Tuesday, August 15, 2023

History for August 15

History for August 15 - On-This-Day.com
Napoleon Bonaparte 1769
  • 1877 - Thomas Edison wrote to the president of the Telegraph Company in Pittsburgh, PA. The letter stated that the word, "hello" would be a more appropriate greeting than "ahoy" when answering the telephone.
  • 1914 - The Panama Canal was officially opened to commercial traffic as an American ship sailed from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. The first vessel to pass through the canal was the American cargo and passenger ship SS Ancon.
  • 1939 - "The Wizard of Oz" premiered in Hollywood, CA. Judy Garland became famous for the movie's song "Somewhere Over the Rainbow."
  • 1947 - India became independent from Britain and was divided into the countries of India and Pakistan. India had been under British about 200 years.
  • 1961 - East German workers began construction of the Berlin Wall.
  • 1971 - U.S. President Nixon announced a 90-day freeze on wages, rents and prices.
  • 1997 - The U.S. Justice Department decided not to prosecute FBI officials in connection with the deadly 1992 Ruby Ridge siege in Idaho. The investigation dealt with an alleged cover-up.

Monday, August 14, 2023

CBS reporter makes critical observation about the timing, political ramifications of David Weiss' special counsel appointment - TheBlaze

CBS reporter makes critical observation about the timing, political ramifications of David Weiss' special counsel appointment - TheBlaze

Special counsel regulations give the attorney general sole power over special counsel appointments. But those same regulations state, "The Special Counsel shall be selected from outside the United States Government." Weiss is currently an employee of the U.S. government in his capacity as the U.S. attorney over Delaware.

The way we were-----TV: A Forgotten History

Small Town Cops Raid Newspaper and Reporters' Homes

So sad that few trust what the FBI says anymore.-----What the FBI Isn't Saying About Its Shooting of a Utah Trump Supporter Should Concern Everyone

What the FBI Isn't Saying About Its Shooting of a Utah Trump Supporter Should Concern Everyone
By Bonchie
"...Because of a lack of transparency being shown by federal law enforcement, there is still no clear answer on why the man was shot dead.
  • Was Robertson an actual deadly threat at the time an FBI agent killed him? 
We don’t know that because the FBI isn’t saying. 
Even three days after the pre-dawn raid turned fatal for the suspect, there has been no direct claim that Roberston pointed a gun at anyone...
To reiterate, being “armed” is not a justification to shoot a suspect, even one that is refusing to comply with orders...

Who prepared these fakes? Who paid for them? Has this happened anywhere else?!!-----Wait, What Did Michigan Just Hand Over to the FBI?

Wait, What Did Michigan Just Hand Over to the FBI? - Matt Vespa
"...It’s a story that the Left doesn’t want to talk about in their news coverage: voter integrity.
It would appear as if the FBI will be taking over a Michigan investigation into 2020 voter fraud in which thousands of fraudulent voter registrations were discovered (via Detroit News/Brunswick News):
Authorities in Michigan referred a 2020 investigation into thousands of voter registrations submitted by a person in Muskegon to the FBI, Attorney General Dana Nessel's office confirmed this week.
Nessel's press secretary, Danny Wimmer, said the total number of suspected fraudulent forms delivered to the Muskegon clerk by the individual was 8,000 to 10,000 ahead of the Nov. 3, 2020, presidential election..."The city clerk in Muskegon detected the fraudulent material provided and alerted the proper authorities,"...

Mexican Cartel Weapons Found on Border Along Texas Bank of Rio Grande

Mexican Cartel Weapons Found on Border Along Texas Bank of Rio Grande

In a Friday morning post on “X,” formerly Twitter, Chief Patrol Agent Gloria Chavez of the Border Patrol’s Rio Grande Sector highlighted the seizure and stated, “Our U.S. Border Patrol Agents confront threats daily as they do their best to secure our border. Agents working jointly with our L.E. partners made a significant discovery of weapons and ammunition hidden by criminal organizations near Fronton, TX.”

Mig 23 Ejection Thunder Over Michigan Airshow 13 Aug 2023

What happens when your media advisors hate you.-----Mike Pence mocked for gas station campaign ad: ‘Never used a gas pump before?’

Mike Pence mocked for gas station campaign ad: ‘Never used a gas pump before?’ - Story by Allie Griffin
"Where’s he from — New Jersey?
Republican presidential candidate Mike Pence was ridiculed online after he posted a campaign video at a gas station where he unlatched a gas nozzle and seemingly pretended to pump gas into a pickup truck.
...The clip has been viewed more than three million times.
...Commenters, however, appeared to be more focused on Pence’s poor acting than recalling the lower prices.
  • “Never used a gas pump before?” one person replied to the ad.
  • “You didn’t have the courage to select your fuel grade,” a second mocked.
  • Did people from New Jersey teach you to pump gas, Mike???” a third gawked...

Lefties losing it: Sky News host slams Megan Rapinoe's ‘mad activism’



CRISIS IN KENSINGTON: Drug users flood the streets of this lawless Philadelphia neighborhood | Fox News

CRISIS IN KENSINGTON: Drug users flood the streets of this lawless Philadelphia neighborhood | Fox News

One drug user, Gene, told Fox News he had just gotten out of the hospital after unknowingly taking xylazine. He had bandages on his legs covering multiple flesh-eating lesions covered in maggots.

Soon, they'll be calling it "MAGA-BOILING!"


"Wise" leaders!-----Quote(s) of the Week

Quote(s) of the Week

Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss totally, publicly contradicting and humiliating yourself.

#1 Movie this week 1978-----Grease (1978)

Big Tech hates us and they hate you too (but we don't have to just sit back and take it)

Big Tech hates us and they hate you too (but we don't have to just sit back and take it) - Sam J.
"...Did you guys also know there are some topics they'll 'punish' us for even discussing? 
I'm not kidding. 
So it's not just having a conservative or right-wing-leaning view, it's covering certain topics in any way, shape, or form that can get us in trouble. 
And these are VERY REAL and newsworthy topics that all media should be covering.
These topics include:
  • Climate Change
  • 2020 Election
  • COVID/COVID Vaccines
  • Trans Issues
...If we cover any one of those topics in an honest fashion, the 'powers that be' will prevent us from monetizing the content, flagging it and forcing us to through a very rigorous process to prove that we are right...

#1 This day 1964-----Dean Martin - Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime 1965

New data show temperatures above 86F begin a precipitous decline of EV performance - American Thinker

New data show temperatures above 86F begin a precipitous decline of EV performance - American Thinker - By Olivia Murray
"Okay, so let me get this straight regarding the "quirks" of electric vehicles.
  • If you're fleeing a natural disaster, like a hurricane, for instance, the nature of the design might impede efficient and safe evacuation, or they might simply explode, because exposure to salt water can link the positive and negative battery terminals, causing a short circuit.
  • Well, if they're just sitting there, too, I guess, there's still a heightened risk of spontaneous explosion with a long-burning, extra-hot, inextinguishable fire.
  • They don't really work in "cold" weather, 
  • and now, according to new data, "excessive heat can greatly diminish electric vehicle range," too?...



Critics say Skittles will get the 'Bud Light treatment' over pro-transgender message on packaging - TheBlaze

Critics say Skittles will get the 'Bud Light treatment' over pro-transgender message on packaging - TheBlaze

Critics compared the marketing stunt to the catastrophic campaign that tanked Bud Light sales after Anheuser-Busch partnered with a transgender influencer in defiance of its traditional customer base.

"Mars is about to get the Bud Light treatment. Going woke lost Bud Light’s parent company Anheuser-Busch billions in market cap," said one critic. "Mars has made a huge mistake."

AMERICANS NOT FOOLED – Two Thirds of Americans Believe 2020 Election was Rigged, The Feds Incited Jan 6, and the Bidens are a Crime Family

AMERICANS NOT FOOLED – Two Thirds of Americans Believe 2020 Election was Rigged, The Feds Incited Jan 6, and the Bidens are a Crime Family
"Two out of three Americans are awake and not woke. 
They see that truth behind the many lies from the Democrats and their corrupt media and Big Tech.
In April, a poll at Rasmussen Reports reported that two-thirds of Americans suspect that the Feds incited the Jan 6 riots...

AM Fruitcake


History for August 14

History for August 14 - On-This-Day.com
Russell Baker 1925 - Newspaper columnist
  • 1888 - A patent for the electric meter was granted to Oliver B. Shallenberger.
  • 1896 - Gold was discovered in Canada's Yukon Territory. Within the next year more than 30,000 people rushed to the area to look for gold.
  • 1917 - China declared war on Germany and Austria during World War I.
  • 1919 - About 1 million tons of ice and rock broke off of a glacier near Mont Blanc, France. Nine people were killed in the incident.
  • 1935 - U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act into law. The act created unemployment insurance and pension plans for the elderly.
  • 1945 - It was announced by U.S. President Truman that Japan had surrendered unconditionally. The surrender ended World War II.

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Male athlete allowed to play with girls in Wisconsin as players quit over safety concerns: 'Girls are leaving with welts and bruises,' parents say - TheBlaze

Male athlete allowed to play with girls in Wisconsin as players quit over safety concerns: 'Girls are leaving with welts and bruises,' parents say - TheBlaze

Officials from the Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association reportedly told parents and student athletes that a boy will be allowed to play against them in the upcoming school year, despite complaints regarding injuries and sharing locker rooms.

“They're just not used to the ball coming at them that hard,” said Ryan Gusick, one of the parents who said girls were quitting due to concerns of injury and safety.

The way we were-----The reason Gallipoli failed

So You Want To Take My License?

Who Will Say No More to the Current Madness? - Victor Davis Hanson

Who Will Say No More to the Current Madness? - Victor Davis Hanson
"...Hours later, Britain declared war on Germany, the first major power to do so...
The inept Chamberlain government had just lost a winnable Norway campaign to Germany.
Amery responded with a blistering attack on the incompetence of the conservative Chamberlain administration by quoting Oliver Cromwell's hallmark 1653 order to the Long Parliament: "You have sat too long here for any good you have been doing. Depart, I say, and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go."
Three days later after Amery's speech and the invasion of France, an ill Chamberlain and most of his advisors resigned. 
Churchill became prime minister. 
The rest is history.
We need a voice like Amery's. 
Like Britain from 1939 to 1940, America is in existential danger...

Arrest These Celebrities for Insurrection in 2016

"Remember when a group of celebrities urged members of the Electoral College to overturn the results of the 2016 election? 
We do. 
Sounds a bit "insurrectiony." 
But not only was that no big deal, no one suggested that defying the will of the people and the results of the election was a threat to our very system of government. 
These celebrities didn't just want to slow the process down and investigate accusations of election irregularities, they wanted to straight-up install someone else - anyone else -- as president than the winner of the election, Donald Trump.

CNN blames heat wave gas prices instead of Biden's policies - TheBlaze

CNN blames heat wave gas prices instead of Biden's policies - TheBlaze

If you needed more reason to believe that mainstream media outlets like CNN are covering for Joe Biden, then you’re in luck.

CNN not only ran a segment but also an article about how the current “heat wave” is the reason why your wallet is getting slammed at the gas pumps.

Ukraine fires all regional military recruitment chiefs in corruption cla...