Thursday, August 17, 2023

Those EV Shortcomings Aren’t Shortcomings at All By John F. Di Leo

Those EV Shortcomings Aren’t Shortcomings at All By John F. Di Leo
"...Summertime in America is filled with special occasions – music festivals and sporting events, neighborhood festivals and church parties, each of which draw thousands, even tens of thousands, sometimes hundreds of thousands of attendees. Country Thunder, Summer Camp, Wander Down – a host of new multi-act events crop up every year. 
They take place in fields, state parks, even on working farms between harvests.
  • Where are these rock, alternative, and country music fans supposed to charge their EVs for eight hours, or even get a “quick charge” in three or four, so they can go home when it’s over?
There is an answer to all this. 
Don’t worry. 
They haven’t forgotten all these things.
The elites who advocate the sole production of EVs have an answer for this: 
You just won’t be able to do these things anymore. 
That’s all.
They don’t believe you need to do these things.
They want you to watch your entertainment on your smart TV or your laptop, on your streaming service, from the comfort of your apartment...
  • The conclusion is inescapable: In the final analysis, the EV pushers don’t see any gaps or contradictions. 
  • All the needs you have that EVs simply don’t meet, can’t meet, will never meet – well, these aren’t really needs at all...

Lunch video-----Why Africa Remained Poor | Thomas Sowell


Dershowitz: Georgia Indicted Trump for Doing What Democrats Did for Gore in 2000

Dershowitz: Georgia Indicted Trump for Doing What Democrats Did for Gore in 2000

Harvard Law School professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz said Monday that District Attorney Fani Willis had indicted former President Donald Trump and 18 others for a “conspiracy” that was exactly what Democrats did in challenging the 2000 election.

The tactics of the Trump team, including claims of fraud, were neither more nor less than what Democrats had done in claiming that the election had been stolen from then-Vice President Al Gore by Republicans pushing for then-Governor George W. Bush.

Fox News reported:

Scott Adams on Twitter: "You have to hear this."

Scott Adams on Twitter: "You have to hear this." / X

China in Africa | May 28th 2022 | The Economist

China in Africa | May 28th 2022 | The Economist
"To counter China’s growing role in Africa the West must first understand it, say Gady Epstein and John McDermott...

Morons trying to rewrite history.


The State of Loneliness - Daniel Greenfield / Sultan Knish articles

The State of Loneliness - Daniel Greenfield / Sultan Knish articles
"Senator Chris Murphy(D) has proposed combating widespread loneliness in the country by creating a National Office of Loneliness. 
This new arm of the government would use the CDC to 
  • track loneliness statistics and 
  • develop a national strategy to fight loneliness 
  • including creating guidelines telling Americans how many friends they should have to be less lonely.
The only ones keeping company with the National Office of Loneliness would be the myriad of other White House offices including the 
  • Office of Public Engagement, the 
  • Office of Neighborhood Partnerships, and the 
  • Office of Communications which all claim to talk to the public. 
With so many government offices talking to us, how can we possibly be lonely?
Inviting the CDC to fight loneliness is like ushering an arsonist into a house party...

#1 This day 1970-----Bread - Make it with you (1970)

Well, she wasn't wearing a MAGA hat...-----It's democracy in the dark without Nashville shooter manifesto's release

It's democracy in the dark without Nashville shooter manifesto's release - Glenn H. Reynolds
“...Gov. Bill Lee ordered the special session to begin Aug. 21 in response to a March 27 mass shooting in which three adults and three children at the Covenant School, a Christian school in Nashville’s Green Hills neighborhood, were killed.
The Nashville Tennessean article refers only to “a shooter.”
The shooter was a female-to-male transgender shooter named Audrey Hale, aged 28, who left a manifesto before being killed by police...
The manifesto included detailed plans put together over months to shoot up the school, according to reports just after the shooting from police who had seen it.
Unfortunately, they’re the only ones who have seen it.
Local and federal authorities with access to the manifesto have refused to make its contents public...,

"This was my testimony to the Michigan Senate concerning the fraudulent 2020 election. This information is the absolute truth!"

(20) @BobCushman on Twitter: "This was my testimony to the Michigan Senate concerning the fraudulent 2020 election. This information is the absolute truth!" / X

GOP erupts over 2018 text from Hunter Biden claiming he'd paid dad's bills for 'past 11 years' | Fox News

GOP erupts over 2018 text from Hunter Biden claiming he'd paid dad's bills for 'past 11 years' | Fox News

"There’s more. Much, much more," said Rep. Clay Higgins, R-La. "Joe Biden is most certainly a heavily compromised career politician. Republicans on the Oversight Committee are revealing the depths of his corruption, and everyone close to him will be burned by the inferno of his crash." 

"Bank records don’t lie," said Rep. Paul Gosar, R-Ariz. "Follow the money: all transactions lead to the Big Guy and his money laundering shell games. Joe Biden should be impeached."

Social Security is running out of money

Social Security is running out of money - JOHN SEXTON
"Today in news that should shock no one: Social Security is running out of money. 
Yesterday was the program’s 88th birthday and socialists were celebrating and promising to expand it.

CBS News published a story yesterday explaining why it’s not secure.

Social Security is on track to cut benefits to retirees in 2033, when its trust fund reserves are forecast to be depleted. The reduction could be substantial, according to a new analysis...

...The alternative is to reduce benefits or increase the retirement age. I’m personally in favor of the latter but if you remember how the effort to up the retirement age went over in France recently, you already know why politicians are hesitant to bring it up...

AM Fruitcake


History for August 17

History for August 17 -
Davy Crockett 1786 - Frontiersman, soldier and politician. He died at the Battle of the Alamo
  • 1790 - The capital city of the U.S. moved to Philadelphia from New York City.
  • 1863 - Federal batteries and ships bombarded Fort Sumter in Charleston, SC, harbor during the Civil War.
  • 1915 - Charles F. Kettering received a patent for the first electric ignition device.
  • 1961 - The Communist East German government completed the construction of the Berlin Wall.
  • 1996 - Ross Perot was announced to be the Reform Party's presidential candidate. It was the party's first-ever candidate.
  • 1998 - U.S. President Clinton admitted to having an improper relationship with Monica Lewinsky, a White House intern.

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Joe Rogan bashes 'creepy' teachers pushing gender ideology with 'cartoon pornography:' 'F---ing loons' | Fox News

Joe Rogan bashes 'creepy' teachers pushing gender ideology with 'cartoon pornography:' 'F---ing loons' | Fox News

Both commentators agreed that children’s minds are malleable at such a young age, making them especially susceptible to ideological influence.

Rogan noted one other disturbing aspect of transgender ideology in society is the omission of people who have since turned away from it.

Reporter confronts Fulton County DA about mysterious leak as Trump's lawyers turn up the heat: 'Shocking and absurd' - TheBlaze

Reporter confronts Fulton County DA about mysterious leak as Trump's lawyers turn up the heat: 'Shocking and absurd' - TheBlaze

After the indictment was released, Trump's lawyers called the events "shocking and absurd" and described the leak as a "major fumble" and evidence that Willis "decided to force through and rush" the indictment.

The way we were-----Freedom to Chains - Paul Harvey

Woke academics did a pronoun survey (it backfired hilariously) 😂

How Corruption Makes You Poor | ZeroHedge

How Corruption Makes You Poor | ZeroHedge - BY TYLER DURDEN
"...The point is prices and incentives matter....
And it is one that is not lost on government policy makers. 
By influencing prices, they can influence behavior...
To be perfectly frank, prices are corrupted by governments for the purpose of extracting capital from the economy and rearranging society in strange and unnatural ways. 
In California, for instance, Assembly Bill No. 205, which was approved by Governor Newsom in 2022, requires power companies to charge customers a base fee that escalates by income bracket.
A recent proposal, would forcibly compel high income earners to pay a base fee that’s over 400 percent more than low income earners. 
This is in addition to the actual use rate...

Turns out the likely reason for extra hot weather is due to a volcano, not "climate change"... - Revolver News

Turns out the likely reason for extra hot weather is due to a volcano, not "climate change"... - Revolver News
"Were you aware that one of the biggest natural explosions on Earth took place last year in the South Pacific, near the Island of Tonga? 
It’s a fact – an underwater volcano erupted with such force that it propelled massive amounts of water vapor into the atmosphere...
A new study says that this massive and historical eruption could wreak havoc and even “warm” the planet.
The study explains how the explosion was so incredibly powerful that it sent water vapor into the stratosphere....

Mark Levin says Facebook and Instagram have blocked ads for his book because of the anti-liberal title - TheBlaze

Mark Levin says Facebook and Instagram have blocked ads for his book because of the anti-liberal title - TheBlaze

"Facebook and Instagram have blocked my book from being advertised on their sites because of the title. Just another example of their censorship," Levin wrote.

The awkward truth about homophobia that liberals and left-wingers do not...

The Economy's 'Red Death' Will Come for DC, Too - American Thinker

The Economy's 'Red Death' Will Come for DC, Too - American Thinker - By J.B. Shurk 
"In Edgar Allan Poe's short story, "The Masque of the Red Death," a group of nobles wall themselves off from the surrounding country to avoid a devastating plague...Eventually, however, the "Red Death" finds its way into their "safe space" and eviscerates their fantasy...trapped inside a fortress of their own making, they soon perish.
  • This is a story that every D.C. power player should read. 
 The rift between Beltway conventional wisdom and the day-to-day reality of ordinary Americans is growing into an unbridgeable crevasse.
  • While families struggle to afford food, fuel, and essentials for young children, the White House continues to assure Americans that the economy has never been better
  • While the Department of Homeland Security insists that America's borders are secure and that illegal immigration is under control, small towns across the country struggle to deal with spiking fentanyl deaths, transnational crime networks, and forced multiculturalism that often drives a wedge within communities. 
  • International trade deals that were negotiated and signed by residents of D.C. have hollowed out once thriving industrial towns and left multiple generations of blue-collar workers poor and adrift.
The "Rust Belt" has never been more corroded, yet Wall Street and Washington seem to be doing better than ever. 
It is as if the wealthiest and most influential Americans have holed themselves up inside a luxurious castle, so that they may ignore the devastation afflicting the rest of the country...

Lunch video-----The Muslim ‘community centre for everybody’ scam and how it is used to c...

"In Britain, a popular way of turning a building into a mosque is to first get planning permission for a community centre, to which the general public will be welcome. 
This is fraudulent."


Woke Disney actress Rachel Zegler comments on Snow White remake - TheBlaze

Woke Disney actress Rachel Zegler comments on Snow White remake - TheBlaze

"And so when we came to reimagining the actual role of Snow White, it came about that the fairest of them all, meaning who is the most just, and who can become a fantastic leader," Zegler added.

Gal Gadot – who plays the Evil Queen in the new "Snow White" movie – chimed in by saying, "Also the fact that she's not going to be saved by the prince, and she's the proactive one, and she's the one who sets the terms, is what makes it so relevant to where we are today."

As the communist build back "better" in America.


Remember when banks made student loans? And collected on them?!!-----Report: 300K Student Loan Borrowers Have Died Since Moratorium

Today On
  • Report: 300K Student Loan Borrowers Have Died Since Moratorium
"Roughly 300,000 student loan borrowers have died since the federal government’s 2020 loan moratorium.
And according to a report Monday (Aug. 7) by Bloomberg News, that means the government will have to write off billions in those borrowers’ loans...

Until you submit!