Tuesday, August 08, 2023

#1 This day 1960-----Elvis Presley - It's Now or Never (Official Audio)

Stealing your money to pay off their failed scumbags!-----Charlie Kirk - Anthony Fauci may be retiring, but he'll now become... | Facebook

Charlie Kirk - Anthony Fauci may be retiring, but he'll now become... | Facebook
  • Anthony Fauci may be retiring, but he'll now become a "distinguished professor" at Georgetown Medical School, making him the latest in a long line of failed and fired left-wingers who go onto teach at woke universities...
  • Lori Lightfoot, the disgraced one-term racist mayor of Chicago, will teach a course at Harvard's School of Public Health titled “Health Policy and Leadership"
  • Chesa Boudin, the recalled Soros-backed San Francisco DA, was recently named the founding executive director of UC Berkeley's new Criminal Law & Justice Center
  • Brian Stelter, the fired CNN talking head, joined the Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy at Harvard’s Kennedy School
  • Hillary Clinton, who never became president but destroyed Libya and enabled her predator husband for decades, got a teaching gig at Columbia University as global affairs professor
  • Peter Strzok, the disgraced and fired FBI special agent, also known as Lisa Page's lover who had an "insurance policy" to take down Trump, is an adjunct professor at Georgetown University's Walsh School of Foreign Service
  • James Comey, who helped frame President Trump and makes a living virtue signaling on MSNBC, taught a course on “ethical leadership” at William and Mary
  • Sally Yates, who was fired for insubordination at the DOJ and for being a partisan hack, got a lecturer gig at Georgetown Law
  • Beto O'Rourke, who is really good at wasting donor money on failed political campaigns, got a job teaching Texas Politics for the Department of Political Science at Texas State in 2020, and now he's teaching college students about "democracy" at the University of Chicago's Institute of Politics
  • Stacy Abrams, failed two-time candidate for Georgia governor and author of adult erotica, teaches about "race and politics" at HBCU Howard University
  • Andrew Gillum, the failed Florida gubernatorial candidate who was found inebriated and naked in a hotel room with another man who was overdosing on drugs, received a teaching fellowship at Harvard's Kennedy Center in 2019
  • Mayor Bill de Blasio, perhaps the worst mayor in New York City history, became a visiting fellow at Harvard's Kennedy School in 2022
And this is not a comprehensive list...
Universities have become a golden parachute for the most wretched and miserable "elites" our society produces.
College is a scam!

AA dem's laters dream!


Library reverses course, will allow Moms for Liberty event - TheBlaze

Library reverses course, will allow Moms for Liberty event - TheBlaze

After announcing on Thursday that a Moms for Liberty event would not be allowed to take place at the Madison Public Library in Alabama on Saturday, the Huntsville-Madison County Public Library system has done an about-face, announcing that it will now allow the event to proceed. The event is slated to feature Kirk Cameron and Riley Gaines.

"Fast fashion"?!!-----The Worst Dressed Congresswoman Wants to Ban Your Clothes | Frontpage Mag

The Worst Dressed Congresswoman Wants to Ban Your Clothes | Frontpage Mag - by Daniel Greenfield
"First gas stoves and cars, Now they're coming for your clothes...
Democrat politicians and environmentalists are coming for your clothes.
Congresswoman Chellie Pingree (D-Maine), Ranking Member of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies, and Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.), Ranking Member of the House Appropriations Committee, are calling on the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) Comptroller General Gene Dodaro to outline ways the fashion industry and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) can better manage discarded clothing and textile waste. The Democratic congresswomen focused on the rise of the so-called “fast fashion” industry as a primary driver of textile waste pollution...

AM Fruitcake


History for August 8

History for August 8 - On-This-Day.com 
Dustin Hoffman 1937
  • 1844 - After the killing of Joseph Smith on June 27, Bringham Young was chosen to lead the Mormons.
  • 1876 - Thomas Edison received a patent for the mimeograph. The mimeograph was a "method of preparing autographic stencils for printing."
  • 1899 - The refrigerator was patented by A.T. Marshall.
  • 1911 - The number of representatives in the U.S. House of Representatives was established at 435. There was one member of Congress for every 211,877 residents.
  • 1974 - U.S. President Nixon announced that he would resign the following day.

Monday, August 07, 2023

Elon Musk to pay legal fees to people canceled on Twitter - TheBlaze

Elon Musk to pay legal fees to people canceled on Twitter - TheBlaze

Elon Musk said that Twitter will pay the legal fees of people who were mistreated by their employers for liking or posting content on the social media platform now known as "X." Musk wrote on Saturday night, "If you were unfairly treated by your employer due to posting or liking something on this platform, we will fund your legal bill. No limit. Please let us know."

The way we were-----How Germans Dominated Eastern Europe | Thomas Sowell

Knee Pain When Walking? ONE Minute FIX!

Will the media ever admit their complicity?!!-----Majority of COVID Hospital Deaths Were Due to Untreated Bacterial Pneumonia

Majority of COVID Hospital Deaths Were Due to Untreated Bacterial Pneumonia - James Lyons-Weiler
"Hospitals sticking to the strict hand-me-down, highly profitable “COVID protocol” may have doomed a majority of admitted COVID-19 patients to death due to a perfect storm of institutional failure, a new study shows.
I first warned the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in early 2020 that because the commercial kits did not use internal negative controls there would be arbitrarily high COVID-19 false positive rates due to the abuse of non-quantitative PCR.
The majority of “cases,” I pointed out, would be false because the test was to be used as a screening device—and when you screen with an imperfect test when prevalence is low, you end up with more false positives than negatives in the set of positives...

Canceling Skeptical Scientists Is the Real 'Climate Crisis'

Canceling Skeptical Scientists Is the Real 'Climate Crisis' - BY TOM HARRIS 
  • “There is no real climate crisis.”
"That statement, as well as others against the mainstream climate change narrative of impending doom, led to the cancellation of a speech that was to be given by Nobel Prize laureate Dr. John Clauser to the International Monetary Fund (IMF). 
The censorship has been covered in media worldwide and, besides giving the IMF a huge black eye, is leading many to wonder what has gone wrong with climate science that such a prominent expert would be canceled merely for disagreeing with a scientific hypothesis...
In 2021, Dr. Clauser criticized granting of the Nobel Prize for the development of computer models that predicted global warming. 
These climate models have been shown to be inaccurate and do not take into account the significant feedback of clouds in the climate system...

Fishermen, activists protesting offshore wind projects on the East Coast: 'A manmade environmental disaster' | Fox Business

Fishermen, activists protesting offshore wind projects on the East Coast: 'A manmade environmental disaster' | Fox Business

"The Biden administration wants to put up 30,000 megawatts of offshore wind between now and 2030. I guess they believe the world's going to end in six and a half years like AOC from climate change," he added. "This means putting up 1,500 wind turbines stretching from the Carolinas right up to New England, and they're putting these offshore wind turbines about 15 to 30 miles off the coast, right in the prime habitat, in the lanes that a number of species of whales used to go north and south up and down along our coast."

Germany On Fire

"German television portrays the country as being on fire, which may not be an accurate representation of the weather.

Barack Obama Is 'The Big Lie'

Barack Obama Is 'The Big Lie' - Derek Hunter 
"...When he ran for president in 2008, he just “came across” someone else just going about their business – the aforementioned Joe the Plumber.
  • All Joe did was ask a basic question about taxes. 
  • In his answer, Barack Obama used the “spread the wealth around” line that exposed his true radical leanings. 
That terrified David Axelrod and the Obama guard in the media, which set out to destroy Joe.
In the next 48 hours we learned more about Joe...then we still know about Obama. 
Joe’s taxes were illegally leaked by the state of Ohio...
...Her name is Sheila Miyoshi Jager, and Obama lied about why he broke up with her in his second autobiography, “Dreams from My Father.”... His version had to do with his a-woke-ening to blackness and identity politics, her version is he was a jackass refusing to condemn anti-Semitism. (For a lot more on this and the lies around Obama, read this article.)
Whatever the case, the fact that you likely didn’t know that or anything about Barack Obama “the man” is not a testament to just how incurious the press is, but how protective...

Lunch video-----Walter Williams: Suffer No Fools - Full Video



Crowd Overwhelms New York City's Union Square, Tosses Chairs, Climbs on Vehicles

Crowd Overwhelms New York City's Union Square, Tosses Chairs, Climbs on Vehicles

Police in New York City are struggling to control a crowd of thousands of people who gathered in Manhattan’s Union Square for an Internet personality’s videogame console giveaway that got out of hand.

NEW YORK (AP) — Police in New York City are struggling to control a crowd of thousands of people who gathered in Manhattan’s Union Square for an internet personality’s supposed videogame console giveaway that got out of hand.

Just up gasoline prices to $10.00/gal. That'll fix it. (it IS their plan!)


A 25 year old clicked "like" and his career is over?!!-----NASCAR driver suspended before Michigan Cup Series race - mlive.com

NASCAR driver suspended before Michigan Cup Series race - mlive.com
"BROOKLYN, MI – NASCAR driver Noah Gragson (25) won’t be racing in Sunday’s Cup Series race at Michigan International Speedway, as he’s been suspended...
  • “We have made the decision to suspend Noah Gragson effective immediately regarding his actions that do not represent the values of our team..."Legacy’s statement said, in full.
  • About an hour later, NASCAR also announced Gragson is suspended indefinitely.
...Frontstretch reporter Daniel McFadin reported Saturday there’s a screenshot circulating of Noah Gragson liking a George Floyd meme on Instagram...

#1 Movie this week 1985-----Back To The Future (1985) Theatrical Trailer - Michael J. Fox Movie HD

A stopped clock is correct twice a day-----New York Times claims ‘climate change’ means ‘the end of the summer vacation as we know it’

New York Times claims ‘climate change’ means ‘the end of the summer vacation as we know it’ – ‘Our relationship to travel has reached a tipping point’

NYT: ‘Climate change’ May Make Summer Vacation A Thing of the Past!

NYT warns of “scorching heat…fires, floods, tornadoes and hail storms”- August 5, 2023 
"...Climate Depot comment: The New York Times persists in its climate storytelling and suggests people will face “tough decisions” and cope by “perhaps choosing” to stay home and huddle around the air conditioner...

#1 This day 1960-----Brian Hyland "Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka Dot Bikini"

The truth about Ukraine is beginning to leak out and Americans ought to be furious about the lies they’ve been told and are still being told - LeoHohmann.com

The truth about Ukraine is beginning to leak out and Americans ought to be furious about the lies they’ve been told and are still being told - LeoHohmann.com
"After pouring more than $100 billion in taxpayer dollars into the black hole known as Ukraine, the neocon war hawks in Washington and London will have a lot of explaining to do when Ukraine implodes into chaos. 
Poland will likely move in to take a spoil in the western provinces, settling an old score against the Ukrainians, while Russia will take parts of the east. 
Below, Martin Armstrong explains the ugly history that makes Ukraine the cesspool of corruption that it is today — history of which Americans and Brits are almost completely ignorant. (Notes in parentheses are mine).
Guest Post by Martin Armstrong
Ukraine is a complete disaster. I have been warning that our sources from UKRAINE, not Russia, have been warning that the country is on the brink of collapse...

Always trust government/big-pharma?!!


Devon Archer transcript shows how Democrat Rep. Goldman spun 'illusion of access' narrative | Fox News

Devon Archer transcript shows how Democrat Rep. Goldman spun 'illusion of access' narrative | Fox News

The full transcript of the House Oversight Committee's interview with Devon Archer – Hunter Biden's former best friend and business partner – shows how a key Democrat on that committee, New York Rep. Daniel Goldman, managed to spin out a positive headline from an interview that was otherwise damaging to President Biden. 

Klaus Schwab Climate Crisis

Klaus Schwab Climate Crisis

History for August 7

History for August 7 - On-This-Day.com
Garrison Keillor 1942
  • 1782 - George Washington created the Order of the Purple Heart.
  • 1888 - Theophilus Van Kannel received a patent for the revolving door.
  • 1942 - U.S. forces landed at Guadalcanal, marking the start of the first major allied offensive in the Pacific during World War II.
  • 1959 - The U.S. launched Explorer 6, which sent back a picture of the Earth.
  • 1964 - The U.S. Congress passed the Gulf of Tonkin resolution, which gave President Johnson broad powers in dealing with reported North Vietnamese attacks on U.S. forces.
  • 2003 - In California, Arnold Schwarzenegger announced that he would run for the office of governor.

Sunday, August 06, 2023

'Go Woke, Go Home': Fans Rejoice After U.S. Women's Team Defeat at World Cup

'Go Woke, Go Home': Fans Rejoice After U.S. Women's Team Defeat at World Cup

Many questions were asked about whether Americans supported this USWNT after all the unpatriotic comments and gestures they have made over the years. If these comments are any indication, we have our answer.

Obama biographer says ex-president 'as insecure as Trump,' would be 'terrible' on SCOTUS in stunning interview | Fox News

Obama biographer says ex-president 'as insecure as Trump,' would be 'terrible' on SCOTUS in stunning interview | Fox News

Tablet’s lengthy Q&A with historian David Garrow, who wrote the lengthy 2017 biography "Rising Star: The Making of Barack Obama," has stunned social media with its various claims about the former president, who remains one of the Democratic Party's most popular and influential figures. The New York Times reviewed Garrow's biography as an "impressive if gratuitously snarly" book that "clearly intended to break the 44th president’s monopoly on his personal narrative."

The feature began with a tale of Sheila Miyoshi Jager, who was Obama’s girlfriend in the 1980s well before his political career, allegedly saying their relationship ended when "he would not condemn antisemitism." Tablet made it clear that Obama’s version of the breakup was much different in his own book, as he indicated embracing "Black racial consciousness" clashed with his White girlfriend.