Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Anger at NHS Guidance That Lets Patients Who ‘Temporarily’ Identify as Female Share Single-Sex NHS Spaces

Anger at NHS Guidance That Lets Patients Who ‘Temporarily’ Identify as Female Share Single-Sex NHS Spaces - BY RICHARD ELDRED
"In the face of NHS guidelines, there is growing concern as individuals can gain access to female-only wards based on transient gender identification...
The Mail has the story.
  • The Health Secretary faced pressure tonight to scrap ‘shocking’ rules that mean patients who only occasionally identify as women can share female-only hospital wards...
  • Many hospitals make it clear that patients need only ‘temporarily’ present as women to enter female-only bays and bathrooms.
  • One NHS trust’s policy states:...Some liken anyone who objects to the policy to racists, while others make it clear that if another patient complains, it is they who must move rather 
  • than the trans person.
  • Midwives are told that they could harm trans people who have given birth by calling them ‘mother’.
  • Staff are given long lists of baffling terms from ‘abrosexual’ to ‘third-gendered’, some of which have been written by lobbying groups such as Stonewall...

#1 This day 1984-----Ray Parker Jr. - Ghostbusters (Official Video)

As China/Iran/Russia cheer!-----Kids Win Montana Climate Change Lawsuit

Kids Win Montana Climate Change Lawsuit -  by Eric Worrall

"The judge has upheld a claim the State of Montana has a duty to protect citizens from climate change...

By The Associated Press

HELENA, Mont. — A Montana judge on Monday sided with young environmental activists who said state agencies were violating their constitutional right to a clean and healthful environment by permitting fossil fuel development without considering its effect on the climate.

The ruling in the first-of-its- kind trial in the U.S. adds to a small number of legal decisions around the world that have established a government duty to protect citizens from climate change...

Ah, how time flies.


They've already told us they hate America!


Cow with reportedly racist name wins award at state fair, prompting complaint from attendee - TheBlaze

Cow with reportedly racist name wins award at state fair, prompting complaint from attendee - TheBlaze

A man who attended the Wisconsin State Fair earlier this week was "taken aback" after he noticed that a prize-winning cow had a name so offensive that he claimed it was "on the same level" as the N-word. On Thursday, David Blake of Pewaukee, Wisconsin, near Waukesha, joined tens of thousands of others at the Wisconsin State Fair, an annual event dating back all the way to 1851. While Blake was wandering about the bovine area, he saw a cow name that apparently stopped him dead in his tracks.

As education "experts" run from their failures!-----The 11 Worst Schools In Michigan Today

The 11 Worst Schools In Michigan Today
"Marquette Elementary School opens our elementary schools' section. 
The public facility is in the Muskegon city setting and serves PK-6 to 531 scholars...
  • At Marquette Elementary School, 24% of scholars passed the English proficiency mark, falling short of the 44% state average. 
  • Moreover, the learners who attained or passed the math proficiency level comprise 23%, versus the 39% state average.
  • The latest statewide rankings place Marquette Elementary School in position 910. The school boasts a reading proficiency rank of 1,228 and ranks 1,132 in math proficiency.

AM Fruitcake

History for August 16

History for August 16 -
T.E. Lawrence ("Lawrence of Arabia") 1888
  • 1812 - Detroit fell to Indian and British troops in the War of 1812.
  • 1858 - A telegraphed message from Britain's Queen Victoria to U.S. President Buchanan was transmitted over the recently laid trans-Atlantic cable.
  • 1954 - Sports Illustrated was published for the first time. It was claimed that 250,000 subscriptions had been sold before the first issue came off of the presses.
  • 1995 - Voters in Bermuda rejected independence from Great Britain.
  • 1999 - In Russia, Vladimir V. Putin was confirmed as prime minister by the lower house of parliament.

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Twitter reactions to Biden not responding to Maui blaze, deadliest US wildfire - TheBlaze

Twitter reactions to Biden not responding to Maui blaze, deadliest US wildfire - TheBlaze

The Maui blaze is now the deadliest U.S. wildfire in more than 100 years. However, vacationing President Joe Biden's recent reaction to being asked about the American tragedy in Hawaii has been deemed as "heartless" by many.

The way we were-----Listening To Radio In 1921

‘Radical transgender movement’ targets children and their parents

How far we have fallen!


This half-truth/fake-news is why so many support Biden-----CNN Credits Biden for Record High US Oil Production

CNN Credits Biden for Record High US Oil Production Watts Up With That? - FAKE NEWS
David Middleton
  • CNN’s Matt Egan must be a very special kind of stupid…Under Biden, US oil production is poised to break Trump-era records
By Matt Egan, CNN Business - August 9, 2023
"Critics accuse President Joe Biden of waging a war on the oil industry that is hurting consumers at the gas pump. And yet, on his watch, US oil production is poised to shatter all-time records set during the Trump administration.
US oil output is now projected to rise to an average of 12.8 million barrels per day this year for the first time ever, according to federal estimates released Tuesday...

This has to be the stupidest thing ever written by a moronic journalist:
...The day before Matt Egan’s moronic article was published…
  • Biden: I Wanted ‘to Stop All Drilling’ on the Coasts and Gulf, Got Blocked by Courts
by IAN HANCHETT 8 Aug 2023
During an interview with The Weather Channel that is set to air on Wednesday, a portion of which aired on Tuesday, President Joe Biden said that he “wanted to stop all drilling on the East Coast and the West Coast and in the Gulf” but was blocked by the courts from doing so...

WATCH: Mob Ransacks Topanga Nordstrom in L.A.; Mayor Karen Bass: 'Unacceptable'

WATCH: Mob Ransacks Topanga Nordstrom in L.A.; Mayor Karen Bass: 'Unacceptable'

A mob of looters ransacked a Nordstrom location in the Westfield Topanga mall in the San Fernando Valley on Saturday afternoon, prompting Mayor Karen Bass to condemn the chaos.

A stunning coincidence.

"@mirceazaharia2094- Want more extremism? Ban their legitimate ways of expressing dissent. You'll only leave them with the illegitimate ways.

The song that's driving libs and RINOs nuts!-----Oliver Anthony - Rich Men North Of Richmond

Lunch video-----Judith Curry: How Climate “Science” Got Hijacked by Alarmists

"Climate alarmists insist there’s a “scientific consensus” that says climate change is a crisis, and man causes it!   
Researcher Judith Curry tells me, “it’s a manufactured consensus.” 



Why the elites hate, fear and endlessly persecute Donald J. Trump

Why the elites hate, fear and endlessly persecute Donald J. Trump

Two and a half centuries after being founded by visionary, God-fearing patriots, the United States of America is currently being seduced, betrayed, robbed and ruined by an elite ruling class consisting largely of power-addicted sociopaths.

The current U.S. president, Joe Biden, is a criminal – in fact, he's the patriarch (“big guy”) of an entire crime family. Their influence-peddling operations, through which many family members have raked in millions of dollars selling access to Biden to foreign actors – including major adversaries China and Russia – are now well-documented and indisputable, leading members of Congress to introduce articles of impeachment, and some congressmen and veteran analysts even to accuse Biden of the high crime of treason.

It's called "projection".

State of the climate – summer 2023

State of the climate – summer 2023 - by Judith Curry, Jim Johnstone, Mark Jelinek
  • A deep dive into the causes of the unusual weather/climate during 2023. 
  •  People are blaming fossil-fueled warming and El Nino, and now the Hunga-Tonga eruption and the change in ship fuels. 
  •  But the real story is more complicated...

Screen Shot 2023-08-14 at 5.02.57 PM

Figure 9. Data from CERES

  • Bottom line.  The recent warming in spring/summer 2023 is associated with a spike in the net radiation flux at the top of the atmosphere...

Ah, that's their reason! Hungry!


"...weren't losing trust in vaccines..."?!!----New poll shows why some adults aren't getting the COVID booster - ABC News

  • The KFF survey also found rising opposition to other routine vaccines.
  • FDA authorizes bivalent booster for people 5 and up
"...The data differs slightly from the numbers provided by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, which shows that 15.5% of adults have gotten the bivalent booster dose so far.
...And while the poll found that people weren't losing trust in the vaccines -- that metric has largely stayed the same over time -- they felt more strongly about whether vaccines should be required or not...

#1 This day 1973-----Diana Ross Touch Me In The Morning

Why you can't trust the US government data

Why you can't trust the US government data -STEVE KIRSCH
"...The point of this article is to show you why US government data cannot be trusted as being accurate.
I’m going to show you how you can show that the CMS Nursing Home Data, which is supposed to be the gold standard, is crap with just 3 examples...
  • Do you know why the record level public health safety data on vaccines isn’t publicly available? 
Until recently, the US government never released record-level data on anything regarding public health other than deaths
But that’s not helpful because you can’t trace it back to any causes like a vaccination.
In general, you only get to see the data summaries they want you to see; you never get to see the “source code” so to speak.
In general, the reason you almost never get to see the record-level data is because it would expose two things:
  • They are lying to you about the safety and efficacy of the vaccines. There are many nursing homes showing data that clearly shows the vaccines are disaster in nursing home after nursing home where the weekly death rates skyrocketed right after the vaccine rollout.
  • Some of the underlying data used in their analyses is very unreliable and can completely skew the aggregate numbers, such as COVID deaths > COVID infections or thousands of deaths in a facility with just 50 beds.
In short, it would destroy confidence in their narrative...

Where libs rule.


Eric Schwerin's role in Hunter Biden's Chinese business deals could be missing key in GOP investigations | Fox News

Eric Schwerin's role in Hunter Biden's Chinese business deals could be missing key in GOP investigations | Fox News

Following Devon Archer’s bombshell congressional interview last week alleging President Biden’s involvement with his son’s business dealings, a new light is being cast on Eric Schwerin, who was a founding partner and managing director of Hunter's now-dissolved firm Rosemont Seneca Partners.

Schwerin was at Rosemont Seneca when he was appointed by then-President Obama to the Commission for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad, an independent U.S. government agency, in early 2015.

Eco-nuts destroying another economy!-----Germany’s Economic Woes Intensify as Production Slumps “Much More Than Expected”

Germany’s Economic Woes Intensify as Production Slumps “Much More Than Expected” - By P Gosselin
"To illustrate how damaging Germany’s transition to renewable energies and the green movement have
been, news is out that things are worse than we thought. 
Yet, don’t expect the climastalinistas to acknowledge this. 
  • Quite to the contrary, they’ll just blame all the economic troubles on the green movement going to slowly!
  • In reality, though, slowing the economy is what they’ve wanted all along.
Drop is “much more than expected”
Blackout News here reports on how industrial production in Germany has slumped “much more than economists expected in June” and that “many experts expect this trend to continue in the coming months.”...

AM Fruitcake