The way we were-----I'm a Believer - The Monkees

Neil Oliver: Weather maps are among the most blatant forms of fearmonger...

Good for football?


Ohio Group Uses Taxpayer Dollars to Teach Kids to Become Drag Queens

Ohio Group Uses Taxpayer Dollars to Teach Kids to Become Drag Queens
  • The trans agenda continues to be marketed to children — and taxpayers are footing the bill.
"In Ohio, an organization that sponsors a program tailored to teaching minors to become drag queens has received public funding.
As Breitbart News reports, the group, Colors+ Youth Center, is based in Fairview, Ohio, and organizes monthly tutorials for grooming children into drag queens.
For example, the youth center is working on a joint event with Drag Queen Story Hour Cleveland which, per the Colors+ Youth Center website, will include a “drag performer reading an age-appropriate book with positive themes for LGBTQ+ youth highlighting inclusivity, creativity, and love.”...
The center’s own website notes that its activities are partly “funded by Cuyahoga Arts and Culture.” 
This is notable because Cuyahoga Arts and Culture is a taxpayer-funded organization...

Legal experts identify the significance of what is missing from Jack Smith's newest indictment against Donald Trump - TheBlaze

Legal experts identify the significance of what is missing from Jack Smith's newest indictment against Donald Trump - TheBlaze

"The other thing that is not in here is conspiracy for incitement; not in here is a seditious conspiracy," Turley continued. "Those were the claims that Democrats used in the impeachment and said the evidence was absolutely clear. ... Well, the [charges] are not in here."

WHO admits excess deaths

Simple questions for Pfizer

If you've had the Pfizer vax (or worse, your children) or are considering it in the future, this short video should make you shudder!
Clearly, no one should ever trust a company that would have their expert present this stonewalling, non-answer, hogwash to a government committee.
Dr. John Campbell, the video creator has many other soberly presented videos worthy of your time.
It is election season in the US. 
That means billions will be funnelled to democrat politicians, lib-media and their comrades in the education businesses to spread the half-truth, lies of the pharma giants.
Be forewarned and share this video and Dr. Campbell's other exposees.
Democrat dominated states, like MI, are rumored to be again requiring covid vax for children and others.

Lunch video-----The Biggest Lie About Slavery | Thomas Sowell