Saturday, August 12, 2023

#1 This day 1965-----Sonny & Cher "I Got You Babe" on The Ed Sullivan Show

Climate and Capitalism: a Match Made in Hell

Climate and Capitalism: a Match Made in Hell - ELIZABETH NICKSON
"Climate Hysteria is the cover for the biggest land rush in human history
  • Three energy weapon laser beams were filmed starting the fire in Lahaina. This of course, is unprovable but the town is filled with ex-military and the suspicious. Imagine the money bomb waiting to be scooped up rebuilding one of Hawaii’s main tourist towns. 
  • Same story in the central valley of California. 2030 wants cattle off the land, so why not burn acres upon acres of feed. Cows don’t need grass feed, they need protein mush made in a lab for the few years left they will be allowed on the planet. 
It is becoming, these days, to be more sensible to consider the paranoid, until they are proved wrong.
But the climate hysteria seems to be working.
  • For the last several weeks I have been swimming off a rocky beach and wondering where all the people were. Admittedly, it’s a hike in, but it’s gorgeous and while sparsely used, I usually meet a dozen or so people even in winter. Then I realized they were watching the news which was full-on weather catastrophe and DON’T GO OUT IN IT. The broadsheet located in the nearby capital city runs four or five "climate catastrophe" pieces every single day...
I’m starting to think it is a world-wide scam of set fires meant to scare us into more regulation, more giveaways. 
  • In Canada we have arrested dozens of fire-setters, and dozens are still being sought...
"Climate change" is now eating capitalism. It is a profit center for both government and business...
It always means productive activity is shut down, whether via resource set-asides, (necessary resources) or in western democracies, human activity. 
  • There "climate mitigation" literally trades on the misery of the young, who pay increased rents, compliance fees, new requirements, engineers say; and it attaches an entire battalion of green compliance officers who cruise the region for infractions. 
  • In my area, "green-development" requirements add $1,000 to the monthly rent of a one-bedroom apartment and despite the province only being 6 percent developed, opening up land for new housing is greeted by lawfare and protests...

All about the money...


January 6 Committee Destroyed Records, Videos; Trump's Rights Violated

January 6 Committee Destroyed Records, Videos; Trump's Rights Violated

The January 6 Committee defied a demand last year by incoming Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) that it preserve all of its records, evidence, and transcripts, and has destroyed much of what it collected over more than a year of investigation. Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-GA) made that revelation to Fox News Digital on Tuesday, also noting that the committee had not looked into possible security lapses at the Capitol, and that much of the material the committee did preserve was disorganized.

This should frighten EVERY American. Read all!!-----Andy Ngo v. Antifa: The Jury Has Reached a Verdict and It's Causing an Uproar

Andy Ngo v. Antifa: The Jury Has Reached a Verdict and It's Causing an Uproar - 
Mia Cathell
"At the conclusion of journalist Andy Ngo's multi-day civil trial against Rose City Antifa, whose far-left militant members brutally beat the investigative reporter when he went undercover to expose Antifa's extremist activities on the riot-torn streets of Portland, a 12-person jury reached a verdict in the case Tuesday evening, reportedly finding both of the defendants not liable for all claims.
The Post Millennial's senior editor—represented by attorney Harmeet Dhillon's nonprofit Center for American Liberty—sought almost $1 million in damages in a lawsuit accusing the co-defendants of assault, battery, theft, and intentional infliction of emotional distress over a series of violent Antifa attacks beginning in 2019, when Ngo was hospitalized for a brain hemorrhage.
In closing statements, defense counsel Michelle Burrows told the jurors that not only does she self-identify as an "anti-fascist," she strongly declared, "I am Antifa," and insisted upon making herself an "I am Antifa" t-shirt, which the activist attorney said she would wear after the trial...
Burrows also told jurors that she "will remember each one of their faces."...

AM Fruitcake


History for August 12

History for August 12 -
William Goldman 1931
  • 1851 - Isaac Singer was issued a patent on the double-headed sewing machine.
  • 1865 - Disinfectant was used for the first time during surgery by Joseph Lister.
  • 1877 - Thomas Edison invented the phonograph and made the first sound recording.
  • 1898 - The Spanish-American War was ended with the signing of the peace protocol. The U.S. acquired Guam, Puerto Rico and the Philippines. Hawaii was also annexed.
  • 1981 - IBM unveiled its first PC.
  • 1992 - The U.S., Canada, and Mexico announced that the North American Free Trade Agreement had been created after 14 months of negotiations.

Friday, August 11, 2023

The Left Careens Down the Road Toward Totalitarianism - TheBlaze

The Left Careens Down the Road Toward Totalitarianism - TheBlaze

The Democrat Party is intent on destroying our nation from the inside out. And while the leftists might not come bearing physical weapons, they do have a more insidious kind of attack: ideas.

“It’s the battle of ideas. People are persuaded by socialism and Marxism. Why? Because they never produce what they say they’re going to produce. They produce horror, they produce death, they produce impoverishment. But the promises are endless,” Mark Levin explains.

The way we were-----The TRUE STORY behind the Blue Angels' F7U Cutlass featuring Edward "Whi...

Looting in Oxford Street this evening

"One demographic group in particular was at the heart of the disorder.

Distrust the science - by Tom Knighton

Distrust the science - by Tom Knighton
"...But The Science (TM) is something different in this day and age.
  • Now, it’s little more than a technocratic authoritarian push; an opportunity for some to use their lofty status to push for their own political desires to be manifested as political action.
We need science, but science has a problem. 
We were told to trust The Science, but is The Science trustworthy?
Not really.
The number of scientific papers retracted annually rose from just 40 in 2000 to almost 5,500 in 2022, representing a whopping 13,650% change over the past 22 years, with researchers estimating an astonishing 100,000 would have to be withdrawn every year with more thorough vetting...
Only around a fifth of retractions are a result of “honest error,”...

Yellow Corporation Files for Bankruptcy After Taking $700 Million Pandemic Loan

Yellow Corporation Files for Bankruptcy After Taking $700 Million Pandemic Loan
"Reason reported last month that with less than two years left on its loan, Yellow Corporation owed more than it originally borrowed and had repaid only $230 in principal.
...The company took a $700 million federal loan under laws passed to address the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, in exchange for the government taking a 29 percent stake in the company.
Now, Yellow is expected to file for bankruptcy and employees are apparently being terminated, effective immediately...

House Oversight Releases Bank Records Showing Hunter Biden Took Millions From Russian And Ukrainian Oligarchs | The Daily Caller

House Oversight Releases Bank Records Showing Hunter Biden Took Millions From Russian And Ukrainian Oligarchs | The Daily Caller

The House Oversight Committee released bank records Wednesday showing Hunter Biden took millions of dollars worth of payments from Russian, Ukrainian and Kazakh oligarchs. Hunter Biden received millions from Russian oligarch Elena Baturina, Ukrainian energy firm Burisma and Kazakh oligarch Kenes Rakishev when his father was vice president, the committee found. The committee has identified over $20 million in payments from foreign partners to the Biden family and their associates.

White House disinformation clip

"In 2021, I remember reporting on the words of senior political leaders. 
Of course, I knew that people like president Biden and prime minister Johnston were not doctors or scientists. 
However, I assumed they would be directly advised by the best their respective countries had to offer. Having assumed these leaders were well informed, I often passed on what they had to say. 
Well, this video is just one example of how they got things wrong, meaning in turn I was wrong. 
The age of deference has well and truly passed.

Runaway Spending and the Next Recession | City Journal

Runaway Spending and the Next Recession | City Journal - Stephen Miran
  • Eating Our Seed Corn - Runaway spending is eroding America’s ability to respond to future economic downturns.
"In its latest monthly budget review, the Congressional Budget Office documented that the federal budget deficit in the first ten months of fiscal year 2023, clocking in at $1.6 trillion, was more than twice the shortfall during the same period in 2022...
  • Another cause of spending increases is the interest burden from servicing the national debt, which has already widened the deficit by almost $150 billion. 
But while those spending increases are automatic adjustments mandated by law, other increases are not.
  • For instance, the Biden administration expanded the definition of sport utility vehicles to include luxury sedans so that more cars would qualify for the expanded electric vehicle tax credits introduced by the highly inflationary Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). By playing language games to ensure that even $80,000 luxury sedans qualify for $7,500 taxpayer-funded credits...

Lunch video-----"LAWLESS Britain Is Out Of Hand!" Richard Tice Demands Answers From TikT...



Chip Roy urges showdown over DHS funding, border security - TheBlaze

Chip Roy urges showdown over DHS funding, border security - TheBlaze

Republican Rep. Chip Roy of Texas is urging his colleagues to leverage Congress' power of the purse to obtain much-needed steps toward border security. "No border security, no funding," Roy wrote in a letter. "Simply put, no member of Congress should agree to fund a federal agency at war with his state and people. We have a moral obligation to protect our states, our nation, and, importantly, the migrant children getting abused from the disaster transpiring at our southern border."

Adolf, Mao, Stalin would have been proud.


The facts the "fact-checkers" trying to keep from you!------Heat Wave in 1896: New York City

Do YOU trust the government?


The climate scam is entirely about MONEY!-----US awards $1.2 billion to Oxy, Climeworks-led carbon air capture hubs

US awards $1.2 billion to Oxy, Climeworks-led carbon air capture hubs
"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Department of Energy on Friday announced that projects in Texas and Louisiana to remove more than 2 million tonnes of carbon emissions will get over $1 billion in federal grants, a key step in scaling up direct air capture (DAC) technology.
...The agency also launched several new initiatives aimed at bringing the cost of the technology down to less than $100 per net metric ton of CO2-equivalent within this decade. 
  • That includes a $35 million government procurement program for carbon removal credits, and 
  • funding for 14 feasibility studies and 5 engineering and design studies for earlier-stage hub projects...

#1 This day 1968-----The Rascals - People Got To Be Free

Must see. No wonder the left hates Elon Musk's "X"!-----Tucker Carlson on Twitter: "Ep. 15 Former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund reveals what really happened on January 6th.

 Tucker Carlson on Twitter: "Ep. 15 Former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund reveals what really happened on January 6th. Our Fox News interview with him never aired, so we invited him back. 

What is happening to our country?!!


Disney partners with 'gender fluid' man to promote Minnie Mouse girls' clothing: 'Let's get dressed' - TheBlaze

Disney partners with 'gender fluid' man to promote Minnie Mouse girls' clothing: 'Let's get dressed' - TheBlaze

As reported by Breitbart, Altman believes he is "gender fluid" and promoted a Minnie Mouse-themed clothing set with a red dress, yellow pumps, and red hair bow. Altman showed himself getting dressed and applying makeup to over 717,000 subscribers on his own page, where the video was also posted, and garnered 865,000 views.

New Details Emerge About 75-Year-Old Utah Man Gunned Down by FBI Agents - Neighbor Captures Footage Showing the Moments Before He Was Killed (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Cullen Linebarger

New Details Emerge About 75-Year-Old Utah Man Gunned Down by FBI Agents - Neighbor Captures Footage Showing the Moments Before He Was Killed (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Cullen Linebarger
"...After several words are exchanged, one agent then throws a smoke bomb, which explodes near the elderly man’s front door.
  • At no time is Robertson firing at FBI agents during the incident.

While the actual shooting is not displayed on tape, The Daily Mail notes that photos from the scene show Robertson lying on his back, dead on the sidewalk in front of his house.

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TV Moments That Should've Been Cut

Lulu Bloom

Shameless T-shirts People Wore Publicly

Lulu Bloom

Attorney Marina Medvin notes that the FBI is almost certainly not telling the full story. She reveals that Robertson is morbidly obese and would have a hard time effectively carrying out an assassination attempt.

“Something is off about this Utah man story.” Medvin says...

AM Fruitcake


History for August 11

History for August 11 - 
Robert Ingersoll 1833
  • 1896 - Harvey Hubbell received a patent for the electric light bulb socket with a pull-chain.
  • 1909 - The American ship Arapahoe became the first to ever use the SOS distress signal off the coast of Cape Hatteras, NC.
  • 1942 - During World War II, Pierre Laval publicly announced "the hour of liberation for France is the hour when Germany wins the war."
  • 1954 - Seven years of fighting came to an end in Indochina. A formal peace was in place for the French and the Communist Vietminh.
  • 1984 - U.S. President Ronald Reagan was preparing for his weekly radio broadcast when, during testing of the microphone, the President said of the Soviet Union, "My fellow Americans, I am pleased to tell you that I just signed legislation that would outlaw Russia forever. We begin bombing in five minutes."
  • 1992 - In Bloomington, MN, the Mall of America opened. It was the largest shopping mall in the United States.

Thursday, August 10, 2023

James Comer to Release More Biden Family Bank Records�This Week

James Comer to Release More Biden Family Bank Records�This Week

More Biden family bank records will be released this week, House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY) announced. Comer predicted in June that newly subpoenaed Biden bank records would show the family accepted up to $30 million from its foreign business dealings.