With new EV inventories beginning to increase on dealer lots...

As the future is fast approaching, virtually all automobile manufacturers, through government mandates to reduce the emissions of their fleet of vehicles, are going all-in only to manufacture EVs in the coming years. To meet low emissions for their fleet of vehicles, we’re most likely going to see fewer and fewer hybrids as the auto industry manufacturers need to eliminate the gasoline engines in hybrids to meet those lower emission targets.

The problem is that manufacturers are loading up the “supply chain” with EVs on dealer lots, but they’re not seeing the “demand” for EVs coming from the public. The current EV ownership profiles of the elite owners are that they are:

  • highly educated.
  • highly compensated.
  • multi-car families.
  • low mileage requirements for the families’ second car, i.e., the EV.

Current EV owners are dramatically different from most vehicle owners...