Saturday, August 19, 2023

History for August 19

History for August 19 -
Malcolm Forbes 1919
  • 1909 - The first car race to be run on brick occurred at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway.
  • 1917 - Team managers John McGraw and Christy Matthewson were arrested for breaking New York City's blue laws. The crime was their teams were playing baseball on Sunday.
  • 1929 - "Amos and Andy," the radio comedy program, made its debut on NBC starring Freeman Gosden and Charles Correll.
  • 1934 - Adolf Hitler was approved for sole executive power in Germany as Fuehrer.
  • 1991 - Soviet hard-liners announced that President Mikhail Gorbachev had been removed from power. Gorbachev returned to power two days later.
  • 2004 - Google Inc. stock began selling on the Nasdaq Stock Market. The initial price was set at $85 and ended the day at $100.34 with more than 22 million shares traded.

Friday, August 18, 2023

Exclusive--Conservative Leaders Call on House GOP to Open Impeachment Inquiry

Exclusive--Conservative Leaders Call on House GOP to Open Impeachment Inquiry

The memo lists thirteen points as to why the group is urging Congressional Republicans to launch an impeachment investigation, citing his role in his son Hunter’s foreign business and his campaign’s effort to have reporting on it censored in the leadup to the 2020 election, at the top, among a litany of other reasons. The memo opens:

The way we were-----Floating Hell - Life on Board a Victorian Prison Hulk (Convict Ships in ...

It's getting really weird.

The 2024 Michelle Obama Factor - American Thinker

The 2024 Michelle Obama Factor - American Thinker - By Joel Gilbert
"...Biden is sure acting like someone who is just marking time, rather than someone who is president now or has any real plans to run again
 In fact, Biden's entire presidency seems like he's doing a favor for someone. 
 If so, who could that someone be?
...About 70% of Biden's staffers are veterans of Obama's eight years in the White House...
So what is Biden really up to in the White House? 
I am convinced that he knows he is simply a placeholder, who is forwarding Obama's agenda while paving the way for a Michelle Obama presidency, which would cement the ultimate goal of Barack Obama: "the fundamental transformation of America."...

The dems dream...ain't gonna happen-----The Constitution bars Trump from holding public office ever again

The Constitution bars Trump from holding public office ever again - Opinion
"While some ­on the right portray accountability for the Jan. 6 Capitol riot as just another partisan dispute, two prominent conservative legal scholars have made the case that the Constitution disqualifies former President Trump from public office.
Last week, law professors William Baude of the University of Chicago and Michael Stokes Paulsen of the University of St. Thomas — both members of the conservative Federalist Society — argued in a law review article that Trump is already constitutionally forbidden from serving in public office because of Section Three of the 14th Amendment.
  • This section, also known as the Disqualification Clause, bars from office any government officer who takes an oath to defend the Constitution and then engages in or aids an insurrection against the United States...

John Podesta Blames Climate Change for Maui Fire, Touts Inflation Reduction Act as Solution

John Podesta Blames Climate Change for Maui Fire, Touts Inflation Reduction Act as Solution

John Podesta, the Senior Advisor to the President for Clean Energy Innovation and Implementation, took to the White House briefing room podium on Wednesday to blame climate change for the Maui wildfire and to tout the Inflation Reduction Act.

Newspaper Raid Warrants WITHDRAWN!

What Do “Gainful Employment” Regulations Accomplish?

What Do “Gainful Employment” Regulations Accomplish?
"The Biden administration will soon implement a set of regulations that are commonly known as “Gainful Employment.” 
These regulations would restrict some college programs’ eligibility to participate in federal financial-aid programs like Pell grants and student loans.
The Higher Education Act, originally passed in 1965 and amended many times over the years, includes a provision that requires “vocational” programs to prepare students for “gainful employment.”...
As a matter of logic, this definition fails miserably. 
Under it, a 
  • master’s in business administration from the Wharton School is not considered vocational
  • but a master’s degree in social work from a for-profit college is. 
Unfortunately, when you pit logic against the law, the law wins...

Lunch video-----7 Days on One of the BIGGEST CRUISE SHIPS ON EARTH!



Planned Parenthood says it will have to shut down if Texas wins lawsuit demanding millions - TheBlaze

Planned Parenthood says it will have to shut down if Texas wins lawsuit demanding millions - TheBlaze

The lawsuit alleges that Planned Parenthood wrongfully accepted payment from Medicaid during a time when the state was suing to end those funds.

Ship 'em to the democrat supporting burbs?!!


Rachel Levine calls mothers as 'egg producers' while visiting a gender clinic

Rachel Levine calls mothers as 'egg producers' while visiting a gender clinic - KAREN TOWNSEND
"Dr. Rachel Levine is assistant secretary for health in the Department of Health and Human Services...
Levine praised the gender-affirming care clinic that wants to eliminate the word ‘mother’ and replace it with a phase like ‘egg producer.”
Men are not to be called ‘men’, but ‘XY individuals.’...

The clinic also recommends children be taught to use proper biological terms for body parts. For example, instead of ‘male reproductive organs,’ to use ‘penis and testicles.’

Instead of using the word ‘men,’ their language guide suggests that people using the term ‘XY individuals.’...

The company also promotes people ditching the term ‘gender reveal party’ – and urges new families to call them ’embryogenesis parties’ or ‘chromosome reveal parties.’



Lexus driving San Francisco burglar breaks into line of cars

Lexus driving San Francisco burglar breaks into line of cars
  • Brazen Bay-area burglars in a Lexus filmed breaking into line of cars one after the other in broad daylight By Marjorie Hernandez
"Brazen bay-area burglars were filmed making a series of smash-and-grabs from a line of parked cars in broad daylight — with no sign of any police response.
Completely unbothered by bystanders, the Lexus-driving criminals went along the line of cars near San Francisco’s Fisherman’s Warf smashing windows and pillaging the contents before moving onto the next, as captured on video by a reporter from local TV station KTVU...
Wild video from a user submitted to KTVU shows thieves breaking into car after car in San Francisco. The crime is called bipping and it is plaguing the city.
Wild video from a user submitted to KTVU shows thieves breaking into car after car in San Francisco. The crime is called bipping and it is plaguing the city.

#1 This day 1960-----elvis presley - its now or never (1960)

Man learns unforgettable lesson about electric vehicles on 1,400-mile road trip: 'Biggest scam of modern times' - TheBlaze

Man learns unforgettable lesson about electric vehicles on 1,400-mile road trip: 'Biggest scam of modern times' - TheBlaze
"On July 27, Dalbir Bala packed his wife and three children in his truck — a 2023 Ford F-150 Lightning Lariat that he purchased for $85,000 (or $115,000 in Canadian currency) in January — for a business trip to Chicago, the CBC reported.
Along the 1,400 mile trip from his home near Winnipeg to the Chicagoland area, Bala planned to stop at three charging stations. The truck's range, when fully charged, is about 320 miles.
  • Bala's stop at the first station in Fargo, North Dakota, was successful — albeit inconvenient because it took more than two hours to recharge the battery to 90%. 
  • But at the second station in Albertville, Minnesota, Bala discovered a charging station that did not work. 
  • After unsuccessfully calling for help, Bala drove to a nearby charging station in Elk River, Minnesota — but that one didn't work either...



Powerlifter reacts to biological male taking women's national record: 'Completely unfair' | Fox News

Powerlifter reacts to biological male taking women's national record: 'Completely unfair' | Fox News

A competitive female powerlifter responded to a record-breaking win from a transgender athelete who lifted 200 kilograms more than the second place winner, calling it "completely unfair." 

April Hutchinson discussed Anne Andres, a 40-year-old transwoman setting all-time records at the Canadian Powerlifting Union’s 2023 Western Canadian Championship Sunday. 

Another trillion-dollar bailout? - Don Surber

Another trillion-dollar bailout? - Don Surber
"CNBC reported, “Fitch warns it may be forced to downgrade dozens of banks, including JPMorgan Chase.”
Downgrading JP Morgan Chase’s credit is a huge alarm because JP Morgan Chase is the bank that bails out the government.
The story said, “A Fitch Ratings analyst warned that the U.S. banking industry has inched closer to another source of turbulence...
Remember the $700 billion TARP Bush and Obama in 2008 threw over the banking meltdown that dropkicked the economy into the goalpost of recession? 
  • The government claims every penny was paid back. Show me the receipts...
But it didn’t work in 2008 and I wonder if 15 years later another trillion-dollar bailout of banks will work...
  • But have no fear. Government printing presses are here. More paper money is all we need. Another trillion should do it...

AM Fruitcake

History for August 18

History for August 18 -
Martin Mull 1943
  • 1587 - Virginia Dare became the first child to be born on American soil of English parents. The colony that is now Roanoke Island, NC, mysteriously vanished.
  • 1894 - The Bureau of Immigration was established by the U.S. Congress.
  • 1914 - The "Proclamation of Neutrality" was issued by U.S. President Woodrow Wilson. It was aimed at keeping the U.S. out of World War I.
  • 1966 - The first pictures of earth taken from moon orbit were sent back to the U.S.
  • 1990 - The first shots were fired by the U.S. in the Persian Gulf Crisis when a U.S. frigate fired rounds across the bow of an Iraqi oil tanker.

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Hunter Biden case move to Los Angeles may be evidence the feds 'found something': Dershowitz | Fox News

Hunter Biden case move to Los Angeles may be evidence the feds 'found something': Dershowitz | Fox News

"I said right from the beginning, this plea bargain is not going to last. And now they're moving the case to the Central District of California. That means that the special counsel probably found something: maybe a smoking gun, maybe just a gun." Dershowitz told "Life, Liberty & Levin" there had to have been some new information or determination in the case that led it to be moved across the country. Host Mark Levin further noted however, that it is unusual and potentially legally murky to allow Weiss to continue serving as a federal prosecutor while also being named special counsel.

The way we were-----The Weirdest Boats on the Great Lakes

Dinesh D'Souza SHATTERS woke student's ideas and guts core Marxist argument

Media buries another legitimate report.-----mRNA Covid Jabs Have Caused Silent Heart Damage to Tens of Millions of People, According to a Shocking New Study

mRNA Covid Jabs Have Caused Silent Heart Damage to Tens of Millions of People, According to a Shocking New Study - BY RICHARD ELDRED

Swiss researchers have uncovered concerning data showing some Moderna vaccine recipients experienced heart injuries, although no signs of heart damage have appeared. 
The revelations, published in the European Journal of Heart Failure, relate to the Moderna vaccine. Alex Berenson has the story...

Of Course the Climate Has Always Been Changing - American Thinker

Of Course the Climate Has Always Been Changing - American Thinker - By Brian C. Joondeph

"...For perspective, here is an Associated Press article was published by the Washington Post on Nov. 2, 1922, a hundred years ago...

Kudos to Snopes for inadvertently throwing water on the entire radical environmental agenda with this one statement,

One of the key issues in the global warming debate is whether modern scientists have sufficient data and tools to determine that current warming trends are indicative of long-term climatic changes rather than relatively short-term weather pattern variability.

Bingo. Short term weather patterns and cycles, measured over 30 years have little if any bearing on long term climate trends. 

The Washington Post declared this past July as Earth’s “Earth’s hottest month on record.” Buried in the article was that said “record” was “40 years of global observations”...

Failed climate predictions are a staple of our state run scientific and media organizations. Their arrogance has destroyed their credibility, just as it did with the myriad COVID pronouncements which turned out to be false. Here is a list of “Failed eco-pocalyptic predictions.”...

Top Hunter Biden Lawyer Christopher J. Clark Moves To Withdraw From Case After Plea Deal Collapses | The Daily Caller

Top Hunter Biden Lawyer Christopher J. Clark Moves To Withdraw From Case After Plea Deal Collapses | The Daily Caller

One of Hunter Biden’s attorneys filed a motion Tuesday to withdraw from the younger Biden’s case in the wake of his failed plea deal and diversion agreement.

Christopher J. Clark, Hunter Biden’s attorney, filed a motion for leave to withdraw as counsel for Hunter Biden, citing his position as a witness in the negotiations with Department of Justice (DOJ) prosecutors on a guilty plea and diversion agreement. 

The FULL Erec Smith: A Diversity Trainer Speaks Out Against DEI